British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 911: The colonists are back

Among the huge crowd who followed the crowd, of course, Alan Wilson was also indispensable. He came in through the back door, and was staring at another Lord Sheffield who walked through the back door.

"If the oil reserves in the Gulf of Guinea are huge, BP also wants to help." Markins lowered his voice and continued his great work as a middleman, "Tell Pamela, this will also help everyone to work together to The cake gets bigger."

"Her industry can't be decided by me in one sentence. In fact, with the strength of BP, it's enough to send someone to talk. I don't think it's a big problem." Ellen Wilson looked at the Queen's direction with reverence. , replied in a low voice, "The economic crisis is still spreading, and the general environment is quite tense. It will be too late to wait until the economic crisis is over. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, you can consider it for yourself."

Alan Wilson really doesn't care much about oil or something. Of course he likes money, but he doesn't care so much about his career. He has long been financially free, and he doesn't have a swimming pool full of gold coins. dream.

"Anyway, everyone knows that if Mountbatten Group goes public, it will easily become the stock king." Markins said with admiration, "You don't know, there has been a discussion about oil in the Gulf of Guinea for a while, and I have never seen it like this. influence.”

"I really don't know." Alan Wilson asked himself. He was in Lagos at the time. Although he kept the habit of reading, he read political newspapers and didn't know how hot the oil in the Gulf of Guinea was.

But since then, the exploration area that Princess Margaret and Portugal cooperated with, that is, the part of the sea off Angola, is actually a part of the Gulf of Guinea in a broad sense. If there is good news from Angola, it can be proved from the side of the Gulf of Guinea. is the veracity of the second Persian Gulf assertion.

But if this is the case, things can become extremely complicated, knowing that between the Portuguese colony of Angola and the Nigerian Dominion, but French Central Africa. If the Nigerian Dominion in the north and Portuguese Angola in the south have oil, there is no reason why such a large French colony in the middle does not.

Will France let go of oil resources? A famous example of later generations. Although Equatorial Guinea, which has a per capita income of 20,000 US dollars, is not a French colony, it is surrounded by French colonies. Equatorial Guinea is a Spanish colony, and the situation could be even worse.

Spain has few colonies now, and Equatorial Guinea is already the most important one. If oil resources arouse Franco's interest, it will be quite difficult to do.

"I may have overlooked the impact on other countries." Alan Wilson only discovered at this time that in today's African colonial power is still quite strong, because of the need to raise the development funds of the Nigerian Dominion, the news released may bring some Butterfly effect, the local area is not British, there are colonial forces of Spain, Portugal and France nearby.

I don’t know what these countries think about the oil in the Gulf of Guinea at this moment, especially if the French, who are more powerful than Britain on the west coast of Africa, will make any move.

"Alan, what are you thinking?" General Mountbatten noticed his son-in-law's movement and came over to ask.

"It's nothing, I have some feelings when I saw the launch of the nuclear submarine." Alan Wilson adjusted his mood. "Actually, my colleagues and I are motivated to work. Isn't this the kind of scene that always occurs."

"Well, me too." General Mountbatten nodded happily, "Me too, this is just the beginning, the Queen invited me to visit Windsor Castle and have a look together."

"It's such an honor." Alan Wilson agreed immediately, after all, it was a family.

Although the Imperial Commissioner always collects black money, raises a concubine, and even Princess Margaret of the royal family... But this is all for the benefit of the British Empire, and he has a clear conscience.

Knowing that his son-in-law's driving skills are very general, Mountbatten let Alan Wilson experience the treatment of a special admiralty car.

"The Intrepid nuclear submarine is a start. We have verified the technology through the construction of the Intrepid, and accumulated for the construction of the next level. The next step will be a long-distance voyage to verify the reliability." General Mountbatten did not hide anything from his son-in-law, "If If you think the Malayan colony is unstable, how about making Singapore one of the stops."

It was a benefit from Mountbatten to his son-in-law, Alan Wilson, who was working as the chief executive of the Malayan colony. The visit of the Intrepid nuclear submarine could deter potential enemies of the Malayan colony.

"It's really good." Alan Wilson agreed, but he wanted to ask more about the idea of ​​the next-level nuclear submarine. "Since the Intrepid nuclear submarine is experimental, the next-level nuclear submarine is already in planning."

"If you're not Pamela's husband, I would even suspect you're a spy." Mountbatten said with a smile, "The idea is there. The difference in the use of nuclear submarines is still under discussion. The budget is still a big issue. The cost is around £20 million."

"This is about to catch up with the heavy aircraft carrier that has started construction." Alan Wilson was shocked. The heavy aircraft carrier that is currently under construction is the Enterprise without nuclear power. How many tonnages does a nuclear submarine have? Four or five thousand tons of stuff.

"After all, it is a new field. Our accumulation of surface ships and cost savings are useless on nuclear submarines. Many aspects of equipment and nuclear reactors are new things, and it is very difficult to reduce costs." Mountbatten shrugged and complained. Said, "Don't expect much cheaper construction costs like surface ships."

The United Kingdom could produce a battleship that cost the same as a heavy cruiser in the United States.

That's relying on Britain's long-standing experience with surface ships. But times have changed, and on new warships, the cost advantage has dropped a lot, but it is still possible to build more cheaply than the United States.

But on nuclear submarines, Britain is also a toddler, and it is no longer realistic to think about saving costs.

It is not completely impossible. Batch construction can always amortize the cost. As long as the construction period is not long, the cost can be reduced.

Of course, this is General Mountbatten's explanation. Alan Wilson is deeply suspicious of this. He remembers that each US warship is more expensive than the other. Could the UK be able to make one cheaper than the other during the construction cycle?

He didn't know that the United Kingdom had really done this historically, compressing the construction cycle of a first-class nuclear submarine within two years, resulting in a drop in construction costs.

Arriving at Windsor Castle, Alan Wilson entered the spectator state again, thinking about another issue that Mountbatten talked about earlier. Talking about the different uses of nuclear submarines, although Mountbatten did not mention much, he certainly understood that this is the difference between attack nuclear submarines and strategic nuclear submarines.

Attack nuclear submarines are mainly used for attack, so attack nuclear submarines are equipped with a series of weapons, such as submarine-launched torpedoes, missiles and torpedo tubes, and attack nuclear submarines sail faster than strategic nuclear submarines, and also than strategic nuclear submarines Diving deeper, the displacement is also smaller than that of strategic nuclear submarines.

In today's technological conditions, the weapons carried by attack nuclear submarines are torpedoes.

Attack nuclear submarines mainly perform reconnaissance missions, while strategic nuclear submarines are mainly on duty. Since the intercontinental missiles loaded by strategic nuclear submarines can strike outside the theater, as long as the strategic nuclear submarines cruise within a safe range, they can ensure the safety of the sea area.

The only thing that is certain now is that the Nautilus in the United States has been in service, and whether the nuclear submarine on the Soviet side has been completed, no one knows at all, and the British nuclear submarine Intrepid has just been launched.

The general service of strategic nuclear submarines will take a few years, and it cannot be ruled out that there have been discussions within the militaries of various countries.

However, another dilemma faced by strategic nuclear submarines that mainly use long-range missiles as an attack method is that today, when land-based missiles are frequently failing, there is still no reliable missile that can be equipped with strategic nuclear submarines.

Since Mountbatten said that the difference between nuclear submarines is only under discussion, there is no reason to think that other countries have recognized the difference between attack nuclear submarines and strategic nuclear submarines.

Before leaving London, Alan Wilson decided to help his father-in-law stay at the forefront of the times. He himself was too far away from the submarine expert, which required Pamela Mountbatten to find someone to make an argument. The general knows.

On July 16, the French National Assembly, after a vote, Maurice Bourget-Monouli, chairman of the nineteenth French Council of Ministers after the war, announced that he would develop oil resources in the Gulf of The news came out sparked discussions throughout France.

Three days later, the French oil and gas company Total officially announced that it had signed a contract with the French government for the development of oil and gas in the Gulf of Guinea.

Just one day later, in Madrid, the capital of Spain, the Spanish oil company announced that it would develop oil resources in Equatorial Guinea.

And called on the Spanish government to discuss with the United Kingdom, France and Portugal and other countries to clarify each other's mining areas and conduct diplomatic negotiations.

"It seems that things have changed in a less wonderful way." Alan Wilson was still in London, and his previous fears became reality. He released the existence of oil resources in the Gulf of Guinea in order to attract local funds to fill the funding gap for the development of the Nigerian Dominion .

But inevitably, this kind of public news attracted France, Spain, and Portugal, which also had colonies around the Gulf of Guinea, and even Portugal was the first among several countries because of Margaret's work and cooperation.

Fortunately, there is oil in the Gulf of Guinea. If this is a scam, Alan Wilson can't even think about what will happen to him in the end.

At this moment, the Africans around the Gulf of Guinea do not feel that they are back, and the colonists are all back.

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