British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 940: Sir Wilson

"I try not to leave hidden dangers to the next commissioner, and of course I can't anticipate all emergencies." Alan Wilson sighed and put down the planning book, pointing at Richard's intended suggestion.

"Commissioner, I believe that the next commissioner will not let your hard work go to waste." Richard, who received the hint, immediately opened his mouth to express the reliability of the next commissioner, in fact, his own.

"I hope so." Alan Wilson nodded and encouraged, "For the sake of policy coherence, in principle, I should recommend the next commissioner for Whitehall, Richard, as you know, Alyssa and Edel They are all my subordinates in British India, which is nothing, many of the current regional commissioners are. You don’t have an advantage, of course you have your own advantages.”

As for what the advantage is, Alan Wilson didn't think about it temporarily, but hoped that Richard could understand it himself, "The next commissioner is not an easy job, and we may face different tests in different time periods. Of course, even if I leave office, I will try my best to take care of my former subordinates."

How to put it more euphemistically to retire, Alan Wilson provided an example in front of Richard.

Richard obviously understood, and said inside and out that he would be completely loyal to the interests of the British Empire and the Mountbatten Group.

"Very good, you are really reliable. In fact, the most important thing in life is to find your own value. For civil servants as a whole, the British Empire is more important than the British Isles. This is not the case for elected politicians, they only care about the public opinion of local voters. rather than the interests of the British Empire as a whole."

"And we have to serve the country for decades, to ensure the smooth operation of the British Empire, to make the right choice in this uncertain era, and not to stick to some illusory consciousness. Everything is based on national interests!"

Alan Wilson said this and asked, "Do you think the Chinese are anti-imperialist and anti-feudal? Didn't they immediately accept the claim of the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone? There was no hesitation at all because it was a colonial power's claim. "

Richard nodded. He also admired the immediate boss in front of him. Although he had the foundation laid by the former High Commissioner, Gerald Edward, after Alan Wilson took office, the two terms were not over, and Malaya was pulled into one. An unprecedented position that completely replaced the role of British India.

If it is Richard himself, he thinks that it is impossible. Of course, how many high commissioners are Alan Wilson so terrifying? Is he really joking when he learns from both China and the West and crosses capitalism and socialism?

"Familiarize yourself with the overall work, and consider the role of the Malayan colony from a global perspective." Alan Wilson yawned. The recent balance between public and private has indeed brought a little tiredness.

After Richard left, he held his forehead and sighed. To say that there are no hidden dangers is just boasting. The biggest hidden danger he has left is the Indonesian problem he has always thought.

But this problem is difficult, and Alan Wilson also thought about fixing things by himself.

After thinking about it, I still resisted this impulse. The Strait of Malacca and the Suez Canal are equally important in the world and have such great value. Once an action against Indonesia is planned, it is impossible to predict the consequences. Of course, this is just a one of the reasons.

Another more important reason is that if Alan Wilson did it himself, once he encountered a shameful failure, he did not think of a way out. If he himself was involved, his career in officialdom would come to an abrupt end.

If he planned and did it himself, it would be almost difficult for him to get rid of the relationship. You must know that he believes that making Indonesia red is the basis for the long-term stability of the United Kingdom, but this is a feasible way that he has compared according to history.

But others certainly don’t see it that way. When the day Indonesia changes color, does he explain to those investigating him that only when Indonesia changes color and becomes Britain’s enemy can Britain have an excuse not to leave? Who believes it?

If the operation succeeded, Indonesia changed color, and he could not clear the relationship. If the operation failed, and Indonesia did not change color, the United States would put pressure on the United Kingdom to get out of the country.

In the situation before Alan Wilson, there is no victory or draw, only draw and loss. All he can choose is to put aside his responsibilities and wait for an opportunity to operate.

If all goes well, he succeeds in taking over as the Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even if he leaves office, he is also Richard's immediate boss. At that time, he will have the ability to clear his relationship. After all, he is not the direct person in charge and can clear his relationship. You can operate with confidence.

This may be a little unfair to Richard, but fortunately, the parties do not know it, and now Richard can only understand the special attention of his boss from the implicit and explicit hints of Alan Wilson.

After all, it was such a long-term plan, of course he had to make some secret preparations to ensure that he was not in the Malayan colony, and that he knew the colony like the back of his hand.

Pamela Mountbatten returned home with her son, and Princess Margaret came back. Princess Margaret was nothing out of the ordinary. She also mentioned that there seemed to be a lot of new star posters outside. Between the lines, Alan Wilson It was judged that it was Xia Meng.

"That female star seems to be very famous in Asia." Princess Margaret said with some exclamation, "The Chinese dream lover? But I have never heard of it."

"With such a large population, even if there is no such thing now, there will definitely be world-renowned stars in the future." Alan Wilson replied with a smile to his sister-in-law, but the stars that appear in the Chinese are all specific kung fu stars.

There are three influential stars in the world, strictly speaking, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

The most famous is not Bruce Lee, Bruce Lee is very famous as a cultural symbol. But his own influence has been surpassed by Jackie Chan for a long time. As for Jet Li, it is actually far from the first two.

As for whose kung fu is more powerful, this is another question. As we all know, boxing is about weight.

"My dear, if there is time, the matter of the title I talked to you should be settled." Pamela Mountbatten was not as busy as Her Royal Highness, so she put her son down and said softly, "It has been confirmed that the cabinet will pass a With this bill, it will not be so easy to confer nobles in the future."

Alan Wilson looked noncommittal and asked a question, "I am a civil servant, if I have a noble title, will there be problems in the future."

"It's definitely no problem now. There is no law stating that hereditary nobles cannot be civil servants." Princess Margaret replied immediately. As a princess of the royal family, no one knows better than him.

"The absence of a bill now does not mean that there will be no bill in the future. Aren't all bills in the hands of the cabinet. If one day, there is such a bill to prevent the hereditary nobles from entering the government?" Alan Wilson said, looking at his wife And my sister-in-law, "It's not impossible, it's a hidden danger for me."

It is related to the sustainable progress and development of the future. Alan Wilson does not want to have any problems. He said the simplest worry. He has offended a female prime minister. Say goodbye, what shall we do then?

Alan Wilson remembers it as if life nobility would not even be able to get into the civil service later on. Generally, after retirement, the honorary title is awarded, and senior civil servants are given a title as a reward.

Therefore, he was opposed to hereditary nobles and never pursued them, but Pamela Mountbatten didn't think so. Once the nobility bill was passed, it would be difficult to get a title in the future, and her husband was worried about the unfavorable factors of his civil service career. At least not yet.

"A baron is not a noble." Princess Margaret suddenly said, "a baron can be hereditary, but it is a commoner. It is also called a knight. Many barons work in the government, and there are thousands of barons. The family is a very large title of baron is unique in two points: ·The baron is a hereditary honor, but it does not belong to the nobility, so the baron has no place in the House of Lords. Seat. · From the baron to "jazz" as a respectful title, but it does not belong to "knighthood".

Since barons are not nobles, they have the right to participate in the election of the House of Commons. Therefore, many members of the House of Commons are from barons. Lords belong to nobles, and barons belong to commoners.

"That's it." Pamela Mountbatten agreed immediately. She wanted to fight for a higher title for her husband, and she had already made a lot of connections, but since her husband was so worried, there would be a bill against her. If his future is threatened, he will naturally settle for the next best thing, as long as his husband is happy.

"Actually, I don't care what kind of title I have." Alan Wilson told the truth, thinking that I can play in Great Britain, and there is such a vague group, but he also understands Pamela Mountbatten's obsession and knows Mountbatten His title has nothing to do with himself, and he tried his best to get the monarchy of Sarawak, which shows Pamela Mountbatten's pursuit of aristocratic status.

"It's just for me and the children." Pamela Mountbatten said with a desire. She knew that her husband viewed nobles as no different from seeing commoners. Noble titles were not attractive to him, so he decisively played the card of family affection.

"Okay, okay." Alan Wilson nodded indifferently. Since Pamela Mountbatten has made arrangements, how could his mere son-in-law be qualified to object, so he just took the comprehensive plan back and let Whitehall and The cabinet will see if it can pass.

In his eyes, this matter is much more important than what a lord is from a baron. If it goes well, he will be able to start a sprint for the position of permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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