British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 936: business unit reform

"I have two things to complete now, one has already been done, and the other is about to begin." Alan Wilson stroked his forehead, thinking about work arrangements.

"Withdraw from the positions that have too many contacts with the colonists? Give it to the locals?" Pamela Mountbatten asked. If there is one more thing, it is this. The United Kingdom has always ruled the colonies indirectly, and direct rule is a last resort. Under the circumstances, the means adopted, the situation in Britain after World War II was already very bad, and it had to be done.

Even Alan Wilson, who has always advocated direct rule, only regards this as an emergency measure, rather than a necessary one, which is not in line with the consistent British tradition.

"Well, that's right. Our sense of existence is too high, and it is beneficial to the stability of the colony. After all, we are not French, and we can tell the black people that our ancestors are all Gauls."

In terms of assimilation or national integration, the United Kingdom belongs to the very poor level. Although the promotion of English is objective, it has never deliberately changed anything deep.

After all, within Europe, the French are more literate than the British, and have produced a lot of great writers. Britain says it all, and can only turn Shakespeare over and adjust past references.

Language is only a small part of the assimilation, and the UK, Ireland and Scotland have been unable to handle it for a long time, let alone anything else.

Converting direct rule back to indirect rule doesn't necessarily lead to instability in the colony, and even reverting to indirect rule isn't at all on the same level as doing nothing but taxation.

The only thing Britain could do in the colonial field was taxation. Before the First World War, the United Kingdom took about 100 million pounds a year from British India, and then maintained this figure for a long time. How much is this equivalent? After some conversion, It is roughly equivalent to 870 million taels of silver, and all the unequal treaties of the Qing Dynasty together may not be this number.

Professionalism in the field of taxation has allowed British India to reincarnate the Qing Dynasty from 1840 to its demise every year. From this point of view, we know why the United Kingdom can be a long-term world financial center.

If it is replaced by the current Malayan colony, the problem of the times must be taken into account. Britain never wanted to build British India, not even a railway for the convenience of transporting raw materials.

On the one hand, Britain strictly forbids the colonies to have their own industries, and the industries it supports can only satisfy basic needs. Another aspect is to manage the colony with the most professional tax system.

That is to say, a purely agricultural country coupled with the modern taxation of the United Kingdom, it is not surprising that India has experienced major famines from time to time.

The current situation is different. Britain needs a place to help itself stabilize its position in the world. In terms of reliability, it is best to be a colony before choosing to support Malaya's industry.

The value created by industry is completely different. Now the Malayan colony contributes no less tax than India, but the tragic situation of the former British India will never appear again. In the final analysis, technological progress can lead to different results.

To de-colonize Britain is the second thing Alan Wilson has done. The first is to hide the white faces of the various departments in various places, and if that is not possible, centralize them.

This can also begin with the start of investment in Myanmar, which can be seen as an economic shift, and the latter as a policy shift.

Alan Wilson, who was about to make policy adjustments to the colony, received Heidi Lamar's arrival. "Student movements and protests in France seem to be quite frequent this year. I heard that the Algerian war caused a huge financial burden."

"Oh, that's it." Alan Wilson was surprised, never mentioning that he had found clues from his wife's bonds before, and asked side-by-side, "Is there any political change? In terms of attitude towards Algeria."

This is the time when the Fifth Republic of France appeared. De Gaulle finally came to the center of the political arena after being dormant for many years. Unfortunately, Heidi Lamar was unaware of this and shook his head in confusion.

"Okay." Alan Wilson also knows that for a big star whose biggest advantage is appearance, national affairs are indeed a little farther away.

He only remembered that the political movement of the late Fourth Republic had a great relationship with the Algerian War.

Because of the ferment of anti-war remarks, the French foreign group and the French army in Africa, based in Algiers, followed the old story of their predecessors supporting Napoleon III and pressed the Fourth Republic, expecting Charles de Gaulle to come out to preside over the overall situation and continue the Algerian war.

With the breath of Heidi Lamar, Alan Wilson, who returned home, still wanted to ask his wife, who has a good relationship with the French elite, "I heard that there have been a lot of protests and marches in France this year?"

"I heard something." Pamela Mountbatten nodded, and then asked suspiciously, "Why did you suddenly ask about this?"

"Once the political situation in France is unstable, you must know that the United States has always been very concerned about the situation in North Africa and will try to intervene in every possible way."

Alan Wilson pointed this out, "France is at war, the situation is not very stable. And Algeria is not far from the French mainland, Washington must be worried that France is really turning North Africa into the mainland. I am a little worried about that. You. Ask my friends, and is the current understanding of Algeria in France firm?"

For the French, a change of government does not affect their determination to persist in the Algerian war. A parliamentary country is much easier to interfere than a presidential one. The vested interests of Algeria can easily buy their own voice in the National Assembly, and then Settle into the traitorous framework and let the new government continue to support the war.

However, this is not a trick. Once the public opinion is reversed, French immigrants in Algeria will not be able to compare the public opinion with the local citizens. Therefore, public opinion is still important, and the most important thing is what the local French citizens think.

Of course, France wants to cast off the influence of the United States and act independently, but it is impossible under objective conditions.

Paris is the headquarters of NATO. Alan Wilson rescued the United Kingdom and avoided the influence of the US garrison. He did not have the ability to save France, and he also caused troubles, causing France to bear the pressure of the British garrison.

Of course, it is impossible for the United States to explicitly oppose France's policy, which will arouse France's disgust. The United States cannot always beat France up because of decolonization. Therefore, the United States' solution is to assist France in suppressing Algeria, and at the same time, aid Algeria through the garrison of Italian troops. Resist France, let the war continue, and consume France's will to war.

"France has been negotiating with the Americans to put Algeria within the framework of NATO. I do know about this." Pamela Mountbatten mentioned the thoughts of some French people when talking about the Algerian war.

"It's impossible, the French really dare to think about it." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly, "There are many rebels in Algeria who can freely enter the United States. Who gave those passports? But now it seems that it is mainly a matter of funds. , if the French had not lied in the battlefield situation, there would have been a chance of success."

"I will ask carefully." Pamela Mountbatten simply agreed, "Do you want the real public opinion of France on the war now?"

"Well, yes." Alan Wilson touched his chin and said, "I'm going to have a meeting with the district commissioner recently. You help me keep an eye on it. If there is anything unexpected, please tell me directly."

Letting his wife keep an eye on the situation in France, Alan Wilson himself began to prepare for the meeting, and all the regional commissioners of the Malayan colony had to come, because this involved the policy adjustment of the entire colony.

"Singapore's oil refining center is about to be completed, and the colonial industry will also usher in some adjustments."

In the Malayan Colonial Administrative Office, Alan Wilson looked at the regional commissioners and the heads of various departments who came from all over the world, and pointed the table with a pen in his hand, and then said something unexpected, "Colonial civil servants The scale will be reduced, and everyone must be prepared.”

"What..." The entire conference room caused a messy debate because of the words of the boss. Obviously, everyone was dissatisfied with the words of the boss.

"The smaller the scale of civil servants, the less colonial color." Alan Wilson blocked the voice of dissatisfaction.

"That's right, but reducing the size of the civil service?" Edel persuaded solemnly, "Commissioner Wilson, this will be the end of our civilization."

"Edel, don't be impatient. The direct management agency and the colonists are in contact too frequently, and some conflicts will arise. This is unavoidable. We will shrink to some more important areas." Alan Wilson waved his hand~www And it's easy, you just don't need to call them civil servants. For example, the operation of an oil refining center, doesn't this require reliable people? The oil refining center is not an administrative department, isn't it normal not to call it a civil servant? "

The voice of dissatisfaction disappeared, and Alan Wilson continued to say, "In an industry similar to an oil refining center, we have changed it into a public institution, so that the employees of the public institution are not civil servants. But they are still the same people, doing what they do. It is the same thing, with the support and salary of the colonial government, the civil servants who enter the public institution will not be reduced in treatment because of this, as long as we do not admit it, everything will be business as usual.”

"But in terms of perception, it is completely different. For most of our colleagues, their treatment is not high, and the convenience of some work is far less than the negative impact of conflict. After entering the institution, still It will be financially supported by the colonial government, and it will be more hidden, which is a good thing.”

"It looks like we've cut the size of the civil service, when in fact nothing has changed."

"But how can there be so many business units to be established." Richard frowned and said, "Is it too obvious?"

"You don't need to do it right away, get a good start, and we can slowly transfer our people in the future." Alan Wilson turned the pen and replied calmly, "The extensive development is over, Malaya cannot In terms of quantity, then in terms of quality, don’t we need snacks? Steel, rubber, agricultural products, we need to strictly control everything, don’t we?”

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