British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 928: Commissioner listen to my sophistry

At Kuala Lumpur International Airport, outside the airport passage, a woman wearing a sun hat and sunglasses was looking forward to it. She smiled and waved her hands until a sanctimonious Imperial Commissioner appeared.

The two got into the car together and disappeared into the noisy airport, "I thought you forgot your Vivian..."

Vivien Leigh hung her whole body on the man, and wrapped her arms around Ellen Wilson's neck to express her thoughts.

"How come, there were indeed many things last year. In fact, I always wanted to be with the national treasures of the British Empire." Alan Wilson said softly while stroking Vivien Leigh's smooth back.

"I know it sounds good." Vivien Leigh said shyly and embarrassedly, "You just came back, you must be very tired, I should let you rest."

"It doesn't matter, this is my obligation as a man." Alan Wilson got up directly and walked to the bathroom with Vivien Leigh hanging on his body, so he could browse the world without leaving home.

Long time no see, Vivien Leigh put all her enthusiasm on a man of the same status as her husband, which is also human nature. The two are true love, and David is just an accident.

As a boy, you have to learn to live independently from an early age, and you can't always let your mother take care of him.

Vivien Leigh knew that Ellen Wilson had a rare habit of rubbing her back. She was petite and carefully wiped the tired body of the man.

Alan Wilson, of course, reciprocated, and in turn set the bones for Vivien Leigh, and finally carried out the bone set in the body. After a set of procedures, they were quite satisfied with each other and slept together.

Just returned to Malaya, Alan Wilson was not busy showing up, he wanted to give his subordinates a chance to quibble. Let's see if he can get a logical and self-consistent lie. If it's probably round, he can rest assured after he leaves office.

Vivien Leigh tiptoed to serve the prepared food, Alan Wilson put down the newspaper just to see this scene, couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's not all about you, I almost broke my waist." Vivien was furious and stared straight at the man.

Alan Wilson couldn't bear to look away, and said angrily, "Your elf-like eyes always make me feel that I have done something wrong."

In the era of black and white movies, the eyes are the window to the soul. Vivien Leigh's female stars have light in their eyes. When they are stared at by such eyes, they will make him feel ashamed. thing.

"Humph." Vivien Leigh was not entangled, she let herself look up when she told her to blow, but now she doesn't dare to look at each other.

The High Commissioner came back, but did not come back completely. Alan Wilson went to Singapore to see how far she was in the construction of her economic pilot zone to serve the British garrison. The person accompanying her was not an official of the colonial government, but Lin Lianyu.

"How does Mr. Lin feel about Xiangjiang? He has been there several times." Alan Wilson was very relaxed and chatted with Lin Lianyu.

"The development of Hong Kong is very good, and the citizens are working hard." Lin Lianyu said as he walked, "mainly due to the contribution of the British Hong Kong government, as well as the efforts of the people of Hong Kong themselves."

"Both of these factors, it is better to say that the location is good. From the perspective of the Chinese, it is difficult to give credit for development to us British. As for diligence? Diligence has an upper limit. If diligence can solve all problems, then There will be no poor countries." Alan Wilson looked at the construction of the new district with a smile, "I can guarantee that after the construction of this district is completed, it will develop faster than other parts of Malaya."

"I went to Xiangjiang three times last year." Alan Wilson continued to ask, "Isn't it just a little gain?"

"Lord Zhongtang, bridge the contradiction, as a bridge between the two places, you also recognize it." Lin Lianyu answered.

Alan Wilson's face turned cold, and he corrected, "It's obviously your own personal behavior, I don't know it. Of course, we all hope to be in peace. After all, Malaya's geographical conditions are suitable for the navy to play, and I don't want to. Several big cities that have been built so hard have all been blown up. I think everyone is smart, don't make trouble to that level, it's better to have less idiots like Mr. Chang in this world."

The major cities in the Malayan colony are similar in location to Modu. Looking at the whole process of the Battle of Songhu, it is hard not to doubt that Duke Chang's performance was a spy arranged by the Japanese inside our army. What was the reason behind him being able to carry the main guns of the battleships to fill in with human life? ?

Later, Duke Chang finally cleared his suspicion of being a spy in the war of liberation, and proved with actual actions that he was definitely not a spy, but a mere scoundrel.

"Our two countries are now in a similar environment. They are strong, but not the strongest. In fact, there are many opportunities for cooperation." Alan Wilson said to himself, "The relationship between countries is so complicated that it is impossible to In general. Right?"

If it wasn't for the chief executive of Malaya, Lin Lianyu would definitely not be able to enter the military center. The two divisions formed were training here, and Lin Lianyu directly followed Alan Wilson to support the army.

Lin Lianyu is very suitable for work that takes the correct handling and adjustment of the relationship between the government and the army, the army and the citizens as the main content, with the fundamental purpose of strengthening the relationship between the army, the government, the army and the people, and enhancing the unity of the army, the government, the army and the people.

He just took the opportunity to frighten Lin Lianyu, not to do anything to this educator.

Just to prove that the old-fashioned imperialists do not eat dry rice. Although he did not go to Malaya for most of the last year, he can still be watching you.

If you don't do this, Lin Lianyu may have an illusion, which will lead to contempt for MI6, which is not good for both parties, and shows that he is not in the colony and knows Lin Lianyu's movements as well.

Just like a certain writer is often on the verge of getting carried away, the starting point will block you for a chapter to show his existence. This is very normal, and it fully reflects a kind of love. If you don’t block you, how do you know that you are always being paid attention to? Woolen cloth?

"The marshal took over as the chief of staff of the Ministry of National Defense, and is streamlining the command structure of the three armed forces." Lieutenant General Skans also got the local information, and could not help but sigh that he has reached this stage.

"That's a matter of time." Alan Wilson laughed, "Is there a division of the Marine Division and the Armored Division?"

"The Marine Division is in Singapore, and the Armored Division is based on the border with Kalimantan," Lieutenant General Scons replied, "But that's a year away, and our main purpose in the near future is to retrain. Work. Hope these two units can show their combat effectiveness."

"Actually, the Marine Division can be placed on the Andaman Islands. It can share a lot of our garrison pressure." Alan Wilson thought for a while and said, "Forget the islands near the Strait of Malacca, facing Indonesia, the Chinese are more reliable."

"That's why you took Mr. Lin and asked him to express his concern for the Chinese soldiers?" Lieutenant General Scones asked indifferently.

"This is the purpose of my return this time. The color of direct management in the Malayan colony should be reduced. The same is true for the administrative work. We have to hide behind the scenes. At least some of the work that has a lot of contact with the Chinese will be handed over to local officials. Deal with it." Alan Wilson did not deny it, "Especially in jobs that often face the public, such as the police department, it is easy to cause conflicts. These high-level, middle- and lower-level positions are not suitable for British people to appear."

"You have more than 20,000 people under your command, can you arrange it?" Lieutenant General Sconce asked incredulously.

"British India originally had 100,000 people, but it was actually concentrated in a few capitals, ports and important states. There is a way to hide it. Even now, the positions directly occupied by British civil servants will not be discussed. There is not much oil and water. Many people in the third world countries have misunderstandings about us. Take the Malayan colony as an example. More than 20,000 civil servants are living a life of high people? How is it possible, you and an ordinary garrison soldier The treatment is different, right?"

If Alan Wilson was not the son-in-law of Marshal Mountbatten, Lieutenant General Scones swore that he would have Alan Wilson set off to guard the island in the name of the commander of the Far Eastern Joint Operations Command.

But he was the son-in-law of Marshal Mountbatten, so this could be considered a harmless joke.

Before leaving, UU Reading Alan Wilson packed and took away the plan to subvert Indonesia over the years, and took all the plans without a single one. Reading makes people happy, he has always believed in it.

When the familiar Rolls-Royce Gintama stopped at the entrance of the administrative office building, there was almost a commotion in the entire administrative office. Last year, their immediate bosses were really not in the colony.

Alan Wilson, who opened the car door, glanced at the rice flag on the flagpole, and walked in with Shi Shiran with both hands in his pockets, and responded politely to the subordinates who nodded to him along the way.

Alan Wilson, who has always been the first in work, didn't even go to see Queen Nanfang to stamp Bangbang's honorary murder case, and at the same time, he said, "You can't attribute such cases to other murders. Among them, such as fighting, robbery and murder, why are things so rigid?"

Alan Wilson was very unhappy with the increase in honor murders last year, and it certainly wasn't his problem, since he didn't even spend a few days in the colony.

Shaking his sore wrists and putting away the seal of the High Commissioner, Alan Wilson looked up at several high-ranking figures in the colony, showing his white teeth, "What are you trying to argue? How many people died in the East Africa Office? How to deal with it, I happen to be in a good mood, tell me quickly."

Richard told the cause and effect, "Commissioner, listen to my explanation, what we mean is to follow the general approach."

"Clarify the rumors first, the black people in the East African office did not commit crimes." Alan Wilson lit a cigarette and took a breath, as if he had nothing to do with him, completely forgetting that he spread the rumors, "Purge justice at the source first, and then strike hard."

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