British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 932: 3rd in the world United States

These remarks are already very sharp. After ten years of independence, this achievement is really unreasonable. Of course, there are many factors. The only consolation is that the Burmese still live more like individuals than the Indians.

"Mr. Wilson, the development of Myanmar may not be satisfactory, but the current achievements are gratifying enough for Myanmar after independence." U Nu heard the sarcasm in his words, but still replied peacefully, "Our Myanmar It is a peaceful country and has good relations with neighboring countries."

"Oh, it's all good? For example, the pro-Thai forces in Shan State? And the Wa State in the north. You should thank me, otherwise the Rohingya will be troublesome." Alan Wilson chuckled, "Of course, you In front of me, it can be said that Myanmar is a peaceful country, but I should not know that, before the British occupation, Myanmar destroyed Thailand, attacked India, and fought a few games with the Qing Dynasty.”

From this point of view, Myanmar was indeed a bully in Southeast Asia at that time. After occupying the whole territory of Thailand, the land controlled by Myanmar was already qualified to stand side by side with China. Generally, the regime in the south of the Yangtze River was divided, which is such a large area of ​​Myanmar at that time.

It has to be said that when Qianlong encountered a very energetic Qianlong, the Qing army who attacked Burma was unaccustomed to the conditions and died of illness in a large area, which led to Qianlong’s idea of ​​destroying Burma and establishing a province in vain, but also caused Burma’s national strength to decline greatly, leading to the restoration of Thailand. The dream of a great power in the South will forever be in vain.

It is not a pity that Myanmar Province has not been realized. Even if Qianlong conquered Myanmar, he did not have time to swallow or call ethnic integration.

Because the British army will soon come along the sea. Qianlong will only have one more criminal evidence of a prodigal son.

If Wu Nu was in front of other British people, some peace-loving argument might be able to get away with it.

But it is precisely because Alan Wilson has a good understanding of Eastern history, and a few words make the Burmese speechless.

"Speaker, this Englishman has been to Burma before, and he knows the whole of the East very well." After the first contact, Wu Ding Lun found an opportunity to mention some information about Alan Wilson to Wu Su.

"There are people like this in the UK?" Wu Su was also surprised, he was completely unprepared before he came.

Alan Wilson pushed the others away and hid in Queen Nanfang's boudoir.

"Thailand, between your two countries, is not really a strong military force. Vietnam and Myanmar are the ruthless players in Southeast Asia, but in this era, bravery alone cannot solve all problems. In the final analysis, fighting depends on Where is your own level of technology?" Alan Wilson stretched out Lushan's claws, "Respected queen, it is really incomprehensible that Emperor Bao is willing to separate from you."

"Commissioner, we still need to negotiate." Queen Nanfang reluctantly avoided and did not dare to turn her face. This British is the highest officer of the entire colony, and she is no longer the queen of a country.

"If Emperor Bao made me the prime minister, he might be able to rejuvenate Vietnam. It's a pity." Alan Wilson lamented that his prime minister's talents could not be fully utilized, and he could only play a small part of it here with Queen Nanfang.

Thinking about it, he is an all-rounder in both civil and military affairs, not only has the literary talent of Prime Minister Cao, but his second brother is also invincible in the world. So the old genius set up so many tests.

"Commissioner, negotiating with the Burmese is a big deal." The inevitable Queen Nanfang was struggling.

"Seeing is believing, I have arranged the itinerary for the Burmese to investigate in West Malaysia." Alan Wilson pressed hard, wanting to relive his old dream and show his talent as prime minister in front of Queen Nanfang.

This kind of thing is completely reasonable. Emperor Bao Da and Queen Nan Fang are no longer together. Alan Wilson feels that a weak woman needs a man to rely on. Only in Malaya has this ability and is the most suitable candidate.

For the friendship between Britain and Vietnam, the imperial commissioner sacrificed himself, what a great mind.

Queen Nanfang didn't know how she was feeling. Then Vivien Leigh stayed at the hotel on the golf course and saw the two of them swinging on the golf course from a distance. She always recalled the tender moments inadvertently. He also deeply hates Emperor Bao, who has subjugated his country, which has led to his current fate.

Swinging a shot, the somewhat tired Vivien Leigh wore a sun hat and expressed that she wanted to take a break, and asked, "So what does the Burmese mean, don't you have any intentions?"

"It's useless how much I spit, and what I hear is false and what I see is true. Letting them see the current situation of West Malaysia is better than what I can say." Alan Wilson naturally can't say, and there are some reasons for this. Yes, I found time to show the talent of the prime minister in front of Queen Nanfang, but this reason is more in the past.

"Because of the colonial history, the Burmese must be wary of us, which is very normal. But they are more wary of the two big men next to them. Compared with China and India, we still have some advantages. The British mainland is far away. On the horizon, and those two countries are always beside Myanmar, distance produces beauty, the past is important, but the reality is more important.”

"It makes sense." Vivien Leigh nodded, picked up two bottles of drinks, unscrewed one and took a sip and handed it to Alan Wilson, "Are you very optimistic about Myanmar?"

"It's better to say that there is no choice. The United States has been operating in Thailand for a long time. Similarly to the Philippines, Indonesia is an enemy, and South Vietnam is more dangerous. What other choice is there? Do you choose India? See Nehru's world The third look, I can't say anything to cheap him."

Gu Dong Gu Dong drank the drink, Alan Wilson pursed his lips, as if experiencing the lip fragrance of Great Britain Treasure, "It won't be long before the construction of the oil refining center in Singapore will be completed. The labor force to come to the Asian colonies is not enough."

"You have been worrying about this recently." Vivien Leigh persuaded with a sullen face, "there will be a good outcome."

"Hurry up, even in Asia, there are no opponents." Alan Wilson took off his sun hat and took out a cigar. Vivien Leigh quickly took out a lighter and lit it, his face full of attachment.

At present, there are two things to be done. The first is to carry out industrial transfer before Japan.

Geographically, the two are not in conflict. The first choice for Japanese industrial transfer is South Korea. However, Syngman Rhee will help Alan Wilson a lot. As long as he is president for one day, the temporary industrial transfer will not start.

During Syngman Rhee's period, only the lowest-end flour, sugar, and cotton textiles developed rapidly in South Korea, from which the first chaebols of South Korea were born.

During the Rhee Syngman era, the whole of South Korea became a market for government-business collusion and power and money transactions. Syngman Rhee's election relied on political donations from seven major companies: Taechang Textiles, Jinxing Textiles, Chosun Textiles, Toyo Cement, Dongli Products, Capital Products, and Central Industries. , These chaebols were supported by the Syngman Rhee regime, and small and medium-sized enterprises closed down one after another, and unemployment soared.

South Korean agriculture has also been hit hard by a scissors gap between the prices of agricultural and industrial products caused by U.S. aid for food. In the later period of Syngman Rhee's reign, serious inflation occurred.

So there is a reason why there are Korean stowaways in the Malayan colony, but most of the people who escaped from Korea are mainly destined for Japan.

At present, the industrial transfer of Japan is not urgent. After all, Japan's population is nearly 100 million, and the labor force is far more abundant than that of the Malayan colony. The industrial transfer of Malaya is imperative.

The oil refining center is about to be completed, which is the basis for Alan Wilson to take the Formosa Plastics route. As the most important port in the Strait of Malacca, Singapore’s location is naturally a must. Varieties continue to increase.

At the same time, with the rise of Japan's economy, Japan imports a large amount of energy resources through the Strait of Malacca every year. Singapore, a port city, is located between the crude oil producing areas in West Asia and the oil consumption areas in the East.

The planned Singapore Refinery Centre will produce gaseous fuels, synthesis gas, petrochemicals, lubricants and asphalt feedstocks, in addition to processing different oil products such as gasoline.

On this basis, the chemical industry is developed, and the planning of the Formosa Plastics route is completed. The Malayan colony can be regarded as having a initially has an industry that can be used in the world.

When Wu Su took the Burmese delegation to visit major cities in the West Malaysia Peninsula. The first artificial satellite of the United States is finally long overdue. It is still an important milestone for the United States, which is already under heavy pressure and has different eyes from other countries in the world.

The successful launch of the "Explorer 1" satellite, for the United States, its greatest significance is that it has re-established the confidence of the United States, and also proved to the world that the United States is at least not inferior to the Soviet Union's technical capabilities.

During the launch on December 18 last year, major television and radio stations in the United States simultaneously broadcast live broadcasts of the US satellite launch using the Pioneer rocket.

Just in front of the TVs of audiences across the country, the "Pioneer" rocket lost contact shortly after lift-off. A week later, the U.S. suffered a double whammy when the U.K. successfully launched in Australia.

In 1958, the United States was finally able to raise its eyebrows and join the aerospace club.

However, Washington's statement that it has the same level of technology as the Soviet Union has not been bought by American citizens, and many media have said that the United Kingdom is also ahead of the United States.

Alan Wilson, the hero of British aerospace, has nothing to say. He can even congratulate the United States. In fact, the United States is indeed powerful in technology. Just like McCarthy's speech after the successful launch of the satellite, "Explorer 1" weighs only It weighs about 27 kilograms, but 70% of it is all kinds of equipment, and the utilization rate is extremely high. It is more like a technological product than the iron ball in the Soviet Union except for the beeping noise."

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