British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 933: "British Burma"

McCarthy has always been a fanatical anti-Soviet politician and a hard-line conservative image, plus there are not many black spots in politics.

It has always had a mixed reputation in the media image. Especially last year, Chaplin died in Europe inexplicably, and it happened to be the gate of the New York King, a political satire film based on McCarthy, which made McCarthy widely suspected.

But at this moment, American citizens found that McCarthy's heated and hostile voice sounded so beautiful.

Even many individuals and media who are hostile to him have admitted that McCarthy, who usually confuses black and white, has given the United States, which was one step ahead of the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, a little self-confidence.

By coincidence, all the media united at this time to report McCarthy's congressional speech at length. As for how to convince Americans that the United States is not behind any country.

"It's more than that, it's obviously leading." Alan Wilson, holding a newspaper, was happy for his American friends in the remote Malayan colony of Penang. As for such a spoiler, what will happen in the future of American politics Change, take one step at a time.

It's a pity that McCarthy's personal image is really dragging his feet, and Kennedy is the most beautiful man among the US presidential candidates over the years.

Handsome guys are really useful. If you don't believe me, just look at the current Conservative Party leader, Aiden. The sixty-year-old Aiden is of course not the killer of female voters like in the past when he was in his prime.

But it is not a handsome guy that needs to be compared in a sense. Look at Attlee, who is in his seventies and whose forehead is brighter than a lightbulb.

It stands to reason that the United Kingdom has defended the free world, which should increase the support rate of the Labour Party, but it still cannot be separated from the support rate of the Conservative Party. Alan Wilson thinks that it may be that some Britons really have a strong opinion on the Labour Party cabinet, which has been in power for more than ten years. Feel slack.

That's how electoral states are. Merit often doesn't keep up with nitpicking, and over time, voters aren't as enthusiastic as they used to be.

The trip of the Myanmar delegation is far from over. During this time, he can’t always play with the national treasure and the queen. Penang Commissioner Evered has received the care of his immediate boss. People also have some exchanges around the work in Penang.

"One of the two major events this year is the investment in Myanmar. Once the construction of the oil refining center in Singapore is completed, there will be a labor shortage." Alan Wilson said while swinging.

"Almost a hole-in-one, the commissioner's golf skills are astounding." Evered didn't know if he heard what his boss said, or was too immersed in golf.

Alan Wilson twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking that my skills in another aspect were truly astounding. Every time I made a hole-in-one, I was directly misled by my subordinates, and suddenly said, "Why do condoms circulate on the market, check them out carefully. After checking, to ensure sufficient labor force, the colonies have long banned this, where did this come from?"

Everred was stunned. He didn't know that his immediate superior was treated inhumanly by Queen Nanfang.

When a dignified imperial commissioner showed off his talent as a prime minister, he even saw from Queen Nanfang something that the colony had already banned.

Queen Nanfang's small means of buying condoms to protect herself is naturally useless. Alan Wilson cannot accept this kind of restraint that goes against the free world. His second brother has never suffered such grievances, even in the royal family's princess.

"I'll make sure to check it out." Evered hurriedly assured that by now he also knew that when he was discussing issues with his superiors, he was patronizing and flattering, only to be beaten by a trivial matter, and hurriedly replied, "Myanmar To invest in this area, Penang, as a city facing the Bay of Bengal, must make full use of its geographical advantages to build the Bay of Bengal regional economic belt.”

"Oh." Alan Wilson finally calmed down and nodded with a golf club, "The development of the peninsula of West Malaysia is a wolf-pack tactic, and Kuala Lumpur is the capital, which is not under discussion. The positioning of Malacca and Penang must be well established. .Singapore is quite special. From its geographical location and objective conditions, Singapore is the best place to deal with the Asia-Pacific. It is the easiest city to take off. We need a trustworthy commissioner to sit in, and Penang cannot relax.”

"Development is development, and we must also take a certain balance of work, so that it is easy to divide and conquer."

"But as the Commissioner said, the conditions of the four major cities are different. In fact, Penang is better. The positioning of Malacca and Singapore is even more conflicting. How can we contain Singapore." It's not that easy to do.

"Tie up the four major cities to create public opinion." Alan Wilson heard that this was his strength, he didn't dare to say how professional on the map gun, but he knew a little bit, "There are many ways, for example, in the colonial capital. In the discussions, it was said that Penang was one vote away from becoming the capital, that in Malacca City it was Malacca, and in Singapore it was Singapore.”

"Singaporeans are stingy, sophisticated, and respect foreigners... that's all. In terms of traditional culture, Penang is better, and so on. In fact, this kind of mutual attack can be operated from any angle and at any level."

Alan Wilson introduced the relevant process for Evered in detail. Regarding the choice of the capital of the republic, isn't it that all the cities are one vote behind the imperial capital?

It does not matter whether the citizens of Kuala Lumpur will believe it, or whether the citizens of Singapore will believe it. When bashing Singapore, citizens of the other three cities believe the same when bashing Kuala Lumpur, and that's it.

As for self-promotion, it will take a lot of work. It cannot be like a way to fake Xi'an as one of the four ancient capitals of the world.

Penang does not have this history, but it can use a method similar to the bundling of the four ancient capitals to force Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to be on the same level as two weaker cities. Kaifeng was so unknowingly squeezed out by Nanjing.

"The promotion of the righteousness of the colony is actually not friendly to the vast majority of Chinese immigrants, and the operation here is even greater. It is suitable for many stories to evolve, depending on how you make it up."

Alan Wilson can remember, including but not limited to Cantonese, Wu dialect, Jin dialect, there are all kinds of dialects that are two votes worse than Mandarin. It was only by myself that I settled on the accent problem that most Chinese people do not speak.

Evered, who was instilled with new knowledge by his immediate boss, sighed in his heart that this is the top student of Oriental Studies? He had never thought about it, but Alan Wilson took it as if he had done it before.

Alan Wilson has only seen it before, but it is better to maintain an unpredictable image in front of his subordinates, "One way is always useless, so British India is British India, and Malaya is Malaya. At this point, some new methods should be used, so as to be long-term and even beyond.”

No matter how many times you start from scratch, Singapore is easier to develop than other cities in West Malaysia. It's like the location of the magic capital is the most suitable economic center in the country.

No matter how many times you choose, the capital of the colony cannot be placed in the coastal port, just like the imperial capital connects the two plains, there are many considerations for the administrative center.

"Understood?" Alan Wilson swung his golf club and asked the subordinates who had learned new knowledge with exploratory eyes.

"Understood!" Evered answered very succinctly, "I also have an idea for the positioning of the four major cities."

"Very good, let's take care of condom smuggling first. This is also a big deal." Alan Wilson returned to his indifferent expression, this time it was the business in his heart.

Penang has to deal with the Bay of Bengal Economic Belt, which includes Myanmar and East Pakistan. The port of Malacca mainly serves the West Malaysia peninsula for import and export, while Singapore also serves the Asia-Pacific countries, and Kuala Lumpur is the capital, so the positioning is different.

While Alan Wilson was taking both public and private matters from Penang, the Burmese delegation led by U Nu began to inspect major cities and industries in West Malaysia. What they heard and saw along the way was shocking.

If a certain city is particularly prominent, it will not shock U Nu. It can be understood as a face project of the whole country, but Penang is a scene of development at the same time as to Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, in By the end of Singapore, several cities are like this, which is amazing.

Before World War II, in the prosperous era of Burma, only the important port of Singapore in Malaya can be compared with Burma, and on the whole, Burma was the best of all the British colonies at that time.

Wu Nu reported what he saw and heard along the way to General Aung San in Yangon through a telegram. He was shocked between the lines. If Wu Nu does not go into politics, I believe that the BBC will have his place.

When he returned to Penang again, Wu Nu, who had already made contact with Aung San, had already made up his mind.

Myanmar, with a population of 18 million and more than 600,000 square kilometers, once again took to the dining table, and this time, unlike the last time, Myanmar took the initiative to choose to do so.

Alan Wilson found the feeling of being possessed by George Lloyd again. He had already settled down on Wu Nu, but he still said reservedly that what labor rights and eight-hour workdays firmly occupy the moral commanding heights. In fact, this what about him?

The Burmese are free to work twenty-five hours a day if they want, only they can do it.

Although he knew that these contents were bullshit, Alan Wilson still added similar contents to the negotiation agenda, and it was easy to shirk responsibility if something went wrong.

The next time was when he fought for the best interests of British capital and the compradors of Malaya. Bringing the whole of Burma once again under British influence. Finally the whole negotiation came to an end!

"I hope that Myanmar will usher in a new wave of prosperity." After successfully leading the British capital back to Myanmar, Alan Wilson was in a good mood and took the initiative to shake hands with Wu Nu.

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