British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 921: McCarthy's NASA

How long has Turing been out of the Wumaila launch site, and he has no idea that the imperial commissioner, who has always cared about the overall situation, has shamelessly deceived him. How can public opinion be as light as Alan Wilson said?

Just an adjective for Britain's darkest hour on the left and a British air battle on the right, and even Dunkirk can play a positive role.

This is the case in the United Kingdom, not to mention the United States. Politicians, scholars, and lawyers should all have a few words about it.

Most people see in the success of the Soviet Union the cosmic significance of it: the Roman Empire controlled the world because it was good at building roads, then people developed to the sea, and the British Empire became the ruler because it had ships. Now, the Reds have established a foothold in outer space.

This is not to say that even if we launch a better satellite into space next year, there will be no peace of mind. Americans periodically ponder why America is weak.

The press was awakened, "Time" said: The United States has always been proud of its technological capabilities, technological prowess and first achievements. Now, no matter how many reasonable explanations are made, the entire country is plunged into a sudden and deep disappointment, and Americans have been robbed of their glory by this red moon.

The Sputnik moment had a huge impact. As the discussion of key political figures became more widespread, the Soviet technology was more deeply understood, and in turn, the United States became more worried.

The Soviet Union's technical filter is becoming more and more intense in the discussion of key political experts. Success is success, especially in comparison with the failure of the United States to try to launch satellites earlier, the Soviet Union's aerospace and missile strength has been exaggerated to an incomparable degree.

In the first round of the space race, the United States has undisputedly failed, from the mentality of leading any country in any technology, with only God in mind, to the mentality of what the Soviet Union is going to do.

The Soviet Union succeeded in temporarily taking the place of God in the hearts of American citizens. The words of the Pope with several divisions are partially fulfilled at this moment.

All this was unknown to Turing, who had never been out of the Wumaila launch site. In order to relieve the pressure of the British researchers at the launch site, Alan Wilson did not disclose a word. Absorb nutrition from the victory-ten-lose theory and give confidence to the British aerospace elite at the launch site.

"Actually, in a sense, the difficulty we face is lower than that of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union's launch site is in Kazakhstan, which is a high latitude area, and the Vumeira launch site is close to the equator, and our launch will have some help."

The easiest way to launch orbital satellites is to aim and launch eastward along the equator, which can take advantage of the acceleration of the earth's rotation. It is precisely because of the geographical disadvantage of the Soviet Union that the United States lamented the technology of the Soviet Union. The basic asymmetry caused the Soviet Union to have to To do the same is to outperform the US in technology.

You must know that before the first artificial satellite of the Soviet Union was launched, the United States actually tried to launch it twice, but both failed.

The United States did not think the Soviet Union would succeed psychologically, but the Soviet Union did.

"Gentlemen, even if you send a potato to the sky, with our advantage in public opinion, you can make it side by side with Sputnik in a sense. The most important thing is to maintain a peaceful mind."

The words were not pleasant, but the person in charge of the launch site, including Turing, still felt the goodwill of Alan Wilson. It must also be realized that the Mountbatten Group also donated money.

In Washington, the capital of the United States, Alan Wilson's best friend McCarthy in the United States is in the midst of some doubts recently. A certain comedy master who used to have great influence in the United States died in an accident in a car accident after the release of the New York King movie and died in Europe.

Some remarks suggest that this is a black hand under the CIA, and further suspect McCarthy himself.

McCarthy was very annoyed by this utter naughtiness. Of course he knew that Chaplin's film was satirizing himself, but the dwarf's death had nothing to do with him.

Before the Soviet Union launched the first Sputnik, Chaplin's death caused major repercussions in Europe. Especially in the UK, McCarthy complained about being suspicious when he communicated with his friends.

Alan Wilson comforted his American friends, saying in the letter that accidents always come inadvertently.

Chaplin's death was just an accident, and it does not rule out that the Soviets were smearing you, an anti-Soviet fighter.

"My old friend Joseph, the Soviet Union convened the Moscow Conference with the launch of the first artificial satellite. Even if it is not in Europe, dozens of political parties from various countries gather together, it is a powerful pressure. Needless to say, two things It's a huge demonstration, but sadly, there's not much we can do."

"Sometimes I am very envious of your environment, you are a politician, and I am just an administrative official. It is impossible to speak to the country's major policies, even if I have prepared a series of plans, but because of the British The United States is very enviable that some of the problems that exist now cannot be factual.”

The almost disgusting tout reminded McCarthy again of Alan Wilson's capable image, and said to himself, "Alan is helpless now, if only he were an American."

"Maybe my catch-up plan can only be completed by the United States, and the United Kingdom is no longer the empire on which the sun never sets. To deal with the threat of the Soviet bloc, the entire country must be mobilized to deal with it. These plans that the United Kingdom cannot implement may be possible. help you."

Alan Wilson, already a full-fledged bureaucrat, proposed a public-private partnership in the Telegraph? Oh no, some ideas from a public-private cross-border consortium.

After this passage, Alan Wilson's tone changed to a tone of hating iron for failure and serving the country with nowhere to go, which made McCarthy realize the good intentions of his old friend.

"Right now the whole world is watching the race in space. If anyone can face it bravely, he will undoubtedly become a hero of the free world. It seems that our prime minister at this age does not seem to be willing to face such a challenge. "

"Hey!" McCarthy sighed involuntarily. Alan Wilson wanted to fight, but Britain felt sad about the status quo of the Soviet Union's submissiveness. It seems that the free world needs the United States to save it.

Suddenly McCarthy seemed to remember something, and started the TV series at this time. It was just at the time of the news report. The news came intermittently, and the US satellite launch today failed again.

The emergency launch was the U.S. response after the first artificial satellite of the Soviet Union was launched into the sky. I wish that in every rocket, the Americans now want to put an artificial satellite in it. distance?

"What should I do?" McCarthy murmured, as if making up some sort of resolution.

On December 4th, exactly two months after the Soviet Union's first artificial satellite, the U.S. Senate convened an additional budget for aerospace.

In the Senate, young Senator John F. Kennedy, a young senator from Massachusetts, lashed out at the Republican administration, accusing it of dereliction of national security and holding a scientist's overboard report," What makes our scientists despair of America, I think it's that the whole of America has lost the spirit of struggle after the founding of the United States of America."

Immediately, the Republicans and Democrats entered into a heated quarrel, accusing each other.

"Actually, Senator Kennedy's words are all justified. We have to face the Soviet Union's technological competition bravely, and quarrels cannot solve the problem." McCarthy, as the chairman of the Republican Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, opened his mouth at this time, "It must be paid for in action, Instead of making a fuss in the hallowed Congress."

"I believe it!" McCarthy took out the documents he had prepared, and glanced at the senators from both parties, "The United States is still a country ahead of its opponents in terms of technological strength. What it lacks now is crisis, and in the face of difficulties, The fighting spirit that has existed in the United States since the founding of the country is the key to our victory in the face of technological competition."

As a McCarthy finally let others know on this occasion that he is not only anti-Soviet, but also anti-Soviet at a higher level, "I have spoken with many respected congressmen, with the president and the secretary of state. We discussed a proposal two days ago. Now we need to consult the opposition parties in Congress.”

John F. Kennedy also stopped attacking, and after listening to what the anti-Soviet sign had to say, McCarthy then explained himself, but no one knew that it was a British-influenced plan.

"To deal with the technological competition in the Soviet Union, we need the support of the state, and we also need the creativity of our entrepreneurs."

This time, in Congress, McCarthy proposed to establish an administrative agency responsible for formulating and implementing the US space program, and conducting research on aviation science and space science, attracting the public and private enterprises to join in and jointly launch the space program.

Immediately, the Senate entered the discussion, and it was not until a few hours later that President Eisenhower signed the National Air and Space Act and endorsed McCarthy's proposal to establish the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, abbreviated as NASA.

On the same day, the satellite launch at the Wumaila launch site did not enter the intended orbit, and Alan Wilson was comforting the frustrated researchers, "It's just that we didn't enter the intended orbit, and we always have something to gain."

Later, Alan Wilson, who felt that he was partially successful, learned of the news of the establishment of NASA in the United States. And it was McCarthy who contributed to it. "Now Americans, should they think that Joseph is a hero?"

Alan Wilson was delighted that his friend's proposal was passed, and he was worthy of McCarthy, no doubt about that.

From this day on, when it comes to NASA, McCarthy's name will definitely not get around.

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