British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 923: Free world I protect

"Dear, you are becoming more and more good at talking." Alan Wilson eased a little bit because of the negative emotions of India's space program. Since it is a foregone conclusion, let's watch as we walk.

Even if India started spaceflight a few years earlier, it would not necessarily change anything.

His intuitive view of India is that it has a large area and a large population, and it is difficult to think of any other advantages.

Geographically, India is topped by the Himalayas, the Indus Valley is lost, and the mouth of the Ganges is lost. During the dry season and the rainy season, the climate is extreme, and the main grain-producing area is actually a semi-arid area like Punjab. What is certain is that it is inherently impossible to confront China.

This cannot be changed, and even the most powerful political experts cannot change the natural climate and resources of India.

To say that China has proposed a space program now, it is worth studying, because although China is not a perfect civilization, it is one dimension higher than India in terms of words and calculations.

In the news of later generations, various countries have proposed new space programs in a certain year. For a time, it seemed that the glorious era of the space race had returned. However, when it came to the year that should be fulfilled, only China came up with the results according to the plan. As for other countries? That's just talk, it's just a joke.

Alan Wilson still attaches great importance to the enemy of China. In addition to the fact that the national system has not improved so much in sports, it is still quite powerful in other fields.

When it comes to sports, next year will be the World Cup, and then the Newfoundland royal family will be able to make another fortune.

The Olympic Games and the World Cup, which alternated twice in four years, have become the happiest time for the residents of the Newfoundland Royal Territory. Before that time, it will be a feast for the entire Newfoundland.

As for the Cold War confrontation and the space race, it is too far away from a place with only more than 200,000 people. Iceland is the most suitable opponent for Newfoundland.

Being an official has benefited one party. During his tenure in Newfoundland, he also received the help of the Newfoundland royal domain in the days to come. No matter where Alan Wilson is, he can always get local financial support.

This is of course also related to Mountbatten Group's positioning of Newfoundland as its North American headquarters, which has now formed a virtuous circle.

Alan Wilson, who was enjoying a good holiday life in Perth, welcomed a guest on this day. After confirming that he was looking for himself, he met the person who came at Mountbatten Building in Perth.

"Mr. Wilson, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is George, and I'm from the NSA." The man who claimed to be from the NSA introduced himself, and in fact Alan Wilson could already hear the other's American accent.

"It turned out to be No, Such, Agency." Alan Wilson was also very polite and joked that there was no such game, but he still had to confirm the identity of the other party, "Since it is an ally, there must be something important."

"Mr. Wilson, the United States is dealing with the Soviet Union's space competition, you must know." George pondered for a while, "We communicated with London through five eyes, hoping to cooperate in the space field. This can better deal with the Soviet threat. ,only……"

"Just what?" Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows. Does the United States want to continue the alliance relationship for free? If so, he must go back to London and talk about the United States tearing up the Atomic Energy Sharing Treaty.

"Mr. Wilson, we know that the British space launch has made great progress. It has been launching frequently recently. We are not monitoring allies, but we get it from public information." George hesitated and said, "Washington and London communicated Meaning, can the launch plan be delayed until after December 18, when the U.S. has a launch plan?"

"Wow?" Alan Wilson put his hands on his chest and looked at each other up and down. "The United States hopes that the United Kingdom will launch its own satellite after the United States succeeds?"

"That's not what you mean." George quickly shook his head and said, "Mr. Wilson, it's just delayed until after our next launch, not for the UK to suspend the entire space program."

"I don't think so!" Alan Wilson thought blankly, but didn't say it to death, "Mr. George, I will wait until London's instructions, I am only responsible for the administrative work of the launch site, and why don't you ask Sri Lanka? What about Marshal Lim?"

George was a little embarrassed, how could he know whether a British marshal had a good temper or not. In any case, the current Australian Governor is a marshal with outstanding achievements. He comes to the door to operate behind the scenes, which may anger an old soldier.

"It was Senator McCarthy who felt that the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States would allow the United Kingdom to see all its interests in the free world and allow the United States to launch another launch." George could only lift McCarthy out, hoping it would work.

"Joseph?" Alan Wilson had already made a decision in his heart, pretending to be silent, "Since it is him, I should help. As long as there is no problem with London, I can naturally wait for the launch time to ensure the success rate. In fact, What does the second have to do with the third. When London has a decision, we will discuss it formally next time we meet.”

Alan Wilson shook hands with the other party friendly, and decided that he could come directly to the door next time. Then he said goodbye and returned to his wife's boudoir. "Prepare me a set of recording equipment that works well. I want to record the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States."

"Dear, you should go to work in MI6." Pamela Mountbatten smiled like a little fox, and then sighed, "Unfortunately, it is not easy to enter that kind of department as a cabinet secretary."

Two days later, Alan Wilson, who was playing at home, consciously began to guide close American allies, and the whole process of requesting the British to delay the launch was recorded in the witness of Australian intelligence agencies.

"Senator Kennedy? He is a young and promising person." During the conversation, he heard the other party mention the promising senator of the Democratic Party. Alan Wilson, who felt that it might be a windfall, began to guide Americans' evaluation without a trace. Check out this political upstart.

"Senator Kennedy, he has a lot of romantic affairs." Just because he is an intelligence officer, it cannot be assumed that this person must be an indifferent person. Obviously, George is not. He is also concerned about the next three things.

About Senator Kennedy's rich love history, it took up half an hour of conversation. During this period, Australian intelligence officers also joined in. From time to time, a sigh broke out, and a wretched laughter broke out intermittently, as long as a man knows it. .

"Someone said Kennedy had premature ejaculation." When Pamela Mountbatten came to look for her husband, she saw Alan Wilson playing the important content of today's meeting, and couldn't help frowning, "Just talk about this?"

"Maybe it will be useful one day." Alan Wilson said to himself that he had recorded Reagan's political leanings. This time it was just adding Kennedy. It was no big deal. It was just that US intelligence officials said that the future president's premature **** would add to the It's just moral corruption, and there are a lot of content that he deliberately led out.

"If you say it can be used, it can be used. But the Americans are really going too far. For their own interests, they let the UK delay the launch time." Pamela Mountbatten was dissatisfied.

"We delayed the launch until the 18th, even if we promised the Americans." Alan Wilson didn't care, the first one was gone, and the order of the second and third was of little significance.

Besides, London has already agreed, what reason does he have to object? Now it's up to the United States to rise up. If it still pulls its hips, don't blame him.

Alan Wilson set the date for the next UK launch on December 25, a week after the US launch, and London gave the go-ahead shortly after.

"In fact, don't think about it, the United States must have made a confident attitude in front of our diplomats." Alan Wilson's face was strange, and it seemed that he could smell a conspiracy.

"What's the matter?" Pamela Mountbatten was puzzled, what did her man see.

"If the confidence of the United States is based on the success rate of the launch, even if it is arrogant, it will not really think that the next launch will be But in diplomatic rhetoric, the United States can't always say that it lacks confidence, right? So the appearance of full confidence is fake. Our confidence in the United States is also fake.”

Pamela Mountbatten listened to her husband's explanation and savored it for a long time, "So what does it mean."

"America knows it's not ready, and Britain knows it's not ready. But America pretends to be ready, and Britain pretends to believe America is ready. Actually America isn't ready, and Britain knows that America is in fact Not ready. That's about it."

"Then the end result is." Pamela Mountbatten added, looking sideways at her husband, "the worst result for America."

"The United Kingdom gave the United States a chance, and the United States did not seize it." Alan Wilson raised his head and muttered, "Of course it depends on the success of the United States' launch this time."

The rocket on the launch pad is ready at the Cape Calvinal launch center in Florida. A guy in the shape of a javelin was built by the famous Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This rocket will carry the expectation of the first artificial satellite in the United States. Citizens throughout the United States desperately hope that the government can give the Soviet Union a clear response in space technology.

With the best wishes of American citizens, the countdown began, and the rocket lifted off smoothly until it disappeared into the sky. Did it succeed?

"The news just came from the United States that the satellite from the United States is not in the intended orbit, it's ours." Alan Wilson arrived at the launch site again, "I wonder if we can give the free world a Christmas present."

The United States is also Tu Yile, and the one who truly protects the free world has to be my British.

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