British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 927: 3 Corps Commander Mountbatten

There are two main threats to the British rule of Malaya, the geographical threat and the high jumping one is Indonesia.

The other is across the South China Sea. Alan Wilson did not ignore the latter, but he would not preach it everywhere.

Even he didn't know whether a big country in a period of high revolution would liberate the world in a flash. According to the context of the Soviet Union in the period after the First World War, there is still a great possibility.

But no matter who it is, given the importance of the Malayan colony to the United Kingdom, no one can have a wrong idea. According to his idea, it is better to blow up Malaya with a nuclear bomb than to give it cheaply to the opponent.

"Actually, you are also worried about the threat from the north, but you usually don't say whether it is right or not, and when others ask about it, you are still downplaying the threat." Leaving Mountbatten's house, Pamela Mountbatten asked as she walked.

"I don't have a threat to talk. I said that the place that is not worth mentioning is at the cultural level. China's cultural competitiveness is not strong, but it does not include the thought of Marx, which is very popular."

Alan Wilson put his hands in his pockets, "Because of the number of Chinese, the objective threat facing the Malayan colony certainly exists. But it is not impossible to deal with it. First of all, we must maintain communication. Lin Lianyu always goes to Hong Kong to contact the Beijing government to avoid misunderstandings. ."

"You mean it's inevitable that China wants to spread its influence like the Soviet Union did." Pamela Mountbatten looked thoughtfully, "Can you stop this threat?"

"It's not difficult at the current standard of living in the Malayan colony. But if it's at the level in Africa, it's very difficult." Alan Wilson told the truth, "That set of ideas spread very quickly in poor and war-torn places. , both in Africa.”

"There's no way to deal with it?" Pamela Mountbatten stopped and asked solemnly.

"Don't worry, it depends on what the mode of infiltration is. If it's just waiting for an opportunity to expand its influence under the guise of aid, then the UK can acquiesce, after all, it seems like an overreaction to go to war. Certain construction is also beneficial to us, and to a certain extent, it can be a win-win situation.”

Alan Wilson said to his wife, "But if you follow the Soviet Union to build allies and eliminate the influence of the United Kingdom? Then you may have to use a less visible method."

"Like what?" Pamela Mountbatten saw her husband's indifference and felt that things were not simple.

"For example?" Alan Wilson stopped for a moment, and suddenly said while walking, "For example, sending the established Chinese armored division to Africa, sacrificing a colonial capital, and using the British hegemony of public opinion to widely publicize, but I don't want to really make trouble there. planting level.”

Alan Wilson is illiterate and not very good at speaking. He is so troubled that he wants to offset the penetration of British Africa. He has only one way. The Chinese armored division formed by the platoon will go to the African massacre.

Then the UK will naturally apologise for the lax management and randomly select two unlucky people to be shot.

At the same time, public opinion was used to shirk responsibility and lead the withdrawal to the Chinese. This should not be difficult. After all, African blacks are not high-level, and they may not be able to distinguish the difference. At least the vast majority of blacks do not have this ability.

This trick has actually been used. Think about the process of the CIA's overthrow of the Sukarno government. In fact, it is almost the same. It's just that Chinese Indonesians are in the same situation as Alan Wilson called blacks.

Considering the distribution of British East African colonies, Alan Wilson felt that the former German colony of Tanzania would be a suitable victim, at least to relieve Britain of a moral burden, something that did not exist at all.

After this conversation, Alan Wilson and his wife spent a few days in London, not much time at home. This time, he also took advantage of Mountbatten's opportunity to be promoted to marshal and returned to London.

A few days after the year, the official appointment of the cabinet was issued. Mountbatten, who was already a marshal, was appointed as the chief of the defense general staff and chairman of the committee of chiefs of staff. Considering that the defense minister was restricted by the term of office of the elected government, he was usually only a layman. Mountbatten was already the de facto commander-in-chief of the British Empire.

Mountbatten knew what the purpose of the cabinet was to promote him to be a field marshal and to make him chief of the general staff and chairman of the committee of chiefs of staff.

To change the fact that the British army, navy and air force are independent, and use his strong contacts in the political field and good relations with various military services to achieve this goal.

So he and his aides quickly proposed three options for the government to choose for the future British defense structure: 1. Only make some simple repairs to the current system; 2. Establish a fully unified and functional Ministry of Defense; 3. The respective headquarters of the three services are allowed to exist independently, but must accept the overall leadership of the Ministry of Defense. Among them, Mountbatten believes that the most ideal plan is the second set of plans.

As for which plan to implement, it depends on how bold the current cabinet is. When he came home to see the Mountbatten and his wife, Mountbatten also said to Alan Wilson, "The second plan is of course the best, if you can't take a step In place, execute the third option first, then transition towards the second."

"If the cabinet discussion is to decide on the second option, then the Labour cabinet is really respectable." Alan Wilson nodded. "Should I ask Whitehall?"

If Attlee's cabinet is to be implemented in one step, the choice is to be merged into a unified Ministry of Defence in charge of everything.

That is really courageous. You must know that an elected government is limited by terms of office and public opinion, and it is actually very difficult to do things.

For example, understand the king, is his ability very poor? The root of all problems is very accurate, but it is too quick for quick success.

For example, the attitude towards Russia, it is right to divide China and Russia, but how to balance the interests of Europe, that is, Germany and France.

I understand that Wang's choice is to sell European energy at a low price in the United States. It is also true, but the execution is out of shape. Everyone wants to make some money in it, and the price is ridiculous.

For example, the epidemic situation, the system and folk customs of the United States are not suitable for epidemic prevention.

Therefore, it is also correct to know Wang who gave up directly and then accelerated the development of vaccines. When Sleeping King came to power, Dr. Fauci also said that the current state of the United States is not as good as it was when the city was not closed, and it could not be prevented anyway.

Generally, politicians have both sides, but they are not satisfied with both sides. I understand that Wang only cares about his own supporters. He was eager to fulfill his election promise, but he was also forced by his four-year term. Can the alliance with Russia change the established policy of the United States for decades in just four years?

Therefore, for a democratically elected government, it is generally a matter of wrangling with the opposition during its term of office, and it is rarely possible to implement any long-term plans. The Attlee Cabinet wants to reorganize the military command structure. If the second option is really chosen, it is really incredible. .

It is precisely the enemies of the free world who make long-term plans, and the institutional advantage is on the other side, not on their own side.

"No need, just wait." Mountbatten shook his head slightly, "I'm in the process of handing over to Charles Lahm these days. He handed over to me as First Sea Lord, and I'm going to take up the post of the Ministry of Defense. It's not just for the navy."

"A person always needs a bigger stage." Alan Wilson flattered without a trace, and then said, "Actually, I'm here to say goodbye. There is an incident in Kuala Lumpur, and I have to rush back to deal with it. The matter is urgent."

"What's the matter?" Mountbatten's face became solemn after hearing this, and there were not many things that could make this son-in-law more anxious.

"I can handle it." Alan Wilson looked solemn, but in fact he didn't take it seriously at all. It was his previous fishing law enforcement, which finally led to the Chinese attacking the East Africa Office in Kuala Lumpur, killing the black people in it on the spot.

How many people died was not mentioned in the telegram. It was only known after returning home. Mountbatten didn't ask any more questions, "I haven't seen Pamela for a long time. I really hope she stays for a while longer."

"I told her directly, but it depends on her own decision." Alan Wilson can also understand that Mountbatten is also in his 60s. Although his appearance is worthy of the rank of marshal, he starts to value it at this age. Family is also human.

"Then I'll stay for a while, and then I'll find you." Pamela Mountbatten felt a little guilty. She doesn't live in London very much now, and her parents are taken care of by her sister Patricia.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry. I hope that before I arrive in Kuala Lumpur, my subordinates have already figured out how to quibble."

Alan Wilson made a joke. He had already calculated in his mind how long it would take to pass through Paris, Rome and finally arrive at Kuala He was giving his subordinates a time to verify their abilities, not a test drive. vehicle.

A few days later, Marshal Mountbatten, Chief of the Defence Staff, went to No. 10 Downing Street at the invitation of Prime Minister Attlee. Prime Minister Attlee saw Mountbatten at the door and directly informed the cabinet meeting of the results of the discussion on the reorganization of the military command structure, "I Both ministers and ministers believe that a unified Ministry of Defence with responsibility for the military will serve a good role in streamlining the military command structure and responding to rapid-response threats."

"I thought the cabinet would choose a transition plan." Mountbatten did not hide his surprise in front of the Prime Minister. "In fact, for a government, adopting a transition plan is the general choice."

"Yes, but I chose to do it all in one step." Prime Minister Attlee raised his head slightly, with an aura of killer instinct.

Seeing that the command structures of the Ministry of War, the Ministry of the Navy and the Ministry of the Air Force were merged into the Ministry of Defense, Mountbatten was regarded as the commander-in-chief of the British Armed Forces in a practical sense. In a sense, he was more useful than the Secretary of Defense.

Mountbatten also knew what he was about to face, and could only promise, "I'll get this job done as soon as possible."

He knows that his position as commander-in-chief of the armed forces is not for nothing, and that the Labour Party cabinet has given him so much power just to carry out a streamlined reorganization of the military establishment.

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