British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 901: coping with the economic crisis

It is also normal for the economic crisis to spread from North America to Japan. The whole of Japan relies on the US market to live.

And Alan Wilson remembers that the economic crisis in 1957 did not hit Japan hard. Although Japan was quite uncomfortable for a while, the three Axis powers in World War II were not affected for a long time.

After the defeat of the Axis powers, they all adopted measures to reduce the value of their currencies to promote exports. Italy was still quite ambiguous with the Soviet Union, and each had its own way of dealing with the crisis. Among them, the Federal Republic of Germany even had stagflation for only three months before everything returned to normal.

This time the economic crisis, the real unfortunate is the United Kingdom and the United States, especially the United States caused a great blow. Britain's losses are second only to the United States, but the United Kingdom was hit to take into account the historical Suez Canal War, and the Suez Canal War has not yet been affected.

The Japanese economy, which is almost tied to the United States, will naturally be affected first. Almost at the same time, when the United States and Canada are in deep economic crisis, Japan, which is separated by a Pacific Ocean, enters the economic crisis at the same time.

The chemical industry, machinery industry, and paper industry fell by 9 to 13 percent respectively, and steel, leather and non-ferrous metals fell by 20 to 23 percent.

The economic crisis hit like a hurricane, bringing the whole of Japan into chaos. And this is far from over.

"I remember this crisis as if it was the first time the United States had a trade deficit after the war." Alan Wilson looked at the reports of the economic crisis in major newspapers and recalled what this crisis had brought.

Under the Breston Woods system, the U.S. dollar tied to gold is a double-edged sword for the United States. On the one hand, the United States should maintain a trade deficit due to its settlement ratio in the world. The U.S. dollar can be tied to gold, and once a large trade deficit occurs, the U.S. gold reserves may be exchanged for nothing.

The U.S. dollar tied to gold is actually far less powerful than the petrodollar of later generations. The United States has always been worried about the debts borrowed by other countries to attack the U.S. gold reserves.

After the war in 1945, the United States has maintained a trade surplus for a long time, and the industrial advantages accumulated during the war are still quite strong, allowing the United States to express friendship unilaterally, and other countries can protect trade to a certain extent, accounting for a small portion of the United States. Cheap.

Of course, what the United States wants to weaken the most is the United Kingdom. The weakening of the United Kingdom has never been slack, but in New Delhi, 100,000 civil servants worked together to realize British India, 4 million square kilometers, let them make a large The supplementary pill was swallowed by the United Kingdom. The main external reasons were the establishment of the socialist camp and the pro-Soviet forces in European countries. After the United Kingdom was relieved, the United States decided to let the United Kingdom go.

A variety of conditions have contributed to the legacy of the British exchange rate control, and the Imperial Preferential System has given the Overseas Assets Management Committee the opportunity to play a role in these years in the protection of exchange rate control.

Since then, production capacity in Europe and Japan has been rebuilt, and domestic demand has expanded, providing a larger market for U.S. goods; the volume of European and Japanese products exported to the United States has continued to grow, but it is still not enough to balance imports from the United States, and U.S. imports and exports remain unchanged. With a large surplus, the world economy has entered a virtuous circle.

The economic crises of 1948 and 1954 were nothing more than petty troubles, and the United States survived with only minor adjustments, but this time was different. From the very beginning, Japan and North America were simultaneously affected.

The economic crisis spread to all countries in almost a month. Alan Wilson in Kuala Lumpur received a telegram from Whitehall at this time. The telegram came from Cabinet Secretary Norman Brooke, asking Alan Wilson to return to London immediately.

"Fancy? The liquidity of the Overseas Assets Management Committee!" Alan Wilson looked at the telegram, picked up the phone and said, "Richard, come to the office."

"Commissioner Wilson, call me." After a short time, Richard, the head of the administrative bureau, came in and asked his superior what he was looking for. He asked in amazement because Alan Wilson was posing a horse. posture.

"London asked me to go back." Alan Wilson returned to normal, and did not perform in front of his subordinates the terrifying aura of reverse practice magic, "You can discuss with the commissioner of East and West Ma on the colonial affairs, and send me electricity when you have something to do. Newspapers, and prepare Myanmar information, maybe it will come in handy.”

"Commissioner, please rest assured." Richard agreed immediately and asked more than once, "Is it because of overseas assets?"

"There is something about this for sure." Alan Wilson raised his wrist, and it was not yet two o'clock in the afternoon, apologetically, "I left early today, and I have to prepare for going back. There is no one in the telegraph room. …”

In order to maintain a harmonious relationship between husband and wife, Alan Wilson wants to tell his wife ... and sister-in-law in Perth that the trip to Australia to accompany him has to be postponed due to unexpected events.

Alan Wilson then left the administrative office and got into Anna's bed at night.

"Being busy everywhere every day, your little brother is hungry and thin." Anna held the handle, and said with some dissatisfaction, "I accompany those old women every day, and I don't know how to accompany me more."

"Darling, you can't say that. If you're their age, you're in the state they are today. That's already a great success." Alan Wilson kissed Anna and smiled.

He has never denied the issue of being older, but people are different. Some people can prolong their youth as much as possible. There are many examples of later generations, such as CCTV Ren Yingying, and her daughter King, CCTV The female characters of the Water Margin are the ones who kill as big as they get older. On the contrary, Mao Mei's success rate is the more dangerous kind. Examples like the chief prosecutor are not excluded, but the proportion is really small.

After saying that, Anna was reluctant and muttered, "You said that my sister and I are the most perfect."

"I did say it, but there are two questions." Alan Wilson said to himself, you two were selected.

"I must be in better shape than them." Anna reached out and grabbed the man's big hand and placed it on her belly, "Look, the belly that has given birth to two children is still tight and delicate."

"I have to do some in-depth research before I can make a correct judgment." Alan Wilson turned over with a smile, suddenly gave up halfway, and said sternly, "Because of the enthusiasm of various countries for space competition, I think it is more in line with the trend to take a rocket. "

A telegram was sent, mentioning the importance of logistical support, and successfully received feedback. After a day, the industrious imperial commissioner returned from Vivien Leigh's boudoir.

"Bye bye." Great Britain Treasure leaned against the door and stretched out his hand to bid farewell to the man.

Alan Wilson, who happened to meet the little dragoons returning to China, could only board a flight with Anna very coincidentally.

In addition to reassuring the ladies of the same status as his wives, Alan Wilson's return is not unpleasant. After landing at London Airport, he rushed to No. 70 Whitehall without a breath.

The chain reaction brought about by the economic crisis has already appeared, and all countries have been affected to varying degrees.

I bought a newspaper on the road, and the headline on it was Harold Wilson's report on the Swiss accusation, "The goblins of Zurich, always want to attack the pound. Speculators are Britain's greatest enemy. , and only a small part of it surfaced."

"Oh." Alan Wilson, who was in a taxi, looked at the full text of Harold Wilson's speech in the newspaper and sighed inexplicably at the future British Prime Minister.

"Sir, are you also an official in Whitehall?" London taxi drivers have a common problem with drivers in capitals all over the world. I dare not say that all of them are key political experts, but the proportion is not small.

"No, I came back from the colony." Alan Wilson put away the newspaper and chatted with the driver.

The driver was also polite, expressing his views on the current economic crisis sweeping the world, from the confrontation of the Cold War, to the future of the British Empire, and even the filth between Britain and the United States, all without any stage fright.

"It's been a pleasant journey, sir." Alan Wilson paid for it and said goodbye with a smile after getting out of the car.

He entered No. 70 Whitehall without stopping, followed the private secretary into the cabinet secretary's office. After waiting for a long time, Norman Brooke arrived late, nodded at Alan Wilson, and said directly, "Alan~www Do you know the purpose of urging you to come back?"

"Related to the economic crisis?" Alan Wilson asked in a questioning tone, and Norman Brook nodded. "Indeed, the economic crisis this time is unusual, and economists believe that it may have far-reaching effects."

"That's weird. Economists actually understand economics." Alan Wilson said with an expression everyone knew.

"The goblins in Zurich have also been hostile to the pound." Norman Brook changed his words, "Do you understand?"

"The goblins are not in Zurich. With Switzerland, even if it has a special status, it is not enough to shake the pound." Alan Wilson said without thinking, "Our suspicious allies have contributed a lot to this matter."

"You know, you are called back because you have huge overseas assets in the UK. Just in case, there is speculation on the pound, and when it is a last resort, you may have to use this asset. After all, the economic crisis is coming. No one can be safe on their own." Norman Brook did not hide his thoughts, but stated them directly.

Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows and stretched out his hands in a simmering motion. Norman Brook looked confused, "Alan, do you feel sorry for the funds in your hand?"

"It's not a big problem, the money itself belongs to the state. I'm just wondering if there is another way." Alan Wilson frowned and said to himself, "For example, how did the Soviet Union deal with the Great Depression back then? Also, from my work experience, I always think of my days in British India."

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