British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 931: Return to Myanmar strategy

The so-called weakness of the bourgeoisie can be exploited not only by the hostile camp, but also by its own side.

So far, Alan Wilson has the power to bankrupt these JPs if they don't obey.

And it's completely justified. He likes to record the wrong things done by other countries in his spare time, such as the US military stationed in Japan, how many bad crotch things did the US military stationed in South Korea do, how many people were killed by African colonists, etc.

It is not non-existent at the individual level. In fact, at this level, everyone's **** is not clean.

Many things, if not for the colonial government to open up, many people would have collapsed long ago, how could there be a chance of being in this group of five people for a few days?

Being able to live well to this day is entirely based on his own goodwill, but he really thinks that it is all up to his own personal struggle. Almost everyone's property has shares that he provided funds for replacement, and it is reasonable for him to confiscate it now. as it should.

"Sometimes, if you don't give them a bit of power, they will easily think that you are too talkative." After everyone left, Alan Wilson played with the national treasure and said with emotion.

That's why you put your hand inside. Vivien gave Ellen Wilson a white look. The tingling feeling in her chest made her not respond for a while, and she didn't need to respond. Immediately, the man came up and talked about it. Fighting, let the national treasure experience the eloquence of an imperial commissioner.

"What if they are dissatisfied?" Vivien Leigh licked her lips and managed to adjust her breathing smoothly.

"The Soviets say that the weakness of the little bourgeoisie lies in the fact that he obeys the capitalists and regards safeguarding the interests of the capitalists as safeguarding their own interests. They completely forget their status as exploited laborers who lack production tools, and they may be fired overnight at any time. Become abject poverty, but especially like to stand on the opposite side of the vast number of laborers as a spiritual capitalist. Working overtime and moving bricks can make a living, but the sense of superiority is overwhelming.”

"It is true that they are not little bourgeois, but in front of us, they are not much better than little bourgeois. When they grow into monopoly capitalists, it is estimated that they will have the capital to negotiate with me. If the industry is limited to the Malayan colony, what do I say about them? In terms of what I have to listen to, I speak here more than God and his old man."

Alan Wilson said in a flat tone with one hand covering the sky, "Even if they can do business all over Southeast Asia, they are only capitalists on a regional scale. If they really meet Pamela, they are still not on the same level."

"Does Pamela know that you have their replacement shares in your hands?" Vivien Leigh asked this question, but immediately defended, "I don't want your money, or I just ask casually."

"I know, but I don't know all about it." Alan Wilson blinked at Vivien Leigh and said to himself, "If I didn't have ideals in my mind, I was ready to benefit the society and go to any country in the free world, I wouldn't have to worry about life. Who gave me an innate patriotism."

So is it too much to let the Great Britain Treasure reward the imperial commissioner who is running for the country? This is not exaggerated at all. Alan Wilson feels that he can have a clear conscience when the royal princess is personally rewarded.

When the next step was being carried out, the arrival of Ali Khan made the bone setting process have to be postponed.

For Ali Khan, Alan Wilson naturally respects. This maharaja is not comparable to ordinary people, and his ability to make money has caused the two to treat each other as equals.

"Sometimes it makes me feel bad to let your Majesty help me to run around. Although I can take the Comet passenger plane to and from, but the running around on the journey is real."

Alan Wilson came out to greet Ali Khan with a gentle face, and at the same time recognized Ali Khan's noble quality of being rich but willing to be poor. This kind of life is enough to make him look up.

The world is such a reality. If a rich country chooses this kind of life, it will be appreciated by others, but this is based on the foundation of being rich and enemy. .

There is no doubt that the former Maharaja of Hyderabad and the current Maharaja of Sabah, Ali Khan, belong to the existence of fart.

"It turns out that your main purpose is to talk to the representatives of Burma." Ali Khan only now knows what Alan Wilson's purpose is, and the meeting of rulers is just a cover.

It can't be said that, the rulers' meeting still has some functions, such as having an afternoon tea and having some key political affairs.

"Respected Maharaja, Britain has gotten rid of the post-war situation, and now it needs to go further. If strictly speaking, my communication with Burma is for the strategy of returning to Burma."

Alan Wilson took out a cigar and lit it, and said calmly, "Otherwise, people would think that the British Empire is really a thing of the past, right?"

The meeting place with the Burmese delegation has been designated in advance. The golf course in the eastern suburbs of Penang and the supporting hotel are used as the meeting place. The emperor who runs the PICC...the separated ex-wife Queen Nanfang.

The imperial commissioner swore that Emperor Bao Da and Queen Nanfang had no personal relationship issues. The dissatisfaction is purely a personal issue for both of them.

Of course, the green channel that runs the golf course was indeed given to the Queen of Nanfang by him later, which he did not deny.

"Returning to Myanmar and choosing here to negotiate, I believe it will attract some popularity and make the business here better."

Alan Wilson turned his back to Queen Nanfang and said while raising his trousers, with a trace of satisfaction of getting what he wanted.

Queen Nanfang's hair was messy, and she put her head down and put on her clothes, yet she had not recovered from the sudden incident.

"I'll be staying here during the meeting, no problem." Alan Wilson, who turned from a primitive man into a beast in clothes, returned to his hypocritical attitude and asked the owner of the golf course, "That's all right, the Queen's cooperation order People are grateful."

Maybe Queen Nanfang is not quite used to it. After living alone, there is a man behind her, but it doesn't matter, and she will get used to it later.

The leader who led the Myanmar delegation to Penang was U Nu. Of course, this man, like Aung San, has long appeared as an anti-British and pro-Japanese faction.

Wu Nu was born into a merchant family in Waxima City, Miaoming County. He studied at Myuma British-Myanmar School and graduated from Yangon Myuma Senior High School.

Graduated from the Department of Philosophy at Yangon University with a Bachelor of Arts degree. Once served as the principal of the National Middle School in Bantingwu District. He then returned to Yangon University to study law. Former President of the Student Union. He was expelled from the school for his opposition to British colonization and for leading a strike movement together with student union leader Aung San and others.

In the 1930s, he joined the Burmese Association and was in charge of finance and publicity. Together with other leaders of the party, he founded the Red Dragon Book Club, translated and introduced Marxist theoretical works and published progressive books and periodicals, and personally translated and published some chapters of "Das Kapital". In 1938, he was arrested by the colonial authorities for participating in anti-British strikes and demonstrations.

During World War II, U Nu participated in the Bhamo cabinet organized by the Japanese and continued to be anti-British after the war.

But General Aung San's group is actually similar in nature to Nehru in general, except that they have a history of pro-Japan, but these independent leaders of Myanmar are still very flexible and moral bottom line.

Take Wu Nu himself as an example. He has visited China four times in the past three years, and he is not at all embarrassed to change his position.

"I didn't expect there are acquaintances." After bringing a group of officials to shake hands with Wu Nu, Alan Wilson stared at a person behind Wu Nu with a smile, and Wu Ding talked about the Chinese who had a relationship with him when he went to Myanmar.

"Commissioner Wilson." Wu Ding Lun greeted him honestly when he saw that he was recognized.

Alan Wilson was a little surprised. He didn't know that this man even sneaked into the Burmese government. He seemed to be doing well. He said with a gentle smile, "It's been a long Welcome, distinguished Burmese guests, come to the Penang golf course, we choose a relaxed place to talk slowly.”

Among the group of independent leaders after the war, Aung San's group was quite young. Aung San was only thirty-two years old at the time, and U Nu was only older, and he is only fifty now. As for Aung San, he is only 43 years old this year.

Things aren't too bad in Myanmar right now, but they're nowhere near what these independent leaders expected.

"I have also helped Myanmar a lot, Speaker U Nu, you must know that the deportation of the Rohingya was led by me and Burgess."

Alan Wilson was very friendly and expressed his praise, "If it wasn't for my actions at the time, how could you accomplish the same thing in the eyes of India or Pakistan? I'm not self-declaring, but objectively I did help Myanmar's people. Busy, even if you are already independent, you should recognize it."

The prepared negotiation place has been filled with sumptuous delicacies, and some golf course guests not far away are swinging with enthusiasm.

Alan Wilson also expressed a blunt attitude and asked back, "Myanmar has been independent for ten years, and thanks to everyone's efforts, it goes without saying that the speed of development is not much behind that of other countries except for the Malayan colony. The Bandung Conference was also taken seriously, and speaking of this, Speaker U Nu visited China many times and was warmly welcomed, which is evident."

His words are a bit of a gun and a stick. Among the entire British colonies, British Burma was the richest place except for the white dominion, and it was much richer than Malaya at the time.

Ten years after independence, it has become not far behind other countries, and the Malayan colony has to be excluded. Is this?

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