British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 910: Intrepid nuclear submarine

The fact is now clear that in the field of ICBMs the USSR is the leader and the US is a chaser.

This is very difficult for the United States to accept, and what is even more unacceptable is that the United Kingdom is even ahead of the United States.

Although the British Blu-ray missile has a range of only 5,500 kilometers, it is not a real ICBM.

But the successful test launch of the Cosmic God strategic missile can be said to be ahead of the United Kingdom, and it blew up directly on the launch pad. What is the lead?

The United States cannot tolerate the position behind the United Kingdom. Even if the United States has accumulated a little in the field of intercontinental missiles, it is definitely above the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is starting from scratch. Although the United States did not capture the von Braun team, it also obtained much more information than the United Kingdom.

As a result, there is a comparison between the success of the blue light missile and the failure of the Atlas strategic missile. How can the Pentagon accept it?

"Oh, what a piece of good news." Alan Wilson, the capital of Nigeria on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, read the internal documents in Whitehall excitedly, cheering the news that the Atlas strategic missile exploded on the launch pad.

In the research of intercontinental missiles, the early United States was completely backward. If he remembered correctly, the launch test of the Atlas strategic missile should be a total of eight times, with six failures and two successes. Either a volley explosion or a launch pad explosion.

But failure is the mother of success. He still believes that the United States can overcome temporary difficulties with a lot of investment, and he still believes in the ability of the United States to save money through the world war?

"Tickets, the development of the Niger delta, oil exploration and the four major constructions, just these Nigerians can't be done for 20 to 30 years. You start everything up, even if Nigeria is independent, it will take a long time for us. help."

Alan Wilson called Roberts over, and it was not a face-to-face instruction. The basic principles were in the position of Colonial Commissioner, and they should understand the truth. It is enough to implement this framework.

"Deputy Secretary-General, if you didn't come here in person, things wouldn't be so easy." Roberts expressed his gratitude. These projects would never have been possible with Nigeria's own strength.

In fact, it can't be done now. All these projects require long-term investment. Obviously, except for the oil field, British capital will not help in other areas.

"The economic crisis will last for one or two years at the longest. When the environment around the world improves, even if the UK has survived this crisis, I don't believe that other countries are prosperous, and the UK alone will be approached by the economic crisis. "

Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows, even if it is a victory to survive the economic crisis cycle, he is not ready to build Nigeria into a beacon of Africa, he will not leave Lagos for the rest of his life, and he will not be able to do it.

Anyway, Nigeria will officially become independent in a few years, and what will happen then will have nothing to do with the United Kingdom.

Anyway, with Nigeria's status as the most populous country in Africa, as well as oil resources and the agricultural conditions of the Niger Delta, it will definitely not be low in Africa. After all, it is Africa, where chickens peck each other.

"That's right, it's like Europe, the competition is so fierce." Roberts said with conviction.

"Haha!" Alan Wilson chuckled, and the colleague's exclamation reminded him of the East Asian monster house. It's just an optimistic state of mind.

Who wants to feed such a large army and is in a state of confrontation at any time? It is also a relief for Europeans to get out of this state. Of course, he himself does not like it. Best condition.

"In this case, you have to work hard in the past few years. The Nigerian Autonomous Territory is surrounded by the French colonies. We definitely don't want him to be too weak. Fortunately, the French colonies are not very good. The difficulty is neither high nor low. I'm going back to London. If there's any difficulty, remember to send a telegram."

Before leaving, Alan Wilson tried to make his colleagues relax, "Maybe changes in Africa will appear soon."

Grace still stayed in Lagos. Northern Rhodesia was an inland colony. The deployment of manpower depended on flights from the colony of Northern Rhodesia. The whole of Northern Rhodesia depended on copper mining. The cause of gluttony.

The copper belt of Northern Rhodesia is shared with the southeastern Belgian Congo, and the local area almost divided Northern Rhodesia into east and west. No one can suppress greed.

"Wait for the opportunity, be patient." Alan Wilson asked a question to the Chetnick, "It's really successful, you Chetnick and Ustasha won't fight, right?"

"Compared with different races, ethnic discord is already at the back of the line." Grace vowed, "There are only whites and blacks in this part of Africa, and there are only so many of our ethnic groups combined. what?"

"It makes sense. It's reassuring." Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't always stay inland if you don't have to. The world is still big, and you may need your help with many things. Planting some poppies, although this is your freedom, and it is not convenient for me to interfere, but after all, it is not an industry worth developing."

The income from drug production seems to be a lot, but at any level, it can support a warlord at best.

What's more, geographically, the transportation cost of Northern Rhodesia is very high, and it may not be able to compete with several other drug production sites.

Places that regard drug production as a pillar industry are undoubtedly poor to death, and the upper limit of this thing is too low.

"We want to buy a batch of gunships." Grace made a request. "I heard that there is a Tiger gunship in the UK. We can buy it."

"The cost seems to be 150,000 pounds, and I will help you." Alan Wilson agreed and revealed a piece of information to Grace. This information is absolutely accurate. If you know the cost of the blue light missile, it is only Five hundred thousand pounds apiece.

Immediately Alan Wilson boarded a flight to Paris, in a foreign country, still did not forget to contribute to the rocket cause, arrived in London was overworked.

But even so, in the United States, which is convinced that failure is the mother of success, the news of the second volley explosion still made Alan Wilson refreshed, exhausted, and restored to a state of 100 times his energy.

"Tiger-style grits machine must meet domestic orders first, but from the perspective of arms sales, sales should not be a problem." Mountbatten saw his son-in-law come to the door, answered his son-in-law's question, and then expressed his appreciation for Alan Wilson's work, The conversation changed, "It's a coincidence that you came back, and I have good news to share with you."

"The good news the general told must have something to do with the navy." Alan Wilson saw Mountbatten's demeanor and knew that his guess was not far, otherwise Mountbatten would not be so happy, unless he grew stronger and his mother-in-law was happy, but it should not be too much possible.

"The nuclear submarine has been completed, and the Queen is going to personally preside over the launching ceremony. My heart can be put down." Mountbatten confirmed Alan Wilson's guess, and it really was related to the Navy.

Alan Wilson is also happy about this. After all, nuclear submarines are the most important weapon of the country. To some extent, aircraft carriers are for the protection of interests. Nuclear submarines are different. This is a life-saving trump card.

After the United States was willing to provide nuclear reactor technology, the United Kingdom has successfully overcome the difficulties of nuclear power. As for other aspects of nuclear submarines, there is no difficulty for Britain, a powerful shipbuilding country.

The launching ceremony was held recently, and the nuclear submarine has been named the Intrepid nuclear submarine. The nuclear submarine combines the requirements of the Royal Navy for the structural strength and fluid power of nuclear submarines. Although the United States provided the United Kingdom with the appearance and construction experience of nuclear submarines, the United Kingdom finally designed the hull and combat system of the nuclear submarine itself.

Rolls-Royce has worked with the UK Atomic Energy Agency to develop a new nuclear-powered propulsion system.

The power of the Intrepid nuclear submarine is a 15,000-horsepower circulating steam turbine provided by Rolls-Royce. It can maintain a speed of 28 knots underwater, with a tonnage of 3,600 tons above water and 4,000 tons underwater. Compared with the big guy in the late Cold War, it looks very pocket-sized, but it is definitely enough for now.

Alan Wilson is very pleased that with the UK's shipbuilding capabilities, as long as the nuclear reactor is digested, there will be no neck stuck. This is the confidence of the world's largest shipbuilding country.

Promised that his father-in-law would rub a hot Alan Wilson went to Whitehall to report non-stop, expounding on several issues about Nigeria's construction.

"You're right, in fact, it's enough to end the economic crisis cycle." Norman Brooke affirmed Alan Wilson's hard work indifferently, "It will not be a problem to attract funds into Nigeria with the Mountbatten Group's reputation. "

"It's not a big problem." Alan Wilson borrowed his wife's property as a weather vane, and he couldn't hide it from the head of Whitehall. Norman Brooke asked, and he immediately admitted.

"That's good." Norman Brooke nodded. "If the Gulf of Guinea really has rich oil reserves, it will be a good thing for the UK. We can't rely too much on the Persian Gulf. Well, I have a meeting to open. Yes Come back to me if it's difficult..."

On July 12, the launching ceremony of the nuclear submarine HMS Intrepid, which was launched a year earlier than originally planned, was presided over by Queen Elizabeth under the collective witness of the Minister of Defense, Count Alexander, and the high-level Navy.

Armstrong Dockyard, which has been established for more than 100 years, witnessed the official launch of the Intrepid nuclear submarine in the presence of the Queen, marking a solid step in the development of Britain's underwater power.

After Queen Elizabeth finished her speech, the military generals of the shipyard applauded in unison and shouted God bless the Queen...

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