British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 907: God's light is in me

The elites of Lagos responded with warm applause to Moore Roston and Azikwe on the stage, completely ignorant of the so-called second Persian Gulf, but just drawing a cake to inspire them.

On the second floor, the colonial commissioners, who were condescendingly facing the podium, all had indifferent smiles.

"In fact, this method can be replicated many times. Of course, we don't want to leave in principle, but if one day we have to leave, remember to create an environment that is favorable to us." Alan Wilson said to his colleagues.

"Understood, Secretary Allen." The gentlemen laughed loudly without saying a word.

In fact, Alan Wilson did not deceive Nigerians. There are no oil resources now, but as long as there is time for exploration, there will be. In later generations, Nigeria will rely on oil exports to generate foreign exchange in addition to agriculture in the Niger River Basin.

Extensive potential resources of African colonies have not yet been excavated, but even after a few decades, the theory of resource proximity is established in Africa, and the places where resources are found are generally the places with the largest local population.

As far as he knows, the Nigerian interior has not been developed much in the 21st century, which is consistent with the population distribution of the Nigerian Dominion at this time, indicating that most of the potential resources are also developed according to the current population distribution.

The thunderous applause downstairs will definitely not be in vain, and Nigeria will not lose much.

And now Alan Wilson can use the huge oil resources in the Gulf of Guinea to attract international hot money and swindle. This is what Moore Loston is worried about. He is afraid that the husband of the female CEO will hold the non-existent money. Oil resource doodle pie.

The Nigerian Dominion's book funds are far from being able to carry out such a large-scale construction, and Alan Wilson can't help it. He always has to seek funds to complete the plan. He doesn't want other colonies to share, and he can't ask the cabinet for funding? So what to do? Only to cheat, to sneak attack...

Everyone is happy with this cooperation signing. The Nigerian Dominion is happy, and the colonial commissioner is also happy. Moore Roston may not be happy now, but he will understand it in the future. The light of God is all in me, and when the oil resources in the Gulf of Guinea are explored, nothing will be a problem.

When he was about to open the champagne to celebrate the staged victory, Radwich opened the door, walked over to him and whispered, "The colonel has just arrived in Grace and wants to meet Mr. Wilson."

"This nickname is really..." Alan Wilson shook his head and said, "I'll go later, let Grace wait."

They have all lived in Northern Rhodesia for ten years. These Slavs are still managed by militarization. Maybe because of Mikhailovich's age, they began to focus on cultivating their successors. Grace is already clear. Turnik's next leader also has a colonel nickname.

After two drinks with colleagues, Alan Wilson called the apartment and drove back.

"Mrs. Heidi, I'm sorry." Grace, who came to the door, walked directly to the bedroom door in front of Alan Wilson, and knocked on the door as a greeting, indicating that he knew Heidi Lamar was here. .

Then I sat down in front of Alan Wilson, "Alan, knowing that you are coming to Africa, I immediately boarded the plane and came to Lagos just to talk to you about what I said last time."

"What did you say last time?" Alan Wilson pretended to think deeply, but didn't remember anything. "What?"

"Regarding the issue of the demarcation of Northern Rhodesia, the whole of Northern Rhodesia is like a barbell, which is easily cut off in the middle, which is not conducive to our garrison work." Grace reiterated the old story, obviously to the Slavs of Northern Rhodesia. As far as people are concerned, this kind of demarcation that is not easy to defend has become their consensus.

"What do you want me to do? White people are a minority in the whole of Africa. Although you are Slavs, but in the eyes of black people, it doesn't matter what ethnicity you are? I only know you as white people. If you start to **** it, the United Kingdom will not make a sound. Opposition is considered support, at least that’s how black people see it. Besides, the place you want is Belgian Congo territory, are you going to grab it? At least now is not the time.”

If it were just a multiple choice question without consequences, the UK would certainly be willing to support white interests in Africa. But this multiple-choice question is not without consequences.

In the original history, the independence of Rhodesia is an obvious example. British immigrants in Rhodesia drove out British officials to force independence, thinking that Rhodesia could not gain British support under apartheid.

It is true that the British immigrants in Rhodesia and the British natives have kinship feelings, but compared with the perception of the entire black Africa, the mere hundreds of thousands of white immigrants are still not worth making the United Kingdom stand on the opposite side of the black group.

"Although we have been sending people to lure the Yugoslavs to flee and come to live in Northern Rhodesia, the population of the entire Northern Rhodesia has just passed half a million. There is no way we can use mines to encircle Northern Rhodesia. There are people checking the border every day, so we don't have to do anything."

Grace told his difficulties, "My father let me lead Chetnick, not everyone is convinced, I also need a thing that everyone is convinced to prove myself."

"I can only wait, there is no other way. Of course I am willing to help, but it takes an opportunity. It involves the interests of the colonial powers, as well as strategic issues. It's not what I want to do. It's not a British colony, it's not You grab a piece of land in Malawi and settle the British Commissioner."

Seeing Greers still wanting to speak, Alan Wilson explained, "Belgium is greatly influenced by France. You are in Africa, haven't you heard of the Algerian war?"

"What does it matter?" Although Grace is the default successor of a military organization like Chetnick, it does not mean that he has a great strategic vision. In the original Yugoslavia, he did not have such a high perspective to look at problems.

"British and French colonial strategies are different. The French war in Algeria largely determines the future of Africa. Once the French colonial system is loosened in Africa, the stability of the Belgian Congo will definitely be affected. It depends on the Belgians. The time is right, and if you have a good talk with the local elite, it will be fine.”

"But Belgium and France should have the same reaction. If this is the case, there will be armed conflicts in Belgian Congo for a period of time. The major colonies have a certain white population. I don't know how many white people there are in Belgian Congo. There is a community of millions of immigrants like Algeria, but there should be some. When the war broke out, the white immigrants from Belgian Congo looked like you had nowhere to go?"

"We take advantage of the chaos to contact the Belgians? Give the promise of protection, and then let them take the land near Lubumbashi and merge into Northern Rhodesia?"

Snapped! Alan Wilson, who snapped his fingers, nodded, "That's what I mean, if there are 100,000 immigrants from Belgian Congo, you have to give up a little bit of rights and interests, you can't take everything alone, right? It's up to you. Thinking about it, there's another thing involved."

"The commissioner can say something directly. I can come to Lagos with sincerity in itself." Gurus heard something in Alan Wilson's words and asked directly.

"You have said before that you want to apply for a royal territory. Let me remind you again that according to the example of Newfoundland, the royal territory cannot be independent. Like the United Kingdom, Her Majesty the Queen is the monarch."

Grace nodded and said, "We have such a small population, and we also need the support of the United Kingdom to gain a foothold in the siege of black people."

"It's good for you to be clear, but I'm not emphasizing anything. Before you get the Lubumbashi area of ​​Belgian Congo, don't turn it into a royal domain." Alan Wilson reminded, "Otherwise, you When annexing land, other countries may think that it was instructed by the United Kingdom. When everything is settled, if I have the ability, then on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Northern Rhodesia, I will discuss the conditions for becoming a royal territory.”

At least for now, Grace accepts this explanation, and then Alan Wilson will talk about getting the other party to help. "The British garrison in the Nigerian Dominion has withdrawn most of the troops, can you lend me some people to supervise the development The progress of the Niger Delta, when you were in Newfoundland, didn't you help?"

The garrison of the Nigerian Dominion has now become the British Army in Australia, and Alan Wilson can't let them come back.

Gurus kept saying that Chetnik's next is the leader of a military organization. It shouldn't be too much to ask for some armed personnel.

"This?" Grace was a little embarrassed. The population of Northern Rhodesia was only so small.

"If the Americans know that you grow poppies and then sell them to the United States?" Alan Wilson Shi Shiran said, "Of course I am not threatening anything. My wife's group has also contributed a lot to the development of Northern Rhodesia. The days of our cooperation are still long."

"How many people do you want..." Grace simply asked Alan Wilson to say the number.

"One or two thousand people are enough. There are still some troops stationed in the Dominion, which is barely enough." Alan Wilson replied happily, "Look, smart people like us don't find the right answer, but find the right question. "

The Mountbatten Group claims to have discovered the second Persian Gulf. This blockbuster news that is enough to change the world's crude oil market is particularly dazzling in the context of the economic crisis, with a gleam of gold.

More Roston, an expert who discovered North Sea oil, personally endorsed it, so that everyone's eyes were drawn to the Gulf of Guinea, which was once the center of the slave trade.

The funding gap for the development of the Nigerian Dominion is on these greedy people.

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