British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 904: 4 major constructions

"I'm embarrassed to always have you with me." Before leaving the apartment, Alan Wilson was quite grateful and thanked Heidi Lamar for once again guaranteeing the logistics, "Britain is an eventful time, and money is required in all aspects, saying Come back, you raised $25 million during the war, can you do it again?"

"Okay, I can consider auctioning my kiss once, as long as you can bear it." Heidi Rama said angrily, "I am afraid that you will be humiliated by no one to take care of you when you come to Africa?"

"Unintentional mistake." Alan Wilson stepped forward and kissed Heidi Lamar's forehead, then raised his wrist and said, "Let's go, it's been a few months since the last meeting. The economic crisis has disrupted our lives, if If we meet each other all the time, there is a lack of mystery."

The meeting was held in Aden in the middle of last year, and the meeting was held in Lagos again at the beginning of this year. It's a little too frequent, and it doesn't seem solemn, but when the economic crisis comes, this is the only way to do it.

The annual meeting of colonial commissioners, from the end of each year to the middle of each year, is now the beginning of the year.

Lagos was already the largest city in Africa in this era. There is no other place in Africa with such a large population. The reason why Nigeria became a British colony started from this. The name of colonial Nigeria is Abolition movement.

In the name of Lagos being an African slave trade center, the British occupied Lagos under the banner of emancipating black slaves, and then colonized Nigeria.

Lagos has such a population because after the British occupation of Lagos, it was declared a free colony, and all blacks here are free and will not be trafficked. As a result, black people from all over the world poured into Lagos, making it the most populous place in Africa.

The large population is not a problem, because Alan Wilson is in the white living area of ​​Lagos, because Nigeria has not officially become independent, the white area is still inhabited, but once Nigeria officially becomes independent, the white people will soon immigrate and leave. The now tidy white areas will be taken over by black nobles.

Arriving at the former Nigerian Governor's Palace, Alan Wilson, who arrived late, entered the Governor's Palace under the guidance of the guards and met with colleagues who had already arrived. Improve. But there is no way, the economic crisis is sweeping the world, and Whitehall also expects us to come up with a solution.”

"Governor Azikwe has arrived, let him in?" Niger Interests Commissioner Roberts asked.

"Let him wait for a while, there are some things he is not suitable to know." Alan Wilson took out a stack of documents, placed them on the table, made a muffled sound, and said, "This economic crisis has spread to all countries, British The empire is no exception. Using conventional methods to deal with it is not effective, we will change the method this time, not only to survive the crisis, but also to grow against the trend. This is the purpose of my visit. "

"Increase development efforts? But gold mining on the Gold Coast has reached its limit." Ingram frowned. "There are not many other ways. The colonial mining industry I manage is the backbone."

“If you have gold, you can place orders for local companies, but this time the solution is mainly in Nigeria. The population demand on the Gold Coast is not large, so the gold is shipped back to China and replaced by grid orders, and the supporting electrification construction ends here. We want to inspire Nigeria. The need for this dominion with the largest population in Africa.” Alan Wilson said that this refocused attention on Roberts, “Nigeria has a large population and agricultural bureau, which is also the general norm in colonies. Find a way from this.”

"The specific measure is to level the rainforest in the Niger Delta. Is there any data?"

In the face of Alan Wilson's question, Roberts said familiarly, "The Niger River Delta is a gathering area of ​​the Igbo people. The delta area is 40,000 square kilometers, but with the surrounding developable land, there are more than 100,000 square kilometers."

"The development area is enough, which is very good." Alan Wilson pondered for a while, "Acquisition at one-fifth of the original price of the European timber market and put it on the European market. This price will never fail to sell, after the forest is destroyed , distribute the land to the local people, if I remember correctly, the Igbo people have a good relationship with us."

"This is especially true when facing pagans in the north." Roberts joked. "The living environment in northern Nigeria is not as good as that in the south, but the Igbo population and the north are not dominant. But they still have a good impression of Britain."

"Developing land for distribution is only the first step. We have established three central cities in three regions before. Now the plan is to connect them with railways and roads." Alan Wilson proposed a plan to build a road network in Nigeria. "As long as Nigerians can provide enough raw materials, we can consider the grid connection. As long as Nigeria needs, hydropower plants can also be built.”

"It is planned to connect railways and roads in the three districts, it is planned to renovate the black district of Lagos, it is planned to develop the Niger River Delta, it is planned to carry out resource exploration in the Niger River Delta, and all the projects will start immediately."

"Alan, Nigeria doesn't have so much money on its books?" Roberts said in surprise, "Where are we going to find money."

Of course, money cannot be conjured out of thin air. Nigeria's oil resources have not yet been discovered, so the first funds, in addition to Nigeria's own dominion reserves, can only be exchanged for agricultural products.

In this era, Nigeria's main export is agricultural products, unlike the oil industry in later generations.

"Empty all the grain depots in Nigeria, and transport the stored grain to the mainland. This is the tropics, and you can start farming anytime you want. Don't worry, storage in a tropical climate is also troublesome, and we are also thinking of the citizens of the Dominion."

With a stroke of a pen, Alan Wilson wants to empty the entire Nigerian agricultural product and ship it back to the UK to stabilize prices.

Tropical rainforests are of little value in Alan Wilson's eyes, and general tropical rainforests are barren.

Even if it is turned into cultivated land, it will not take long for soil degradation to occur. If the soil quality of the Niger Delta is good, it can be used for decades. If it is no different from the general tropical rain forest, the planting cost will be reduced in five to ten years. Greatly improve.

But at that time Nigeria was already independent, and he didn't care about Nigeria after independence, just now.

The document plans to be brought are clearly explained, and four plans involving energy, hydropower, transportation and agriculture have been identified.

"Then, starting from this year, the four major construction projects in Nigeria will be officially launched. Roberts, let Azikwe come in." After Alan Wilson has completed the part belonging to the colonial commissioner, he can inform Azikwe of the final result.

At this moment, Azikwe is still in the dark, but this is also a good thing, and sometimes ignorance is also a kind of happiness, such as Czechoslovakia at the Munich Conference.

Azikwe is the current Governor-General of the Dominion of Nigeria, and, if nothing else, he will be the country's first president once Nigeria becomes independent.

But this is not necessarily? There are always accidents in this world. After Azikwe entered the conference room, Alan Wilson questioned the reliability of Azikwe on behalf of the United Kingdom, "Dear Governor, out of concern for the development of Nigeria after independence, the Cabinet has formulated A grand blueprint, hoping that after Nigeria's independence, Nigeria will be able to lead the development of the whole of Africa by adhering to the traditional friendly relationship with the United Kingdom."

Facing Azikwe's modesty, Alan Wilson smiled coldly and said, "Governor Azikwe should not be humble. In terms of Nigeria's population, he has the ability to lead Africa. Of course, it is under the protection of the United Kingdom. I believe. You wouldn't deny that either."

"Secretary-General Wilson. The British Empire is really good to Nigeria." Azikwe is an Igbo ethnic group and belongs to an ethnic group that is relatively close to the United Kingdom. "I don't know where we can help the United Kingdom."

"Help? Nigeria doesn't have the strength. London is worried that after Nigeria's independence, it will be taken advantage of by dangerous Soviet So I plan to support Nigeria, but the result is hard to say now. We also supported Britain at the beginning. It belongs to India, but British India is divided, and it is obvious that Indians have not been able to withstand the baptism of modern civilization. This is completely different from Malaya.”

First, the conditions in Nigeria were depreciated, and then Alan Wilson changed the subject, "Britain hopes that the Governor of Azikwe will play a leading role. The Niger Delta is an official Igbo residential area. If the local people can be mobilized, it can be regarded as a Governor Azikwe is a capable man and will be able to lead the country after independence, so we can rest assured."

It means that he is not at ease now, Azikwe is shocked, the British want to replace himself?

Just as he was about to say something, a stack of documents had been piled up in front of Azikwe, and Alan Wilson raised his wrist to look at the time, "Mr. Governor has one day to learn about the four major constructions of urban construction, hydropower, transportation and agriculture. The time has come to prove my abilities."

"This is the final test set by the British Empire in order to avoid the humiliating consequences of the independence of British India. If Governor Azikwe proves his ability, a future independent Nigeria will prosper under your leadership. If it can't be done, even if there may be some criticism, it is not impossible to be replaced."

Alan Wilson repeated his old tricks, bluffing and intimidating the future Nigerian president who was about to reach the peak of his life. Whether he wants to reach the pinnacle of his life, or he wants to collapse in the middle, depends on what Azikwe thinks.

Azikwe left in a daze, and Alan Wilson told Roberts, "Let's reveal the news of the four major constructions first and see how Nigerians react."

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