British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 934: french trap

Alan Wilson's feeling is very simple now. To describe it in one sentence, it is that I, Hu Hansan, are back.

He felt a little bit of the happiness of the Homecoming Corps now. Of course, he was not the only one who was happy. At least on the surface, the big compradors around him also expressed their happiness, seeing how hard they were applauding.

For the public and private, it is a happy thing to be able to reach an agreement with Myanmar. The size of the Malayan colony is not large enough, the human resources have been strained, and industrial transfer is imminent.

Myanmar is the most suitable target. It is connected by land, and the Andaman Islands in the open sea are still under the control of the United Kingdom. Whether it is from land or sea, the United Kingdom has the ability to force Myanmar to submit. With this backing, we will not be afraid of Myanmar in the future. A change occurred, resulting in damage to the interests of the United Kingdom.

This move is also significant in significance. After Myanmar became independent, after a round of British capital fled, the remaining British companies in Myanmar were also guarded by the Myanmar government for a long time, and their reluctance to operate their profits was not as good as before.

And now Aung San, represented by U Nu, is willing to open up the entry of British capital, which also represents a change in the position of hostility to British capital.

This is a gratifying thing. This step has been successfully taken. This time the Penang negotiation is simply a milestone.

"In fact, independence has caused setbacks in the relationship between our two countries, but people always have to look forward, Speaker U Nu. In fact, Malaya and Myanmar are neighbors. I can see it in recent years, General Aung San. Be careful to maintain the balance and not get caught up in any vortex, either for India or China."

A relaxed Alan Wilson still didn't forget to take out his old job, "I'm not trying to sow discord, although there is hatred between the UK and Burma, but after all, their homeland is far away, and the pressure brought by the two big guys next to Burma is completely different. If it is really a balanced route, distance produces beauty, or the UK is more suitable for being friends."

"We and our neighbors follow the original intention of living in peace." Wu Nu frowned slightly, feeling that Britain seemed to have bad intentions.

"Malaya is also a neighbor of Myanmar, and of course we are willing to live in peace." Alan Wilson subconsciously skipped the Kra Isthmus incident. He kept helping Myanmar expel the Rohingya, but it was not for nothing.

How big is the Kra Isthmus in Thailand? The reason why West Malaysia is today is due to the dedication of Myanmar. In addition to that part of Thailand, it has such a large area.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Myanmar to be hostile to the United Kingdom, but fortunately, time is a good medicine to heal the pain. Independence is not bad. That's what Indonesia thinks, and it was directly cut off 1 million square kilometers of land. If you think about it this way, Myanmar should feel much better.

Alan Wilson unilaterally announced that the festivals of the colonial era had been turned over, and the future would be the golden age of the British Empire and Burma. Soon, the cause and effect of this negotiation became a report sent to London via Norman Brooke's hand to Prime Minister Attlee.

"There is no doubt that Alan's talent in the field of diplomacy has been fully demonstrated through this event. After Sir Ismay left the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alan is also a suitable candidate for Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Norman Brooke carefully organized his words so as to avoid the impression that he was authorized. After listening to Prime Minister Attlee, he asked, "How is Ellen's reputation in your Whitehall?"

"It can be called a promising future." Norman Brook said solemnly, "If it weren't for the complicated external environment and the need for a person with extraordinary energy and enthusiasm for this, we would not have sent him out at all."

"The colonial situation is complicated. In a sense, it is also the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is just that it is not a formally independent country, but the nature of the work is similar. But from any point of view, it can be compared with Myanmar after independence. Having a good relationship and giving the UK a chance to come back is a good thing."

"What I have to admire is that he has a very precise strategic vision. A few years ago, he deliberately stripped the Andaman Islands and placed them under the management of the Malayan colony. This archipelago in the middle of the Bay of Bengal is very important to surrounding countries. A palpable shock."

"The value of some islands does need to be re-evaluated, especially in terms of marine value." Prime Minister Attlee nodded solemnly, and the oil in the Gulf of Guinea is an obvious example.

The nearby Spanish colony is small and pitiful, but the Spanish Franco government joined the ranks of dividing the Gulf of Guinea with an island. According to the news from Portugal, oil resources were first identified off the coast of Angola, which made several involved The country is very excited, and the development of the Gulf of Guinea has accelerated.

"Yes, Prime Minister." Norman Brooke agreed with a reserved expression. "Through the transfer of the textile industry, the door to Burma has been reopened, which is very beneficial to the United Kingdom. His tenure as High Commissioner was very successful. ."

"In fact, on the issue of civil servant transfer, you are the cabinet secretary, so you can make up your own mind. But there may be some problems on Morrison's side." Prime Minister Attlee frowned. It is well known that he is a prime minister and the foreign secretary. fact.

If it weren't for the unity of the Labour Party and the avoidance of internal conflict, he would have put Morrison aside.

The Labour Party is relatively young compared to the Conservative Party, which has led to the problem of some new parties, such as the fact that there are many factions within the Labour Party, from unionists, to free marketists, to radical socialists. Every leader has changed the composition of the party, taking in new members and changing old coalitions.

Labour has more factions than the Conservatives, and Attlee is reluctant to take a tough stance on Morrison when support is no longer dominant, which could split Labour and lose the general election.

If he has to decide who will lead the Labour Party in the future, he still hopes that the Chancellor of the Exchequer Geske will take responsibility.

Norman Brooke can't help things within the Labour Party, he can't help the Prime Minister on this matter.

However, although the appointment and dismissal of civil servants is in his hands, if the foreign secretary does not approve it, it will be a problem. Norman Brooke does not like Morrison, the foreign secretary. The reason for his dislike is very simple. · Brooke's own style matters.

He has always maintained a very close personal relationship with the prime minister who took office, but if the prime minister has a delicate relationship with a minister, you don't have to think about who the cabinet secretary will be on, which leads to Norman Brooke and Morrison relationship, because Attlee's sake is relatively unfamiliar.

Fortunately, Attlee is not an arbitrary person. If he had a similar style to Churchill, Morrison would never have been foreign secretary for so long.

But there is a premise that Labor will stay in power, and if Attlee feels that Labor's ruling position will be a thing of the past, Morrison's good days are over.

Of course, all of this is Norman Brook's own judgment, and he also believes that his judgment is correct.

Pamela Mountbatten and Princess Margaret are finally going to return to Asia. Vivien Leigh's eyes full of resentment made Alan Wilson feel a little guilty, "Vivian..."

"She's your wife, what am I?" Vivien Leigh whispered to herself, and it was distressing to look forward to her pity.

"Don't say that, you are my love." Alan Wilson whispered, hugging the body of the Great Britain Treasure, "We have a very cute, very smart child, have you forgotten? Of course, there are still many good memories, It belongs to both of us."

"Okay, I didn't ask for anything." Vivien Leigh looked directly at the man, and Hao Sijia's eyes appeared again.

No one can resist this kind of gaze, and Alan Wilson is no exception. He can give everything for this kind of gaze.

Just after returning to her love nest with her husband, Pamela Mountbatten revealed something. "The French are borrowing money by issuing Eurobonds, about $500 million. They are using investment banks as underwriters. And the investment banks' job is to sell the bond to investors; that means the bond can be sold to Investors from all over the world, and deciding whether to buy it or not is something I think about.”

“9.4 percent is a good yield continued.” Ten-year Italian bonds yield 9 percent, and no one thinks Italian bonds can match French bonds. Canadian bonds are more telling, yielding only 8 per cent, which is worth thinking about. This bond is going to be bullish, see what I mean? Do you want me to buy you some? "

Even in the best of times, Pamela Mountbatten was very enthusiastic.

Now that she has sufficient funds to operate, she is even more excited. However, what she said made sense. Hit a few keys on the calculator. For any investor, snapping up a bond at its original offer price can turn a handsome profit.

Of course, if a bond offering fails, investment banks will have to lower the selling price until the bond's yield is high enough to attract buyers.

It is indeed a very tempting big cake, but how could Alan Wilson not know that the French franc depreciated several times after the war, and directly asked, "My dear, you can guarantee that France will win the Algerian war. Is it? What is certain now is that France must raise funds to raise military expenditures for the war, and such a large scale shows that the French have made a big move. This big move may succeed or fail. If it fails, what are the consequences?"

Pamela Mountbatten froze, knowing that she had been carried away. Once the franc depreciated violently, it would be the end of the blood. Even if she could not do anything to her, it would definitely be a stain on her business.

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