British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 916: European solidarity benefits

"It's really unexpected, the UK is willing to come up with such a plan to protect the interests of all parties." Constantine shook his head and sighed, "This protects the interests of our countries, and it doesn't look like your UK provided it."

"Oh, is that so?" Alan Wilson was noncommittal. The matter was very simple. At the peak of the British Empire, there was no inland sea in front of the Royal Navy. Britain could go wherever it wanted, and no one could interfere or criticize.

What was the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone at that time? The whole world's waters are British, so what?

But haven't times changed? Now the most powerful navy in the world has become the US Navy, and the United Kingdom has become the former vested interest. At this time, it is necessary to protect the former vested interests.

You can't do it yourself, you have to pull together many countries of the previous era to do it, otherwise it will be too obvious.

"Oh, by the way, the current plan is currently limited to the division of the Gulf of Guinea. Our view is that we should not rush to promote it to the world, at least not until the US attitude is tested."

Alan Wilson explained to Constantine, "I'm sure you, the French, understand the attitude toward the colonies. In 1945, the United States raised objections to the status of Vietnam."

It is no secret that the United States wants to weaken Britain and France. The United Kingdom retreats in an orderly manner and releases a colony at regular intervals. France is obviously unwilling to do so.

Alan Wilson also asked about the current situation of the war in Algeria. Constantine said that France has taken the absolute initiative. Alan Wilson felt that this was half-truth, and only the French knew how much water it was.

However, France did accumulate heavy troops in the oil-producing areas of Algeria, and the local oil pipelines have been under construction, so it must be much stronger than in the original history.

"You are lucky in France, at least not as big as the predicament that Britain faced after the war." Alan Wilson expressed his congratulations to Constantine.

Constantine was stunned and did not understand the true meaning of what Alan Wilson said.

His words are of course based on facts. In order to stabilize the situation against the Soviet Union, the United States also takes into account the risk of the world becoming a mess and the risk of global redness. It has adopted a supportive attitude towards countries at the forefront of the Soviet Union. Depressing the exchange rate to boost exports, but not the UK.

The United States has never been prepared to let the United Kingdom slow down. For the United States, the pound is either worthless, or it maintains a strong monetary policy and does not depreciate at all.

Even the previous devaluation of the pound from 1 to 4 to 1 to 2.8 was done by the UK forcibly devaluing it and disregarding the interests of the Commonwealth.

Alan Wilson used every trick he could think of when he was in British India. They even scraped the land under the great famine. Fortunately, the Indians before independence were frightened by the British and did not dare to intensify the contradiction with the British.

He even turned into an excellent cadre of the Soviet Union, which allowed Britain to survive the most difficult stage.

Fortunately, the 4 million square kilometers of British India has temporarily reassured the United States, and the independence of the Nigerian Dominion has entered the de facto stage, which is also a continuation of the above-mentioned policy, but it will stop there.

If France were victorious in the Algerian War, Britain would have to think carefully about the next steps.

For the colonies of Black Africa, it is unrealistic to keep them for a long time, but after meeting the needs of the United Kingdom, other things should be considered.

Soon, the Franco government in Spain and the Salazar government in Portugal brought back positive feedback. The consensus on the delimitation of the Gulf of Guinea is a certainty, but the formal agreement is not in a hurry to sign.

It must be determined at the European Community Foreign Ministers' meeting, and at the same time, France will also propose to block Iceland's cod from entering the European Common Market. The time is on the twelfth of next month.

As he wrestles with the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea, the United States is still working tirelessly to catch up with Soviet missile technology. The Atlas strategic missile conducted two more test launches, one volley exploded, and the second launch was successful.

This is the first successful launch of the Atlas strategic missile after the test, and this success has boosted the morale of the United States. So it was decided to make persistent efforts, and the fifth test shot failed again due to an explosion.

"The United States really spared no expense." Alan Wilson was also shocked by the high frequency of test launches in the United States. The mood of the United States in this era is really different from that of the country in the 21st century.

It's just two countries, one ambitious and the other dull, it's hard to imagine how the same country will look different in fifty years.

The surprise is that there is a slight difference with history, Khrushchev faced Malenkov and Molotov's attack a few months later, but the result has not changed.

Commissioners from all over the country rushed to Moscow and, under the **** of the military plane arranged by Marshal Zhukov, helped Khrushchev to turn the tables at the Moscow conference, and turned the defeat into victory, ousting competitors such as Malenkov, Kaganovich, and Molotov, and established Khrush Scheff's unique position in the Soviet Union.

This was a struggle within the Soviet Union, and the free world learned of the changes at the top of the Soviet Union only after the dust had settled.

Alan Wilson, who was enjoying a rare leisure time in Paris, thought of Furtseva for no reason. He remembered that Furtseva was a major contributor to Khrushchev's comeback. Supporting Khrushchev, Khrushchev, who has fallen into a desperate situation, cannot turn defeat into victory.

"She is about to enter the highest level of the Soviet Union." Alan Wilson was quite complicated. From this time on, it was also the time when Furtseva Yekaterina III resounded throughout the Soviet Union.

When Greta Garbo entered the door, she saw a naked bureaucrat, pretending to be in a deep daze, and couldn't help but wonder, "What are you thinking? Can you put on your underwear?"

"Oh, it's not like I haven't seen it before, don't you like it too." Alan Wilson laughed, quickly turning from a primitive savage to a beast in clothes, "Look, I finally stayed in Paris for a while, You always look like this, you know how hard it is."

"Britain trained you to have such profound accomplishments in time management?" Greta Garbo sighed angrily, "I didn't think about how you would contribute to the UK, so I was busy doing that."

"My little brother is busier than me, and it's human nature." Alan Wilson followed Greta Garbo step by step. Although the time in Paris was comfortable, it was also quite exhausting.

The comfortable days are still over. The four countries of Britain, France, Spain and Portugal managed to get rid of the United States' stalking through the European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting held in Brussels. Alan Wilson was called to experience the atmosphere of the European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

In Brussels, he very coincidentally met the female head of the Hellmann family who came to Brussels to discuss business. By the way, he and Pokina negotiated a big deal of hundreds of millions. Both of them were satisfied with the deal.

The four countries that successfully got rid of the constraints of the United States in the European Community directly announced the delimitation of the exclusive economic zone of 200 nautical miles in the Gulf of Guinea, and adopted the principle of the middle line in the adjacent waters. Mainly, and a series of division methods.

Although Greece is not a member of the European Community, no matter which European country it is, it knows that Greece is the cradle of European civilization. On the one hand, island sovereignty is really beneficial to the colonial countries. On the other hand, it has also taken into account the territorial waters of Greece and Turkey. question as a reference.

After World War I, although Turkey won the war of national independence, successfully recovered Eastern Thrace, Izmir and Western Armenia, and abolished the consular jurisdiction and financial supervision of European and American powers, but at the same time Turkey was forced to Some places have made concessions, such as its territory in the Aegean Sea being limited to no more than three miles from its own coastline.

This established the pattern of Greece controlling most of the Aegean Sea, and Turkey was dissatisfied with this and wanted to change the status quo. In addition to territorial disputes, another major dispute between Greece and Turkey around the Aegean Sea is the width of the territorial sea.

Alan Wilson told Foreign Secretary Scott Morrison and Permanent Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Sir Ismay that this time the Gulf of Guinea demarcation will have a consequence that many countries will follow.

Other countries, Alan Wilson, can't guarantee that China will respond quickly to the 12-nautical-mile territorial waters and exclusive economic zone. China immediately followed the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone claim.

Now before Iceland makes a he's making a first move by demarcating the Gulf of Guinea, but that won't change. China will not refuse to follow up on this demarcation plan because it is a bunch of colonial powers.

In the final analysis, there is no hatred of imperialism, only hatred of oneself is not imperialism.

Who cares whether the country proposed first is a colonial country or not, as long as it can take advantage of it?

Belgium did not participate in the previous negotiation in Paris, because Belgium knew for a long time that this matter would be discussed at the meeting of foreign ministers of the European Community, and it was too late to join the discussion in its own capital.

After the five countries of Britain, France, Spain and Portugal reached a consensus and announced the results of the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea. In accordance with the previous agreement, the French side banned Icelandic cod from entering the French market on the grounds that the Icelandic waters were polluted.

The continental blockade came as scheduled, and the French proposal was immediately approved by the United Kingdom, followed by Spain, Portugal, and Belgium, all of which were approved at the European Community meeting almost immediately.

And just like that, the cod ban against Iceland was passed with astonishing speed. At the end of the European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting on October 3, it was the same as the Gulf of Guinea delimitation, which became a common decision of the European Community member states.

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