British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 941: The key question

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"Oh, come here then, okay. Watermark Ad Test Watermark Ad Test" Alan Wilson hung up the phone, stretched out his hands and brushed his hair, a smile on his face, Pamela Mountbatten cast a loving gaze from The children took it back and asked, "Richard? He seems to be coming here for excuses recently."

"He's looking for an opportunity to prove his reliability." Alan Wilson stretched, and then put his arm on his wife's shoulder, "I think he has found the key problem now."

"Do you want me to avoid it?" Pamela Mountbatten, who was leaning against her husband's arms, raised her head and asked her role.

"No, I think the purpose of his coming has something to do with you." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly, "Prepare a bottle of whisky."

The head of the administrative bureau, who is interested in benefiting the society at a larger level, came to the house of his immediate boss.

Richard has been quite busy lately, dealing with various levels, but he is absolutely motivated.

"I have seen the logistics support projects of the Armored Division and the Marine Division, and they are very good." Politely poured a glass for Richard, Alan Wilson raised his glass, and the two took a sip before continuing, "I think , at least the officers and soldiers of the British Horse Corps have left a good impression on you."

"They all call me good Richard now." Richard's reserved self-praise changed the conversation, "Of course, this is all under the leadership of the commissioner, and there are some trivial achievements."

"It's up to you to be attentive." Alan Wilson said that the good Richard is not a good title, and he praised one after another, "The local people's body shape is different from ours, and the new custom military uniform takes into account the body shape difference, It's all your credit."

Restricted by objective conditions, the Chinese are required to be one meter sixty-five in height in terms of recruitment conditions, and the Malays are even lower at one meter sixty-two. This standard is not low.

After all, because of geographical factors, the Chinese who came to the Malayan colony were all southerners, and the top three eastern provinces and Shandong people would not come to Southeast Asia.

According to the information fed back by the intelligence network in Indonesia, the average Indonesian man is less than 1.6 meters. This survey was conducted by Alan Wilson when he was idle and for private use. The purpose was to open a map cannon.

Anyway, the entire Malayan colony now knows that Indonesians are short people, and all kinds of jokes about the height of Indonesians have been derived. This is just a small job in the career of High Commissioner Alan Wilson.

If you make military uniforms for colonial soldiers according to the body of the British, there must be a problem of ill-fitting. Even at the same height, white people look bigger than yellow people, white people of the same height are heavier, and yellow people look slimmer.

There are objective differences in the body, just like black body proportions are more striking and muscles are more likely to be exercised.

"The High Commissioner should have an understanding of the communities under his jurisdiction and focus on what they care about," Alan Wilson said, "and finding a balance in that."

After a glass of wine, Richard took out his assessment of the hydropower system in Peninsular Malaysia from among the civil servants he carried with him. "The data of the hydropower system are all here. We all believe that a strong and good image is needed. A good group to operate the hydropower system in Peninsular Malaysia.”

"Oh, is there such a group?" Alan Wilson handed the assessment report to his wife sitting next to him.

Pamela Mountbatten was overjoyed and said happily, "Richard still found the key problem..."

"Go upstairs and take a look." Alan Wilson felt that his wife was not very calm, and received a roll of eyes.

But immediately Pamela Mountbatten went upstairs with the assessment report, leaving room for two men to talk about business, but did not forget to promise, "Director Richard, our group is going to join the public of car manufacturers to change the colonial government at half price. For the car, the new Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud is more suitable for your level, I will contact China and ship it by sea."

"Hey!" Alan Wilson stroked his forehead and said to his subordinate, "I made you laugh."

"No, it's nothing." Richard swallowed, he actually envied the car that his boss didn't drive very much.

"I mean, it doesn't really have to be in the field of buses. The country is only for the country. At the critical moment, you have to have it yourself. Pamela still doesn't think about it." Alan Wilson handed out a jelly bean, a Compared with the hydropower operation rights of the Malayan colony, what does it count as a silver cloud?

"What do you think of the current level of development of the Malayan colony and its importance to the British Empire? If various potential threats arise, what is your opinion? If you are the chief executive, how can you compete with neighboring countries?"

Alan Wilson, who has come to the end of his career as a psychic commissioner, has many questions about his successor. He believed that Richard already had the answer to most of the questions in his heart.

"In terms of our exposure to Southeast Asia, we have a better location than Japan. The commissioner has initially opened up the Myanmar market, which is a good start. If I become the chief executive, I will naturally continue to expand the results."

Richard sat upright, explaining his own views, while secretly observing the face of his immediate boss. Patting the chest to continue the Malayan miracle.

"Location is indeed the greatest advantage that the Malayan colony can rely on. At the same time, it can cooperate with Hong Kong for import and export. It is a pity that Portuguese Goa is on the west coast of India, not on the east coast, but this is not harmful. In short, we There is access to the two largest markets in the world.”

Alan Wilson replied with satisfaction, "As for other directions, at the current level of development of the Malayan colony, excluding Indonesia, it has already opened a gap of two to seven times with the surrounding area, if not for the overwhelming human advantage. , this gap is almost unshakable. From the data point of view, the closest is the Philippines. But you don’t have to worry, there are hundreds of political families in the Philippines that are linked by regions, just like the Holy Roman Empire in the Middle Ages, even if it is If there is no problem now, there will be problems in the future, if there are flaws in your tenure, you must seize the opportunity.”

"If there is an opportunity, there are generally Chinese in Southeast Asia, and use this as a medium to spread the influence of the United Kingdom."

When the conversation started, the two put down their wine glasses and prepared to go out for a walk, and the topic went a step further and talked about the security of the colony.

"We have three potential threats, one is farther away, the Suez Canal. If I have the ability, I will help you solve the problem, but for the remaining two, I can only help."

Alan Wilson gave a face-to-face instruction. In short, it was a no-brainer to China and a heavy punch to Indonesia.

"After all, it's separated by a sea, and it's not impossible to talk through Mr. Lin." Alan Wilson expressed the idea that at a critical moment, I can also be patriotic and I can talk, "Even if there is a conflict, the big deal is a confrontation of public opinion. The bottom line is, what they say we say."

This is related to Richard's knowledge blind spot. Although he is talented in language, he has learned Chinese in a short time, and there is no language barrier in communicating with Chinese, but it is difficult to get closer.

"When it comes to the security of the Malayan colony, only magic can be used to defeat magic. The Chinese have a set of rhetoric since ancient times. The loophole in this rhetoric is that it cannot be traced back indefinitely, otherwise countries will choose the time when their territory is the largest to make claims. That's not What's wrong? From their point of view, luckily the Qing Dynasty was their biggest territory, and this rhetoric is in their favor."

Alan Wilson is well aware that the foundation since ancient times is on the territory of the Qianlong period, and the advantage of this rhetoric to the United Kingdom is that at that time, the United Kingdom was already an empire on which the sun never sets.

"Once there is such a public opinion attack, change the country and send it out without changing the word. We will say what they say."

"Since time immemorial?" Richard hesitated, he felt that this statement was very unreasonable.

But it was the most beneficial. Alan Wilson seemed to see the doubts of his subordinates. "When they were the biggest, it happened to be the biggest in the UK. Whose ancestors were not rich?"

"When it comes to the security of the Malayan colony and even Hong Kong, we must let them know what our true thoughts are, and let us know what their thoughts are, which will help avoid strategic misjudgment."

"As for Indonesia, you don't have to be so polite. Sukarno has publicly advocated Greater Indonesiaism and visited the Soviet camp last year. Although the US has a conflicting understanding of Indonesia with ours, we firmly believe that the Americans are wrong in their understanding of Indonesia. Now, the five-nation defense is absolutely Richard nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and accepted the idea of ​​taking high-pressure action against Indonesia by the Royal Navy's Pacific Fleet, "We must resolutely defeat Indonesia. their ambitions. "

"Before I leave office, I will try my best to find a way to bring honest weapons from Indonesia." Alan Wilson nodded and said, "Indonesia and Malaya have a nearly ten-fold income gap, which is the best comparison. Look for more. Troubled Indonesia helps to stabilize the Malayan colony."

God bless, the current Indonesia is the poorest place in the whole of Southeast Asia, and the income of Indians is higher than that of Indonesia. The Malayan colony did not surpass Indonesia in per capita income, but in total.

Out of the basic principle of basing your own happiness on the pain of your opponent, you must pull out Indonesia to compare and compare, "When I return to London, you will keep in touch with the Sudanese and Chinese businessmen in my place. Contact me directly with any questions."

"Is the commissioner going to return to London?" Richard's face was complicated, but he immediately showed a look of reluctance.

"Are you really expecting me to leave early?" Alan Wilson squinted at Richard, as if to gauge the reliability of this subordinate.

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