British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 905: First Army Policy

Nigeria does not have independence for a day and Britain can enforce its own will in Nigeria.

Of course, there is a premise, whether Azikwe is willing to cooperate. If he does not cooperate, he will tear his face. Of course, the United Kingdom has no choice, and Nigeria does not need to pay any price, but Azikwe may end tragically.

It depends on whether Azikwe can be so great that he is willing to bear the British dissatisfaction for the Nigerian Dominion.

If Azikwe is willing to protect Nigeria's interests even if he dies, then Alan Wilson will face failure before the transfer crisis begins. He can do nothing but kill Azikwe to vent his anger.

Now that this choice is in front of Azikwe, what kind of decision will be made can only wait until the time for an official reply.

As long as Azikwe responds, the entire construction plan will be launched immediately. Alan Wilson has no grand blueprint. It is enough to pass the economic crisis cycle. Once the economic crisis is over, even if the four major constructions fail, the UK will not care.

Alan Wilson himself and his colleagues in other colonies each laid out a building direction for the Dominion of Nigeria. Let's not talk about what to do in the future, but first come up with our intentions.

After the meeting, Alan Wilson went back to the apartment to rest, thinking about the success rate of the plan.

Although the Dominion of Nigeria has a population of 40 million, it will certainly not be able to stimulate the market of this 40 million population.

Even in British India before, the places that could be controlled by the United Kingdom were not all of South Asia. Alan Wilson felt that 10 million people could be affected, which was already a great success.

Who can mobilize a dominion with tens of millions of ignorance? Anyway, Alan Wilson can't do it, and it is already very successful to be able to affect a quarter of the population through administrative means.

"The Igbo people have a deeper affection for Britain than the Hausa people in the north. Before we came, the Igbo people were extremely backward, and the Hausa people in the north believed in the religion of peace and were much stronger than the Igbo people. The Igbo people are in a dominant position. After we colonized Nigeria, the backward Igbo people are more willing to cooperate with us. Speaking of Alan, you may not believe that although they are black people, they were still extremely backward black people a hundred years ago. But in British schools, final grades are no worse than whites."

The Dominion Commissioner Roberts, who came over as a guest, explained the local situation, "I just didn't expect that we trust the Igbo people so much, but they want to be independent."

"Time will teach them." Alan Wilson recalls the Nigerian Civil War, in which the Igbo were ultimately defeated.

Later generations of Igbo people in Nigeria were defeated in the civil war, and many migrated out of Nigeria. Originally, Wei, the middle of the world, became Shu, the third of the world.

In fact, it is very simple. The accumulation of the Igbo people is not enough. The United Kingdom has ruled Nigeria for a hundred years at best, and it has only been 50 years since it was officially merged into Nigeria. In this process, a large number of British-educated elites have emerged among the Igbo people. is still too small compared to the total population.

The superstructures of the Igbo people are all over the middle and upper levels of the current dominion, which is definitely enough. But fifty years is not enough to open the gap between the other two groups, especially the Hausa in the north. People have believed in peace religion for hundreds of years.

Top-heavy, this is similar to the Artillery Party, but time is tight. As long as the Igbo people can benefit the UK, Alan Wilson will also provide support.

"What's the attitude of the local soldiers?" Alan Wilson asked Roberts. Regarding places like colonies, the attitude of the military largely determines the direction of policy.

"Speaking of this, we can meet. In the military of the Dominion, there is such a configuration of Igbo officers and Hausa soldiers." Roberts smiled sarcastically. The achievements of the British Empire in the field of divide and conquer are all in this smile. fully manifested.

"Find a time, we will meet with the leaders of the Dominion military." Alan Wilson tacitly said, "Mobilizing the military to improve its administrative power can also give Azikway a little pressure."

Roberts nodded, and was about to leave, not forgetting to invite, "Alan, why don't you go to the reception?"

"I just came, I want to take a break, and my colleagues have fun." Alan Wilson said goodbye with a smile, saying that there would be a chance until Roberts left.

When the other party left, Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief, turned and closed the door. At this time, Heidi Rama came out of the bedroom, and her eyes were full of blame, "I seem to be embarrassing to do it. If someone comes, I have to hide."

"I'm wronged, my dear. Didn't I stay? You know that Roberts' reception must have arranged a lot of black girls. I'm not sincere enough to stay with you?"

Alan Wilson expressed loyalty, as he did when he entertained colleagues in Kuala Lumpur. The cocktail party arranged by Roberts, of course, also has a sleeping part.

"It sounds so sweet, but you obviously don't look down on black people." Heidi Lamar snorted lightly.

"I'm different from them." Ellen Wilson smiled, pulled Heidi Lamar's body and sat down, holding the body of the goddess of the times like a dog licking, "but this is also reasonable, everyone came to the colony to work, is it construction? Third world? Isn't it for the benefits that cannot be enjoyed in the homeland? It is not all faults that black people have beautiful body proportions and delicate skin."

"Then go to the reception, I don't mind, I'm not you..." Heidi Rama snorted softly.

Ellen Wilson was not talking, and a big mouth was already close, "I still like women who glow white at night, dear, give me a blow."

The Imperial Commissioner is willing to give everything for the British Empire, which of course also includes the body, and fighting for the country is nothing.

The Nigerian Dominion has a military force of 30,000. Most of the British garrison in the Dominion has left, and only 1,000 people are left. Now the Dominion Army has assumed most of the military functions.

Among the military force of 30,000 people, few can be called generals. There are currently three brigadier generals in Nigeria. Allen Wilson invited them to meet. All three are Igbo people and have been trained in the British military academy. Now they have become the giants of the Nigerian Dominion Army.

Originally, the Dominion Commissioner was supposed to accompany Alan Wilson, but he didn't show up. Alan Wilson thought to himself that this might be because he tried too hard at the reception, so he could only do it himself. Fortunately, there was no language barrier.

The United Kingdom can hand over the future power of the Dominion to anyone, because in terms of population, the Hausa population of the Peace Religion is a bit larger, and it is completely reasonable to hand it over to the Hausa.

Starting from two aspects, on the one hand, after Nigeria's independence, it is praised on the basis of its ability to lead Africa in terms of population.

On the other hand, it used the ethnic contradictions that Britain had tried and failed to drive the Nigerian army before independence.

"In terms of belief and political sentiment, London certainly hopes that the Igbo people, a Christian group, will lead Nigeria. However, in terms of ethnic proportion, the Igbo people are still somewhat insufficient. It is unreasonable to hand over the power to the Hausa."

Alan Wilson looked at the three generals in Nigeria, "Even your army is dominated by Hausa soldiers, which may be a hidden danger in the future. If in the name of developing the Niger River Delta, some local Igbo people are recruited for Militia, may reduce many hidden dangers. The generals think that is not the case."

"Secretary General Wilson, do you think the military can play a bigger role?" One of the rather young brigadier generals asked his doubts.

"Of course." Alan Wilson took out Nigeria's major newspapers and placed them in front of the three generals, "Look, how much Nigerian society is looking forward to, this time's four major constructions. The military should take the lead in this matter. force."

If you don't count on the military, Alan Wilson can't find someone to rely on. For many backward regions, relying on the military to implement policies is definitely not advanced, but there is no way to do it.

Do you want Alan Wilson to talk to the chiefs of all you complete the task? He doesn't want to provoke ethnic conflicts in Nigeria, and he doesn't want to expand the military's power, but isn't there no way?

"As long as you stand up for the 30,000 soldiers and take the lead for the entire Nigerian society," Alan Wilson said, "In exchange, I will announce together with Commissioner Roberts that the first army will be established to protect the interests of the military. Policy. Implementing the cornerstone role of the Nigerian military in the Dominion. Now I can do that, and Azikwe may not be so easy.”

The three Dominion generals looked at each other, and the most senior brigadier general said, "Of course the military is willing to play a leading role in the prosperity of the Dominion."

"It is a blessing for the Dominion to have such an army to guard it." Alan Wilson reciprocated, "I will formulate the policy of the army immediately."

Governor Azikwe immediately digested the four major constructions and came to the Governor's Palace again. He had heard that Alan Wilson had met with the military leaders. The road fan was pulled down and replaced.

"Nigeria needs this time to build a strong country." Azikwe quickly expressed his position as soon as he appeared, hoping that the road to save his father would not be deviated.

"Very good, Governor Azikwe is a reliable person." Alan Wilson looked at Azikwe with a smile, "Actually, I didn't talk to a few generals, I just hope that after independence, the military can become the protector of Nigeria. Cornerstone, after all, the UK is leaving and cannot protect Nigeria as before. Did Governor Azikwe misunderstand something?”

"No misunderstanding." Azikwe answered decisively.

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