British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 900: financial crisis

I have to say that it turned out that the British relied on the vast colonies, and the life was really good.

Taking agriculture as an example, the agricultural foundation of the United Kingdom cannot be said to be poor in the world, but it is not particularly good either.

The best agricultural power in Europe is France. France has a good agricultural foundation. During the First World War, northern France was scorched, but there was never a food crisis. On the contrary, Germany suffered a food shortage one year after the war.

In the colonial era of the United Kingdom, the meat consumption of an ordinary British exceeded that of European countries including but not limited to France, by 15% to 300%. Although there was only a small strait, it was almost two worlds.

This is still based on the fact that the British did not develop colonies much and carried out low-level plundering of raw materials.

Now that British India has become independent, Alan Wilson is commanding the Overseas Colony Commissioner, and through the framework of the Overseas Assets Management Committee, he has seriously thought about how to develop the colonies for the first time.

In fact, it can’t be talked about development, it’s nothing more than some real estate projects, but even these low-level development, the United Kingdom has never done it in many colonies, and even the status of British India, after independence, can be used throughout Asia. Dominate the king, but the industrial indicators are also very crotch, it is entirely because other Asian countries are too bad.

The initial development in the colonies was to give Britain more leverage to restore Europe after the war.

The role of the Malayan colony was to help the British mainland achieve this goal. Alan Wilson said that the Malayan colony can not be wrong to replace the role of British India, not only replaced, but replaced quite well.

Except that there is no way that British India encounters a war, so that Britain will not surrender until the blood of the Indians is drained. In other respects, it can be done better than the blue.

The colony can only play the role of transferring the crisis if it carries out the necessary construction.

If it is not developed at all, it will be completely primitive, and there will be no market.

In the process of necessary construction, the demand brought will benefit the Malayan colony.

So far, the economic and trade ties between the British colonies are actually stronger than before World War II. The decline of the colony also forced the colonial commissioners everywhere, listening to the instructions of their Deputy Secretary-General, to start working hard in the afterglow of the colonial era.

The commissioners of each colony can be said to have been the most attentive to colony management in the past century.

Of course, the rewards are also huge. Once the demand arises, the means of getting rich will not be reduced, but will be more.

A primitive African has never eaten candy, so naturally there is no need for it. You first let her eat a piece of candy. Isn't there a need?

Only when there is a market can the workers and peasants be wielded with scissors. Otherwise, even if Alan Wilson has some understanding of the Soviet system and the means of self-exploitation, he cannot pass on the crisis to the primitive tribes who are full and not hungry.

Therefore, the real estate development strategy of British Africa started earlier than that of the Malayan colonies.

In essence, the current Britain is like a three-stage rocket. The development of the still-preserved British African colonies will raise the Malayan colony to a higher level, and will eventually help the development of the British mainland.

The industrial and agricultural scissors difference is of course the United Kingdom, but the only way to play this method to another level is the Soviet Union, which was re-established on the ruins of imperial Russia.

Because of the small size of the British mainland, before British India became independent, if someone wanted land and land, it was enough to make the mainland live a good life without using too much force. Energy and money are rolling in.

The Soviet Union did not have this condition, and the difference between industrial and agricultural scissors in the hands of the Soviet Union would be on a completely different level.

Don’t look at the vocabulary of industrial and agricultural scissors created by the Soviet Union to criticize the free world. You are more proficient in using it than the free world. If you say that a colonial country like the United Kingdom is a kindergarten level, the Soviet Union is completely a professor level, and even formed a theory .

Agriculture is not only an important source of primitive accumulation of capital, but also the absolute foundation of industrial development. Industrialization cannot succeed without the support of agriculture.

Due to the increase in fertilizers, machines, pesticides, improved seeds, labor, etc. used in agricultural production, the cost of agricultural products has increased. Industrial labor productivity increased much faster than agriculture. The cost of industrial products is falling in both absolute and relative quantities. In this way, the reduction of the scissors gap between the prices of industrial and agricultural products calculated by the price index will have to be discounted again.

Alan Wilson was simply using the Soviet theory of openly attacking the free world as a guide to get other colonial commissioners to do so through the framework of his own leadership of the Overseas Assets Management Committee.

Now the result is very obvious, the theory of the Soviets is really easy to use.

Even if Britain was struggling after the war, it was much better than the ruins left by the collapse of imperial Russia. Alan Wilson does not dare to say that he is better than the cadres of the CPSU at that time, but the situation in Britain is definitely better than when the Soviet Union was first established.

The pricing of Malayan industrial products is in London. Of course, most of the profits are intercepted by London, but Alan Wilson has achieved remarkable results after taking office. Now he has the money to promote the construction of the Malayan colony.

Originally, after the independence of British India, the new India will briefly stand out from the crowd in Asia.

Because British India used to have a high colonial status, many communities in Africa have Indians, and the subcontinent faces the British East African colonies face-to-face, which will become a boost for India's development.

But not anymore. Alan Wilson has blocked the road. Nehru is still looking for how to industrialize in India. Don't expect to play industrial and agricultural scissors in the British colonies. The British colonies should keep them for themselves. pool.

To put it simply, this is an economic policy within the framework of the current British recognition of the colonization, and the effect is very significant.

Alan Wilson has arrived in Sabah non-stop, and is chatting and laughing with Ali Khan. The relationship between the two has been tested by a series of things, and he does not hide his purpose. "Respected Maharaja, about Sabah as a cocoa planter. Concentration area, you have already understood my idea, I hope that in five years, the annual production of cocoa will reach 70,000 to 100,000 tons. Sabah’s climate is also very suitable.”

"Alan, if you showed such work ability when you were in British India, you would be surprised." Ali Khan said with a hint of shock, "It's really surprising."

If Indians don't mind the great Bengal famine happening every year! Alan Wilson muttered to himself.

The scissors difference between industry and agriculture must have paid the price for the agricultural population, and Alan Wilson transferred the crisis to the British African colonies. If he did this in British India, he did not know how many people would die in India.

"Even if I did my best, India would be independent," said Alan Wilson Shi Shiran, "I'd better bring my talents to the warm Malayan beaches. But then again, the existence of Goa , and helped me a lot."

Goa is equivalent to the role of Hong Kong for India. The Portuguese are happy to load ships in Malaya, and then transport the goods to Goa and then enter the Indian market.

Alan Wilson certainly does not object to this, everyone has a bright future, good for England and good for Portugal. It also cements the alliance between Portugal and the United Kingdom, and the value of the inflow of goods through Goa is more than five thousand pounds a year, and there is still potential for growth.

There's nothing happier than the UK now has access to two of the most densely populated places in the world.

Ali Khan happily agreed to help promote cocoa cultivation in Sabah, "Aren't you considering going back to China to be a prime minister?"

"It's annoying to have elections every few years." Alan Wilson sneered at first. "Democratic elections have no positive effect on the country. This is the consensus between me and the Governor of Hong Kong. The purpose of the British general election is only for citizens. An excuse that they think determines the fate of their country, mainly so that they can comfort themselves."

"Oh, thankfully this is Sabah, not London." Ali Khan smiled shyly, "But then again, I think our relationship still prompts me to trust your judgment."

"Your Majesty's judgment makes me very happy." Alan Wilson whistled and said During the busy time at the beginning of the year, Alan Wilson was concerned about the urban construction, military expansion and blue light missile projects in Malaya. He knew that the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite this year, allowing humans to touch space for the first time.

The whole of Malaya is still developing in an orderly manner. In his spare time, Alan Wilson will take ladies of the same status as his wife, and ride on the rocket to stabilize each other's feelings.

Time entered March, and a storm-like economic crisis took shape in the North American continent. In the past three years, the investment growth rate of the United States has also exceeded 10%, which is the most prosperous period of the American economy after the war.

But what followed was that in the peaceful environment for more than ten years after the war, the industrial capabilities of all countries have been fully restored, and the long-term competitive advantage of the United States has long since disappeared.

Entering March, there was a backlog of goods in the United States, the lack of citizens' purchasing power led to slow sales of goods, and inventories everywhere skyrocketed. The unreasonable economic crisis broke out again.

Under the sunshine of Malaya, Alan Wilson was holding a newspaper and watching the news that Canada was involved in the US economic crisis. It was only then that he woke up from a dream, as if there were signs of a world economic crisis.

However, Alan Wilson did not panic, Canada and the United States are next to each other, maybe it is a technical adjustment.

The Imperial Commissioner continued to work hard, jogging in parallel, and was booked to visit his wife and sister-in-law in Australia.

But immediately, the news from Japan made it clear to the world that this was not a technical adjustment. The world economic crisis is coming at a vigorous pace.

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