British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 930: attack comprador

After hanging up the phone and closing her eyes, Vivien Leigh felt the man's irritability and whispered, "Have you not been back for a long time and feel a little uncomfortable? Maybe you still haven't rested enough."

"It has nothing to do with this. I really have a lot of things to do this year, and make the next stage of adjustment to the Malayan colony." Alan Wilson rubbed his eyes and said, "It depends on whether there is external help to lay the foundation. , but after you have a certain foundation, you can rush up. This is not something that can be done by external forces. The problem of staying in place is that it will be caught up by other places. History has repeatedly proved that it is terrible to stay in place. as a result of."

If nothing else, Britain was overtaken by Germany in the Second Industrial Revolution, and the consequences were manifested in the First World War.

"You have done a good job. In fact, Malaya is not bad now." Vivien Leigh said understandingly, "Looking at the whole of Asia, there should be no more prosperous place than Malaya."

"And Japan." Although Alan Wilson was grateful for the recognition of Great Britain Treasure, it was not enough that the king did not go to court earlier.

If you are only satisfied with the current results, the rich will be safe, and it may be friendly to ordinary colonists.

But it wasn't enough for Britain, such a Malayan colony did little to help Britain.

Does the UK lack a textile industry base? There's nothing technical about this stuff, anyone anywhere can do it.

Not to mention, given the current employment rate in the colonies, once Singapore's Asian oil refining center is established, where will workers be found? Or find a peaceful country to introduce immigrants and see what the final result is.

Anyway, the historical mission of the textile industry to bring employment has ended, and now is the time to abandon it.

Alan Wilson also has a worry in his heart, that the residents of the colony are satisfied with the status quo and like the life of the rich and easy. This is commonly known as lying flat, which is absolutely impossible.

He didn't come to the colony to give people umbrellas. The important colonies in the hands of the United Kingdom are still worthy of being relied on. Only here are suitable for production bases. The United Kingdom also expects to share the responsibility, and then you lie down?

Alan Wilson resisted the urge to make money and didn't use real estate to cut leeks, not because he didn't want to make money. But for the greater good, no one can stop until he succeeds.

These Vivien Leigh don't quite understand, she can only guarantee the logistical work and make this man of the same status as her husband feel comfortable.

This time, the rulers' meeting on Penang's Corniche, the major sultans regarded it as a private gathering. In fact, it is true. This nominal meeting seems to be very popular in public opinion every time it is held, but it is almost the same as the United Nations General Assembly. Convening a meaning, meeting for the sake of meeting, has no effect.

The colonial government just gave the sultans a sense of presence and a chance to eat and drink.

You can ask any demands from the rulers' meeting to the colonial government, and you can mention them casually.

Alan Wilson showed his side on behalf of Sarawak and handed over the matter to Ali Khan. Ali Khan also lives in East Malaysia, but coming to Penang is nothing to him. Ali Khan bought two Comet airliners for personal use. Use it, go wherever you want, and live a very pleasant life.

Although he is in his seventies, it may be the simple life backed by huge wealth for a long time, which has led to his good health and strong spirit. one side.

There was Ali Khan entertaining other sultans, Alan Wilson had a good talk with the big compradors, and by the way waited for the Myanmar delegation to arrive in Penang, Su Yang, Tian Qianqiu, Coca, etc. were among them, and gave Alan Wilson a piece of himself. Very welcome illusion.

Alan Wilson is mentally prepared. He knows very well that it is not easy to expect a person to take the initiative to step out of the comfort zone, let alone a rich and powerful comprador, but he has to do it. If he cannot be convinced, he may It's a bit of a trick, and I hope it doesn't evolve to that step.

Before these people came, Vivien Leigh had gone upstairs to rest, leaving the huge living room for these guests.

"Lord Zhongtang!" After everyone came in, they all said hello, "Lord Zhongtang was not in Malaya last year, we miss it very much, and now we are finally back."

"You talk more like a bureaucrat than I do." Alan Wilson showed his white teeth and made a gesture of invitation.

After careful calculation, the two sides have known each other for a long time. At least half of the compradors have gone to Newfoundland to fight the world.

Alan Wilson is very polite. Since he is no stranger, he will first recall the rich years of the past, and first mobilize the atmosphere.

"Actually, based on our relationship, there are some things that don't need to be round the clock. The Myanmar delegation is about to arrive in Penang, and we have to talk to Yangon about the investment." Alan Wilson ended his memory and began to express his purpose, "I hope You can transfer some industries to Myanmar, which can also help Myanmar's development. At the same time, it will also be of great benefit to Malaya."

"This?" Many people exchanged glances, obviously having doubts about going to an unfamiliar place to buy property.

Alan Wilson's reaction to these people is not surprising at all. They have been neighbors in Southeast Asia for thousands of years, and as a result, this place has become a cultural area of ​​India, a cultural area of ​​peace, and the degree of conservativeness can be seen.

If it weren't for the population explosion in the Qing Dynasty, the country couldn't hold it any more. Whether these people would be willing to leave their hometowns and come to Nanyang is really unknown.

Moreover, the boneless class like comprador belongs to the relatively timid group of businessmen. Businessmen have a natural risk-aversion mentality, not to mention the comprador class.

If possible, they just want to spend their whole life in the Malayan colony cutting leeks under the protection of the British.

"The conditions in Myanmar are quite good, and we and General Aung San are in harmony. You may not know that once British Burma was the most prosperous place among all British colonies. It is equivalent to today's Malaya."

Alan Wilson was not angry with these hesitant compradors, because it was what he expected.

Of course, if there is no one person to support, then he may be disappointed, it shows that his own vision has a problem, and he has picked a lot of people to support, not even a person with a long-term vision.

"Master Zhongtang, if we invest in Myanmar, it may cause unemployment in Malaya." One of them said, expressing his original intention to continue to contribute to the development of Malaya.

"Increasing unemployment is a good thing. Fairness is not egalitarianism." Alan Wilson smiled calmly. "The existence of the necessary unemployment rate is beneficial to the whole society. The British Empire is not the Soviet Union. There is unemployment, and it is advertised as a so-called merit. Does Mr. Liu often read books on the Soviet side?"

The comprador who just opened his mouth stopped talking, he didn't dare to answer such a question, he could only smile apologetically and sit aside.

"Lord Zhongtang, we are businessmen, we are really afraid of risks, and we don't know the local situation in Myanmar." Su Yang replied, "But I think, as long as Lord Zhongtang can negotiate with Yangon, it will not be a problem. "

"You learn from Boss Su. If you are still living in China today, you are also a landlord when you succeed. You should be re-educated now."

"My idea is very simple. Some industries no longer need to be retained, such as the textile industry, and they can be transferred to Myanmar. Of course, this will not start immediately, but will take a few years to do. The released labor force will Add it to other industries, like the completed Singapore port, and the Asian oil refining hub project. It all requires labor and is more profitable, much more than a day in a textile mill.”

"Actually, even if you don't agree, it won't change the outcome. Once the refinery center's construction is completed and the recruitment starts, your workers will all run away. Now I'm telling you, it's all because of your former feelings, so you may agree. , No matter if you don’t agree, the textile industry will be a weight in the negotiation with Yangon this tell you that it is time for you to adjust, don’t really fall into crisis, come to me I'm crying and grabbing the ground. I'm very busy, and maybe I'm no longer in charge, so I don't have time to listen to your wailing."

Alan Wilson's words are very rude, but the effect is very good, finally getting to the point, Coca said with doubts, "Master Zhongtang, thank you for your reminder. I don't know how the local wages are."

"It is much lower than Malaya. If you have time to ask me, why don't you send someone to ask?" Alan Wilson said impatiently, "Driven by capital, it is the general trend to move to lower-cost places. For a place In other words, industrial upgrading is necessary for development, and this is not the first time it has happened, but it is the first time you have encountered it."

"If you have time, think about expanding your business. Don't just think about cutting leeks in Malaya. There are more than 10 million people here. If you want to annex each other, you can stay there and stay alive. If there is sound and color, we must find a way to win the entire Southeast Asian market.”

This is not a question of whether to do it, but when to do it, and now he must let the compradors understand this.

After such a friendly communication with the Malayan High Commissioner, the compradors suddenly became flamboyant, each full of the temperament of national capitalists, expressing that they would develop the market and benefit the society with the support of the United Kingdom.

"Everyone is a respected Justice of the Peace." Allen Wilson gave a smile, expressing his appreciation for this kind of high-spiritedness, which is a pillar of talent.

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