British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 937: Harvest season

"Investment in Myanmar and restructuring of public institutions will be a major test for us after many years. Whether we can stabilize the situation in the Malayan colony in one fell swoop is extremely important. Of course, we all understand that it is not enough. ."

Alan Wilson saw that the pillars of the British Empire no longer objected, and said earnestly, "We are very clear in our hearts how complicated the situation facing the whole of the United Kingdom is, it is impossible to rely on the performance artists in the zoo, and whether the cornerstone of civilization is solid? It also depends on our own efforts.”

Everyone nodded solemnly and agreed with the words of their superiors. At the crossroads where the future is uncertain, the fate should be in the hands of their own people, but who is a reliable person, the ministers and parliamentarians think it is them, and Civil servants generally think of themselves as themselves.

The main resistance to any reform comes from vested interests, but Alan Wilson reorganized his business units to ease the dissatisfaction of his subordinates. This is a good start.

In the final analysis, although the time for laying the foundations has passed, the industrial upgrading is not a one-off. The completion of the Asia-Pacific Oil Refining Center will bring new jobs, and there is room for the satisfaction of British civil servants in Malaya.

If there are no new jobs to be created once the industry is upgraded, it will be rolled up.

At that time, it will not be as easy as it is now to promote the reorganization of public institutions, so before leaving office, Alan Wilson still has to arrange the work of the colony and eliminate potential thunderstorms as much as possible.

In 1958, Malaya's per capita income was on a par with Japan's. The only drawback was that Malaya's population was indeed incomparable with Japan's, and the difference in size could not be equalized by manpower.

And the per capita income of Xiangjiang is a little higher than that of Malaya. Alan Wilson can be sure that at any time, Xiangjiang can never be compared with Japan's per capita income. This can only prove a problem. Japan's development is not as good as he remembered. of Japan.

It seems that Japan, which lost Hokkaido, has been affected a lot. As for the difference in indemnity, it can be regarded as a trivial matter compared with the whole of Hokkaido.

Compared with the domestic statistics in London, the per capita income of the Malayan colony is about one-fifth of the British mainland, and the Hong Kong is slightly more than one-fifth.

"Japan has nothing. Malaya has rubber, tin ore, and palm oil, and several industries are available. The potential of agriculture and animal husbandry is also greater than that of Japan, which will reduce social operating costs. Don't look at the Japanese. It seems a little stronger than the colonies we run, but their people sweat more than Malaya."

All the regional commissioners agree with their boss's opinion, but even so, their boss still never forgets to draw a ladder for Japan, don't think it's easy, compare Myanmar.

To calculate the current per capita income of Burmese people at the exchange rate of Burmese dollars to British pounds, we know that from 1945 to the present, the development of the Malayan colony is definitely second to none in Asia. The per capita income of the Malayan colony is the highest in Myanmar. Seven times, and nearly seven times that of South Korea.

It is true that the colonies of Japan and Malaya cannot be compared with those of Europe and the United States, but in Asia they have left their surroundings far away. Wu Nu and his party also walked around the peninsula of West Malaysia and felt the gap like a chasm. , so well spoken.

The comparison between the Malayan colony and Japan, Myanmar and South Korea is not so simple. In addition to the cold numbers, we must also consider the hidden costs of all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. The pressure on Dawubo is definitely much stronger than that of countries like Japan and South Korea. , Myanmar and South Korea are both backward, but Myanmar at least for now, it is much easier for a person to live than a Korean in South Korea.

"Gentlemen and ladies, we have Australia's help in the steel industry, the European Community and the Commonwealth in the market, it is true that the US market is open to Japan, so that we do not have an advantage in the market, but the population of the Malayan colony also Not as much as Japan, and the current market is still sufficient for the colony's population."

"With the Malayan colony as the center and radiating to the surrounding area, through Hong Kong and Goa controlled by Portugal, it connects the two most populous markets in order to stabilize the current international position of the United Kingdom. Whether this can be achieved depends on our I have worked hard. Investing in Myanmar is just the beginning, no matter whether I leave office or not, who is the next commissioner, this goal should not change, I don’t know if everyone agrees?”

"Agreed!" Everyone gave a uniform response, never fighting such a wealthy battle.

"Then, let's get to work, I have a hunch that this year is a harvest season." Alan Wilson nodded with a smile.

At the beginning of 1958, the two matters of investing in Myanmar and the reorganization of public institutions started with a big fanfare and a sneaky start. This time, the regional commissioner meeting also took the harvest season as the theme, indicating that everything is safe in the Malayan colony. Well, let's celebrate what Britain has done for the colonies over the years.

What would the Malayan colonies eat without a Commonwealth market? Without Australia's steel supply, what would the Malayan colonies drink?

Don't forget the people who dig wells when you drink water, and sing praises to Britain, even if it's just to sing praises to Her Majesty the Queen, is it too much?

"Dear, what are you doing?" Pamela Mountbatten was very happy, because oil exploration off the coast of Sarawak has begun. She is the ruler of Sarawak and has been in a happy mood recently.

"I'm thinking about the hidden dangers." Alan Wilson came back to his senses. The hidden dangers were obvious. In a few days, the British army stationed in Malaysia will be conducting a landing exercise. The exercise location is in the Natuna Islands. Just set up a few cannons on the eastern coastline to threaten Indonesia, who made Jakarta a coastal port city, within the range of battleships.

The entire offshore archipelago near the Strait of Malacca is in the hands of the British, and some islands are jointly administered by the British and the Dutch. This kind of cross-management, of course, is to keep the colonial newspapers warm, and it also has another effect. Once they have to leave, they can also create territorial disputes.

"How about awarding honors based on your administrative achievements in the Malayan colony?" Pamela Mountbatten said mysteriously, "My dear, as long as you nod your head, I'll take care of everything else."

"I suddenly remembered, where is the hidden danger?" Alan Wilson slapped his thigh and said, "The Kra Isthmus, the part of the land ceded from Burma and Thailand, is different from the ruler of the Malayan colony itself, such a large piece of land. There are no rulers in the land, and the cabinet should have two rulers."

The Kra Isthmus has been under military control since it was ceded, and now serves as a grain merchant base for the Mountbatten Group.

"Is it a sultan?" Pamela Mountbatten sighed, her husband was destined to go further and further on the road of reversing history, "but there is no suitable candidate."

"There is one candidate, the emperor of Vietnam, Bao Dai. But now the number of monarchs in the Malayan colony, including you, is eleven, and Bao Dai is an even number. There is still one missing. The area of ​​the Kra Isthmus used to belong to Thailand. With Myanmar, the combined area is too large, and the key lies in the Malay Peninsula. Such a large area cannot become an administrative unit. At least it must be divided into two parts." Alan Wilson said this, and suddenly laughed, "Do you think that Her Royal Highness, what is it like to be the ruler of one of the states, just like you, and usually not in the Malayan colony at all."

"This is balanced. The number of monarchs is singular, so don't worry about the stalemate of opinions sometimes." Alan Wilson clapped his hands. "This way, all administrative units, except the original Straits Settlements, have monarchs."

"I'll be the monarch?" Princess Margaret looked stunned, wouldn't this feel a sense of imperial order.

"What? Dear Princess? You don't want to?" Alan Wilson was holding the map of the Isthmus of Krakow, looking smug, just like the British Prime Minister George Lloyd at the Paris Peace casually on the world map A swipe is the birth of a new country. Now, with a swipe, it means that there are two monarchs in the Malayan colony.

He had no culture, so he just re-established the names of two new administrative divisions of the colony in the Isthmus of Kra, according to the borders that formerly belonged to Burma and Thailand.

The land that originally belonged to Myanmar is called Delin Prefecture, and the land that originally belonged to Thailand is called Nantai Prefecture.

Princess Margaret's face was hot, she walked up to her brother-in-law, who had the same status as her husband, and stood on tiptoe and kissed.

"Pamela is below..." Alan Wilson looked panicked, and his thoughts were broken.

Princess Margaret grunted, she forgot her wife when she did that, and now she's afraid of it. As Pamela Mountbatten's footsteps came upstairs, she immediately hid far away.

"But Emperor Bao Da, he was the emperor of South Vietnam in the past. If he were the ruler of one of the states, would he attract the royalists from South Vietnam? This would be a problem for the Malayan colony."

When Pamela Mountbatten appeared, she saw her husband walking back and forth with his hands behind his back, muttering to himself.

These are all inevitable things, and Alan Wilson does not want any changes in the process and outcome of the Vietnam War. Compared with the disgraced events in the United States, Emperor Bao is really just as light as a feather.

"I'm thinking after dinner." Pamela Mountbatten called softly to her husband, and soon the three of them went downstairs.

Alan Wilson thought hard every day about the hidden dangers. This was not a good working state. Just as Xia Meng came to Singapore to support the army, he stopped by the military camp to relax and pay close attention to the landing exercises in the Natuna Islands.

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