British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 920: little wilson was born

"Your Highness, it's really heartwarming." Alan Wilson, who was holding the princess' delicate body with his eyes facing each other, didn't know where he was, but he felt that he was in a difficult situation, and he was fully integrated into the current beauty.

"It's been so long since I left." Princess Margaret held her brother-in-law's head. The limited edition luxury car was already pink, and her mouth was full of complaining about the man's heartlessness.

"The country has nurtured me, and I want to contribute to the country." Alan Wilson, who was sitting up with the princess in his arms, listened to the humming and chirping, and said that he couldn't help himself. Intermittent punctuation proves his sincerity.

Alan Wilson had never experienced how difficult it was for ladies of the same rank as his wife, but now, it can only be said that the times are different, and they are all quite difficult to deal with. Fortunately, Her Royal Highness still knows the general situation, and knows that the relationship between the two is a secret.

His wife is about to give birth, and Alan Wilson has to fulfill the responsibilities of a good husband, such as taking care of children.

The daughter is already very sensible and is very familiar with Princess Margaret. It is no wonder that in a sense, Her Royal Highness has played the role of a little girl, accompanying her daughter's growth.

With the arrival of Pamela Mountbatten's due date, Alan Wilson waited outside the delivery room with his daughter in a not very calm mood. It was not the first time he had experienced such a thing, but he was equally nervous. People are different, it is his wife, who is giving birth to two offspring.

After a long time, the doctor came out to say that the mother and child were safe, and Alan Wilson was relieved. After consulting his opinion, he entered the delivery room to visit his exhausted wife, "I finally let the Wilson family have an heir."

"It's hard work." Alan Wilson was grateful and held Pamela Mountbatten's slightly slippery hand in the palm of his hand.

"It should be." Pamela Mountbatten blinked mischievously and whispered, "I'll be fine after a few days of rest."

Whether a person is in a good mood or not is absolutely related to the environment, as evidenced by the chronically high suicide rate in Scandinavian countries, the Australian environment has helped Pamela's Mountbatten's recovery.

A few days later, after a democratic resolution, the name Albert Mountbatten Wilson became the name of the first son of the two. After a few days of nourishment by Mother Earth, the younger son finally did not look like the wrinkled one he was born with. He looks like a smart little guy with big eyes.

Alan Wilson can't help but sigh that white people are blessed before they are born to adulthood. It's really beautiful, it would be even better if the speed of aging could have the advantages of other races. But everything is a matter of proportion, maybe it is an elite life.

"When the time comes, I will be as good as you." Pamela Mountbatten's eyes were full of happiness, comparing the similarities between her husband and her son's eyebrows, "If Pamela can marry into the royal family, I will not worry about anything. "

Alan Wilson's face changed, and he changed the subject without a trace, "This matter still needs to be considered carefully."

Marry into the royal family? marry whom? Charles, the British Yinreng? A standard collection of children born to parental faults. It's hard not to think of African baboons when you see that face Alan Wilson.

As for the affair in the royal family, when it doesn't involve his family, he doesn't need to care.

If his newly born son grows up to be involved with many women, he will not be happy, because he himself has this kind of virtue.

But if your daughter and husband are like this, then this matter must be carefully considered.

"That's what I said." Pamela Mountbatten was keenly aware that her husband did not seem to approve of Prince Charles, "without sufficient consideration."

"The relationship with the royal family should not be too close. Your current assets should not be too far away from politics. It is also not a good thing to be too close. We must all understand that power is inherently more terrifying." Alan Wilson taught his postpartum wife , let Pamela Mountbatten quickly dispel this dangerous idea.

Alan Wilson was still not at ease, and felt that it was still clear from the beginning, and the danger was nipped in the bud.

Marriage with the royal family is not at all urgent for the two of them. Both of them are on the rise, and they are not in the middle of the family, so they don't need to rely on the royal family to gain any status.

"Darling, you're so right, I think it's a bit simple." Pamela Mountbatten gave in decisively and no longer thought about marriage with the royal family. She could feel her husband's heart against this matter.

Alan Wilson is not afraid that some rich and powerful grievance will happen to his family. If it is an oriental society, the emperor is almost a **** in the world, then he is really vigilant. Don't find any reason to confiscate the family property. The British royal family does not With such great power, he just can't stand Daying Yinren taking advantage of his own family.

The discussion about the royal family has come to an end. He has only two things to do now, lay the foundation for the Malayan colony, and the space program of the British stock market must be carried out step by step.

In the distant Moscow, before the aftermath of the launch of the first man-made satellite, the Soviet Union held the Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union while the iron was hot. In a sense, it also held the Congress of the World Communist Party.

At the gate of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Soviet Union, representatives of the ruling parties of more than a dozen countries and political parties of dozens of countries gathered in Moscow, which undoubtedly shocked the free world.

The free world has rarely reported intensive coverage of the Moscow conference. This extraordinary enthusiasm and concern also shows that in this sensitive period, the free world is not as calm as before.

But Alan Wilson didn't panic at all. Whether it was his wife Pamela Mountbatten or Princess Margaret, he saw that he should eat and sleep. Both of them know that this man has a problem with key politics, and he has to be a guest commentator for everything. It's not common sense to say nothing when such a big thing happened.

"Dear, the Soviet Union held a Moscow conference." Pamela Mountbatten finally couldn't help it, and took the initiative to mention the news of the Soviet Union to see if her husband was really so indifferent.

"Togliatti in Italy and Torres in France are gone. The ruling parties of more than a dozen countries, dozens of parties that follow the baton of the Soviet Union. Now gathered in Moscow." Alan Wilson nodded, indicating that he knew this. thing.

Not only did he know about this, he also knew that a certain power had challenged the status of the CPSU. On the one hand, he persuaded the CPSU to open up to Molotov and others, and on the other hand, he did not shy away from key politics in front of other fraternal political parties, putting the CPSU in a very embarrassing situation.

He also knew that the slogan of surpassing Britain and catching up with the United States was about to be raised as soon as the Moscow meeting ended, but he didn’t know whether the Super British this time surpassed the British colony of Malaya, because the output of steel in the Malayan colony had already surpassed that of the United Kingdom. Homegrown.

In general, this Moscow meeting looked lively, but in fact, Khrushchev was used in such a big battle.

This was the beginning of a crack in the Soviet bloc. As for the combined fleet and radio station, that will be in the future, and it will not necessarily happen. The Soviet Union now holds Hokkaido in its hands.

Whatever he sees, he sits and watches and waits for the situation to change in favor of the free world.

It is the best way to deal with this kind of problem coldly, even for the Soviet Union. If he were the leader of the Soviet Union, he would leave a certain big country unattended from now on.

But then again, isn't Alan Wilson doing similar things, except that he is digging a corner of the United States.

"Don't look at it so lively, maybe it's the beginning of the turn from prosperity to decline." Alan Wilson comforted his wife and sister-in-law, "Of course this is just my personal opinion, it is best not to spread it out."

In particular, we must not let the United States know that the United States is still in a one-vs-two mentality. This mentality is very good and should continue to be maintained.

Seeing with his own eyes that his son did not suffer from any neonatal disease, Alan Wilson traveled lightly to the Wumaila launch site to inquire about the progress of the British space program.

At the Wumaila launch site, Alan Wilson met with many people in charge, including Turing himself.

"There is no doubt that the Soviet Union took the lead in the space race and put the whole free world in an embarrassing place, especially the United States." Alan Wilson casually connoted the United States, and then asked the United Kingdom's satellite launch preparations. Now Blu-ray missiles can be used for rocket launches without any problem, and they are enough for satellite launches.

Soon, Rod Harper, the head of the launch site, came up with a civilian rocket modeled on the Blu-ray missile. The first stage of the rocket consists of an engine nacelle, propellant tanks and equipment with servo electronics and instruments.

The liquid rocket engine system has a total of eight combustion chambers, is fueled by four turbo pumps, and has pitch, yaw and roll controls. The second-level equipment bay is equipped with servo electronics, telemetry equipment, flight procedure devices, tracking beacons and self-destruct command receivers.

The third stage is a rocket motor and satellite. The first and second stages of the rocket sent the satellite to an altitude of 45 kilometers and 200 kilometers, respectively. Ten minutes into the rocket launch, the third stage ignites. into the predetermined track.

"From the perspective of several blue-light missile tests, our success rate is still very high, at least higher than that of the United States. Of course, I also know that space is still somewhat different from missiles. If the second time is very high, it is believed that the space satellite will be successfully launched.”

Seeing what these researchers were going to say, Alan Wilson directly blocked, and then expressed his best wishes, "We have good wishes and prepare with normal heart. Success or failure, it is up to God to decide."

"Alan, thank you for your understanding." Turing sighed. As the head of the data center, he was still timid about a new field. Especially now that the space craze all over the world is being noticed, there is a lot of psychological pressure.

"Oh, my friend, relax." Alan Wilson smiled and poured chicken soup. "It won't be more dangerous than the British Air War."

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