British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 899: Another bitter 1 bitter colony

The British army could not deal with guerrilla warfare. In fact, no troops could deal with guerrilla warfare in a foreign country, unless they attacked with full force, or like France mobilized 800,000 troops to block it.

Then it is necessary to improve the local military level and let it enter the comfort zone of the British army. Therefore, the two divisions prepared must not be stingy. They must be established according to the standards of the British combat troops.

As many tanks as a British armored division has, the established Chinese armored division will have as many tanks. What the British Marines use, what the Malay Marine Division will use.

Heavy weapons are not difficult for the current UK. Churchill tanks have just been retired from active service in the British army for less than five years. There are a large number of Churchill tanks sealed in the UK. Cromwell cruise tanks have only been retired from active service for two years. It is the Centurion tank, and it makes perfect sense to form an armored force for each role.

"This is a number of opinions formulated by the Administrative Office for recruiting local soldiers." Alan Wilson was well prepared and came up with a series of provisions, including welfare benefits, retirement arrangements and the crime of destroying military marriages. There are also references to traditional British employment. The treatment of Nepalese, and the management of the French Foreign Legion.

Alan Wilson has considered that the current two major ethnic groups in Malayan society are conservative, and the scope of the crime of sabotaging military marriage can be appropriately expanded, not just to protect active servicemen.

Therefore, the revised standard for breaking military marriages in the Malayan colony is that if a person has served in the UK, the crime of breaking military marriages will apply for a lifetime, even if the person has only served as a soldier for two years.

As for preventing the mutiny of the important Chinese armored divisions and Malay marine divisions, the military preparations are to establish a group of armed helicopters. Alan Wilson copied the imported products of Apache, and it has been officially named Tiger armed helicopters. , submitted to the Cabinet through the Ministry of Defence, and after approval, the order can be placed.

Lieutenant General Sconce was already a little numb, how could he not know that Mountbatten's son-in-law was already prepared? With a wry smile, he said, "Actually, I thought you were only gifted in administrative work and could turn the colony into Shanghai."

"Eh? Respected general, I am stronger than Eunuch Chang, and he cannot be compared with me." Alan Wilson not only did not think it was a compliment, but regarded it as a great insult.

Scones is British, and his knowledge of Modu is limited to what he has heard. If it is not the Malayan colony, most of them are Chinese. It is estimated that Scones will say the more familiar Mumbai when comparing.

But Alan Wilson knew something about Chang Gong's level. The demon capital during the Republic of China was so powerful that a special corpse collection team was established.

It was so powerful that the ratio of prostitutes to citizens was 1:100, and after deducting the male part, it became 1:60. It is so powerful that there are 20,000 tobacco shops in the urban area, and 20 specialized drug factories supply these smoke shops.

It is so powerful that for every two men, there is one gang member. According to the fashionable saying, if all of them are shot, there is a chance that the bad guy will be spared. Powerful enough that ordinary people can spend two yuan for entertainment and five yuan for movie theater tickets.

If Alan Wilson made the colony like this, let's not talk about whether it will affect his future career and whether he can live to the end of his term is the question. If Sukarno sees the Malayan colony like this, it is not infiltration, but It's time for an Indonesian version of the liberation war.

Today, the Malayan colony has a population of more than 13 million, with a food self-sufficiency rate of 15%. This is the result that he pulled the best seeds from all over the world into agriculture and animal husbandry, and started the green revolution. Not to mention the grain business group that has no income for the time being in the Kra Isthmus.

Steel production is the result of British influence importing iron ore from Australia, which is controlled by his wife Pamela Mountbatten.

With an annual output of 400,000 tons of rubber, the Malayan colony is still the world's largest rubber production base, supplying other countries and even selling it to the Soviet Union, including some of the production capacity that always disappears when transported to Hong Kong.

The annual output of palm oil is 5 million tons, and the output of sugar is 8.5 million tons, which is supplied to the British mainland and the European Community market, the Commonwealth countries and the British colonies and other markets.

The recent plan also includes cocoa cultivation, hoping to gain a place in the world coffee market in the future.

Alan Wilson didn't dare to say how much credit he had, but at least he did his best after he took office. He could not take credit and be proud of it. It was right to support the Royal Pacific Fleet, but compared to Chang Gong?

This was a great insult to him, and after he decided to leave Singapore, he added to the fun by beheading two anti-British elements.

Even in the later conversation, Lieutenant General Scones felt that Alan Wilson was a lot more serious, and joked, "It seems that you also know that you are not welcomed by the garrison."

"Who told me to always send the soldiers who made mistakes in the garrison to the Qingshan mental hospital. It's strange that I have a good impression on me after living in the pigeon cage."

Alan Wilson also knew what his image was in the military, so he changed the subject, "There has been a trend two years ago, many Korean women smuggled to the colonies, especially near Singapore. Of course, I don't want to fight the garrison again. Make irresponsible remarks, but if the disease spreads, it will be a scandal. You must know that the US military stationed in Japan during MacArthur's time caused American women to protest."

The emergence of this trend surprised Alan Wilson, and the Koreans should be smuggling to Japan. How far is Malaya from South Korea? Could it be because of the adoption of war orphans by the British Red Cross, the name of the British Empire?

However, because he had foreseen before that the development of the Malayan colony may lead to a wave of smuggling, and he has been taking precautions in this regard, mainly to guard against men, and repatriate them when they are found. The treatment refers to the treatment of sending Mikhailovich to Northern Rhodesia, making sure not to take a penny with him.

"As far as your crime of sabotaging military marriages is concerned, it may dilute the military's disgust towards you." Lieutenant General Skoons looked at the revised clause for the protection of soldiers, and smiled bitterly, "Maybe the soldiers in the garrison will try their best to keep the soldiers at bay. My wife or girlfriend in China cheated me."

"Whether the colonial ordinance applies to native citizens is not in my hands." Alan Wilson pointed to it, it depends on what the cabinet thinks, and Whitehall can't say anything.

10 Downing Street, the Defence Secretary, Earl Alexander, went to 10 Downing Street to meet Prime Minister Attlee.

With the professional opinions refined by Whitehall, including but not limited to, the start-up schedule and cost control of the new aircraft carrier, the order of Tiger gunships, the absorption of local soldiers by the Malayan colony, the content of joining the British army, and so on.

The matter of the new aircraft carrier was a blind eye. Count Alexander mainly talked about the Tiger gunships and the expansion of the Malayan army, and the economic development of the Malayan colony. Whitehall told Attlee directly, and he did not need to do it for him.

"If the prime minister thinks there is a problem with the cost, he can talk to the French side to see if the cost can be shared. As for the function, the Ministry of Defense has tested it. Whether it is against armored groups or for anti-British guerrillas, all It is excellent, it is definitely an excellent military product.”

Count Alexander tried his best to convince the Prime Minister that the Tiger gunships were good and would become a benchmark in the gunship field once interviewed.

"Fight for the French order?" Prime Minister Attlee asked, "Do the French have a preference for gunships?"

"France believed in the Vietnam battlefield that armed helicopters were a powerful weapon against guerrillas, but because there were not many armed helicopters in their hands at that time, they could not expand the results of the war. The same problems faced by the French are also currently faced by the United Kingdom. The commander of the Far East Joint Operations Command, Scones, mentioned that he hoped that a gunship could ensure the security of the Malayan colony."

"Is that so?" Prime Minister Attlee also became serious when he heard it. The importance of the Malayan colony is self-evident. When someone said that Malaya was used instead of British India, he actually didn't believe it, but now it seems that there is more than enough to replace it.

It's not all good, for example, he can sense that Washington is secretly hoping that Britain will withdraw from Asia. Say goodbye to global empires, of course he can't agree.

Once the construction of Malaya's city is completed, the UK will get huge benefits, which can't be replaced by any amount of Even if Prime Minister Attlee has never cared about military investment, he must Show support for the project.

In his twelfth year as prime minister, Attlee, a prime minister who paid attention to people's livelihood, moved closer to safeguarding the interests of the British Empire.

If the Malayan colony hadn't helped the United Kingdom stabilize its market in the Commonwealth and the vast colonies, the United Kingdom would have faced enormous pressure. Even now, Attlee could feel the ubiquitous competition with the United Kingdom.

Japan and West Germany have low wages and low denomination of currencies. With the expansion of investment, their international competitiveness has increased rapidly, and their trade surplus has continued to grow. While the United Kingdom and the United States are relatively declining, the economic growth rate is only about half of Germany and Japan.

The UK still has a strong monetary policy, and the value of the pound is higher than that of the US dollar, which has suffered a lot in the face of a recovering Germany. Fortunately, the impact on Japan was absorbed by the United States itself.

The reason why the United Kingdom can be resolved is that there are quite a few colonies in the United Kingdom, which are still in the state of development. After some professional reports from Whitehall reminded, Attlee regarded the colonies as a depression to resolve the crisis, and suffered more hardships for the colonies.

As for the origin of this method, imperial commissioners who are familiar with the Soviet Union's system of workers and peasants' scissors, of course, are very aware of the fact that the countryside cannot escape the fact that the leeks have been cut all the time, but they only regard the British African colonies as rural areas.

Indirect rule has the advantage of indirect rule, but direct rule has the advantage of direct rule. Britain hardly builds unimportant colonies, so let these colonies swallow the crisis of Britain.

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