British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 909: Missile race

"Since the Lend-Lease Act, the British multinational industry has been hit hard by the United States. I understand that the real rich have become these nobles again. But they are not without threats, such as high inheritance taxes." Alan Wilson has just met with Meet the fourteenth generation of the Duke of Hamilton.

Roberts, Commissioner of the Nigerian Dominion, nodded in agreement, "I didn't expect them to be so powerful."

"The Duke of Hamilton is the first family in Scotland. You can understand where North Sea Oil is. Although North Sea Oil has nothing to do with the Duke of Hamilton, he must be more deeply touched than other families."

Alan Wilson spread his hands to his colleague, "The wealth of the great nobles mainly comes from land, which they cannot take away, but they are always looking for opportunities to find a place to invest the liquidity in their hands."

Therefore, the tax haven of Newfoundland can only solve part of the problems of the nobles.

No one can move the land under the names of these families. As long as these nobles are unwilling to sell the land, they cannot avoid the inheritance tax, but it is a matter of time.

Pamela Mountbatten took advantage of this. They are old-fashioned aristocrats who have been passed down for hundreds of years. It is too late for Mountbatten to rise, and it is not necessarily until the time of General Mountbatten that he accumulated through marriage. It can fall on the little daughter of Pamela Mountbatten.

Without the constraints of land, with the **** of Alan Wilson, such a road of wealth was created.

Now, in the eyes of these hundreds of years old nobles, it took Pamela Mountbatten a few years to complete the transcendence of their era. When the potential of the bay was full, it broke out completely.

If there was no oil in the Gulf of Guinea, these great nobles would have swallowed Alan Wilson's heart. There will also be cracks in the aristocratic forces **** by Pamela Mountbatten.

But Alan Wilson knew that it was only a little late. Oil exploration took several years, which is normal in terms of cycles. If these local aristocrats were in a hurry, it would be Pamela Mountbatten's appetite. Raised.

The road to success is different, how can it be so simple to copy a bunch of Mountbatten groups.

"Forty-eight million pounds, I think plus the funding of the Nigerian Dominion itself, and the policies we've put in place. That should be enough."

Alan Wilson and Roberts, who were smoking cigars, strolled around the former Lagos Governor's Palace, "In terms of tapping potential, you can barter when necessary, money cannot solve all problems. Especially for backward areas, if it is not enough, After the war, Britain also implemented a rationing system, issued some food stamps to minimize consumption, and all the surplus agricultural products were pulled to Europe for sale.”

"Implementation of a unified grain purchase and sales policy, including a planned grain purchase policy and a planned grain supply policy,"

After listening to Roberts, he froze and exclaimed, "Good idea, then can we extend this kind of bills to all aspects, not just food. Through these bills, we can grasp the economic context of the Dominion."

"Roberts, your talent is more than just being a Dominion Commissioner." Alan Wilson smiled and then emphasized, "However, this method can only be used in times of poor foundation, and cannot be used as a routine method."

At this time, Alan Wilson didn't know that he transplanted food stamps to Nigeria, and until the end of his life, the bills did not disappear from Nigeria.

In the negotiation with the noble representatives, it was natural for Mole Roston to worry about the delineation of the exploration area, and Alan Wilson was not easy to interfere with as an official. Although he was a well-known fact, he should also avoid suspicion.

He can only do the work of public opinion mobilization, positioning the development of the Niger River Delta as the foundation of Nigeria's powerful country, and turning over the past to strengthen the ideological stencil.

Goebbels said that a lie repeated a thousand times is the truth. Who doesn't understand such a simple truth? It's just that only the nouveau riche like the Germans spoke out as if they had discovered some great truth.

The guidance of public opinion hegemony is extremely important. Alan Wilson is convinced that it is useful not only for the living, but also for the dead. In Chinese history, among the powerful officials who bullied orphans, widows, mothers and usurped the throne, who was the most excessive? Sima Family, Yang Jian or Zhao Kuangyin?

In fact, it is precisely Yang Jian and his son who have a good reputation in later generations. Long before Yang Guang ascended the throne, his father Yang Jian had slaughtered all the heroes who supported him in usurping the throne. When he was still suppressing the old officials of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and attacking Nanchen, he slaughtered the famous all over the world. The giant cities of Yecheng and Jiankang.

Yang Jian's slaughter in the process of usurping the throne was even more powerful than that of the Sima family, and the difficulty of unifying the world was easier than that of the Wu and Shu kingdoms faced by the Jin Dynasty. After successfully usurping the throne, he immediately purged his supporters, which was more resolute than Emperor Hongwu. Yang Jian's evaluation is the lowest of all usurpers.

However, the reputation of Yang Jian and his son in later generations was much stronger than that of the Sima family. The fundamental reason was that after the collapse of the Jin Dynasty, it really collapsed. After the collapse of the Sui Dynasty, Li Shimin came out to clean up the mess, resisted the attempt of the Turks to go south, and pushed back to the grasslands.

If there was no such person as Li Shimin, would the Turks go south successfully? The evaluation of Yang Jian and his son will be one dimension away from the Sima family, so how important it is for someone to clean up the mess.

Alan Wilson's current role is to quickly clean up the mess when the sun never sets in the Empire. He claimed that the second Persian Gulf was discovered when there was not a drop of oil in the Gulf of Guinea, and it was also for the big picture.

The so-called turning over the cloud and turning the hand into the rain, when Heidi Rama accompanied this man, he saw it clearly and sighed, "Germany does not seem to be an opponent of the United Kingdom, and it is not wrong to lose."

"Oh, it's been ten years since the war ended, and you've only realized this problem that everyone knows." Alan Wilson couldn't help laughing, "Germany's strength is not as good as any of the British, American and Soviet Union. It's a miracle. Whether it's World War I or World War II, Germany is sure to lose."

Had it not been for Churchill's use of two battleships to bring about the collapse of Imperial Russia and the continuous flow of foreign aid from Imperial Russia, Germany would have survived World War I for less than four years. As for Germany in World War II, its national strength is actually not as good as Germany in World War I.

"Okay, I know you are patriotic." Heidi Rama glanced at Alan Wilson and muttered angrily.

"You can also talk, you can be patriotic." Alan Wilson took Heidi Lamar's hand, "Then now, I want to invite a big star who has abandoned the shadows to take a rocket."

Heidi Rama's eyes seemed to be dripping with water, and she whispered meaningfully, "No matter how much thrust the rocket has, it will be swallowed by the black hole."

The imperial commissioner does not believe in this evil, the crystallization of human wisdom, how could it be swallowed by a mere black hole.

"Papa..." The command center of the Wumaila launch site, about the successful test launch of the 5,500-kilometer blue-light missile, made everyone in the command center fall into a sea of ​​joy.

Turing, the owner of the data computing center, also had a gratified smile. When the researchers in the data center calmed down a little, Turing said, "The project is far from successful. Under the current conditions, the blue light missile cannot be carried out. Simply zoom in."

Turing succeeded in the experimental project of the 5,500-kilometer range of the blue-light missile, and made a report to inform the Governor of Australia and Alan Wilson in Africa, and also expressed his doubts. If the amplification continues under the existing conditions, the engine of the Blu-ray missile may not be able to afford the huge projectile, and the probability of failure will be greatly increased.

"Either change the engine, or just think about the fuel." Alan Wilson muttered.

In terms of fuel, solid fuel and liquid fuel have different advantages. The solid propellant missile has a simple structure, small size, easy maintenance, high reliability, fast combat response, and less support and auxiliary equipment. From a combat point of view, its technical and tactical The performance is obviously much better than that of liquid propellant missiles.

Of course, this does not mean that liquid propellant is useless, it also has advantages and has not withdrawn from the stage of history. For example, the liquid rocket engine can be started and shut down at will, the thrust can be adjusted, and the shutdown time can be accurately controlled.

This feature is very important for the mother cabin of the split-guided multi-warhead, because when it releases the warhead, the terminal booster rocket engine has to be continuously started and shut down, so liquid propellant must be used. In addition, the liquid rocket engine has a large thrust, which is more suitable for heavy intercontinental missiles with large loads.

For example, nuclear submarine platforms are very suitable for solid-fuel missiles. The problem is that there is almost no research on solid-fuel in the UK now, so we can only count on Rolls-Royce's rocket engine to make At the same time, Thousands of miles away in the White Sands Test Site, New Mexico, the United States, many generals of the Pentagon have arrived at the command center. This is the first test of the Atlas strategic missile. In the context of the successful test launch of the British Blu-ray missile, the United States gave this model to the United States. If the high-anticipated intercontinental missile is successfully tested, it will be of great significance, and the entire launch site is full of expectations.

You must know that the range of the Atlas strategic missile is almost twice that of the Blu-ray missile. Once successful, it will leave the United Kingdom far behind and quickly close the gap with the Soviet Union in the field of intercontinental missiles.

With the countdown of the mechanical sound, the entire Baisha Proving Ground held their breath, and a heart raised in their throats.

At the end of the countdown, the Cosmic God strategic missile poured tail flames on the launch pad, and finally lifted off the ground little by little.

But before people started to celebrate, the Cosmic God strategic missile, which had not completely escaped from the launch pad, slanted directly onto the launch pad, and immediately exploded, raging flames and thick smoke, and the huge sound made everyone's ears rumble.

The first launch of America's first ICBM failed.

"Continue to experiment and improve while experimenting." Baisha Launch Site immediately got the attitude of the Pentagon.

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