British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 929: My Dae-young is back

"Few low-intensity group incidents are not a bad thing for us, as long as we know how to guide." Alan Wilson said that the conversation changed, "Richard, the negotiation with General Aung San of Myanmar is still very satisfactory. Yes. To get through this economic crisis, Myanmar's role is as important as Nigeria's, otherwise, after a long time, Myanmar will think we can't do it anymore."

"Myanmar's life is not good, and we really need our support." Richard asked with the meaning of asking for instructions, "The Indian and Burma coalition forces suffered a big loss in Shan State before."

"We don't go to northern Myanmar to ask for trouble." Of course Alan Wilson knew what Richard was talking about, but the British army must not be dispatched. People who feel good about themselves and can deal with guerrilla warfare are usually disgraced. "Give me no. Valuable weapons and equipment are fine, the garrison in Malaya needs pensions for those killed in action, and if there is a large number of casualties, who will take the money?”

Crucially, it could lead to blame for himself, and his personal advice to Aung San was to drag it on.

The Chinese are very easy to assimilate. In later generations, there was news that the Chinese collectively recognized themselves as the Burmese and became naturalized in Myanmar.

The most powerful in this regard is Thailand. Although many big people in Thailand are of Chinese descent, it can be seen from the name that they have long considered themselves to be part of Thailand.

Doing trade with Myanmar is what the Malayan colony should do now. If possible, in a safe place in Myanmar, you can try to expand the tentacles of the wife's grain merchant group.

Alan Wilson knew that, as a former colonizer, Britain was definitely not trusted by Myanmar, and Myanmar also did not trust its two big neighbors, China and India, but distrust is one thing, and reality is another.

The country that Myanmar really likes is actually Japan, but it has been more than ten years since the end of the war. Although Alan Wilson cannot remember all the development of Japan in his previous life, he can still feel the development of Japan. Not as good as the Japan he remembered.

Myanmar wants to wait for Japan to re-emerge and help Myanmar with funds. This has never happened in the past life, and it will not happen in this life. It is more practical for Japan to manage itself and get rid of the economic crisis as soon as possible.

"You handle the affairs of the East Africa Office yourself. As I said, pay attention to guiding public opinion." Alan Wilson looked at the head of the Administration Bureau, "Don't let your colleagues think you are unreliable. After finishing this matter, we are in Discuss more important things."

"I see." Richard not only was not depressed, but was a little overjoyed, expressing that he must be reliable.

"Murdering is the easiest. It is a colony anyway. If we want to kill a person, it is not much more difficult than stepping on a bedbug. The key is to convince the public. If we cannot convince the public, there will be problems in Malaya. It also serves the interests of the British Empire as a whole, and when necessary, sacrificing individuals is completely within the scope of permission. After all, compared with the stability of the entire colony, whether a person who makes a mistake is British or not is completely irrelevant."

Handing over everything to Richard, Alan Wilson continues to throw his hands off the boss. He believes that Richard, who has the consciousness of the next high commissioner, will cherish this hard-won opportunity.

During the whole process, Alyssa sat silently with her legs crossed, her high heels jumped, and did not participate in the discussion, and only put down the newspaper until Richard left, "It seems that you have made a decision. "

"What do you think?" Alan Wilson asked in a businesslike tone. "Should Edel be the commissioner?"

"Let Richard do it then." Alyssa shook her head quickly, walked to Alan Wilson, leaned in with Xiangfeng, and said coquettishly, "Anyway, you have to arrange me."

"Understood, we are both mothers of two children." Alan Wilson shook his head helplessly, "Don't worry, your husband is here too, when the education industry is supported, the two of you will definitely make a lot of money, and you will be a husband and wife. Harmony, how nice."

"I knew the commissioner was still nostalgic." Alyssa's eyes flashed, "Our husband and wife are very grateful to the commissioner."

"Before I leave office, I will definitely arrange all aspects of things. Everyone came together when they left India." Alan Wilson promised very seriously, "Maintaining the unity of civil servants has always been the administration. The first priority, sir. Help me inform the Sudanese and Yangon, if possible, and let’s talk with Myanmar about regional cooperation.”

Richard went to Yangon last year to talk with General Aung San, but he was not the chief executive of the colony after all. He just came up with an intention. A person who can really make a decision. Isn't this just coming back?

General Aung San did not have the consequences of being assassinated, that is, the ethnic conflicts in Myanmar are not so great now.

The key point of the Panglong Agreement is that each ethnic minority area enjoys full autonomy in national politics and that the people of each ethnic minority area enjoy the rights and privileges enjoyed by citizens of a democratic country.

General Aung San's liveliness suppressed the voice of the Burmese in a sense, which is also the biggest role Alan Wilson saw, but what about the rapid development of Myanmar after independence? That is really not seen, can only say that there is no retrogression.

Myanmar’s economic peak was in the 1930s before World War II. At that time, all countries were deeply affected by the Great Depression. Myanmar’s living standard in the whole of Asia surpassed that of Japan. The United Kingdom defined Myanmar as a base for agricultural products. Compared with other countries, the Burmese lived a life of Pretty good.

India is only the most important colony of the United Kingdom in terms of size, and the life of the Burmese is much better than that of the Indians.

In terms of transportation, two main railways have been built, one is from Yangon to Pyay, and the other is from Yangon to Toungoo.

During the colonial period, Myanmar's railway mileage was the longest among these countries in Southeast Asia, but it was destroyed a lot during World War II. The total mileage of the Myanmar railway is 3,000 kilometers, more than twice that of the Thai railway at that time.

In terms of waterways, many shipping companies have been established in the United Kingdom, which are very convenient for transporting passengers and goods, and the waterway transportation industry is very developed. "There are more than 600 ships of various sizes, with an annual passenger volume of 9 million passengers and a freight volume of 1.5 million tons."

In terms of enterprises, many rice processing factories have been established in Myanmar due to the large-scale rice cultivation by the British in Myanmar.

During this period, the mining industry in Myanmar also developed rapidly, and mining-related factories were established.

The joint embargo is a disaster for small countries, and only a large country with a large population and a huge area can resist the past.

In the original history, because of the assassination of Aung San, the subsequent military government took the initiative to break away from contact with the outside world. Myanmar, which was in a closed state, naturally appeared in a situation of procrastinating and retreating.

Myanmar is still in the framework of the British Commonwealth, and its economic ties with the Malayan colonies are quite good.

This is also the reason why Alan Wilson picked Nigeria and Myanmar in London to help the UK through the economic crisis. Anyway, there are more than 18 million people. Together with Nigeria, it is not a big problem to help the UK survive the one-year economic crisis cycle.

By now, I can actually have a good talk with General Aung San. Myanmar has been independent for ten years. When it was a colony, you said that the British restricted the development of Myanmar. That is the past. But after ten years of independence, and still repeating that set of old sayings, like the Indians, it would be very boring.

What's more, the development of the Malayan colony is a counter-example. Myanmar used to be the most prosperous place in Asia, stronger than Japan.

The Malayan colony is worse than that of Myanmar. Now that Myanmar has been independent for so many years, the Malayan colony is developing very well.

Comparing the two, it cannot be said that the judgment is high, and it is enough to make the Burmese who have seen the prosperity of Burma feel sad.

In fact, the labor force in the Malayan colony is already saturated. If the British are transferring any industries, the Malayan colony can no longer eat it. Now Alan Wilson has the foundation to transfer industries, such as the textile industry.

Of course he can't transfer to an unreliable place, India is extremely unreliable in his eyes.

If Aung San is interested, you can talk about this. After all, the Malayan colony and Myanmar are next to each other. It is best to maintain a harmonious relationship. It is easy to contain Myanmar. Use the naval bases in the Andaman Islands to check and check Myanmar’s Whether there are pests and diseases in the export is enough to give Yangon a headache.

Alan Wilson not only has to compare with Japan to see who will accept the industry transfer faster, but also who will transfer the industry out In the initial stage of development, we can count on the textile industry, but we cannot always count on the textile industry, the textile industry, and the textile industry. Business doesn't make much money.

It is time for the Malayan colonies to consider transferring this part of the industry and upgrade their own industries.

There is no doubt that it is better to let Alan Wilson do it himself than to count on the next High Commissioner.

He set the meeting place in Penang, which is the closest Malayan colonial city to Burma. At the same time, as his son-in-law, he wanted to represent his wife at the meeting of rulers. Who asked Pamela Mountbatten to be in London.

A day later, Alyssa informed Alan Wilson that Yangon had replied and was willing to talk about investment.

"Richard seems to have a good talk." Alan Wilson nodded with satisfaction, "We can regain influence in Myanmar through this industrial transfer. We don't need to pay the cost of maintaining stability."

In this case, Alan Wilson was going to Penang. At the same time, a certain international actress put on a headscarf and sunglasses skillfully, and was ready to complete the logistical support work.

After a full investigation by the colonial government, the East African Office incident was caused by the organized and premeditated incitement of anti-British elements, and there was no black rape. Richard justly announced the investigation results, "We must The dead get justice."

"What kind of justice are you seeking? Hundreds of people who attacked the office that day were arrested and shot?" Alan Wilson pouted, "Just negotiate with the Chinese and let them think about what price they are prepared to pay to avoid punishment."

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