British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 924: Christmas gifts

God knows how glorious it was that Alan Wilson rejected the deep friendship of his wife and sister-in-law and came to the Wumaila launch site on Christmas Day.

Since World War II, British citizens have been in a state of confusion, and all the glory of the past seems to have faded away. If the satellite can be successfully launched this time, it will be a huge encouragement to the United Kingdom, which is still looking for its own position.

At one midnight GMT and ten a.m. local time in Australia, the entire Wumaila launch site, under the warm sunlight, seemed quiet but orderly.

On the launch pad, the Black Arrow rocket has been prepared. Among the three-stage rockets, carrying an artificial satellite called Prospero, there is no one near the launch pad.

In the command room in the distance, scientists from the British Interstellar Society and the person in charge of the Wumaila launch site gathered together.

The entire command room was silent. Under the background of the failure of the United States to launch satellites, no one regarded satellite launch as as simple as drinking water. The countdown began, "Ten, nine, eight..."

Only the icy countdown echoed in everyone's ears, reaching everyone's heart. The Black Arrow rocket ignited successfully, slowly lifted off in the eyes of everyone, and left the launch pad, looking very smooth.

Until the Black Arrow rocket disappeared into the sky, the entire command room could still hear needles falling, and the successful launch was just the beginning. Not to mention the United States a week ago, the United Kingdom also had an off-orbit launch.

The launch vehicle began to slowly change to the predetermined direction according to the predetermined program. After more than 100 seconds, at an altitude of about 45 kilometers, the first-stage rocket engine was shut down and separated.

"The second-stage rocket ignited successfully." Finally, a voice with a sense of relief made the nervous people feel relieved.

The second stage rocket then ignited and continued to accelerate its flight. At this time, the rocket had already flown out of the dense atmosphere, and the satellite's fairing could be thrown away according to the procedure. When the rocket reaches the predetermined speed and altitude, the third-stage rocket engine shuts down and separates, and the accelerated flight segment ends.

Once the second stage rocket continues to fly, and begins the inertial flight segment, until it is tangent to the intended orbit. At that time, the third-pole rocket will be ignited, the final short-distance flight will be carried out, and the artificial satellite will be released. At this point, the satellite launch is completed.

The U.S. a week ago, and the U.K., which launched once before, both had problems with their second-stage rockets.

Therefore, after the successful ignition of the second-stage rocket, people's hanging hearts were slightly relieved.

In just ten minutes, in the eyes of those who experienced it, it almost seemed like a century.

The moment the third-pole rocket released the Prospero satellite at an altitude of 560 kilometers, the released signal was detected by the launch city. In an instant, the command room that had just been calm as stagnant water was like a volcanic eruption. hustle and bustle.

"Send a report to London to inform that the satellite launch was successful. I hope the citizens of the United Kingdom can receive this Christmas gift." Alan Wilson's tense heart finally relaxed, and in just ten minutes, his life memorable.

Christmas 1957 was destined to be an unforgettable day for the British. People wake up from their sleep and start a busy day. When the TV and radio are turned on, the major TV stations are broadcasting the news of the successful launch of the Prospero satellite in the UK, and this news also occupies the top of the major newspapers. Edition headlines.

The whole of the UK was caught in a commotion, and the news that the UK launched the world's second, er, the first artificial satellite in the free world, became the focus of heated discussions among people from all walks of life.

The ruling Attlee Cabinet officially confirmed this major news, and considered it a milestone in the British aerospace industry. The confirmation of the Labour cabinet set off public opinion around the world.

No one would have thought that when the Soviet Union started a journey to conquer space, the first response was not the United States, but the United Kingdom, which was considered to be a secondary role. Big horse.

Even the news of the successful launch of artificial satellites by the United States and the United Kingdom on the other side of the ocean has caused huge repercussions.

The US government has congratulated the UK on the successful launch of the satellite. Of course, willingly or not, only the Americans themselves know.

Harold Wilson, as the cabinet minister in charge of the space program, has also risen, and with this news, is at the center of the entire public opinion. Of course, Harold Wilson couldn't waste this exposure opportunity. The killer instinct broke out and expressed his support for the British aerospace industry from multiple angles and levels.

"I'm invincible in the UK..." After whistling Alan Wilson celebrated with the scientists at the launch site, he returned to Perth with great satisfaction, and the whole person was in a state of excitement.

Historically, the United Kingdom did not successfully launch its first artificial satellite until 1971. This was because the five permanent members had already succeeded. The only exception was the lack of the former world hegemon, the United Kingdom, who invested in it for the sake of face.

Isn't it cause for celebration, fourteen years earlier, and the successful launch of Sputnik on the heels of the Soviet Union?

In public opinion people attribute it to the Attlee Cabinet, and even Harold Wilson, the cabinet minister. But Alan Wilson knew it was all due to himself.

So is it too much for him to ask the royal princess to ride the rocket when he comes back? As it should be, Alan Wilson's artificial satellite also successfully entered the deep space orbit of Princess Margaret.

Her Royal Highness, who hugged the man's body tightly, experienced the joy of riding a rocket, and had fun with the British citizens and the people.

"His Royal Highness, how does it feel to sit on a rocket?" Ellen Wilson, who hugged Her Royal Highness tightly, asked softly in Princess Margaret's ear.

"Your rocket has a lot of thrust." Princess Margaret responded with satisfaction, her eyes full of nostalgia.

"Big is beauty, and more is good. Caliber is justice, and range is truth." Alan Wilson said in high spirits, holding onto Her Royal Highness's arms, feeling the aftermath of the aerospace industry.

"Bah, if I'm pregnant, you'll be finished." Princess Margaret rolled her eyes at her brother-in-law, and threatened with anger.

"Fate depends on faith." Ellen Wilson held Princess Margaret's head pitifully. "Will you let your brother-in-law die? My brother-in-law has always been loyal to the British Empire."

"Look how proud you are." Her Royal Highness, who had been puaed, could only whisper back against the imperial commissioner's complacence.

The success of the satellite launch, inspiring the already cooling imperial ambitions of British citizens, is a good start. Alan Wilson feels that the significance of this role is still very large.

Britain could prove it could respond to the Soviet challenge in space without relying on the United States. So since this can be done in the aerospace field, it can also be done in other fields.

The spiritual level of a country cannot be collapsed. The original historical Suez Canal War was the source of the collapse of the morale of British citizens. The significance of the Suez Canal War is equivalent to the Sino-Japanese War in the late Qing Dynasty. The course of the war was different, but the results were similar.

After the Suez Canal War, Britain almost no longer struggled, and changed its previous attitude of teaming up with France, and concentrated on being a follower of the United States.

This is similar to the significance of the Sino-Japanese War to the Qing Dynasty. In fact, the scale and impact of the two Opium Wars were nothing to the past dynasties. Strictly speaking, they did not even count as wars. At best, they were the harassment of the Great Wall by nomads.

The Sino-Japanese War was equivalent to breaking the Great Wall, which was completely different from the problems encountered in the Qing Dynasty before.

The next day, holding the newspapers from various countries sent by his wife, Alan Wilson watched with great interest the reports from various countries on the British launch of satellites, and the Princess Royal who was on the rocket yesterday was also there.

"For a long time, the UK has not been paid attention to by so many countries." Pamela Mountbatten congratulated her husband with a smile. She knew that the reason why the UK was able to launch satellites so quickly was that it relied on the blue-light missile project, and launched satellites. It is the Black Arrow rocket that relies on the improvement of the blue light missile.

All of this is something Alan Wilson has always insisted Without his insistence, even rockets would not exist, let alone launch satellites. Alan Wilson straightened his back. "If someone else said that, I might be humbled. This is all under the leadership of the cabinet. I am just an executor. But since my lover said this, I will not pretend to be innocent. already."

"I don't think it's too much for the royal family to give you a title." Pamela Mountbatten nodded in agreement.

"I don't care about that kind of stuff," Alan Wilson said to his wife. "What's the point? Just say it nicely, Sir Wilson or whatever, it doesn't matter at all."

"It's still very important, especially hereditary titles." Pamela Mountbatten disagreed with her husband on this point, "especially if you want to gain a foothold in Whitehall. You should fight for it. Marg and I Let Rita inquire about it and see if it can't be done."

Pamela Mountbatten has made up her mind to help her husband settle the title issue sooner rather than later. It's best to get things done in the last two years.

Compared with the congratulations from other countries, the joy of the United States seems insincere. This almost casts doubt on the leadership of the United States. After the successful launch of satellites by the United Kingdom, the emergency launches of the United States have become more frequent.

At this moment, the First Sea Minister, Mountbatten, submitted to the cabinet a plan for the distinction and construction of attack nuclear submarines and strategic nuclear submarines, and urged attention to the significance of the blue light missile project to strategic nuclear submarines.

Attlee's cabinet responded quickly to Mountbatten's plan, acknowledging the importance of the nuclear submarine sector to British security and allowing the Admiralty to prepare a more detailed assessment.

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