British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 903: natural african overlord

Currently, there is a choice before the only Prime Minister Attlee after the war. One is the old method of previous economic crises, relying on the market to digest the excess production capacity. The other is what Alan Wilson said, since the countries of the Soviet system and the The problems encountered in the free world are completely opposite, so if a dominion similar to the Soviet Union is created in a country, isn't it just complementary to Britain.

It doesn't matter if it fails, isn't it just proof that the planned economy of the Soviet Union is not good. On top of that, British India's civil servants had already proven this to work during the independence process.

The post-war Britain, which was in distress, received extremely scarce funds.

"It really failed. After Nigeria becomes independent in the future, will he hate Britain?" Attlee was already eager to try, and asking this question at this time was just to give the two civil servants in front of him a chance to convince him.

"Dear Prime Minister, at least we have left something. The result may not be satisfactory, but it is not a one-sided claim." Alan Wilson elaborated on the benevolent side of the British Empire, at least compared with other colonial countries, Britain is benevolent enough .

Of course, Britain mainly plundered the colonies, leaving nothing useful, but at least it did.

If the perfect score for governance is 100, the UK is at best a 10. Germany and the UK are about the same, roughly at the same level.

If anyone thinks this is the bottom line of colonial empires, they are wrong. Britain and Germany, especially Britain's colonial policy, is completely the upper limit of the colonial empire.

And the Latin colonists such as France, Portugal, Spain, etc., just took it and didn't do it. Therefore, the national infrastructure of the English department is generally better than that of the Latin department. There are reasons why the Commonwealth of Nations remained loyal to the Queen for many years after the decline of the United Kingdom.

In the process of plundering, the colonists will not leave the core technology of the economy, the local high-end human resources, the complete industrial chain, and the reasonable industrial structure according to the resource characteristics of the colony. .

Of course, the United Kingdom will not do all of the above, but it is still possible to accumulate reinforced concrete, but the Latin colonial empires do not even do this.

Alan Wilson will use the planned economy to tap Nigeria's potential this time. He naturally didn't believe that these big old blacks could be full of energy all of a sudden, but there were other ways. Nigeria is not officially independent after all, and the British can still use the colonial-era approach.

"Do you want cabinet funding?" Prime Minister Attlee made a decision and asked the last question.

"We can do it ourselves." Alan Wilson, knowing that Attlee should have an idea, added another fire.

"If we fail, I believe Nigeria will understand us." Norman Brooke expounded confidently, "but maybe this approach will cause some criticism, we need to do some guidance work on public opinion. Show us and the Soviet Union The difference should be viewed objectively from a global perspective.”

The United Kingdom wants to implement a planned economy in a dominion, and there may be some misunderstandings. This is especially true for some people who don't know the truth, and some positive guidance is necessary. Prime Minister Attlee agreed.

Leaving No. 10 Downing Street with the cabinet secretary, Norman Brooke said as he walked, "This is the Labour Party ruling. If the Conservative Party is ruling now, it will definitely not agree with your approach."

"Ideological disagreement is a **** area, and we need it," Alan Wilson resignedly replied.

Norman Brooke is noncommittal. If someone else proposes to follow the Soviet Union, no matter who this person is, Norman Brooke will doubt the reliability of this person. But Alan Wilson is different, unless the pillar of Whitehall is ready to confiscate his wife's vast wealth, or absolutely will not do so.

Massive wealth protects the reliability of the Imperial Commissioner. Originally, in any case, it was impossible for Alan Wilson to confiscate his wife's property, and it was impossible for an Englishman to get rich with twenty pounds.

"This year's Colonial Commissioner's meeting is being held ahead of schedule and will be held in Lagos, Nigeria's capital, in two weeks' time."

Through the Foreign Office, Alan Wilson sent telegrams to the commissioners of the major colonies. The Persian Gulf Commissioner can choose to participate or not to participate, the decision is in the hands of the old colleagues themselves.

In Perth, the capital of Western Australia, Pamela Mountbatten took the telegram from London, picked up the phone and said, "Move the nearest exploration team to West Africa, don't ask why, and listen to my husband."

Putting down the phone, Pamela Mountbatten thought for a moment and picked up the microphone she had just put down, "Under the economic crisis, import and export have been frustrated, and the price of iron ore supplied to the Kuching Steel Base can be reduced as appropriate. The environment is not very good, I believe Canberra should understand. Contact Kuala Lumpur and the goodwill of Australia should be known to the citizens of Malaya.”

Pamela Mountbatten is not just a super rich, she is also the ruler of Sarawak, and she has to make herself think about it when the environment is not good.

"Pamela!" Princess Margaret, who was holding her brother-in-law's daughter, arrived late, and was hearing Pamela Mountbatten's second call, and asked about her brother-in-law's situation, "Is it difficult this time."

"Ellen has said that any economic crisis will not hurt much at our level. But for ordinary people, the next year may have to bite the bullet." Pamela Mountbatten took over her daughter from the princess.

Little Pami stretched out her little hand and gently rubbed it on her mother's stomach, as if to say hello to her unborn brother or sister.

If it is only to survive the economic crisis, in fact, by virtue of the conditions in the United Kingdom, it is far better than the same period in history. Alan Wilson simply doesn't need to make such an offer. There was no accident in the Suez Canal, oil fields in the North Sea were discovered, the colonies were being developed, the Malayan colony was providing primary industrial products, prices were regulated by London, and it should not be difficult to survive an economic crisis and guarantee a complete retreat.

But this is a bit petty, just thinking about not being influenced, that's not Alan Wilson's purpose. What he thinks is that he should not only consider self-protection, but also grow against the trend during the economic crisis, and further reduce the per capita income of the United States.

If it was just to protect himself, Norman Brooke asked him to take the money, and he took the money happily.

Alan Wilson seldom has a sense of absence, but every time he encounters an exception, he would like to call it Garbo exceptionalism, which is just as incomprehensible as American exceptionalism.

After stepping into this apartment, the presence of the imperial commissioner disappeared. Greta Garbo exercised on her own with a barbell, ignoring men of the same status as her husband, "Why don't you go to your little boy? Lover? She's at the peak of her career. Fame and looks."

"You have done everything she has done," Ellen Wilson said hurriedly. "Audrey's relationship with Elizabeth is similar to your relationship with Katharine Hepburn back then. It's hard to tell who's who. more popular."

Greta Garbo's movements stopped slightly, and a smile flashed across her face, "You don't know about that time, Katharine Hepburn is very good at awards, and in terms of popularity, my competitor is Marlene Dede Li. At that time, the German propaganda minister was called Goebbels, and she very much hoped that she would return to Germany."

"It seems that you still have something in common. Both of you are liked by the Germans." Alan Wilson complimented Garbo, "At the time, Hollywood gave you the position of a sunny, sports-loving woman, but now it seems that That's right."

Greta Garbo, whose sweat was faintly showing through her vest, put down the barbell and squinted at the man who was talking nonsense, "I want to maintain a healthy body, otherwise, my son is still so young, I can't take good care of him."

How does this sound like a gun with a stick? Could Alan Wilson still see his children sleeping rough on the streets? Besides, aren't there two more female presidents to share?

Greta Garbo then entered the bathroom and asked with the sound of water pouring, "Little pervert, do you want to be The advantage of being here in Garbo is that although he is always regarded as air, he can be trusted. The popular lover of this golden age, Greta Garbo doesn't go out several times a year, and she can't be a spy, so she's a good confidant.

"I don't know much about Africa. But I can see that you see this economic crisis as an opportunity." Greta Garbo put on a coat, covered her body, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and handed it to her Alan Wilson, "I wish you all the best."

"Thank you, dear." Feeling the scent of the Queen of Sweden, Alan Wilson thanked refreshedly.

"You misunderstood." Greta Garbo said blankly, "You are just my son's father, that's all. Of course I hope that my child's father will get better and better."

Greta Garbo did not respond to any logistical support, she did not want to leave her own world.

This colonial commissioner meeting was held in Lagos. The local emperors from all over the country have not yet arrived. The warm-up has already begun. The new commissioner after turning into a dominion has set the tone for this meeting in the most influential newspaper in Nigeria. , The reason for choosing Nigeria as the location of the conference is that Nigeria naturally possesses the heritage of African hegemony.

Dominion Commissioner Roberts, who has received a new interim appointment, is Secretary General of the West African Development Council.

As to whether Nigeria is a natural African hegemon, as long as Nigerians believe it.

He also notified Benjamin Nnamdi Azikwe to represent Nigeria at this meeting.

At the same time, the colonial commissioners from all over the world have taken the comet passenger plane to Lagos, the capital of the natural African overlord.

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