British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 913: I am pro-American

In his heart, Alan Wilson's thoughts are the same as those of the three Latin countries, but on the surface, he insists that Nigeria wants independence, maintains the post-colonial era, and does not let the Soviet Union take advantage of its words.

Of course, this is for the Americans, and this dubious ally's insistence to attend, also makes this meeting of the four countries a little weird.

But to be honest, Alan Wilson took this meeting as an achievement of diplomatic work, and the move of the United States to squeeze in was not beyond his expectations.

From the very beginning, Alan Wilson had already had a general idea of ​​the demarcation issue and had another issue ready. Prepare to negotiate with the Americans to hide the true purpose of the United Kingdom.

In the first day of the meeting, it was basically in various stages of speaking, which was also expected by Alan Wilson.

At the Berlin Conference in 1884, countries fought at each other for more than a hundred days before they reached a compromise and then carved up Africa.

This meeting involves the oil interests of the Gulf of Guinea. Of course, it does not take so long, but it is normal to talk about dozens of days. Nothing can be done overnight. Big things can be talked about for several years, not to mention The rights and interests of the Gulf of Guinea involved this time are not trivial.

"The attitude of the United Kingdom is nothing more than to safeguard the interests of Nigeria after independence. It can be concluded that the oil in the Gulf of Guinea will not affect the independence of Nigeria, while the attitudes of France, Portugal and Spain are obviously much more conservative, and they never mention the independence of the colonies. question."

After the first day of the meeting, the representatives of the United States who attended the meeting conveyed the basic attitudes of various countries to Washington. It is still Eisenhower's term. The chairman of the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee is Alan Wilson's old friend, Joseph Ray Mound McCarthy.

McCarthy saw the familiar name from the document, and decisively gave precise arguments, "Britain's policy is still a set of orderly retreat, slowly stripping off the colonies, while preventing this kind of behavior from impacting the British mainland. While France and Spain And Portugal, there is no such tendency, and the United States should encourage the British move at the diplomatic level.”

Only McCarthy can make such professional judgments, because he knows his British friends very well.

His British friend was knocking rhythmically at the door of a luxury apartment. With a series of light footsteps, Greta Garbo opened the door from the inside, looked at the man with unsurprising eyes, and took the initiative to stick it up There was a kiss of victory, and he reached out and dragged the man in, and closed the door.

"You are a colonial high commissioner. It seems that you always forget your job. If you don't stay well in Malaya, the whole earth is your shadow." Greta Garbo brought bread from the kitchen and put it in front of the man.

"This is all the country's training for me. I am responsible for supervising the overseas assets of the United Kingdom, which is also my own job." Alan Wilson directly stretched out his hand to gobble, and said vaguely, "The Malayan colony has a mature team in management, and things are On the contrary, it is not difficult, of course, the position is extremely important for the current British Empire."

"The United States must have come back from the death line at the dike." Greta Garbo teased, "Why don't you go to the film company and come to me again?"

"It's very comfortable to get along with you," Alan Wilson said honestly. "You can discuss things with a very reassuring attitude, which is exactly the environment I need now. And it can also be pleasing to the eyes."

Greta Garbo glanced at Alan Wilson, and the short summary of these words was, live well and not stick to people.

Although it has been out of the factory for a long time, it is well maintained, but it has been put on the booth for a long time, and it can be regarded as a new car. The test drive experience is very good. Of course, classic luxury cars also have high requirements for drivers. Once the owner appears, they need to wipe the car frequently.

"Americans are generally arrogant, and if you fool them, you can't completely exclude them." Greta Garbo lay in Ellen Wilson's arms, "You once said that the United States is an agricultural empire. And you Take away all the food from Nigeria, and see that the US has no policy in this regard. The UK should not come forward and let the local black leaders do it themselves.”

"The United States seems to have formulated a foreign aid policy for food in the past two years." After listening to Alan Wilson, he really wanted to pat his head. If it wasn't for the two lying in the bathtub, his hands were empty, he would to do so.

Azikwe has connections in this area because Azikwe himself has experience studying in the United States. At the juncture of independence, Azikwe, who may become the father of the nation, and his ties with the United States, have the conditions to ask for assistance.

"Whitehall asked me to come to Paris for a meeting, and I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected harvest." Alan Wilson, who had already had a preliminary idea, lowered his head to find Greta Garbo's red lips and whispered, "I will serve you well today. ."

"My demands have always been high." Greta Garbo responded, looking back, the domineering power of the first generation of the goddess of the screen was undoubtedly revealed.

Earlier, Alan Wilson foresaw that the United States might get involved, and the issue to be diverted from the United States was the maritime dispute between British Newfoundland and Iceland. Iceland is known to have a small population and is dependent on fishing.

What's wrong with this? Iceland would have fought a cod war with the United Kingdom because of this, but now, Iceland's main rival is the Newfoundland royal territory armed by Alan Wilson.

At that time, Alan Wilson ended his tenure as the chief executive of Newfoundland and sold several destroyers to Newfoundland. It was also to ease the backlog of warships in the United Kingdom. Several destroyers could not pose even the slightest threat to the United States and Canada.

But Iceland is definitely an exception, it is already an irresistible existence in Iceland.

Newfoundland has successfully transformed, completing the transformation from a hero to an evil dragon. On the one hand, European ocean-going fishing boats are strictly prohibited from entering the waters of Newfoundland, and they are expelled to another large fishing ground, Iceland. On the other hand, Newfoundland fishermen have updated their fishing boats. After that, it can also go to the ocean, and fishing boats from European countries joined the plunder of Iceland's fishery resources.

The situation now is that the relationship between Newfoundland and Iceland has taken a sharp turn for the worse, taking the place of the British role in the cod war with Iceland, which has become the object of Iceland's hatred.

It seems that it has nothing to do with the current issue of demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea, but it has a lot to do with it. Alan Wilson is ready to use the conflict between Newfoundland and Iceland, with the intervention of the United States and Britain. Later, he proposed the concept of 12 nautical miles of territorial waters and 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic zones.

So after the meeting in the following days, Alan Wilson took the opportunity to complain to the Americans who were in attendance, "It seems that this kind of demarcation issue is the most difficult to solve, not even the maritime dispute between Newfoundland and Iceland, let alone around the Gulf of Guinea. So many colonies that belong to different countries. If there is no solution that can be seen, these countries will fight after independence.”

"And we all know that the war environment is also an important way for communism to spread, and the UK is very worried about this. If it leaves suddenly, many places may be taken advantage of by the Soviet Union. The Dominion of Nigeria is the most populous place in Africa. If Throwing into the arms of the Soviet Union would be a big problem."

In Alan Wilson's mouth, the importance of the Dominion of Nigeria has been exaggerated.

In fact, this is not an exaggeration after the talk of oil in the Gulf of Guinea comparable to the Persian Gulf. What's more, it's just a self-governing territory with a population of 40 million, which is not worthy of attention from any point of view.

In the face of the righteous and awe-inspiring Alan Wilson, Americans will also express their approval of this precise judgment.

He did not know that this British man who kept his words in the post-colonial era told the Nigerian Commissioner Roberts just yesterday that if there was a famine in Nigeria, let Azikwe open his mouth and ask the United States for food aid.

Wanting to understand that there is foreign food aid from the United States, Alan Wilson is even more indifferent to scraping the ground. Originally, he was a little afraid of famine, and even planned to set aside a minimum standard ration to prevent famine from happening.

Now, he is only annoyed by the cowardice of the famine he had expected before. How can he do such a small job with such a small cowardice?

"Washington also pays attention to this Although it wants to play a role, it is also powerless." Finally, under the inspiration of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, Alan Wilson finally expressed his first appearance. state.

"It's really hard to convince these three Latin countries, especially the French, if the UK speaks out with the US at the diplomatic level, it may be counterproductive." Alan Wilson shirked his responsibilities without a trace, "You may not be an American. Empathy, the French have a very mixed view of Britain."

"France's insistence on the colony is indeed very difficult." Kidzton also looked embarrassed. Obviously Washington had communicated with Paris, but it was useless.

Regardless of the fact that France has had nineteen prime ministers since 1945, every government has the same attitude towards the colonies. They can talk about anything except independence.

In the days of Paris, British ocean-going freighters traveled to and from the Nigerian Dominion and the mainland all the time. They wished to evacuate Nigeria before leaving. At the same time, under the influence of invisible public opinion hegemony, the whole Nigeria began to advance. Some construction plans.

When most people think it's right, a few sober people can't affect the big picture. What's more, the oil resources in the Gulf of Guinea affect not only the British Dominion, but nearby France, Portugal, and Spain have all expressed interest. Nigeria can't calm down even if it wants to.

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