British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 914: The test of the deputy secretary

Alan Wilson opened his mouth to the Americans and hoped that Washington would use its influence to regulate the intensifying dispute between Newfoundland and Iceland over the fishing industry. As for the delimitation of the Gulf of Guinea, the United Kingdom would try its best to come up with a non-harmful plan.

"I hope so." Kidzton nodded reluctantly, but he also didn't believe that any miracles would happen, involving so many countries, how easy is it to come up with a plan that doesn't hurt?

He thought Alan Wilson was just expressing optimism and didn't think there was any real solution.

From this time on, around the issue of demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea, the disputes between Newfoundland and Iceland, which also involve delimitation, have been added. Because European fishermen are also the main force for Iceland to cross the border, the United States joined the discussion on this issue.

As Garbo said, it is neither realistic nor sensible to exclude Americans from their arrogant self-knowledge.

Let the United States not stay out of the way through a secondary issue, so that things can be made more logical through the attitude of the United States.

Alan Wilson, who was in the classic version of the luxury car, found a reason to return to London, and discussed the solution of maritime delimitation with the Foreign Secretary and the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He has already prepared the plan, and at this time, he needs the approval of the cabinet. "The specific plan is a comprehensive solution for the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, the extension of the continental shelf, and the delimitation of islands."

"And we have already negotiated with the Americans to see if we can adjust the dispute between Newfoundland and Iceland. In fact, Iceland is ugly. It has found trouble with many European countries in recent years. It should be educated by the way."

Many European countries mentioned by Alan Wilson actually bear the brunt of the United Kingdom.

In fact, now, the cod war has begun to take shape. Because Iceland is affected by ocean currents all the year round, the fishery resources are very rich. All European countries love to eat cod, especially cod burgers, and they feel uncomfortable without eating for one day. Therefore, cod has become one of the fish species with the highest economic value.

But Iceland can only rely on fishing to survive, but who doesn't want to earn money floating in the water? The fat cod also attracted many countries to come to fish, and the good times did not last long, and there were not many left of these cod in a short time.

When Alan Wilson was chief executive in Newfoundland, he first set out a twelve-nautical-mile exclusive zone. Iceland followed suit, but the study ended there. After all, Newfoundland was taken care of by the UK. At this time, the UK was not the British Isles, but the British Empire with its vast colonies.

After leaving office, he has not forgotten to show his goodwill in Newfoundland. By the way, he sold some destroyers to clear the inventory, and helped Newfoundland in the strong shipbuilding industry in the UK to sign orders for many ocean-going fishing vessels.

With the help of the United Kingdom, the Newfoundland Royal Territory shot guns and replaced guns. On the one hand, it is strictly forbidden for other countries to plunder the fishery resources in the Newfoundland waters, and on the other hand, they travel long distances to Iceland to supplement their losses during the fishing ban.

The dispute between Newfoundland and Iceland generally stems from this. Two years ago, Iceland celebrated the tenth year of its founding, and checked the fishery resources that Iceland relied on. The cod catch plummeted, so they learned from Newfoundland and set up a 12-nautical-mile exclusive zone.

But no one cares. In the past two years, conflicts with Britain have also increased because of fishing.

Alan Wilson was not prepared to fight Iceland three times in the cod war. Whether he won or lost, it was a relatively pointless move for the UK. He was going to use Newfoundland's hand and economic means to make Iceland re-open. Knowing the United Kingdom, don't think that if you hold the thigh of the United States, you can have nothing to fear.

Binding the fishing conflict between Iceland and Newfoundland to the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea seems to be completely different. Even Foreign Secretary Morrison and Deputy Foreign Minister Ismay cannot link the two things together. Waiting for Alan Wilson's explanation.

Alan Wilson explained that by asking the United States to help the platform through secondary issues, it increased the rationality of the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea this time, and at the same time solved Iceland, which was always stabbed with the United Kingdom.

"This time we can use the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea to make France, Spain and Portugal stand on the side of the United Kingdom. If everyone wants to demarcate the issue, we must come up with an economic blockade resolution by the way. I believe the French will definitely You will be very familiar with this method, the continental blockade policy was invented by Napoleon."

"But we proposed?" Sir Ismay paused when he said this, the meaning was obvious, and he was suspected of bullying the small.

"So we have to ask the French to propose that the colonies around the Gulf of Guinea, together with the Gold Coast and the Dominion of Nigeria, plus Portugal's Angola and Spain's Equatorial Guinea, are barely on the same level as the French colonies. So the attitude is tough, just because we are afraid that if we don't get involved, we will suffer in the face of France."

Alan Wilson explained, "The 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone is a very fair way of demarcation, and it can unite the colonial countries, because not only in our hands, but also in the hands of France, there are a large number of overseas islands, and these islands have a small population. With these islands as strongholds, plus the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, you can draw a large area of ​​exclusive use of the sea. In general, we and the French have taken advantage of this.”

This is also the case. The territorial sea area of ​​later generations is ranked by the United States because of the continental shelf of the two oceans and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. With an exclusive occupation of more than 10 million square kilometers of territorial waters, France is the second country with tens of millions of square kilometers, not much smaller than the United States.

By the time the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone appeared, the British colonies were almost lost. It's not like France has retained some islands, resulting in Britain's territorial sea area only half that of France.

Therefore, Alan Wilson believes that it is very beneficial for the UK to put forward the concept of the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone in advance. Because the cards in the hands of the UK now are much more than in the original history.

With this concept of territorial waters, there are still many islands that seem worthless among British opponents, and the level of attention will be raised to a higher level. The second biggest benefit is the Five Eyes Alliance. In the ranking of the territorial waters of later generations, the top ten include, but are not limited to, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.

The total area of ​​the territorial waters of the five countries is about 39 million square kilometers.

Now that this concept is widely advertised, Alan Wilson did not enjoy the specific calculation, but how can the territorial sea area of ​​the United Kingdom be raised to the same level as that of the United States and France? This level should not be difficult.

Morrison and Ismay, as Foreign Secretary and Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, realized this immediately. The UK still has a large number of miniature islands in its hands. If the delimitation of the Gulf of Guinea is promoted, it can be It is reasonable to place large areas of the sea under the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom.

In addition to Britain, Spain and Portugal, including France, were also colonial countries. None of them would object. At least the two of them couldn't think of any reason to object.

"Alan, your brain is really rich in association. It's amazing." Looking at Morrison, Sir Ismay understood the meaning of the Foreign Secretary and said directly, "If you can put Guinea The demarcation of the Gulf has become a good start and a lesson for Iceland, which is enough to prove your excellent work ability in the field of diplomacy."

"Thank you, Sir Ismay." Alan Wilson bowed his head slightly. Ismay is his immediate boss. As an official fan, he is definitely bowing his head from the heart.

"Alan, we hope to settle things sooner. Thank you very much!" Morrison also gave encouragement, "Let you come back to take up other work in the Malayan colony, and it is Whitehall who is optimistic about your performance."

"I'll go back to Paris right away." Alan Wilson looked like he was going through fire and water for Britain, and he swore that it was definitely not because Paris had several classic luxury cars waiting for him to test drive.

When Alan Wilson walked out of the office, Sir Ismay asked Morrison, "Respected Minister, in fact, all departments in Whitehall are optimistic about Alan's ability. If the outcome of this negotiation, as he just said, is it possible? Prove that he is capable of taking the position of Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?"

"Don't you Whitehall always value seniority?" Morrison looked extremely shocked. Does this mean that Alan Wilson is in his thirties and has been favored by Whitehall?

"It is usually the but there are always exceptions. Allen has a large number of overseas properties in his hands, which is the result of his long-term personal management. In fact, even Sir Norman, when the Overseas Assets Management Committee was established , I didn't expect such a rapid development." Sir Ismay shrugged, "I called him back before to use the funds of the Overseas Assets Management Committee to deal with the economic crisis."

"Actually, I'm really old and I'm no longer suitable to work in China, because it may cause criticism. If I go to NATO, it won't be so conspicuous."

Morrison conceded that Ismay was telling the truth, and the reason no one pointed it out is because Ismay is a soldier and a diplomat, and few people can combine the two professions.

But as Ismay just said about Alan Wilson, there are always exceptions.

"So, I'm going to say goodbye to the oldest deputy secretary in Whitehall, and then welcome the youngest deputy secretary of Whitehall." Morrison smiled bitterly, "It seems that you have already decided, but I listen to Saying that his second term is not long over, and that he likes to be overseas, would he resist coming back?"

"Find a way to bring him back next year." Sir Ismay said indifferently. "Of course, we still have to see if this meeting on the demarcation issue will produce the results that the UK wants."

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