British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 935: Prime Minister Wilson

"There are risks, it is not so easy to deal with guerrilla warfare."

Alan Wilson reminded his wife, "In December 1945, the franc depreciated by 58%, and in January 1948 it depreciated again by 44% on this basis, over a year. After that, in September 1949, it depreciated by 39%. The franc has depreciated three times in a row, which is a lesson from the past. Of course, since that time, the value of the franc has been stable for ten years, but now the war in Algeria has not stopped. , France supplies 800,000 troops in North Africa, and the military expenditure is an astronomical figure.”

“Even with the oil you handed over to the French to support the war, the financial pressure on France is huge. If you buy these bonds, let’s assume the war goes well, the risk of the franc depreciating is still there. You forget that after the war , what did Australia, New Zealand and Canada say about Britain when the pound fell?"

"Don't the UK know that this will hurt the interests of the sterling area? Yes, but it still does it because the UK had no choice but to use the devaluation of the pound to save itself. They are all countries founded by British immigrants. Yu Shui, once the war in France leads to a financial crisis, will the franc depreciate and default?"

Pamela Mountbatten listened to her husband's explanation with a gloomy expression on her face, "Then I won't buy it, as I don't know about it."

"I'm not blocking it. What I just said is just my personal opinion. The decision is still up to you. In the end, I don't want to affect your decision." Alan Wilson corrected very gentlemanly, "The decision is still yours. in hand."

How to say, Pamela Mountbatten is an independent person, Alan Wilson can not always interfere with business decisions, if his wife insists, he will not object.

This time, the French bond is of course profitable, after all, the yield of more than 9% is not low. But what if the franc depreciates by more than ten percent? Don't think that the face of a country is very valuable. An example is the British pound devaluation after the war despite the opposition of Australia and other places.

"I listened to you, you haven't missed it yet." Pamela Mountbatten's eager heart had been extinguished, and she chose to follow her husband's opinion on this matter again.

"Hey, I'm letting you think about it for yourself." Alan Wilson didn't care, even if it lost, it would be impossible for the Mountbatten Group to be hurt.

The world is not fair. Some people can keep falling and get up. For ordinary people, it takes a lifetime to pay for one failure. Pamela Mountbatten is the latter.

Alan Wilson is just helping his wife with advice, and if she thinks she can give it a try, he will not object.

Just as he was about to say something, the phone rang, and he had to get up to answer the phone, "Just let them come."

"What's the matter?" My sister-in-law, who had just listened to her brother-in-law's exclusive analysis, asked.

"Suyang and the others are coming to get foreign investment documents." Alan Wilson did not hide it. He explained the investment in Myanmar, and transferred some low-profit industries to Myanmar. Taking advantage of low human rights, he promoted the industrial upgrading of Malaya. .

"This is a good thing, but I still need to prove it? I don't understand what they think." Pamela Mountbatten's face was full of astonishment, and it seemed that these Chinese businessmen seemed reluctant.

"The UK is no stranger to industrial relocation. But this is the first time they have met, and it is normal to be timid about going to sea. If there is time, I will persuade slowly, but the project of the oil refining center is about to end. I only We can force them to go out, take this foreign investment certificate, and create public opinion that the rare goods can live in the outside world, but at the same time, the benefits to us are huge, and the industrial transfer cannot be disorderly, but must be controlled within a reasonable range.”

Although the industry is distributed all over the Malayan colony, almost all the big compradors have resident villas in Kuala Lumpur.

This is the so-called capital advantage. As the colonial capital, Kuala Lumpur is the starting point of the policy and can sense the latest changes.

Administrative resources themselves are part of the advantages of the administrative center. Of course, it also has certain disadvantages. The administrative center is generally the hardest hit area for map guns, so Kuala Lumpur will definitely be treated by Singapore in the future.

Alan Wilson has been able to imagine that kind of grand occasion, but it must be more than God's fire.

The dispute between the administrative center and the economic center of the imperial capital and the magic capital is also because the imperial capital has long been the administrative center. In the four ancient capitals, they are always used as targets. As long as there is enough time, any comparison can turn into war.

Allen Wilson has been in the political network for many years. In my impression, the imperial capital was rarely supported by most of them. It was either that the four ancient capitals were caught in Xi'an and Nanjing, or that they were consumed by the connotation of administrative resources and poverty-stricken around the imperial capital.

In view of this, he taught Evered how to bind the four major cities in West Malaysia, which all depended on the key government reserves of the previous life. Although in his eyes it was a fight between gods, he lived in a small town in his previous life.

From his point of view as the Colonial High Commissioner, the contradictions in the colonies are too great, and ethnic conflicts will always shake the British rule, so he can't be too provocative.

The destructive power of regional conflicts is not bad at all, but usually the people involved will not be forced to resolve them by force. Within the scope of non-violent solution, regional conflicts are more effective than ethnic conflicts.

Soon, Su Yang and others came to the door collectively, and when they saw Pamela Mountbatten and Princess Margaret, they hurriedly said hello, "Your Royal Highness, Mrs. Wilson."

The English level of the compradors is really too general, and Princess Margaret, who has a grammar problem, is almost overjoyed. Because this kind of address is like addressing her directly.

"I just came back, you guys are busy." Pamela Mountbatten went straight upstairs and dragged the royal princess up by the way.

"Sooner or later, you will know that I am for your own good." Alan Wilson, who was holding the foreign investment certificate to everyone, bewitched these bitter faces, "The world is big, so you don't want to become famous on a larger scale? Just in Malaya, there will be no development.”

Even if the compradors were willing, Alan Wilson would not. These compradors crowded in the Malayan colony to cut leeks, which would lower the ceiling of the colony, and ordinary people could easily feel the existence of the ceiling. As a result, the belief in struggle is lost, and how can we rely on the textile industry to push up the ceiling?

Industrial upgrading is a must, and these comprador's ideas cannot be used as a distraction. Sooner or later, these people will thank him for forcing them out. Alan Wilson is convinced of this.

Regarding the spread of the slogan of surpassing France and catching up with the UK, Alan Wilson was greatly surprised, but when he thought that the steel production capacity centered on Kuching was slightly higher than that of the UK, he accepted this new slogan instead of surpassing the UK and catching up with the United States.

France's steel production is 14 million tons, and this goal is not difficult. Chaofa is easier than Chaoying.

Allen Wilson was in a good mood by using both hard and soft to drive these big compradors out of Malaya. The idle labor force will almost be able to play a role after the completion of the Asia-Pacific Oil Refinery Center.

"I heard that there is news about the oil off the coast of Angola." Alan Wilson teased his sister-in-law, "My esteemed princess, will become another wealth myth, which is really enviable."

"Look at your wife, there is nothing to envy." Princess Margaret said embarrassedly.

"When it comes to oil, I have one thing. I want to order a batch of oil refining equipment from the mainland." Alan Wilson tilted his head and looked at his wife, "I want oil refining equipment on land to serve colder places."

"You wouldn't go to the Soviet Union to dig for oil, would you?" Pamela Mountbatten was a little strange. This kind of condition could easily make others doubt her husband's reliability.

"I don't have the ability to go to the Soviet Union to dig oil. But it's almost the same, you should prepare it for South Korea." Alan Wilson's mysterious sub-bass voice, "Dear, according to my words, secretly prepare, land mining and oil refining. The equipment, adapted to the severe cold climate, must work normally in the weather of minus 30 to 40 degrees, and this is the requirement."

"It's okay to have a temperature similar to Norway. I'll find a solution from the equipment supplier that supplies North Sea oil." Pamela Mountbatten believed her husband unreservedly and immediately agreed.

This batch of equipment will serve Daqing. If it wasn't for the oil from my sister-in-law, he almost forgot that Daqing oil was about to be discovered.

Before the 1960s, the location, scale and processing capacity of China's Daqing Oilfield were strictly kept In order to determine whether it could make a deal with China for refining equipment, Japan urgently needed to know the location and size of the Daqing Oilfield. and processing capacity.

To this end, Japanese intelligence agencies collected a large amount of relevant information from publications published in China, and obtained accurate information about the location, scale and processing capacity of Daqing Oilfield after rigorous qualitative and quantitative processing of the collected information and data. .

In a series of information such as the public photos of the Japanese, the local climate and approximate location were determined through Wang Jinxi's clothes, the production capacity was determined through railway transportation, and the refinery equipment was involved in the local climate.

It is inferred from this: "China will inevitably feel that oil refining equipment is insufficient in recent years. It is completely possible to buy Japanese oil refining and cracking equipment. The scale and quantity of equipment to be purchased must meet the needs of refining 10,000 tons of oil per day."

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries made the judgment that China must introduce a large number of oil extraction and refining equipment. Mitsubishi immediately concentrated on relevant experts and technicians to comprehensively design equipment suitable for China's Daqing Oilfield, and made full preparations for winning the bid.

Sure enough, not long after, the Chinese government sought oil extraction equipment from the international market, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries designed the equipment that best met China's requirements at the fastest speed, and won the bid in one fell swoop in the fierce international competition.

Alan Wilson doesn't have to be so troublesome. Will he be unfamiliar with the climate of his hometown?

He summed up two experiences in the work of the chief executive of Malaya. The decision must be made earlier than Japan. The second one is to set up obstacles for Japan at the same time. In terms of oil refining equipment, I am not much better than Japan.

Japan doesn't need to thank him as a non-staff prime minister. He has helped so many countries and doesn't mind helping Japan.

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