British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 906: 2nd Persian Gulf

"I don't think there is any misunderstanding between Nigeria and the UK." Alan Wilson is very satisfied. Seeing that contact with the military is a coup, the relationship between civilians and the military seems to be a common law in the world, and Nigeria is no exception. .

It is not without reason that there are always military coups in Africa. The social structure here has been destroyed by the long slave trade. It is not that blacks have not resisted in the long history, but blacks are not a whole, and the interests of blacks of different ethnic groups are also different.

Even if Queen Matamba fought with the Portuguese for 80 years in order to oppose the Portuguese slave trade, she could not escape the pure crushing.

There is a reason why military coups in Eastern Africa are far less frequent than on the west coast of Africa.

"Nigeria, where the Niger River exists, is God's food. Once developed, it will provide Nigeria with a huge amount of agricultural products, and Nigeria will be free from famine. Therefore, the development action can only succeed but not fail. First, the forests in the lower reaches of the Niger River will be leveled , I want 5 million cubic meters of timber this year. After all, the United Kingdom cannot help Nigeria in vain. I try to achieve a win-win situation, but it is absolutely impossible for the United Kingdom to suffer alone. The Governor also knows that the world is in an economic crisis, and the United Kingdom is helping at this time. How difficult it is for Nigeria."

Obviously, the United Kingdom needs the development of this large colony in Nigeria, and the demand brought by it seeks economic growth, but in Alan Wilson's mouth, this is not the case at all, "If it weren't for a bunch of French colonies around, London thinks that you can't stand it after you leave. , who will come all the way to help you formulate a development plan..."

"The Queen and the Prime Minister, I am very grateful for their love for the Dominion." Azikwe had been completely surrendered at this time. Under the coercion of not being replaced halfway from the father of the country, the father of the country chose to betray the country for the last time after careful consideration. .

This attitude is very satisfying. When necessary, these independent leaders should show flexibility. This is good for everyone. Otherwise, it will be another result. The founding father of the Gold Coast, who is fighting for independence, does not know where he has lost until today.

Being wary of French forces entering Nigeria after independence was also an excuse for Alan Wilson to explain to London why he wanted to strengthen Nigeria’s military.

Almost half of Africa is dominated by the French. Compared with the continuous British East Africa, Nigeria and the Gold Coast are alone and surrounded by French Africa.

At this time, France was still fighting to maintain its colonial empire, and had no intention of giving in at all. This concern exists, and London will recognize it.

Soon Whitehall responded to the four major construction projects and Songun's policy, which was considered a recognition of Alan Wilson's actions.

In fact, this concern is not groundless. The Algerian war does not only determine the direction of French Africa. It was also noticed by the British, who was watching from the side. There is a term in history called the African Year of Independence. To sum it up accurately, it should be called the French African Year of Independence.

In the original history, taking advantage of France's big fight in Algeria, the United Kingdom made the Gold Coast and Nigeria independent, focusing on the management of British East Africa, while paying attention to the direction of the war in France.

The disintegration of French Africa was earlier than that of British Africa. The year of African Independence is the time for the independence of French Africa except for Algeria. When France felt that Algeria's independence was inevitable, it withdrew its troops, and the United Kingdom would no longer hold British Africa in its hands. Here, the same choice was made for the independence of the African colonies.

Therefore, Britain has been watching France's actions in Africa, but it has not started a war with open flames like France.

With this external environment, French Africa has not yet become independent, and the reason for embankment against France is naturally not difficult to be recognized by London.

It's just that this reason cannot be used to mobilize public opinion. Fortunately, Azikwe, who has bowed his head to the real world, is now willing to cooperate. He soon began to prove his ability to the suzerain, and announced the four major construction policies. The senior leadership of the dominant Nigerian Dominion Army also expressed the same meaning.

The government and the military have come together to prove to the UK that Nigeria is capable and willing to govern itself. It is necessary to prove leadership through the four major constructions.

"This is an exam that London has set up for Nigeria. For the weak, it may be considered a challenge. But I don't see it that way. Nigeria should have a strong mentality, and the strong will only cheer and put this big construction , as an opportunity to prove itself. The whole Nigeria also needs this opportunity to prove that we are no worse than any other country. I think after the success of the big construction, it is the time for Nigeria to hold its head high and welcome Independence Day.”

"Aziqwe, at least in his words, has not disappointed." Alan Wilson held the newspaper and tilted his head to the Dominion Commissioner Roberts, "Public news and gossip should be circulated at the same time. Chikwe's statement is deeply shocked, and he doesn't quite believe the remarks that Azikwe will succeed."

Now Alan Wilson's role is more suitable for being shocked and scared to pee, reflecting the true nature of imperialism as a paper tiger. Set off the villain of Nigeria's solidarity.

"Alan, you don't need to sacrifice like this." Roberts smiled bitterly, "To set off the image of these niggas?"

"It's not a sacrifice, and I'm not a piece of meat. If you really want to improve efficiency, the benefits to the United Kingdom are huge in this world facing an economic crisis." Alan Wilson said with a high-spirited manner.

This time the economic crisis has just begun, and no one knows how much damage it will cause.

Anyway, the historical economic crisis of 1957, accompanied by the defeat of the United Kingdom in the Suez Canal War, caused the United Kingdom to suffer a lot.

The statements made by Azikwe and the Nigerian army have aroused intense repercussions in Lagos and other parts of Nigeria. Even more resonant was the argument that Nigeria was a natural African hegemon.

Looking at it this way, Nigeria and India also have something in common, and even if they are surrounded by French-speaking countries, how can they become African hegemons? The reason why Latin America cannot form a joint force is also related to the fact that Brazil, a Portuguese-speaking country, is surrounded by a group of Spanish-speaking countries.

With the mobilization of the Nigerian military with a sense of mission, the Dominion Army has moved to the Niger Delta.

Alan Wilson is also trying to provide some assistance to the Nigerian military. Kind of worthless.

The so-called man relies on clothes and horses on saddle, especially for an army. Father-in-law Mountbatten used to be in charge of the logistics of the navy. Alan Wilson thought of a way to think of a way from this aspect, and by the way, he would stock up.

How to destroy a forest, after the days of Newfoundland's chief executive, Alan Wilson has already practiced, and the necessary assistance is also needed, but it is just doing what was done before.

Ships of chainsaws and military equipment eliminated in World War II are already on the way, but before that, we can't wait for assistance to arrive. Time is money, and even if we chop with an axe, we have to start work.

With the comet landing in Lagos, Mountbatten Oil Company's North Sea oil chief, Moore Roston, belatedly arrived in the capital of the Nigerian Dominion following the instructions of the President of Mountbatten Group.

"Release false news?" Mole Roston asked in disbelief. "Mr. Wilson, do you know what the consequences will be? It will bring shame to the entire group?"

"Shame? I think? It's not that serious, is it?" Alan Wilson frowned. "It's just a little effort."

"Mr. Wilson, although you are Madam's husband, you don't understand business." Moore Roston said with a serious face, "I have reservations about this method."

"Since you know that I'm Pamela's husband, she must have said before you came that you should obey all my orders." Alan Wilson lit a cigarette and exhaled a smoke ring, "Maybe I don't quite understand. Business, but certainly better than you. And no matter how good business is, it can't be more important than politics, even Pamela here agrees."

It is possible for a successful person who has already made some achievements in the industry to release fake news, which is somewhat unfavorable to the business company's reputation. But he couldn't wait that long now.

And Moore Loston is not at a loss. There is oil in Nigeria, including the Gulf of Guinea. It is near the Niger Delta. Alan Wilson just let More Loston release good news first, and then go to exploration to prove it.

As for the company's reputation, the brand value will naturally not be lost if he finds oil, and now he lacks this time.

"I have great respect for Mr. Moore's personal character and professionalism." Putting out the cigarette **** in his hand, Alan Wilson looked at the powerful general of the oil company and said calmly, "It seems that I should let Pamela personally tell What do you do."

"Mountbatten Oil Company has been exploring in the Gulf of Guinea for a long time. We have sufficient confidence to conclude that the Gulf of Guinea is the second Persian Gulf. The oil resources here will be the guarantee for the take-off of the Nigerian Dominion after independence."

A day later, next to Azikwe, the Governor of the Dominion of Nigeria, Moll Roston made a precise conclusion as if he was in a daze.

Subsequently, on behalf of the Mountbatten Company, Moore Roston formally signed the mining contract with the Dominion of Nigeria.

Under the flashlights of many media, news about the existence of huge oil resources off the coast of the Niger Delta has spread all over the world, and it has also added fire to the development of the Niger Delta.

"There are so many second Persian Gulfs in the world." Alan Wilson's indifferent face is almost as broad as the argument that oil can only be exploited for 20 years.

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