British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 918: darkest hour

Alan Wilson has been explicitly hinted that he will make achievements in the field of diplomacy in the future. He read the reports of the Soviet TASS news agency.

Looking at the newspaper with a stern look, this posture made Pokina very embarrassed. At this time, the dragoons had a complicated mood. On the one hand, she cherished the current superior life, and at the same time, she also achieved such a great achievement for her original motherland. Happy, just to see Alan Wilson like a big enemy, dare not show it at this sensitive moment.

"You are very happy." After a long time, Alan Wilson put down the report and asked Pokina sincerely.

"No." Pokina quickly shook her head, "Do you think Britain feels threatened?"

"No." Alan Wilson also denied it, adding, "The Soviet Union has long been able to threaten the United Kingdom. The distance between the two countries is so close, and now the United States should feel the headache."

Britain has long been targeted by Soviet nuclear weapons, and it is now too late to feel the threat.

So it's not that Alan Wilson is insane, that's what happened. The United States should have felt the threat from the Soviet Union for the first time since this year.

If before this, the United States had one eye on the Soviet Union and the other on Britain and France, then from now on, the United States should have focused its main energy on the Soviet Union.

"You were startled just now." Pokina let out a sigh of relief and admitted that she was startled by the expression just now. "The Americans are threatened. You don't seem to be worried. It seems that you are very confident in the technical capabilities of the United States."

"Yes, the foundation of the United States is still quite strong. The reason why it is in this situation now is entirely a system issue." Alan Wilson pouted and expressed his contempt for the United States. There is no problem with the strength of the United States, but the contradiction between the military and the military is encountered.

It is similar to the contradiction between the Japanese navy and the army. It is impossible to play the operation of the army aircraft carrier, but the destructive power is not bad at all.

The Air Force's status as a strategic bomber formation led the U.S. Air Force to oppose the development of rocket technology.

Why did the US Air Force become independent? Because the Air Force's strategic bombers can take off from thousands of miles away for strategic bombing and even attack. This is something that the Army's operational model cannot possibly contain.

But if the Army relies on the development of rockets, it can enter space itself, and even through intercontinental missiles, it can also complete the combat mode of nuclear attack thousands of miles away. So why should the Air Force be independent?

The newly independent U.S. Air Force is very worried about this, so it simply holds the attitude of not thinking about the budget, and frantically suppresses the Army's Ballistic Missile Development Agency.

However, with the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Soviet Union, the United States will definitely mediate the contradictions between the military services, but only by sacrificing the army, even if stimulated by the Soviet Union and determined to speed up development. In the end, the will of the US Air Force triumphed.

Among nuclear-armed countries, only the United States was the first to develop ICBMs by the Army, and as a result, ICBMs were finally placed under the control of the Air Force. The land and air strategic nuclear weapons in the land, sea and air trinity of strategic nuclear weapons belong to the U.S. Air Force.

This is the only one among the five permanent members. Regardless of China, the Soviet Union, Britain and France, ICBMs are all assigned to the Army.

"I'm leaving Europe and going back to my post." Alan Wilson told Pokina that he would return to his post. This is not to have a breakup gun, although it is inevitable. Mainly to pay attention to where the British space program is going.

Since it took several months to formulate a plan to deal with the economic crisis, along with the maritime delimitation and Iceland's provocation, he has no need to continue to stay in Europe and is ready to go home.

Iceland in this time period is extremely unlucky. Regarding some evil colonial empires, the harmless and peace-loving Iceland that bullied people and animals in the European Community, and the bullied Iceland, in addition to sending people to Europe to explain that they hope to lift the ban , and also hope that Washington will intervene.

It has to be said that Alan Wilson choked Iceland's lifeline. He was not going to fight Iceland's cod war, and directly banned Iceland's fist products, and also prepared for Iceland's troubles.

Once Iceland does something irrational to the British fishermen on the ocean, the UK will not do anything to Iceland, but the most affluent part of the world today, the Newfoundland royal family's territory, may not be. A few destroyers are not considered to be extremely powerful, and that is in front of Britain and the United States.

The United States, which has been given high hopes by the Icelanders, has no time to pay attention to Iceland at least now. The news that the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, reported by TASS, has caused an uproar in the United States.

The Soviet Sputnik, the size of a beach volleyball, is orbiting the Earth every 96 minutes at 18,000 miles per hour, beeping every now and then.

The sky is no longer safe, and the so-called powerful air force advantage of the United States has disappeared. For people in this era, going into space is a fantasy, and when the news came, many Americans were already panicking.

The U.S. stock market, already in the midst of an economic crisis cycle, plummeted, as if the end of the free world was imminent.

The New York Times asked, "The Soviets couldn't even make a good refrigerator. How could they send satellites into space? How could that be possible?"

"This artificial satellite of the Soviet Union will stare at us from the sky at any time. The entire United States has been exposed to the eyes of the Soviets. We have no secrets and have been seen at a glance." The Boston Globe's report exacerbated the Soviet Union's launch of the first satellite. Sputnik Panic.

In the public opinion environment of the United States, the Soviet Union is an extremely backward country, not much different from a monkey, and not much different from a colony. What is the United States? Public opinion tells American citizens that the United States is a city on a hill, that today's United States is the core force leading the world, that the United States is a technological hegemon, and that only the United States has so-called technological creativity.

American citizens immersed in this public opinion, but now hear the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into space?

The president of Pennsylvania State University, Eric Walker, spoke to reporters heavily, "We are already a secondary world power."

"I think the consequences are very clear, the Soviet Union will dominate the world." Lieutenant General Dolittle, the US President's foreign intelligence adviser, lowered his head, and his glasses were full of thoughts.

Washington Senator Henry Jackson wants the president to declare this a day of national humiliation.

Arkansas' Fulbright said: "The practical challenges we face involve the very foundation of our society. It concerns our educational system, which is the source of our knowledge and cultural values. The government's academic revival management plan is now disconcertingly short-sighted.

The artificial satellite orbits circle after circle in space, a polished metal sphere fifty-eight centimeters in diameter, with four external radio antennas that emit radio pulses. Its radio signal was easily detected by radio amateurs, and its sixty-five-degree inclination during orbit allowed it to cover nearly the entire inhabited Earth in its flight path.

Radio monitors all over the world can listen to the signal on it, listen to the beeping sound in the headphones, and countless people in the free world are full of silence.

The silent person certainly does not include Alan Wilson. He is a walking special relationship between the United States and the United States. He is convinced that once the United States adjusts, it will definitely catch up. The premise is to invest more, in short, to spend more money.

In order to reflect the father's love, let the son learn the truth of self-reliance and self-improvement, so that he can thrive in the future.

There is no need for Alan Wilson to remind the United States what to do. Only when you understand it can you be considered your own, and no one else can do it for you.

In fact, what's the big deal is that the U.S., from being arrogant and thinking that it is ahead of any country in any technology, suddenly went to the other extreme, and out of thin air exalted the Soviet Union's advantages in aerospace.

Even Kennedy proposed in the presidential election to close the missile gap, that is, to deploy a thousand Militia ballistic missiles, far exceeding the number of ballistic missiles owned by the Soviet Union at that time.

This is also related to Khrushchev's ability to blow. Beginning in 1957, the United States was terrified by a scare of civil and military attacks.

The first artificial satellite actually does not have any scientific instruments. The only thing that can show its presence is that it emits a beeping radio signal, but other countries, especially the United States, do not know.

When I arrived in Persia, the capital of Western Australia, the whole world was still discussing the first artificial satellite, and public opinion in the United States reached a boiling point. The two parties accused each other one after another, and the elites of various industries To make two comments for this time, otherwise you will be behind the world trend.

Alan Wilson was not so troubled. He even had an in-depth exchange with Vivien Leigh when he was passing through Kuala Lumpur. When asked about Pamela Mountbatten, Alan Wilson was also very calm, "I happened to be here to ask, our No matter where the space program is, the Blu-ray missile has been successfully launched this time, although the range of the intercontinental missile is not enough, but if you want to go to space, it should still be possible."

"I don't know how to say it in the United States now. It's very manic." Pamela Mountbatten covered her belly. "You're not in a hurry at all."

"I don't think it's as important as your having a baby soon." Alan Wilson expressed his love for his wife and asked Pamela Mountbatten's belly, "When?"

"It's just a few days." Pamela Mountbatten looked happy, and this man knew what to say.

"Then I'll wait for the child to be born and go to the launch site." Alan Wilson made a choice after a brief consideration. The Imperial Commissioner's mentality was very good, and he was already behind. What's the use of worrying? Follow the plan step by step.

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