British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 917: The first artificial satellite

"Now I'll see what Iceland will do." After the successful conclusion of the European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting, Alan Wilson said to his immediate boss Sir Ismay confidently, "Even if the next European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting is held, at least it will be Next year's event, how long will Iceland last? I'm looking forward to it."

"Well done." Sir Ismay praised with approval. "Of course, from a personal point of view, it may be a bit of a fuss, but Iceland's reckless behavior is the reason for this end."

"Icelandians don't deserve sympathy." Alan Wilson nodded indifferently. "When they rammed the British fishermen, they should have thought that we will not let it go."

Iceland would have been landed several times by British Marines if it wasn't for the U.S. sidetracking in the Cod War.

The territorial waters Iceland now needs has been obtained, but at the cost of excluding Icelandic cod from the EC market.

As for the European countries that have not joined the European Community, which are also Scandinavian countries, Iceland can find a way to sell cod to Eastern Europe to see if Moscow is willing to open its market to Iceland. But it is not enough. The fishing grounds in Hokkaido are now in the hands of the Soviet Union, and there are also US military bases in Iceland. With so many factors mixed together, Iceland has few choices.

It can be said that the test facing Icelandic Prime Minister Herman Jonasson has just begun. "Will the Americans put pressure on it? After all, Iceland is extremely dependent on the European market."

"You also said that the next meeting of foreign ministers of the European Community will not be held until next year. We all know that major resolutions must be agreed by all countries. Although we and France can persuade other member states. But, we can do this, Or not, as long as there is a country that does not approve of lifting the ban, we will have to wait.”

Sir Ismay explained in a frivolous tone, and Alan Wilson nodded and whispered, "Until Iceland yields."

Sir Ismay nodded. Generally speaking, this European Community meeting mainly began to discuss the delimitation of the Gulf of Guinea.

The Netherlands has no colonies in Africa, so as long as the five African colonial powers recognize it, it is over.

After all, the Gulf of Guinea is far away, and if it is North Africa, there may be opposition in Italy. After all, Italy still has plans for North African countries. Because of the world war, Italy lost Libya, and then Mountbatten Group discovered oil in Libya.

This is bad news for Italy. Seeing that France is still holding Algeria's hands, the imbalance in the Italians' hearts has been exacerbated.

But the distant Gulf of Guinea has nothing to do with Italy, and Italy has no reason to object. France even promised in private that Italian capital would be allowed to develop oil in the territorial waters delimited by Spain.

Under this kind of temptation, the Italians' little sense of justice disappeared directly, waiting for a share of the pie in the Gulf of Guinea.

In order to prevent the United States from saying anything, the British foreign secretary and the permanent secretary returned to London directly after the European Community meeting, while Alan Wilson remained in Brussels, and he had some big business to talk to Pokina.

Flirting with Botkina's wavy blond hair, Alan Wilson slowly fell in love with it, indulging in neutral beauty and unable to extricate himself.

"It looks good." The short-haired strong woman who was half-kneeling in front of the man raised her head and glanced at the condescending Imperial Commissioner with a hint of admiration.

"You are beautiful in every part of your body." Alan Wilson said the world bowed its head in front of me.

"I know it sounds good." Pokina, covering her mouth, slid away and returned after a while. "You guys just talk about it and divide the second Persian Gulf. It really deserves to be a colonial empire."

"I have to correct that the United Kingdom is different from other colonial empires." Alan Wilson's patriotism broke out, and at the same time he said with conviction, "If the colonial era is an inevitable choice, the colonization of this world by the United Kingdom is a Kind of lucky. Of course other countries may not think so because their positions are different.”

The colonial era is definitely sinful, but some countries who are colonized by their own will definitely develop together, and they will not be so cruel and brainwashed.

When Emperor Russia expanded, it seemed that there was no mercy. As for a certain big country, the Qing Dynasty would not choose the colonization path.

As for the country that did not conquer the Ming Dynasty, it was about to surround itself in a circle, which basically eliminated the possibility of expansion.

The policies of the two dynasties were similar, and chasing Miao Tuoye was a policy that the two dynasties continued, and there was no difference between the Manchus and the Han in this regard. The nuance is that the list of suppression in the Qing Dynasty also included Han Chinese, and the list of suppression in the Ming Dynasty included Jurchen.

For other ethnic groups in the territory, the policy is consistent, and they will die if they refuse to accept it. If there is an almost impossible possibility that the two dynasties really tried to colonize, it would be nothing more than leaving a sentence in the history books, a certain period of time, there was a great fusion of nations...

As for the people who are integrated, a country that has changed its dynasty and changed its population by half is a routine operation, and does not need to think deeply about where it is going.

Of course, in the real history, Britain was the biggest beneficiary in the colonial era. What it has done can’t be regarded as never happened. Pokina connoted him that he could be beaten and stand at attention, but to replace Britain with other countries to implement colonial policies, The world is a better place, Alan Wilson doesn't believe a word.

"I'm not accusing you of anything. The Gulf of Guinea is so big, so let's do our bit." Pokina's aggrieved and whispered request fully reflects the characteristics of anti-war defeat and not anti-war. From this point of view, Pokina has already Is a psychological German.

"No way, you can try to merge an oil company in France and enter the Gulf of Guinea indirectly. Don't think about it, Total, France is not as good as our UK." Alan Wilson pondered for a moment and pointed out for Pokina A road to save the country through a curved line, "France still wants to win over Germany, seize this and think of a way."

Pokina doesn't want much, at least in the eyes of Alan Wilson. The Gulf of Guinea is so big, and with the help of Germany's power, maybe it can make Africa's European power more stable.

Of course, it will be successful. Alan Wilson can't guarantee that the French have always been ugly. Britain is the moral high ground among colonial powers, which is not to be said lightly.

As an affirmative action pioneer, he has always done his best to help women, especially women who have the same status as his wives.

Before he came to Brussels, he also instructed two female presidents to help members of the zodiac, endorse French luxury brands, and develop the North American market.

Although Pokina has a criminal record, he is still willing to help as long as he speaks. Who made him pro-European? The colonial empires are already crumbling, and one more European country can help.

The European Community Foreign Ministers' Meeting confirmed the demarcation of the Gulf of Guinea, and while the countries involved were gearing up to send people to dig for black gold, the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, Baikonur Cosmodrome, the launch site where the Soviet Union invested heavily , At this time, almost all the big bulls in the world's rocket field are ushered in.

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev, Mikhail Kuzmich Younger, Glushko, Chenomei and other most authoritative expert teams in the Soviet Union, as well as von Braun The team is all present.

The entire launch site has been surrounded by the Soviet Red Army and the KGB Military Administration, which seems to be facing a formidable enemy.

"Mr. Werner is also here. I hope we can bring mankind into a new era through this cooperation." Korolev greeted the von Braun team who entered the command room.

"This is our common goal." Von Braun nodded, also expressing recognition of Korolev's ability.

For the von Braun team, Soviet experts, including Korolev, are convinced. Without this team, the Soviet Union would never have made such great progress in the field of rockets. This respect is entirely due to von Braun. My profession does not involve whether the other party is a German or not.

After expressing goodwill, Korolev said to the other people, "The party and the country are waiting for the news of our victory. This launch is of great significance to all mankind. The people of the motherland are looking forward to it, and we heavy responsibility."

Other rooms at the launch site are undergoing a series of assessments, from orientation to humidity, to find the most suitable weather conditions. The whole process was methodical and orderly.

As the answers that all parties said no problem was transmitted to the command room through the microphone, the expressions of Kolyorov and von Braun did not soften at all. This time the launch mission was unusual, because there was an artificial satellite in the R7 rocket~www Companion number is normal. "

"The R7 rocket has been inspected and there is no abnormality."

"The weather conditions are good and suitable for the rocket launch mission."

Korolev said into the microphone, "All the conditions are in place, requesting a launch mission."

"Allow." With the rustling sound, approval came from the other end of the microphone.

The countdown began, and every second, the pressure on the entire Baikonur Cosmodrome seemed to increase by one point. The R7 rocket ignited successfully, and the rocket flew up from the launch pad under the thrust of the tail flame. The entire launch process went very smoothly. , but this is just the beginning.

It was not until the rocket entered the predetermined orbit and the successful release of the artificial satellite was confirmed that the Baikonur Cosmodrome fell into a sea of ​​joy.

Immediately, TASS reported on the success of the launch mission, "The first artificial earth satellite has been born and successfully launched by the Soviet Union... The artificial earth satellite will pave the way for space travel, which seems to indicate that the current generation will witness How people in the new socialist society use free and autonomous labor to turn the most daring dreams of mankind into reality.”

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