British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 902: 5 year plan

"If the committee's funds were withdrawn from the beginning and prepared to take on the challenge. We may have fired our bullets in the first wave. If we can stabilize the situation by political means, maybe we will be more confident. I It’s not that they are unwilling to take out the money, but it is from a global perspective.”

Alan Wilson explained his thoughts, "Economic crises always come unexpectedly, maybe as the Soviet Union said, periodic economic crises are already an unsolvable problem, so how did the Soviet Union solve it. From the foreign colleagues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among them, I heard that countries in the Soviet bloc will generally experience austerity, and the supply of materials on the market is not rich enough, while the free world is just the opposite. If we have a way to combine the two, there may be unexpected results.”

Norman Brook silently listened to Alan Wilson finish his words, and thought for a while, "Of course I don't know the situation, if there is a way to prevent this economic crisis from affecting the UK, of course, any method can be used. Ellen, you haven't come across a specific idea."

"Actually, under the guidance of our colleagues, the vast colonies are only initially developed, and they are developed at a very low level in the name of building capitals. The potential is still quite large. For this economic crisis, we need a population with a large population, at least in part to replace the original British The colonies belonging to India are in crisis, but because the current colonies are no longer comparable in size to British India, the efforts must be increased.”

Speaking of this, Alan Wilson lowered his voice and said, "I learned from the Nigerian Commissioner that the population of the Nigerian Autonomous Region is 41 million, which is not small. If we increase development efforts, it can provide a lot of demand. , the original construction of British India actually covered the industrial area with Calcutta as the core, covering less than 100 million people, and ultimately nothing was accomplished. If this economic crisis can be alleviated within a year, then It can be concluded that the Dominion of Nigeria still has this ability.”

"If it fails? Will it not be worth the loss?" Norman Brook asked the essential question.

"Respected Cabinet Secretary, Nigeria has become a self-governing dominion and will be independent in less than five years. Something went wrong and it failed. I believe in the wisdom of Nigeria's independent leaders." Alan Wilson explained calmly, "Then It's Nigeria's own business, and don't worry too much, maybe other countries will pay for it."

Alan Wilson does not believe that other countries will be indifferent to a post-independence Nigeria.

Once Nigeria becomes independent, it will be the most populous country in Africa. When the population reaches a certain level, it will have to overcome many additional difficulties. It is not necessarily a good thing for individuals, but it is the opposite for the country.

The easiest way to improve national power is to accumulate population. If you don't believe it, just look at the third brother who is king and hegemony in South Asia. He is so poor that he still walks sideways in South Asia.

He remembered that Nigeria, at some point during the Cold War, also leaned toward the Soviet Union. Moreover, China is not without a shadow in Nigeria. China's African strategy, simply put, is to find a fulcrum in East Africa, South Africa and West Africa.

During the Cold War, South Africa was a white country, so the fulcrum of South Africa that China leveraged was Angola. The fulcrum of East Africa is Tanzania, and the fulcrum of West Africa is Nigeria.

So there is no pick-up man in Nigeria. Once it is messed up, he will stay behind to maintain his influence when he leaves. Then just wait for the pick-up man to come to the door.

"If Nigeria is not enough, I also have a relationship with General Aung San, and Myanmar also has a market of 18 million people. Now the Malayan colony has an essential gap with the surrounding area."

Alan Wilson continued, "With the dominion of Nigeria as the main dominion and Burma as a supplement, the market of 60 million people should be enough to survive the economic crisis if it does not exceed a year. The advantage of Nigeria is that Nigeria itself has been transformed into a dominion, The Dominion is re-privatizing state-owned enterprises that were established after the war, which will inevitably lead to the loss of a lot of assets.”

"Furthermore, Nigeria is divided into three parts, and the three ethnic groups are comparable in strength. Each ethnic group wants to dominate after independence. It is not difficult for us to find an agent. If it does not work, an oil scam may be needed. ."

Speaking of this, Alan Wilson gave a slight pause and asked Norman Brooke, "Dear Cabinet Secretary, if there are some sequelae, such as the famine problem, or the loss of international hot money, will it damage my reputation."

"If such a thing really happens, Alan, you know that all kinds of documents will be archived." Norman Brook heard that this was to wipe his ass, and immediately expressed his position at a critical moment, "Of course, with the British Compared with the impact of the economic crisis, these irresistible factors are always worthy of forgiveness, and you don't want that."

"Of course I don't want this. I think the famine damage should be smaller than that of British India." Alan Wilson was relieved, and it was time to show his real strength, "This is my answer, if you can develop the market and hedge the economic crisis. Influence, what is my personal opinion?"

"Whitehall needs courageous officials like you." Norman Brooke encouraged, "For the Cabinet, once the funds are used in the country, but the crisis cannot be prevented, it is also a very courageous decision. You and I are together. Meet the Prime Minister once."

"No problem." Alan Wilson yawned. "I'm going to prepare some documents to convince the cabinet."

After leaving Whitehall, Alan Wilson gave Kuala Lumpur and Lagos, the capital of Nigeria, the property and population information of the two places. Alan Wilson was slightly familiar with the situation in Myanmar. The biggest difference was that General Aung San was not assassinated.

If it wasn't for the fact that General Aung San's daughter was older than his and Vivien Leigh's children, he would even think about letting the son of the national treasure grow up and take down General Aung San's daughter.

The problem is that Vivien Leigh's son is not old enough, if he goes out on his own? Although later generations of white people in Europe and America regarded Southeast Asia as a large red light district, they did a lot of things that could definitely be shot in their own countries. But Alan Wilson still couldn't keep his head down and learn from these animals.

Myanmar, where General Aung San is in power, is developing by leaps and bounds? It does not exist, but the Burmese are definitely stronger than the Indians. The conflict between the Burmese and other ethnic groups still exists, but it is far less intense than the later generations. Aung San himself is still trying his best not to use military means to solve the problem.

In fact, based on General Aung San's idea, Myanmar may introduce Japanese capital in the future. But the premise is that Japan has to develop to a certain level. The current Japan is definitely not developed to that level, and it still owes Australia a lot of compensation.

In order to add more burdens to Japan, Pamela Mountbatten will be fixed every year. When Japan wants to repay the money, she will stir up the cruelty of Japan's treatment of Australian prisoners of war, so as to prevent the Australians from relenting and giving up compensation.

The Malayan colony has initially appeared a siphon effect, which is an inevitable result of a local economic development to the surrounding area. An example is the poverty-stricken area of ​​Huandidu, the poverty-stricken area around Guangzhou. Don't think that there is no magic city, but the radiation range of the magic city is large, and the real impoverished area of ​​the magic city is farther away.

After a day of waiting, from Lagos and Kuala Lumpur, I got the basic information that Alan Wilson needed by telegram.

After sorting out, Alan Wilson reappeared in front of Norman Brooke with the information, and the two went to No. 10 Downing Street, the official residence of Prime Minister Attlee.

In fact, for Attlee and the Labour government, British citizens have been slack since their third re-election.

Britain is much better now than the original historical Britain, but British citizens don't know about this. All the world knows about is Alan Wilson. The idea of ​​British citizens is that with any government, Britain can recover from war Out of the quagmire.

Affirmation of Labour's work, from the much-anticipated first term to continued support for the second term. After three consecutive terms, it finally turned into numbness. Since then, Labour's support has been tied with the Conservatives.

This time, the economic crisis originating from the United States is naturally incomparable to the gloomy clouds of the Great Depression, but it is also much more difficult to deal with than the two economic crises after the war. The economic crisis of 1948 was purely a problem of the United States, and Europe had not recovered much. The economic crisis of 1954 also disappeared immediately.

This time, the economic crisis has spread very fast from the very beginning, and it has spread to all countries almost Maybe we have to learn from the Soviet Union. Alan Wilson pondered for a while, and came up with the plan he had prepared, including but not limited to expanding exports from Eastern Europe and expanding the domestic demand of the British Empire.

"I am going to plan with my African colleagues to follow the example of the Soviet Union in the Nigerian Dominion and carry out a five-year plan." Alan Wilson said in front of the Prime Minister, emphasizing, "Just like in British India in 1947. , to promote large-scale construction, and quickly drive demand through large-scale construction. To deal with this economic crisis."

"Five-year plan?" Prime Minister Attlee asked after listening, waiting for Alan Wilson's explanation.

"Five-year plan. This time, it is impossible to not hit hard." Alan Wilson said without changing his original intention, "Nigeria must swallow all the local stagflation, and all the resources of the Nigerian Dominion must be mortgaged. Otherwise, , Nigeria three ethnic groups, we can hand Nigeria to anyone."

"Hi..." Prime Minister Attlee took a deep breath, looked at the terrifying Whitehall pillar, and confirmed again, "Planned economy?"

Alan Wilson stood there with his hands down, "Technically, I don't want to deny this, but it's different in the UK."

"What's different?" Prime Minister Attlee wanted to hear Alan Wilson's explanation.

"Uh! The difference is..." Alan Wilson said after a while, "the implementation is the United Kingdom, not the Soviet Union."

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