British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 925: marshal mountbatten

In fact, the British military attaches more importance to nuclear submarines than aircraft carriers, and Mountbatten also thinks so.

Otherwise, he would not have personally made a trip to the United States to facilitate the transfer of nuclear reactor technology from the United States, for which he paid nearly 10 million pounds.

The Cabinet also knows that nuclear submarines are life-saving things for the UK and has never put obstacles to the nuclear submarine project.

So after a brief communication, this absolutely professional report was approved by the Labour cabinet. This is also not easy. Recently, the Prime Minister of Iceland was visiting European countries to lobby for the lifting of the embargo on Icelandic cod, and the United Kingdom was very troubled.

However, this move to protect the interests of British fishermen has an obvious effect on stabilizing the support rate of the Labour Party. This also gave Attlee's cabinet reason to stick with it.

The embargo on Icelandic cod from the European Community market has dealt a devastating blow to Iceland. The whole of Iceland is now in trouble, and even Washington has called for unity in the free world.

"Iceland can eat the cod it catches by itself." When he met the Minister of Defense teasing about this, Mountbatten looked calm, he knew that it was related to his son-in-law.

"Okay, let's not mention this." Count Alexander saw through it without saying anything. He still wanted to inform Mountbatten about his personal future.

Mountbatten has been promoting the joint operations command of the three armed forces. For this reason, the Near East, Middle East and Far East Joint Operations Commands were established respectively. However, things did not go well, and Mountbatten himself had too obvious naval colors. When it comes to conflicts between the military services, each military service will naturally not give in.

Otherwise, just look at the performance of the US Air Force in the ICBM project, and you will know how terrible the contradiction between the services is.

However, Mountbatten himself came from the royal family, and his identity has never been a problem. The cabinet also knows that at this time, the United Kingdom should concentrate its efforts and not be able to talk about itself as it used to.

Count Alexander here hinted that he hoped to facilitate this. As early as a few years ago, in terms of the reform of the leadership organization, Mountbatten proposed to abolish the staff of the various services and set up a joint planning staff for the unity of the three services. Permanent Chairman of this institution.

However, this goal was not achieved in London due to passive resistance from the chiefs of staff of the various services.

Mountbatten then put it into practice in overseas garrison, and established the Near East Joint Command in Cyprus, the Middle East Joint Command in Aden, and the Far East Joint Command in Singapore. This new command structure has played a great role in improving the rapid response capabilities of the British army.

The abolition of the staff of the various military services will make many generals lose their positions, but after the establishment of the three major overseas headquarters. The improvement in efficiency has already moved the Cabinet.

The Labour Party cabinet has always wanted to control military spending. Since there is no way out of weapons and equipment, it is logical to streamline the military's institutions and save money, which is exactly in line with Mountbatten's previous appeal.

"In principle, the Cabinet proposes to abolish the Ministry of the Navy, the Air Force, and the Army to establish a unified and authoritative Ministry of Defense." Count Alexander said to Mountbatten happily, "In principle, you are the most suitable to lead this. Department."

He is of course happy as the Minister of Defense. A unified Ministry of Defense will give him a more status as the Minister of Defense. Of course, he also knows that the resistance is huge, so having Mountbatten, who has extremely deep connections in the military, lead this department, it may reduce a lot of resistance.

"That's great." Mountbatten simply agreed. He didn't guess that the Minister of Defense wanted to come forward to reduce resistance, but that was exactly what he had always wanted.

"I believe that under your leadership, the armed forces of the British Empire will usher in a new beginning." Count Alexander said happily, "Only you can integrate the various military services. The Prime Minister and I are looking forward to it. "

As for the report on the development of attack nuclear submarines and strategic nuclear submarines submitted by Mountbatten, it was naturally greatly appreciated by the cabinet. Construction plans have also been put on the agenda.

"Father's marshal consecration ceremony this time, I will definitely go back." Pamela Mountbatten pushed in, holding her infant son in one hand, and her eldest daughter pulling Princess Margaret behind her. His hand followed step by step.

"The promotion of General Mountbatten to Marshal is a big deal." Princess Margaret nodded in agreement, "It is indeed worth a trip back."

But the bedroom was empty, obviously the brother-in-law in the eyes of the princess was not there, Pamela Mountbatten saw the telegram on the table, from Kuala Lumpur, "The matter of the Malays killing local women and black husbands has caused a lot of damage. I don’t know how to deal with the impact.”

"You're back." While his wife and sister-in-law were reading the telegram, Alan Wilson came in from outside with a calm face, and said directly to his wife's question, "I went to the telegraph room."

"Because of this." Pamela Mountbatten asked, looking up at the telegram in her hand, "What's going on."

"The Malayan colony is currently the most important overseas territory of the United Kingdom. It is positioned as a production base. How can it be done without a market? Is it possible to let Malaya digest all the products itself? It is not to rely on the market of the British Commonwealth and the European Community." Ai Ron Wilson shrugged and said, "Kuala Lumpur also has some British African colonial institutions, and there are some black employees, as you know, black people don't know what it means to be a gentleman, even in the face of a sow. , they have no sense of morality, they can do anything for the crotch, and not everyone is immune to rhetoric."

"And then?" Princess Margaret asked, "what happened after that?"

"The Malayan Colony Management Regulations stated that women who marry outside must follow men to live in other colonies. Maybe some black employees in Africa don't know this. In order to stay with local women, there is a factual relationship anyway. Then it was discovered. Malay The sub-colonies are very conservative." Alan Wilson said indifferently, "The woman was found and the two were stoned."

"Malays are still racist?" Pamela Mountbatten's mouth was slightly upturned, and a big hat came up.

"It is very normal to exclude outsiders, let alone black people." Alan Wilson said disapprovingly, "This time the matter is bigger, the Malays are besieging the office in British East Africa. I just called back about this."

"It seems that you already have a way to deal with it." Pamela Mountbatten asked absent-mindedly, holding her son to breastfeed, "It should be all right now."

"It can only be said that it is now." A very strange smile appeared on Alan Wilson's face, but it only disappeared in a flash.

He has already given his own handling advice to the Office of the Administrative Office in the return call. This handling advice is to say that there are also Chinese women being entangled by Africans when spreading news. This is his original version. It is estimated that it will change after a few recitations. A black man always abandons a Chinese woman, or a black man rapes an underage girl. I believe that there will be a big news coming from Kuala Lumpur soon.

"Because of the relationship between a man and a woman, being stoned to death? It's terrible." Princess Margaret stuck out her tongue, "Just because of this, you shouldn't use such a ruthless method."

"For pacifists, this is a big deal. The British Empire should respect the customs of different peoples." Alan Wilson replied solemnly, "So you know why when I was the High Commissioner, I had nothing to go to Singapore? I'm afraid This kind of thing happens, not to mention the fact that the Malayan colony sees black people as savages.”

"Darling, you seem very happy." Pamela Mountbatten fed her son, and was very satisfied when she saw her son's blushing face. When she looked up, she saw her husband looking like he was going to do something, and couldn't help asking.

"I don't have it, don't talk nonsense." Alan Wilson flatly denied, and what he said with integrity was his current state.

Let the main local ethnic groups vent their dissatisfaction, what is this? If he doesn't vent how can he take the opportunity to test out whether the ethnic groups in the Malayan colony are reliable? In the future, he also hoped that if something happened to the colony, the newly established Chinese armored division would be mobilized to quell the chaos. So even if this matter has nothing to do with the Chinese, he has to spread rumors that it is related to the Chinese.

At some point, maybe the main force in suppressing the riots in the African colonies will be these Chinese.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that my father's marshal entitlement is about to be held. We should go back. We have never been in the mainland. It was my sister Patricia who took care of my parents. I am very sorry." Pamela Mountbatten sought her husband Views.

"This is a big deal, and we should go back." Alan Wilson raised his hands in approval. Is it time to write this essay about my district mayor father? My father-in-law, Marshal Mountbatten?

In this era, Europe and the United States also attached great importance to the family. Although it did not reach the level of filial piety, it was normal for Pamela Mountbatten to have such an idea.

For Alan Wilson, what does he think of his father-in-law becoming a marshal, needless to say? Who would think that their backers are not big enough?

Alan Wilson also does not deny that he is such a vulgar person, and is extremely proud of it.

Mountbatten was promoted to Marshal. The ceremony was held after the New Year. The husband and wife who had returned to London, together with Patricia and his wife, witnessed the ceremony of Mountbatten entering the peak of his military career.

"Many people's lifelong pursuit is something that is easily available." Alan Wilson whispered to his wife with his head tilted.

Pamela Mountbatten rolled her husband a glance and whispered angrily, "You don't think my father is qualified to be a marshal."

"No, I think it's too late." Alan Wilson said stubbornly, "I should have been promoted earlier."

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