British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 912: Africa is under my pen

Alan Wilson was somewhat impressed by the name of Total Oil and Gas Company. France, the largest oil company in Africa in later generations, has never let go of Africa. It is no surprise that Total has such a position.

As for the news from Spain, the World War has passed for so long. Spain, which was once liquidated, has gone through the most difficult period and joined NATO two years ago.

Although Mexico, following the example of the United States and wanting to establish a new portal, has been at odds with Spain, it has not succeeded in preventing Spain from joining the United Nations. Spain's international isolation environment has ended.

Even Spain has survived international isolation, and Portugal's Salazar is naturally more at ease.

Now there are at least four colonial countries around the Gulf of Guinea on the west coast of Africa. Although Equatorial Guinea is small, its location is extremely special. It is normal for Spain to want a share of the pie.

Alan Wilson, who just wanted to raise funds for the development of the Nigerian Dominion at the beginning, released the news of the Gulf of Guinea oil, which caused a chain reaction.

Even when he arrived at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building, Ismay, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, specifically mentioned this matter, but the tone of the mention was quite strange, "The Franco regime expressed that it would like to talk about the division of the Gulf of Guinea, To prevent conflict. And it has received the support of the Salazar government, Paris has not moved, but it is estimated that there will be no objection, all because of the news you released."

"Dear Sir, I was also thinking about the development of the Nigerian Dominion. I didn't expect this kind of chain reaction." Alan Wilson shirked his responsibilities with a stern face, "You know, the development of the Nigerian Dominion creates the demand. , is very important for the UK in an economic crisis cycle."

"Of course I understand. I didn't expect such a lively thing to happen in my short career as deputy secretary." Sir Ismay said with a slight pause, and suddenly asked, "If you were in my position, Leading the negotiation of the four countries this time, will you choose to reject or promote good-neighborly and harmonious relations?"

This good-neighborly relationship almost made Alan Wilson laugh out loud and said directly, "Of course it is more important to have a good-neighborly relationship with European countries, but we also have to admit what Washington's reaction is."

"Washington is most concerned about the test of intercontinental missiles, and the economic stimulus policy. One involves the national face of the United States, and the other involves people's livelihood, both of which are very important."

Sir Ismay hesitated, still focusing on the steel issue. "So you are in favour of opening negotiations with France, Spain and Portugal over oil interests in the Gulf of Guinea?"

"Yes!" Alan Wilson nodded, without the slightest hesitation on the question.

"Then get ready. I'll leave the job to you." Sir Ismay said indifferently, "No problem."

"Although I work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I am now the high commissioner of a colony." Alan Wilson was taken aback and smiled bitterly, "It seems that it is not suitable for diplomatic work."

"The Colonial High Commissioner was directly transformed into a diplomatic ambassador after the independence of the colonies. Especially in African colonies, the name remains the same as the High Commissioner." Sir Ismay raised his eyebrows, "I don't have enough energy, I was going to NATO. As secretary-general, it's just that the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can't go away for a while."

"And this matter itself was caused by you, and the follow-up impact brought by it is appropriate for you to solve."

"I just thought about the work in the Malayan colony and Australia's launch plan." Alan Wilson readjusted his mentality and agreed, "Since the executive secretary wants to train me, I will try my best to handle things satisfactorily."

"As far as possible may not be enough." Sir Ismay corrected calmly, "Actually, you are the Deputy Secretary General of the Overseas Assets Management Committee. You are dealing with various places, and you are more suitable for diplomatic work."

"Then I'll stay in London temporarily and wait for the representatives of the three countries to come to the door." Alan Wilson said.

"No, the place of negotiation is set in Paris. It's better not to let the troubled French people come to the door." Sir Ismay shook his head, "This way the French people will not feel disadvantaged, and it will also take care of the French people's fragile self-esteem."

"Could it be that the French are too vulnerable to be taken care of like this." Alan Wilson wondered, "Why should we take care of them, from 1945 to the present, have we taken care of them less? Even the French Expeditionary Force in Vietnam is We helped deliver it."

"That's one of the reasons." Sir Ismay showed a knowing smile. "France's tough attitude towards colonies is very reassuring. It's nothing to give the French a diplomatic home-court advantage."

"Don't we have the upper hand?" Alan Wilson muttered relentlessly.

"Not much in general, and a long time ago." Sir Ismay also fell into a big memory, "such as the Battle of Waterloo in 1815."

Paris is the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty. At least at this time, it is very normal for Alan Wilson, who has a heavy responsibility, to come to Paris for work. The same is true...

In terms of personal hobbies, although Alan Wilson is a young man of literature and art, he also likes to watch football games. There is no need to hide this normal hobby. He is also a young man of literature and art and likes to watch football games. A longtime Bergman fan.

"I really want to suffocate you." Ingrid Bergman said in a vicious tone, holding the man's head in her arms.

"You want our two daughters to have no fathers." Alan Wilson, who struggled out of the mountains, raised his head, and even though he faced the heavy pressure, he said without changing his face, "I ask myself, to all intimate women, I do my best, it can be said that as long as I have a stutter, I would rather drink water by myself than let you have a full meal, and now I am facing this end.”

"If it wasn't for you being a man, I would have left you behind. You could still be so cheap." Ingrid Bergman said angrily, "It doesn't look like a high-ranking official at all, just care about that. thing."

"What else do men care about? It's a waste of energy." Ellen Wilson took a deep breath, causing Ingrid Bergman to tremble and let out a sigh unconsciously.

"The most admirable thing about you is that you are as hard as iron." Ingrid Bergman squinted at the man, "Woodpecker Pictures will always open the door for you."

"I want to be the male lead." Ellen Wilson stretched out her hand and wrapped her arms around Ingrid Bergman's body, saying something in her words.

A few days later, the diplomatic conference on the rational development of oil resources in the Gulf of Guinea officially began. This conference attracted the attention of many countries. Before the official start of the conference, Alan Wilson and the representatives of the other three countries resolutely refuted A slur comparable to the 1884 Berlin Conference.

"The independence of the Dominion of Nigeria has reached its final stage, which is an irreversible fact. In fact, it is precisely to preserve the interests of the Dominion of Nigeria after independence that the UK will attend this meeting and talk about it."

Alan Wilson, dressed in a formal suit, faced questions from major newspaper reporters, "Britain suffered a loss on the demarcation issue, and did not want the bloodshed after the partition of British India to repeat itself, but in fact Lagos and I have always maintained Communication. The British position is to get a fair solution that is acceptable to all parties, especially not causing war.”

"Britain is willing to take responsibility and cannot leave these complex issues to post-independence Nigeria."

Alan Wilson used the tragedy after the partition of British India to justify Britain's participation in this conference that decided the fate of West Africa. This defense was recognized by France, Spain and Portugal, who all said that this was a decolonization conference. . It was quite different in nature from the Berlin Conference of 1884.

Diplomats from the four countries have unanimously defined the meeting as an orderly retreat for the post-colonial era.

If the United States does not insist on squeezing in, this rhetoric is enough to handle the past.

The Washington Council has doubts about the purpose of this meeting, and finally put pressure on it to participate in this meeting, euphemistically saying that the United States is willing to witness the end of the colonial era.

According to the explanation from Paris, France once used the United States to participate in this meeting, and the Soviet Union may also request to participate, which may increase the influence of the Soviet Union in Africa as an objection reason, but the United States is unmoved and must attend this meeting. What are these colonial powers going to talk about?

It has to be said that the distrust of the United States towards its allies has deeply hurt the feelings within the free world.

So, under the witness of the U.S. representative, the decolonization meeting that was being talked about outside fell into a state of spitting from the very beginning. The four countries refused to give in to each other, and they fought each other over the oil resources of the Gulf of Guinea. …

Spain's Equatorial Guinea has the smallest area, and Spain has reached the point where it can't be lost, so its attitude is the toughest. Portugal also stands by Spain to jointly deal with France, which is the strongest in West Africa.

Facts have proved that the US's concerns are justified. The decolonization conference announced to the outside world is no different from the Berlin conference.

Washington is worried that a few colonial countries are doing ghosts, and some countries are really doing ghosts, even the presence of the Americans does not hide.

Alan Wilson didn't say much, just adhering to the principle of neutrality, whoever has reason will support whoever, "Everyone knows that the Nigerian Dominion has entered the stage of independence, and the United Kingdom's participation in this meeting is only for a fair result. About the Gulf of Guinea The issue of demarcation is mainly to listen to everyone's ideas."

Alan Wilson said it nicely, but he has already brought in the role of Lloyd George. If I draw a line in Africa, I can change the future destiny of an African country.

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