British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 922: The sound of spaceflight

In terms of being a person, once Alan Wilson recognizes a person, no matter what the person's reputation is, he will try his best to help, provided that he doesn't do this to himself. This is something that the Dragoon sisters provoked him once.

But after comprehensive consideration, especially considering the raised Hellmann family, he was still not prepared to have the same knowledge as a woman, but he had already decided in his heart that there would be no next time.

In the original history, the establishment of NASA, although it was a matter of Eisenhower's tenure, was facilitated by the Democratic Party of the opposition party, and Kennedy's space race can be said to be a big plus.

His performance in the space race was one of the major positive factors for Kennedy's successful Long Aotian route from congressman to senator like a rocket.

And Alan Wilson did not want to give this credit to Kennedy. He believed that Kennedy was not only a threat to the United States, but also to the Soviet Union, China, and the United Kingdom.

Kennedy, whose life was too smooth, liked to do things that were not very acceptable.

He helped McCarthy this time, and dare not say that he can successfully snipe Kennedy's road to the presidency, because whether it is Nixon or McCarthy, it is indeed not as easy as this handsome guy to get votes, but even so, he cannot let Kennedy take the presidency too easily. .

Besides, if it succeeds, maybe the Americans will be fine with this one. Do you think McCarthy's image is splendid?

Turing is also a person recognized by Alan Wilson. After the satellite launch failed this time, he still showed that he has gained something, so that British researchers including Turing should not be under pressure.

"The country has invested so much money and personnel, it will definitely not be an easy thing to do, right?" Alan Wilson, who was walking on the launch site, said to Turing, who was side by side, "If it is so easy to make history, it will not be easy. There will be such a big movement around the world.”

"You're right." Turing knew that his friend was well-intentioned and said, "Although the rocket did not send the satellite to the intended location, it at least proved that our rocket is reliable."

"That's what I mean too." Alan Wilson was relieved to see Turing out of his decadent state.

In this world only he himself knows that every experiment in Britain now is making history.

It is already much better than the original historical Britain, which is gratifying enough.

In the evening, the heads of various departments at the Wumaila launch site confirmed the launch plan in half a month. Emergency launch is not a good way, but now there is no choice. Not only the United States is constantly carrying out launch missions, but the UK is also doing the same.

In just two months from the launch of the Soviet Union's satellite, the United Kingdom and the United States have alternately tested intercontinental missiles and launched satellites. And suffered a string of failures, at least not as many in the UK as in the US.

The U.S. Atlas intercontinental missile has failed twice after one success, and the Blu-ray missile has initially achieved reliability.

It is difficult to judge who successfully launched the second man-made satellite, and it is possible for anyone. Alan Wilson, of course, hopes to teach Americans a lesson as a father. But I was afraid that Nizi would not talk about martial arts, so I was very entangled in my heart...

Soon Alan Wilson was back in Perth, waiting for the next launch to go to the launch site.

"Are there any commissioners in other colonies who run around like you?" Pamela Mountbatten's postpartum recovery was coming to an end, and when she saw her husband back in a good mood, she couldn't help but start teasing.

"Other colonial commissioners mainly do not manage overseas assets." Alan Wilson does not deny that he has not stayed in Kuala Lumpur for almost half of the year now. "The Malayan colony has a mature system to rely on, which also solves my problems. Big trouble."

"Speaking of this issue, three district commissioners in the Malayan colony are leaving their posts. The Sarawak Development Bank is going to hire them as directors." Pamela Mountbatten heard her husband's words and suddenly remembered this. As soon as the incident happened, he took out the files of the three people, indicating that the revolving door was to be activated.

"You can call the shots." Alan Wilson just glanced at the name and nodded, "I don't ask about your property."

"It's the property of the Wilson family." Pamela Mountbatten said in a womanly manner, "You like to be an official, otherwise, you must be more famous than I am now."

"Marrying a good wife is more important than anything else." Alan Wilson came over to give his wife a victory kiss, put one hand on Pamela Mountbatten's belly, and said softly with a smile, "Recovering well, dear. "

The necessary encouragement helps couples feel harmonious, even if they are already old and married.

In the UK this year, in addition to the people who can run around like Alan Wilson, it should be in the Admiralty.

This year, the British Admiralty successfully signed a sale contract for three aircraft carriers, all of which are Giant-class, sold to Brazil, Argentina and India respectively. In addition to the two Vengeance-class aircraft carriers sold to France and the Tejas-class aircraft carrier to Australia, the British aircraft carrier inventory is finally no longer bloated.

The warships accumulated during the World War, after such a long sale, have completed a certain sense of slimming.

This is certainly a good thing for the UK, the maintenance cost alone is a huge expense, the storage will not reduce the cost much, and it will take up space. Therefore, the sealed aircraft carrier cannot escape the fate of dismantling in the end.

In fact, according to the British style, there is no obstacle to the sale of heavy warships, and it is good to exchange money to balance the finances.

The state of the Admiralty is also a microcosm of the entire United Kingdom. Compared with the original history, the downward trend is much better.

Of course, it is not surprising that only Alan Wilson himself knows about this matter in this world. Sometimes he feels that he is an unknown worker. No one knows your achievements. Your name will live on in the world. This sentence Soviet words are more suitable to describe him.

"In the end, it was one person who carried it all." Facing the torrent of history, Alan Wilson could only make fine adjustments as much as possible, hoping that the consequences of the destruction of the embankment of a thousand miles in the ant's nest would appear.

"Are my legs so heavy?" Princess Margaret, who was in the stormy sea, suddenly heard her brother-in-law say such a sentence. She opened her half-squinted eyes and looked at the man who was carrying a gun and carrying a heavy load.

The nights in Perth are always so unexpected, not to let Her Royal Highness feel left out, but also to be careful of MI5 bastards, and most importantly, not to make the wife feel that something is wrong.

The most unexpected thing was that the next day, Alan Wilson heard that Nehru was set up in India, the Indian National Space Research Council, and Dr. Vikram was the chairman of the committee.

"I suddenly feel that the space race is not a high-tech thing anymore." Holding the newspaper of the Times of India, Alan Wilson felt that the steak served by his wife was not delicious.

"What?" Pamela Mountbatten thought her husband didn't like her craftsmanship, and her tone was a little disappointed. After seeing the newspaper in her husband's hand, she understood, "The space race is now so important in the world, Nehru is not If you want to build a powerful country, it is normal to set up such a department."

"Is it normal?" Alan Wilson seemed to be in a state of memory. He remembered that India's spaceflight started in the 1960s, and now it is a few years earlier. "Don't think about it, India's spaceflight talents were trained in London."

No need to think about this, but it is an obvious fact that the person in charge, Vikram Sarabhai, studied in the UK, and after obtaining a bachelor's degree at St. John's College, Cambridge University, he studied under the tutelage of Nobel laureate Chandrasser. Professor Kara Raman published the thesis "Cosmic Ray Research in Tropical Latitudes" and obtained a PhD in Physics. After India's independence, he returned to India,

"You still want to establish a university in Malaya." Pamela Mountbatten quipped, "Isn't that also cultivating future competitors? I remember you said that Europe is actually not ahead of other civilizations."

"What I mean exactly is that Europe is not ahead of other civilizations, and other civilizations are not ahead of Europe." Alan Wilson corrected his wife's words. He had said similar things before. In essence, he did not believe that there was a civilization in the agricultural age~www The number of years ahead of other civilizations can basically be determined as an intentional act to inspire national pride.

"I established a university in Malaya, and there are ways to defuse the threat of high-pressure education to local universities."

Alan Wilson sliced ​​the steak and fed it to his wife, explaining, "I just need to educate useless knowledge."

Even if it is rolled up, it is very easy to use the high-pressure education method to bring the rhythm.

It must be admitted that most of the knowledge one learns in one's life is simply useless in life.

If Alan Wilson wanted to, he could take a high-pressure education and produce more knowledgeable people than native British students, and that would be easy. But it can also make the knowledge learned by these talents unusable.

These Malayan talents who have been exposed to British universities will definitely want to be screened out by his high-pressure education first.

Taking mathematics as an example, he can greatly expand the content of mathematics education. For example, in primary and secondary schools, it is stipulated that a certain proportion of Olympiad must be learned, and mental arithmetic is almost useless.

He can do this in every subject, adding a lot of content that is not destined to be used in the future to distract students.

If this method is harmful, it is basically not. At least I have learned so much useless knowledge, and I can drink a lot and brag.

"If you don't say that at the peak of the British Empire, it would be a loss for the entire British Empire if you weren't born." Pamela Mountbatten lightly chewed her steak and shook her head, "But it's okay, I won't be able to marry you if you were born early. ."

In the face of the national fortunes of the British Empire and her own personal life, Pamela Mountbatten, adhering to the spirit of aristocracy, chose herself decisively.

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