British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 908: The restlessness of capital

"Grace knows I'm here, will I cause trouble for you?" After Grace left, Heidi Lamar crept out of the bedroom, looking at Alan Wilson worriedly.

"Look at those tender eyes." He stretched out his hand and tugged on Heidi Lamar's cheek, and Alan Wilson comforted indifferently, "Don't worry, he knows my handle, and I also know his, each other. There are some shortcomings in the hands of the other party. It helps to establish long-term relationships."

"You're not comforting me." Heidi Rama lowered her head. "You're a government official. If you spread it out, it would definitely have an influence. I'm not worried about myself. The public actually looks down on film and television stars."

"Where to say. Who can't be bothered." Alan Wilson kissed the woman's forehead. "People like to stare at you like a mirror, but they can't see the real you. You can only see the obscene side of yourself, and in turn say you are frivolous and dissolute."

Heidi Lamar heard the sparkle in her eyes, and these words hit the softest part of her heart.

Alan Wilson held Heidi Lamar, who was at the most vulnerable stage, in his arms for a long time without saying a word. He told Marilyn Monroe in his heart that he was guilty. It should not be too much for him to borrow what he said.

Marilyn Monroe, like Joan Crawford, is a big star who has climbed up from the bottom, but she is obviously more difficult than Joan Crawford, and it has been decades since it was difficult to get it, and it is still not understood. her cause of death.

"Kennedy? There's not much time left." Alan Wilson was calculating in his mind how much time could be used by Britain. Eisenhower's tenure would certainly not be peaceful, but the real trouble was Kennedy.

The Republican Party is obviously more predictable than the Democratic Party. According to the political spectrum, the Republican Party may hover between the center left and the center right, while the Democratic Party is powerful, and can go from one extreme to the other.

Moreover, the Democratic Party is well versed in making and standing, and always takes ill-intentioned purposes as a matter of course.

Once Kennedy takes office, the United States will definitely usher in a wave of general direction adjustments, and this is not just to trouble the Soviet Union. The Nassau Conference was held when Kennedy was president.

"You still think about how to live." Alan Wilson's eyes seemed to have seen the convertible.

For no reason, Alan Wilson felt that the United States was about to take a beating on Britain.

Once his plan was really successful in this economic crisis, the UK not only remained unaffected, but also grew against the trend. This may attract the attention of the United States, and may think that the British Empire has the possibility of a resurgence.

Although there is no reason for this concern, from the perspective of a country, it is completely reasonable. The United States has shown that this country knows how to prepare for danger in times of peace.

If he had a choice, he really wanted Britain to be treated like a republic, where any progress would be seen as missing. Any small moves are ignored by Washington, but the United States today is not the United States of America where ethnic groups are torn apart and citizens are indulged in information cocoons decades later.

The United States, which has just entered Dabao for the first time, is still carefully guarding its hard-won position of world hegemony. Keep an eye on the surging Soviet Union while preventing the rebirth of the British Empire.

There is reason to suspect that the United States will start beating the United Kingdom as soon as the signs of a revival appear in the United Kingdom.

Fortunately, no matter what, the United States will not use war to solve problems. Otherwise, given the environment in which the United Kingdom is located, there is really no way to do it. Sometimes it is better to be an ally of the United States than to be an enemy of the United States. Freedom.

Obtaining the North Sea oil exploration and reserve estimation report from Moore Roston, Alan Wilson devoted himself to the intense work, and through the officials of the Nigerian Dominion, he obtained a professional and authoritative certification.

The Gulf of Guinea is the second Persian Gulf. It has the characteristics of the Persian Gulf in terms of geology and plate. The report has almost hundreds of pages, which condenses the hard work and sweat of overseas officials.

When the report was handed over to Moore Rosston, he couldn't help but open his eyes to the shamelessness of the bureaucracy, "Mr. Wilson, no matter how falsified the documents you produce, without the oil, the Mountbatten Group would have suffered enormously. loss."

"Pamela can stand it completely. This loss is bearable." Alan Wilson said he still didn't know his wife's net worth?

Not to mention one Gulf of Guinea oil project, even ten more projects can withstand it.

On another occasion, Alan Wilson would definitely express his appreciation for the senior executives in a company who needed Moore Roston to stick to his own opinions, but not now.

There is a funding gap in the Dominion of Nigeria, and he has already assured that no Cabinet allocation is required.

Nigeria has a population of 40 million. It is not Newfoundland, which has only 100,000 citizens. He mobilized a group of hard-working and hard-working Chinese to sweat and wipe out the debt and it was all over. Such a huge population is destined to require a lot of funds. to move forward with the plan.

He can use the dominion's book funds to cover the first wave of development costs and increase the output of wood in the Niger Delta, but this is not necessarily enough.

It is the only feasible option to release fake news about oil exploration and promote your own plan through private tourism funding.

If it is an unknown small company, it will never cause such a big stir when it releases an oil exploration report on the Gulf of Guinea. But the Mountbatten Group solemnly took out this report, which is completely different.

It is currently known that the Mountbatten Group has discovered Libyan oil, Algerian oil, North Sea oil, and Timor oil and gas fields in less than ten years. and Western Australian iron ore.

There is an amazing success rate in exploration, and the only known failure to confirm is the temporary failure of marine exploration in Newfoundland. The reason for this is a temporary failure, because the Newfoundland exploration department has not been withdrawn.

Such results almost gave birth to conspiracy theories, because Pamela Mountbatten's parents were born in high-level British. Many people wondered whether the British had already discovered clues about the above-mentioned resources in the colonies, but they just kept getting them.

In Perth, the capital of Western Australia, Pamela Mountbatten held a cup of black tea and listened to the man in front of him introducing her intentions, "Sydney, it is not easy to come to Perth from the mainland. In fact, to ask about the Gulf of Guinea, send a telegram. That's fine. Or just ask my husband, who is in Lagos and knows more than I do."

"Pamela, your husband is an official in Whitehall, I don't dare to ask too clearly and reveal the truth." Sydney Montagu said with a cherished face, "Actually, you just need to tell me, Guinea Does the Gulf really have the potential to become the Persian Gulf? What are your reasons for financing this?"

"Money can't be earned by one person." Pamela Mountbatten took a sip of black tea and put one hand on her slightly bulging belly. "The entire aristocracy is facing the threat of high inheritance tax. This is all of us. The threat of people, everyone needs a good financing project, just relying on Newfoundland, can not necessarily escape the government's scrutiny. We need a good industrial project, put money into it."

"There is no doubt that the Gulf of Guinea is such a project, and it can also achieve a win-win situation with the country."

"You're fine, like our families, wealth largely depends on the local land." Sydney Montagu said with a wry smile, "It seems that you are almost ready to live in Australia, and now you want to It's troublesome to see you once."

"Technology has changed the world, and it's not difficult to make a plane." Pamela Mountbatten said with a smile, "Sydney, in fact, your purpose is to ask whether it is worth investing in. You are not a person, but There are many groups that need a project to invest abroad. If you want to ask what is appropriate, the Niger Delta is definitely planning to build an oil refining center in the Dominion, and think of ways to do it.”

"Allen is pushing for the development of the Niger Delta, and if you had done it sooner, now would be the right time."

"Oh, Allen made a policy plan, and you mobilized financial support, not to mention the marriage of the two of you." Sydney Montagu sighed, and then said, "Since you said that it was because of the follow-up project If you can’t follow up on Nigeria’s investment for a while, then we will raise funds, and your share will definitely be indispensable.”

"Thank you on behalf of my husband." Pamela Mountbatten raised her red tea cup in greeting. "My body is not very convenient, otherwise I would really go there in person. But I believe it is the same with everyone's help."

Sydney Montagu nodded and left the room. He came to Perth in person to express his importance. With Pamela Mountbatten's promise, he would naturally go back immediately.

After a while Princess Margaret came in and asked as she walked, "What is the heir of the Duke of Manchester here for?"

"On behalf of other families, I want to get a share of the oil in the Gulf of Guinea." Pamela Mountbatten smiled, others didn't understand, how could she not know that the so-called Gulf of Guinea oil, at least now, doesn't even have a drop... …

"They are really greedy." Princess Margaret curled her lips. She usually hated having to leave the castle one by one, but now she came all the way to Perth, looking a little ugly.

"This is the second Persian Gulf." Pamela Mountbatten got up slowly, walked over to the phone, picked up the receiver and commanded, "Send me a telegram to Lagos, saying that the Duke of Manchester has inquired about Guinea. The oil project. Just like that, my husband will get to know it without taking up too much content."

As long as the Mountbatten Group releases a piece of news, it can cause agitation in British capital. This is the influence of the current group. A few days later, Alan Wilson suddenly became busy. One by one, the heirs of the dukes and counts, visited Lagos, preparing to play a leading role in the development of the Niger Delta.

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