British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 926: Integrate the 3 armies

To say envy, of course he is envious. Mountbatten's marshal's uniform is very attractive to Alan Wilson, but he has never had the opportunity to wear such a military uniform in this life. In front of Mountbatten, he wears the shining Grand Cross of the Lord of Bath. .

Among the third classes of the Grand Cross of St. George, the full name of CMG is "CallMeGod", that is, "call me God", the full name of "KCMG" is "KingsCallMeGod", that is, "the monarch calls me God", and the full name of "GCMG" It is "GodCallsMeGod", that is, "God called me God".

The Grand Cross of the Lord Bath is one of the ones that God has called me. It is a huge honor for the wearer. Many senior officials in Whitehall are only thinking of one of the ones that Mountbatten is now accepting. honor.

After the consecration ceremony, Pamela Mountbatten and her sister's family accompanied their parents, while Alan Wilson and colleagues in Whitehall greeted each other and expressed friendship.

"Marshal Mountbatten has achieved all the glory of a soldier's life." Markins said enviously, holding his wife Julian's arm, and then pointed out that his wife should get to know Pamela Mountbatten, a rare opportunity.

"You can't say the same, many things are not in the end, and everything is hard to say." Alan Wilson nodded at Markins' wife, pointed in the direction of Pamela Mountbatten, and said, "Maybe, this is just a A start."

Markins looked at Versailles with Alan Wilson's face, and smiled without saying a word. With a glance, his wife was chatting happily with the two daughters of Marshal Mountbatten. The goal has been achieved.

"I heard that there is good news off the coast of Angola, which has caused the influx of a lot of capital." Makins said indiscriminately, "That is also the Gulf of Guinea in a broad sense. It seems that the oil resources of the Gulf of Guinea will also have interesting Surprising discovery."

"That's great." Alan Wilson asked happily, "Has the domestic economy been affected by this economic crisis?"

Alan Wilson is still more concerned about whether the world economic crisis in 1957 has affected the British mainland.

During the initial period of post-war Britain, the United Kingdom desperately needed economic aid from the United States. It has been more than ten years now, and he should get rid of his dependence on the United States, but he has been working overseas, and his understanding is somewhat incomplete.

"There is still some impact, but the construction in Nigeria and exploration in the Gulf of Guinea have diluted the negative impact of North America. Growth in the second half of last year was the same as last year, and it is predicted that economic growth this year should also be the same as last year." Makin Si's answer of 1510, he is now working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and knows the domestic situation best.

This result is already very good, and it is the same as last year's economic growth, which means that it has not been affected.

Once the economic crisis cycle has passed, is it not something to be happy about, even if the UK has passed the border safely?

"It's gratifying." Alan Wilson said with a happy face. If this is the case, it proves that the UK has the ability to get rid of the US economic hijacking.

The main reason is that this time the economic crisis can make the UK realize that the UK has this ability, so when formulating policies, it will put the interests of the UK first.

Of course, on the surface, the United Kingdom will not fall out with the United States unless it has to, but it is afraid that the United States wants more.

After chatting with Markins and Frank for a while, and making a verbal promise to get together at some time, Alan Wilson, a mere son-in-law, went home with the Mountbatten family.

The promotion to marshal and the award of the God Call Me Medal are the cabinet's hope that Mountbatten can integrate the status quo of the mountains of the British military, and Mountbatten did not conceal this after returning home.

"I may soon be the chief of defense staff. The military power of the entire army, navy, and air force is a job that offends people." Mountbatten, who was still wearing a marshal's uniform, spread his hands, indicating that the marshal's uniform is not easy to wear.

"The greater the capability, the greater the responsibility. This is a matter of time, and the British army should adapt to this era. The three overseas joint combat commands are already in operation, and there has been no problem."

Alan Wilson said calmly, "This is an era of drastic changes. Just like the Royal Navy after the war, battleships have been eliminated from history and the status of aircraft carriers has been improved. There are even more significant nuclear submarines that Britain has not accumulated. A series of adjustments need to adapt to the times. This is only the case of the Royal Navy, in fact, the Army and Air Force have the same problem, and it needs one person to do the job.”

Marshal Mountbatten nodded, and he could also feel that what his son-in-law said was right. For the current British army, the transformation is of great significance. John Braborn also said, "Father, only you have this ability to coordinate the various services. The relationship made them convinced."

"Indeed, it's only me." Mountbatten didn't feel that there was any problem at all, but felt that he was doing his part, and the temperament of Daying Long Aotian was unobstructed.

The respective chiefs of staff of the three armed forces can go directly to the cabinet ministers and prime ministers if they have something to do. If they want the entire British army, they should talk to themselves now, and the situation that the chiefs of staff of the armed forces can go to the cabinet at any time must change.

"Of course, the military chief of staff frequently meets with cabinet ministers, which should never have happened." Alan Wilson agreed, "The military should be self-contained and loyal to Her Majesty the Queen, not always with politicians. , which will also increase the risk of military-political collusion, and it is better to maintain a certain distance."

Alan Wilson, who wanted to continue talking about sex, was dragged away by his wife in the middle. In the end, he could only say goodbye to his father-in-law, who had just become a marshal, and left with Pamela Mountbatten.

As soon as she got in the car, Pamela Mountbatten, who knew her husband was upset, explained, "John wants to enter the House of Lords and wants to talk to his father about this, so it's better for us to avoid it."

"That's it." Alan Wilson understood in a second. The eldest son-in-law came over and walked through the back door. The two of them were really not suitable for audition, and asked, "How sure do you feel?"

"How do I know. But it depends on the considerations of the cabinet." Pamela Mountbatten started the car and said intently, "There has always been a discussion on the lifetime title bill. Patricia may be afraid that it will not be easy to operate after the bill is introduced. .So come and discuss with my father."

"Actually, why don't you consider becoming a civil servant? You have to go to the House of Lords for decoration. You can do business, as long as you are big enough, even the House of Commons is a decoration." Alan Wilson commented disapprovingly, "A group of nobles are actually Not worthy of respect, but this group of nobles has huge funds, that's another matter."

"Like you and me?" Pamela Mountbatten glanced at her husband, didn't Alan Wilson mean himself when he said being a civil servant? Isn't she the wife who has accumulated huge wealth in business?

"You and I are not enough, we also need a father who leads the military." Alan Wilson corrected solemnly.

After a long trip back to London, the two rested for a night, and went to Mountbatten's house the next day. Today, there is no aunt's family to talk about the seat of the House of Lords. Weng and son-in-law have a good time .

The so-called reform of the three services, the overseas garrison has long been completed, what Mountbatten needs to do now is to extend the reform to the British mainland.

"Alan, you proposed the formation of a local-based combat force with Scones in the Malayan colony. Are they trustworthy?" Mountbatten talked about the operation of the Far East Joint Combat Command. After all, the combat troops to be formed are far from ordinary security troops. The armored divisions and marine divisions are the main combat troops.

"The so-called trust is too illusory. It can only be considered in one aspect of work. Although the colonies are dominated by Chinese and Malays, they are actually different." Alan Wilson explained his thoughts in detail.

The education he promoted in Malaya did not deliberately de-nationalize the local Chinese.

But when the Chinese in the Malayan colony grow up, they will definitely not be the same as the mainland, and their national pride cannot be compared.

Just like the historical event of Zheng He's voyage to the Western Ocean, the Malayan textbook will first mention that this route was originally controlled by the Arabs, and earlier in the hands of the Chola Dynasty in India. With this premise, the significance of Zheng He's voyage to the West is much less, and it has become a very common event.

But Alan Wilson didn't He didn't fake history, it's the truth. The influence of Arabia on Southeast Asia can be seen from the peaceful believers everywhere. The influence of India can be seen from the temples all over Southeast Asia.

There is no need to use different civilizations to step on the ground, but it is enough to express it with a realistic attitude. People who grow up according to this set of teaching materials will not feel inferior to their own nation, nor will they have the illusion that they once led the world.

"Of course, the most important thing is to use economic ties. In a poor place, no matter how reasonable the theory is. If you don't reach that level, it's useless to say anything."

Alan Wilson said calmly, "I have many ways to deal with possible threats, such as opening the border in Hong Kong for a few days. I only want to make peace with China and not make river water. As long as the Malayan colony is safe, the UK can keep a distance from China. produce beauty."

Pamela Mountbatten looked at her husband with fascination, and explained to her father, "If the borders are opened and there is a wave of exodus, the image of the whole country will be affected. No matter how they explain it, the world will only see poverty caused by poverty. escape."

"We don't have to do this, we just want to be at peace with each other. Confrontation is the consequence of losing both sides." Alan Wilson said flatly, "I would prefer to focus on Indonesia, so that our navy has a greater effect."

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