British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 942: beg for bombers

"Don't be nervous, just kidding, the high commissioner must have the mental quality of being indifferent, so as to be able to deal with emergencies." Seeing that his subordinates were about to prove their reliability, Alan Wilson smiled relieved, and then looked at him with nostalgic eyes. The surrounding scenery, "Anyway, my days as High Commissioner in Malaya were a precious experience in my life."

Including but not limited to, his second brother was obviously busier than him, thinking about it carefully, he was quite fond of it.

However, Alan Wilson did not achieve all the goals set when he took office. At a critical moment, he was still soft on the big action to subvert a country and did not dare to face the possible consequences.

But it doesn't matter, he can find a way to make others suffer the consequences, such as Richard who has seen the dawn of his life.

Let Richard continue to preside over the daily work, Alan Wilson took his wife and sister-in-law, and walked around the colony where he worked for many years with a relaxed attitude. Looking back now, he has never been so relaxed, not running around Putting the key policy into action is to live in the midst of thousands of flowers, but not a leaf does not touch the body.

In good times, there is a type of people who will deliberately seek out bad people, such as the richest man in India in later generations, who builds his mansion on the edge of the poor kiln.

Alan Wilson doesn't know what kind of psychology this is, but he can find that many people have this kind of psychology. Take the cheerful sister-in-law as an example, Her Royal Highness has a strong interest in watching savages.

There are many villages where East Malaysia meets Dutch Kalimantan. It would not be surprising if there were only primitive villages, but as we all know, the UK has always had a strong interest in archaeology. The cave where primitive tribes lived, which is worth exploring.

This became one of the stops on the High Commissioner's tour with his wife and sister-in-law, and the cave dug was recessed in the waist of the hill, a good place to stay for those who lived in the forest. After doing bad things at night, they rested in the cave. The cave is sheltered from the wind, but it faces the threat of mudslides.

The hole has been occupied by generations of natives, and the most recent natives have deliberately planted some teak wood in a haphazard manner to block the passage. They use teak leaf juice to dye their clothes. A thick curtain of low mango trees and acacias hung with clusters of flowers blocked the entrance.

Archaeologists clean up broken figurines. Most of the statue has been restored: the feet of the beast, the thighs of the horse, the corps of the man, the upper body of the woman, the smooth and young head with the hat, it is difficult to deduce what the belief is, but Alan Wilson thinks , this statue is very Hindu style.

"In modern society, there are still people who live like this." Pamela Mountbatten felt a little bit.

"The Asian side is already pretty good. You don't know the situation in Africa, it's really anyone's name." Alan Wilson put his arms around his wife's shoulder, completely treating this as an outing, and the two were also touched by the princess's light , there are MI5 agents protecting Princess Margaret.

Even when New China was founded, there were still many tribes living primitive lives, not to mention the next-level Southeast Asia.

The living conditions of the aborigines in the Andaman Islands are also the same. The abominable Japanese have even attacked them.

It has been many years, and the British are still covering up the riots of Japanese prisoners of war in the Andaman Islands, but it is still impossible to achieve seamlessness. In a certain psychological state, Alan Wilson used folk rumors to eat Japanese prisoners of war and be bloody. The repression was preached.

This is nothing, he always fires map guns, this is not the first time, and definitely not the last time.

As Japan's non-staff Prime Minister, it is his duty to shape the image of the Japanese, and he does not need to thank him for hiding his merits and fame.

After speaking, he has not lived in the Sarawak Royal Palace in Kuching, although it has been renovated by Pamela Mountbatten, no less than any bedroom.

It is a pity that Alan Wilson has always been blind to the architectural style, has no appreciation ability, and does not know the difference between the Baroque style and other styles, so that his wife who is waiting to be praised is greatly disappointed, "How do you think this palace?"

"Very good, especially in Asia." Alan Wilson hesitated and said the truth.

"How do you say that?" Pamela Mountbatten became interested. She knew a lot of strange knowledge in her husband's mind, and was ready to listen to stories before going to bed.

"The buildings in East Asia and Southeast Asia are mainly made of wood. The disadvantage is that it is not easy to preserve. There is no wooden building that can be preserved for more than a thousand years." , and finally found a wooden building of the Tang Dynasty in Shanxi, which really disappeared in the long run.

So the style of the buildings here can only be guessed. There are stone buildings on the European side, and the advantage is that they can be preserved for a long time. There are traces of the works of the Roman Empire.

Wooden buildings can also be built very grandly, but European buildings are geometrically more valuable. The result of the grandeur of the buildings on the East Asian side is that there are a large number of columns in the interior for support, which is also related to the weak geometry on the Asian side.

In fact, China is still very strong in a country dominated by wooden buildings. If you go to South Korea and Vietnam, you will know that the so-called palaces are really small, and even European churches are more imposing than the so-called royal palaces.

This is also in line with the historical fact that there is a lack of civilizations with peer-to-peer exchanges around China, and every bit of progress can only be studied by oneself. The advantage is that it won't be like the Persians, losing once and even the state religion Aojiao will be replaced by the Peace Teaching.

Turning his head to see that his wife was fast asleep, Alan Wilson looked at the night outside the window and unknowingly fell asleep.

The Malayan colony that traverses the equator doesn’t care about winter and summer, but since you want to return to China, you must consider the climate in London at this time. Fortunately, it is the end of February, and London is also in the process of spring blooming. Since the London smog event, London’s air quality has Much has changed, and instead, the air in the Malayan colony is not as good as it used to be.

Alan Wilson brought information on the planning of the Malayan colony, and returned to Europe on Comet 1 with his wife and Her Royal Highness the Princess. Pamela Mountbatten and Princess Margaret saw it with their own eyes this time. In today's trouble-free environment, how is it to live?

The Comet 1 took off from Kuala Lumpur, landed in Yangon, and took off to Colombo in Ceylon two days later. The third stop is Goa, Portugal, and then arrives in Dubai, including the nearby Aden.

When arriving in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, Alan Wilson took his wife and sister-in-law to visit the pyramids. By the way, I asked about the real public opinion of Farouk I in Egypt. Is it true that Ali Pasha is still alive, or is there a surging tide?

"Your husband, is this usually in this state?" Princess Margaret secretly asked Pamela Mountbatten.

"He was in this state a long time ago." Pamela Mountbatten remembered that when she first met this man, she had to avoid taking a plane, and she had to take a boat to go back to the country, and couldn't help laughing, "He can take a plane already. It's a big improvement. If the colony hadn't been spread too far, he would never have succumbed to reality."

"What are you talking about?" The senior photography artist, and even the Imperial Commissioner who can develop his own photos, took the camera and looked back at the two whispering women, his face full of doubts.

"It's nothing." Pamela Mountbatten smiled gently, her eyes full of the shadow of this man.

Just as Alan Wilson gave Richard hints on various occasions before he left, he also accepted many hints from the Cabinet Secretary, the Honourable Sir Norman Brooke, before he left.

The reason for this is very simple, he is older than Richard and Norman Brooke is older than him.

After taking his wife, sister-in-law and other family members along, wishing to visit Cairo, Rome, and Paris, Alan Wilson, who was not in a hurry, set foot on the land of London, the capital of the United Kingdom.

The busyness of the past few years seems to have been relieved by this stop-and-go He even took the time to communicate with Hepburn and the strong women in Paris.

As soon as she returned to London, Pamela Mountbatten took Princess Margaret with her and kept in touch with her friends.

The client, Alan Wilson, looked like he had nothing to do with me, and found his most respected father-in-law, Marshal Mountbatten, Chief of the British Defense General Staff, the highest full-time commander-in-chief of the British military.

"After thorough consideration, we had an in-depth discussion with the Egyptians and prepared to sell a giant-class aircraft carrier. After all, Egypt is very important to the global interests of the British Empire." Marshal Mountbatten mentioned the latest naval operations.

"I should pull the Egyptian Navy and conduct an exercise. I think it is good near Sannibar, which will help to enhance Egypt's prestige in the Arab world. In fact, it is a very wise decision to sell the aircraft carrier. The Navy is a technology-hungry branch with a high threshold. It is very strong, and strong is strong, weak is weak, and the Egyptian navy expands ten times, and it will be easily sent to the bottom of the sea if it turns against us.”

Alan Wilson was very much in favor of the sale of the aircraft carrier, and then began to instill his own private goods, "My biggest concern is the safety of the Malayan colony, if the three V strategic bombers can be sent to Australia as a way to curb Indonesia's dangerous move. If necessary, it will be better.”

Marshal Mountbatten gave his son-in-law a look, and this look can be described bluntly as, I know what **** you do when you pout your butt, "If the strategic nuclear missiles hadn't entered the production stage, what you want this time is not only Strategic bombers."

"I'm all selfless, all for the global strategic considerations of the British Empire." Alan Wilson had a clear conscience on his face, and he almost said that your daughter admires me.

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