British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 943: new foreign secretary

"You are a colonial high commissioner, considering the global strategic interests of the British Empire?" Marshal Mountbatten's mouth twitched. He could only say that his heart was good, but there seemed to be something wrong.

"I'm in charge of overseeing overseas assets, so I have to take this into consideration." It's not a correction of the marshal's words. Alan Wilson changed his words. "In fact, whether it is a strategic bomber or a strategic missile, without a nuclear warhead, it is not a threat."

"You still want a nuclear warhead?" Marshal Mountbatten asked in surprise. "Do you know what that means?"

"It represents the gap between the UK and non-nuclear countries. It represents the unfairness of the world, and it represents the international order." Alan Wilson said **** in a row, and said with a clear conscience, "In addition to this, I also I really don’t know what it means, I heard that the United States is carrying out a project in Turkey, and there is no news from the five eyes, which may turn into a hidden danger of conflict.”

In fact, there are speculations about the sneakiness of Turkey in the United States, but there is no evidence.

However, the United Kingdom has received the promise of the United States' nuclear sharing policy, and wants to put the United Kingdom's nuclear weapons in the NATO framework.

"Marshal, this is some data on the industrial production capacity of the Malayan colony." Alan Wilson had long been prepared, and this time he brought back a batch of materials to emphasize the importance of the Malayan colony.

In fact, it is not to emphasize that London has recognized the role of the Malayan colony on the mainland. Bringing back information is not only to persuade Whitehall, but also to persuade the military, to protect the security of the Malayan colony.

Marshal Mountbatten flipped through the data and said slowly, "Give me a big reason, otherwise it might not work."

"After a frank discussion, my subordinates suggested that I find a well-capitalized group for the Malayan colony to operate the Malayan colony's hydropower system." Alan Wilson said without changing his face, "Pamela has already obtained the The right to operate the hydropower system in Western Australia is the best option."

"We all agree that there is no doubt about the importance of the Malayan colony in global strategy." Marshal Mountbatten coughed softly, "It is also reasonable to send strategic bombers to station there."

"Mainly to protect Australia." Alan Wilson hit the rails while the rails were hot. "Canberra will definitely approve."

"Yes, that's right. The relationship between blood is thicker than water must be taken into account." Marshal Mountbatten agreed with a smile, "Since it is the demand of the allies, it will be very unkind if we do not agree."

"It could hurt the feelings of Australians. Let them down." Alan Wilson clapped his hands, applauding the very human decision.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to work hard for this." Marshal Mountbatten glanced at his son-in-law and pointed to the key point.

"I believe that where there is a will, things will come true." Alan Wilson certainly understood that things are not so simple. This matter cannot be done by Marshal Mountbatten with a word, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can't get around it.

He is not ready to fly strategic bombers to Australia tomorrow, and plan slowly, expecting the desired result.

"The cabinet has been very lively lately, the chancellor and the foreign secretary are always arguing because there is some news that Prime Minister Attlee is not ready to continue as Labour leader and expects the chancellor to lead Labour. This may also have something to do with Labour's sluggish approval ratings. , To be honest, Prime Minister Attlee's image is the same as Churchill in previous years."

Alan Wilson nodded, grateful for his father-in-law's suggestion, and said helplessly, "Prime Minister Attlee is seventy-five years old. In 1945, he gave the impression of being energetic. Now he is prime minister? A little bit older indeed."

"Actually, if the Chancellor of the Exchequer can lead the Labour Party to remain in power, it will be good for you, because the Chancellor of the Exchequer is no stranger to British India, and his father is the Regional High Commissioner of British India. It is somewhat similar to you. However, There are some things that are too early to say, but it is not easy for Labour to win."

Marshal Mountbatten hinted to his son-in-law that the Labour Party's infighting is no longer an undercurrent, but has reached an even higher level.

Attlee's preference for the chancellor as Labour leader is to block Morrison's path to prime minister. For this reason, the current cabinet is quite lively.

The conflict involving the Prime Minister, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Minister of Foreign Affairs can be described as a fight between gods.

Both Weng and both husband and wife also understand that the outcome is already doomed, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance take a common position, and there is almost no chance for the Foreign Minister to make a comeback.

Proceed to 70 Whitehall to present a comprehensive plan for the development of the Malayan colony to Norman Brooke. It was a very unforgettable afternoon for Alan Wilson, and it was a reversal of roles with Richard.

He constantly displayed in front of Norman Brooke all the good qualities of a Whitehall civil servant, especially reliability...

"Our esteemed foreign secretary may usher in an easy and comfortable retirement." Norman Brooke saw Alan Wilson mentioning this matter, and commented flatly, "He is a passionate person. , if he is the prime minister, he might do well, because he attaches so much importance to public opinion and his image in the newspapers."

"The foreign secretary seems to have a high level of support in the Labour Party." Alan Wilson sighed, "I thought it would not be like this."

"Politics is not a simple math problem. Anything can happen." Norman Brooke had apparently seen all kinds of unexpected events in his long Whitehall career without showing any surprise." The report, as well as the appointment and removal of some officials you recommended? For the protection of long-term development, I also think that the stability of officials will help the coherence of policies, but whether overseas civil servants or local civil servants are a whole, what we are asking is The general interest, Alan, can you understand that?"

"An unbreakable whole, of course." Alan Wilson, like Richard before him, expressed his loyalty to the cabinet secretary.

"Go to the Foreign Office and see if you can help Sir Ismay." Norman Brooke smiled and pointed a clear path for his subordinates to No. 70 Whitehall.

As night fell, Alan Wilson, who came out of the Foreign Office, visited the retired Edward Bridges.

Let Alan Wilson try to restore the day's affairs as much as possible, and the former cabinet secretary smiled, "It's not a big problem, Sir Ismay is also my old partner. I was the cabinet secretary at that time, and he was Prime Minister Churchill's personal military adviser. I know him quite well, and I used to be Secretary General in British India, and I have a good relationship with Marshal Mountbatten. If he goes to NATO to be Secretary General and stays there, you have a great chance of getting it.”

"Will everything go well?" Alan Wilson is not as calm as he seems, this is a crucial step.

"Take it easy, the Cabinet Secretary approves it, and the Permanent Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs recommends it. There will be almost no problems. You don't appear in Whitehall recently, and you are busy with your business."

Edward Bridges said calmly, "It also depends on talent to pretend to be stupid; he must spy on the mood of the people he makes fun of, understand their identities, and see the timing; Like the wild eagle of every bird in front of Tian, ​​every opportunity does not let go. It is a work as hard as the art of a wise man.”

On average, the average tenure of a cabinet minister is not long, but such heavyweight cabinet ministers as the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Foreign Affairs are generally not easily replaced. There are many unimportant ministers, which reduces the minister's tenure.

This is especially the case with the Labour Party's cabinet. Before the election in 1945, the Labour Party had little chance to govern, and when it defeated Churchill and came to power, many leaders of the Labour Party held several positions, and a group of leaders emerged. super minister.

Even so, Attlee didn't plan to give such an important department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Morrison, who used to compete with him for party leadership, if it wasn't for the death of Ernest Bevin, Morrison's supporters are indeed numerous in the Labour Party, and he will not let Morrison lead the Foreign Office after Bevin's death.

From 1945 to the present, the Labour Party has formed a cabinet three times, and the original super minister who held several positions has disappeared.

Attlee's age, from his early sixties to seventy-five years old, for him, the current support rate is not optimistic, forcing him to think about who is the next leader of the Labour Party while trying to improve his support rate. .

If you think about this question too much, Morrison, who once competed with him for the party leadership, cannot be ignored.

The matter is very simple. After Prime Minister Attlee is optimistic about himself, the leader of the Labour Party is the Chancellor of the Exchequer Getsk. Instead of Morrison, then the fate of the foreign secretary can be imagined.

Morrison made the transition from foreign secretary to labour secretary after a cabinet meeting.

"I thought I would be given the seat of the Minister of Honor or the Minister of the Seal." Alan Wilson muttered to his wife, "But what I didn't expect was that such an important department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would be handed over to Harold Wilson. ."

"Don't you know him?" Pamela Mountbatten looked at her husband, "Didn't you cooperate very happily?"

"It seems that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is about to usher in the era of Wilson and Wilson." Alan Wilson boasted, "I am not mentally prepared for this, and I will be handed over to the next commissioner of Malaya."

"Look at the complacent look, I haven't decided yet." Pamela Mountbatten snorted softly and gave Alan Wilson the back of his head.

"How do you talk to your husband?" Alan Wilson couldn't help but show his paternalism. "Put your tongue out or your **** will bloom."

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