British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 915: Mainland blockade policy

The promising rising star of Whitehall, who crossed a shallow strait, appeared at the headquarters of a film and television company in Paris, and by the way, let others test whether the trends of various countries have changed.

It's not that he took the initiative to be the male lead of Woodpecker, but he accepted the invitation of the female president to be a guest.

Blindfolded Alan Wilson said goodbye to the light, and saw the birthday cake carefully prepared by Heidi Lamar and Ingrid Bergman. Accompanied by the humming birthday song, Alan Wilson, who was rarely moved, almost broke the defense. , even in the face of the United States and the Soviet Union, he would not have such an expression.

"My dear, I wish you a happy thirty-third birthday." Heidi Rama's eyes were sparkling, full of tenderness.

"Looking at how you look, are you moved?" Ingrid Bergman covered her mouth and whispered with a smile, "It doesn't look like a senior official to be moved so easily."

"I'm not made of iron." Alan Wilson calmed down, he was really surprised.

I was touched, but it was more unexpected. He was only thirty years old at the end of the year, and his current age was changed while working overseas. The so-called birthday is a random day chosen.

There is no such day in Alan Wilson's concept, how can it be remembered that today is his birthday?

But Heidi Lamar is different from Ingrid Bergman. Every year, if Ellen Wilson happens to be there, he will celebrate the birthday of the ladies of the same status as his wife. If he can't go away, he will send a message to congratulate him on the same day.

This time he happened to be doing diplomatic work in Paris, and the two female presidents also prepared surprises to make the man happy.

"Make a wish." Ingrid Bergman urged, "Put your wish in your heart and don't say it."

"I hope that ladies with the same status as wives will remain young forever." Alan Wilson made a wish in front of the two queens with a look of contempt for feudal superstition, "Today, please eat English baguettes..."

The two queens spit lightly, although they have been in battle for a long time, they still have a little embarrassment.

But since this is his wish, on such a special day, it would not be very good to refuse.

"You are still in your prime, and we are already getting old." The two queens felt sorry for themselves.

"Apart from using the knife, any other method can be used." Alan Wilson smiled and comforted. The two actresses are so good, and it can be expected to maintain Pan Yingzi's fifty-year-old state.

When he watched You Long Jing Feng when he was a child, he would never have thought that the charming and charming heroine was already forty-nine years old.

"Can't you congratulate me?" A day later, facing Alan Wilson's questioning, Greta Garbo calmly took out the birthday cake from the kitchen, sat opposite Alan Wilson, watching He enjoyed it, "Is it agitated at this time, feeling that there is no difficulty at all."

"There are a few." Alan Wilson replied vaguely, and now you ask me to pick the moon, I want to try it.

"Oh ho, don't do things beyond your ability." Greta Garbo said with a smile, "Actually, for them, it is good to be able to run a film and television company well and have cultural influence. "

"They are very influential now, which is not difficult for them." Alan Wilson replied simply, "The starting point is now the end point that most people can't expect in their lifetime. Some countries Even if it is promoted by the power of the country, it is impossible for the two of them to have the achievements they have now, and it must be admitted that the world is unfair."

"Like what?" Greta Garbo was a little curious. Does an imperialist bureaucrat know this?

"I did the unification of the European film market." Alan Wilson straightened his back, and when he said this, he suddenly felt that it was completely natural for him to be treated like this in front of several filmmakers. "Culture is a huge With the European market, I dare not say that it can compete with Hollywood, but the existence of the platform is a strong guarantee.”

Strictly speaking, there is no cultural exporting power in the region where Alan Wilson lived in his last life.

Even South Korea, which seems to have a high sense of presence, is only influential within Asia.

Just focusing on the cultural industry in a very narrow sense, South Korea is not strong. There are serious barriers between movies and TV dramas, TV dramas and music. Variety shows are ranked last, and the popular influence is also in this order from high to high. So low.

Strictly speaking, South Korea is relatively strong in the latter two, but movies and TV series are far more important than the latter two.

In the field of TV dramas, Turkey and Mexico have far more influence in the world than Korean dramas.

As for the film industry, it is an industry that the United States attaches great importance to, let alone South Korea, no country is the United States' opponent.

The decline of Hollywood in the United States lies in the proliferation of super-British movies, and the fact that movies are becoming more and more routine for the sake of political correctness. But even if it declines, it is still a crushing existence for other countries.

Many people may not believe that Chinese TV dramas have not been exported much, and their influence in Southeast Asia is not much worse than that of Korean dramas.

Normally, this should not happen. After all, China doesn't care about overseas markets at all, both at the official level and at the personal level. Officials don't mention it. TV actors rarely go to other countries to stabilize their influence.

After all, if you succeed in China, you can earn tens of millions of dollars in income. If you let Chinese actors go abroad, and Korean stars frequently go to Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines to gain a sense of presence, it is definitely impossible.

If Southeast Asians want to chase a Chinese star, it is almost impossible to meet a real person, pure screen star chasing.

But even if you can only chase stars across the screen, Chinese TV dramas are already gnawing on Korean dramas in Southeast Asia, which brings up another level of things. China has video websites and short video websites going overseas. These platforms are supported by Chinese capital.

It is true that no matter what applications domestic Internet companies make, as long as there are similar applications in the United States, they generally cannot compete with the United States. This is a fact. But China has it anyway, but South Korea does not have such a platform.

All over the world, the mainstream platforms are American. The export of Korean culture depends on the mood of the United States.

There is such a platform, and the Chinese capital of this platform has the final say. Putting Chinese TV dramas on the top will naturally not lack exposure. This is something that Korean dramas cannot do. Korean dramas can only make money for companies like Netflix.

For higher-level movies, what China pursues is fundamentally different from that of South Korea. To be precise, what China wants is to have the status of the United States in cultural export, and it does not look down on South Korea's path at all.

If China also forms a singing and dancing group, they will dress up brightly to sell laughter. If you haven't gone to sea, you will be scolded for flying in the country. Officials will also issue policies to criticize.

What China needs is basically the same as what the United States exports. The world can only be saved by Lao Tzu. But the United States is definitely not willing, and is currently stuck in that position.

This is still cultural influence in a narrow sense. Does British style count as influence? Whether L'Oreal and Louis Vuitton in France are considered influential, and the awareness of BBA in Germany in regulating Japanese cars at the same price in the world are all part of cultural output. Where does Korea account for?

Greta Garbo certainly didn't know the future knowledge in Ellen Wilson's mind, but she really listened to this platform theory, "If you say this, you can integrate the European common market for films and let this platform appear, it is indeed better than All the actors' efforts are more important."

"Of course, so I'll be your man with a clear conscience." Alan Wilson poured a glass directly, brag with his head held high.

"Huh?" Greta Garbo felt unhappy in her heart. To be precise, she was very angry right now...

Greta Garbo suddenly remembered one thing. During the chaotic period after the war, this man had found the problem accurately. So this time it seems that it is the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea. Could there be other purposes?

Alan Wilson, who went through the West Berlin incident, is of course impossible to reveal.

Thirty-year-old Alan Wilson obviously felt that he was walking like a fairy, but in order to make achievements in the field of diplomacy, he still showed a selfless enthusiasm for work.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Dock d'Orsay, a French diplomat who returned from the Gulf of Guinea delimitation meeting, brought back a comprehensive demarcation opinion on the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone and island territories proposed by the United Kingdom.

"Britain is incensed by the scramble for Iceland's fisheries, a demarcation proposal that benefits all colonial powers in exchange for a market blockade of Iceland's fisheries with Spain and Portugal."

"The British are sneaky, and they are not ambiguous at all." This condition caused a burst of exclamations. The four countries of Britain, France, Portugal and Spain could almost block all routes from Iceland to the European market.

If the four countries at the same time use Iceland's cod as an excuse to close the market to Iceland, it will bring a demonstration effect. Iceland is in big trouble this time around.

But what? Compared with the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea, what is an isolated island outside of Europe? That's not French territory.

"It's just a small Iceland. For France, the interests of the Gulf of Guinea are much greater. The ban on the sale of Icelandic cod in the French market is conveyed to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. On the EC side, we first propose, Just let other EC countries follow suit and the British should be satisfied."

"What excuse?" A questioning voice sounded, "Iceland has a US Will the US get involved?"

"Is the attitude of the United States more important than the Gulf of Guinea? French Central Africa has more coastlines than the other three countries. The United Kingdom will no longer set up obstacles on this matter, but it is only in exchange for an Icelandic cod problem. We should also give it to us. Respond positively."

Another voice with an obvious finality said, "Just find an excuse. The sanitary conditions for processing cod in Iceland are not up to standard, or the local waters are polluted, and the matter is settled. It will be difficult to solve it."

"Thank you France for your help." Alan Wilson thanked after listening to the good news. "Constantine, thank you for France's statement at a critical moment. If you don't help, it will be a real trouble."

"In this complex world, Britain and France need to safeguard common interests." Constantine said with a pun, "I believe the UK thinks so too."

"Of course." Alan Wilson juggled two glasses and poured them in. "Where's the EC?"

"It's also our French proposal, just nod your head." Constantine took the glass and promised.

"Cheers!" The two congratulated at the same time, and then drank the red wine in the cup.

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