British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 919: for national unity

It's been a few months since they haven't seen each other, and the two have endless words to talk about their recent work and itinerary.

Pamela Mountbatten talked about the company's receipt of hydropower from Western Australia, and the recent signing of a uranium supply contract with the United States, "Canada's Hudison's Bay Company was experiencing operational difficulties, and the CEO there advised me that in the key Time to help, buy some of the company's shares, and relieve the operating crisis of the Hudison's Bay Company."

"That's a big-name company." Alan Wilson whistled. It was as famous as the East India Company, but the Hudison's Bay Company still existed. "This department store doesn't seem to have any outstanding products."

"The company's reputation and long-term logistics should be regarded as an invisible value." Pamela Mountbatten snuggled in her husband's arms, "What you taught me should not only be considered from a business perspective. At this level, first of all Consider politics."

"That's right." Alan Wilson was full of a sense of accomplishment. This strong woman was cultivated by him. His hand involuntarily stroked his wife's bulging belly, and the sense of accomplishment in his heart became stronger and stronger.

"How about you these few months, let me listen too." Pamela Mountbatten squinted, enjoying her husband's warm palm.

"Oh, let me tell you." Alan Wilson mentioned the maritime delimitation in the Gulf of Guinea, the cod ban on Iceland, explained the internal connection, the order for Tiger gunships, and when he came back to pass through Malaya, By the way, I asked about the progress of the container revolution. Although the tone was flat, but if you listened carefully, you could feel the high spirits inside.

At the end, referring to the current cabinet and Whitehall's movements, Alan Wilson whispered, "I will try my best to leave a stable environment for the next High Commissioner. Maybe when the West Malaysia Railway opens to traffic, I will no longer be in office. If the urban construction progresses smoothly, there may be phased results."

"Stable environment?" Pamela Mountbatten immediately extracted the key words and asked curiously, "Which part?"

"There are areas that are strengthened and areas that are weakened. In fact, it is nothing more than ethnic conflicts, religious conflicts, and regional conflicts that can be used, and it is not that there are no aspects that have not been strengthened. The Chinese and Malay language textbooks will be revised at the beginning. , some things have to start with dolls."

Alan Wilson has ordered the revision of the first lesson of the Chinese textbook, Malaya, the beautiful royal territory.

In the first lesson of this important course of Chinese, he expounded the strong xenophobic thoughts, what is the pearl of the British Commonwealth, the spear of Asia, and made it clear that Malaya is still a colonial territory, and the British mainland is facing Europe from the east and the west. The subcontinent is balanced offshore, covering the primary and secondary relationships of the entire Commonwealth market.

This is of course some exaggeration of the current Malayan colony, but it is also a fact. Britain hopes that the Malayan colony will play a role in consolidating the pound area. There is no doubt about this.

It's just not like what he said in the language textbook, it seems that Malaya's status is the second brother of the British Commonwealth.

Deception is definitely deception, but it is only a partial deception. It is also accompanied by illustrations to deepen the understanding that the Malayan colony is proud of the economic and trade relations arrows between the existing members of the Commonwealth of Nations and the British colonies.

Pamela Mountbatten nodded frequently, and then slowly said, "It's very good, but dear, you know that the part I want to hear is ethnic conflicts, regional conflicts, and religious conflicts."

She knows her husband too well, the content that she shares actively is always high, and the part that doesn't make a sound is what is really being implemented.

"There is no concrete concept yet, just some concrete steps. Near Singapore's Far East Joint Operations Command, a new area will be planned, where the smuggled women will be placed. Isolate the contact between the garrison and the local residents. You know, nearby There are stowaways in South Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, and even as far away as South Korea. The men will be sent back and the women will be resettled here.”

"Go ahead with her economic planning!" Ellen Wilson explained her economy in a true book. "Vigorously activate her economic engine and create a 'she economy' ecosystem, which will provide more opportunities and platforms for women's employment and entrepreneurship."

"What is that?" Pamela Mountbatten frowned slightly, feeling that the matter was not simple, involving women and the garrison?

"Don't ask, my dear." Alan Wilson can't say that so many British troops stationed in Malaysia can't be monks. He can only use these foreign women who smuggled into the Malayan colony to create a big brothel in Southeast Asia?

Although this is also a fact, as a High Commissioner, he cannot speak too clearly in the name of the Chief Executive.

Malaya is a colony, and the issue of garrisoning troops is inherently sensitive. When he was the chief executive, he could not wait to pee on Singapore. If he resigned, the new chief executive might not dare to impose restrictions on the British troops stationed in Malaysia.

Alan Wilson is promoting the economic construction of Malaya, and at the same time, he is also reversing the social atmosphere. In such a conservative colonial social environment, news of **** of women came from the garrison from time to time, which brought hidden dangers to the British colonial rule.

He didn't care what happened to women, and no turmoil was dominated by women. He was afraid that the men in the colony would make trouble, feel that his wife, daughter and sister were humiliated, and then raised anti-British thoughts.

Therefore, a group of unsympathetic groups is needed as a buffer. Anyway, my two major ethnic groups in Malaya are pure and clean, and they are all shameless women who smuggled in from outside, rushing to split their thighs against the garrison.

There are actually Indians, but Alan Wilson feels that the Indian community will die soon. In fact, it is very simple. The main atmosphere in China is that men offer dowry, while India is the opposite, where women prepare dowry.

The collision of this kind of customs, one and the other, the Chinese may devour the Indian group completely. This generation of colonial children may grow up to usher in a period of ethnic conflict based on this.

"There is no need to repeat the religious contradictions. I am asking the Executive Bureau to collect Chinese history and plan to print the Malay version separately. The changes in public opinion in the future will stir up an atmosphere of distrust in East and West Malaysia. Put the hegemony of public opinion against Residents of East Malaysia.”

Seeing the righteousness and bravery as Mr. Zhao from Fuzhou, he deliberately injured Zhao in the northeast. As a high commissioner, Alan Wilson has to learn and use it, but he will definitely leave his tail behind and spread this double standard in East Malaysia, so that the residents of East Malaysia have this understanding, and then he will start doing this.

"Printing Chinese history, but what does it have to do with the colonies you manage?" Territorial conflicts are literally what Pamela Mountbatten understands easily, but she can't figure out what the Malay version of Chinese history does.

"Since it is a printed Malay version of Chinese history, it is naturally not a bright side. Including, but not limited to, the astonishing death rate of China's change of dynasties, the brutal repression of the rebels, especially the peaceful believers, China has The habit of recording history has saved me a lot of trouble."

"I remember the big compradors who have a good relationship with you, all claiming that the Chinese love peace since ancient times." Pamela Mountbatten was full of surprise, and it was the first time her husband mentioned these things.

"Hehe." Alan Wilson chuckled and said solemnly, "Of course, it's self-proclaimed, haha... Indians also say that if India leads the world, there will be no crimes of the colonial era. We can't control ourselves, either. I'm not slandering either, I'm just bringing out their own recorded history and spreading it."

Why did Zhungeer change the place name, why did Miao Tuoye catch up, Zuo Zongtang was still too soft on the Peace Religion, Alan Wilson brought Dolonga out and added it in. What does the word ointment mean? Are the natives of Fraud Island good to eat?

In the Ming Dynasty, ethnic minorities were an important source of **** groups. The standard for how to systematically eliminate aliens was, "One person captures and kills three, and goes up one level. To nine, goes up three levels. It is a strong man, and Practical teaching. Young men and women, and ten or more, but not more than a few, will be rewarded.”

The "Ming Hui Dian" clearly marked the price. Different emperors had different prices for different ethnic groups in the dynasty. There were no omissions for men, women, old and young. In the "Draft of Qing History", the Qing Dynasty generally inherited the policies of the Ming Dynasty. What is the difference? The Qing Dynasty was more efficient.

After all, the Malayan colony is a model of multiculturalism. Alan Wilson just let the Malays know about their neighbors. It is completely kind and selfless.

It just so happens that the indigenous people of Fraud Island are also related to the Malays. The Malays can learn about the history of the indigenous people making ointment. I heard that it was very popular at that time. This is also to use history as a The pacifists also attach importance to religion, and will definitely have empathy.

If the second term can be completed, Alan Wilson still has time to adjust, so there is no need to hurry.

But he also didn't want to miss the opportunity of the vacancy of the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If Sir Ismay resigned, he would return to London to fight for it, so some tasks had to be implemented ahead of schedule.

For example, Chinese armored divisions, Malay marine divisions, various policies, and opening up middle and low-level civil servants to recruit colonial residents to join the colonial government, etc. At least he did it, with a little more certainty than the next High Commissioner.

We need to bridge where we need to be healed, and we need to challenge where we need to be provoked. The most important thing in life is to have the courage to try.

It's like he's a colonial high commissioner who doesn't delay doing his part for the great space cause.

Not only his wife will understand him, but even Princess Margaret understands him. Her Royal Highness is no longer a willful love brain, and now she has matured. Knowing that Pamela Mountbatten is inconvenient, she took the initiative to sit up and help her brother-in-law to solve his troubles.

The long feeling of emptiness finally disappeared at this time. Only this kind of fulfilling day was what the princess wanted.

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