British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 944: new journey

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Who is in charge of this family? This is a very important question. Can you sweep the world without sweeping one house?

Pamela Mountbatten's unruly, so that Alan Wilson had to let his wife re-acquaint himself with the jab of the Saigon boxing champion. watermark ad test watermark ad test

Pamela Mountbatten, who finally endured countless jab attacks, could only shed tears of remorse, saying that she would not dare next time.

After a long time, he put on the clothes that had been dropped due to the fierce war, and said pitifully, "You know it's bad for me."

"If I didn't treat you badly, it wouldn't be a big deal." Alan Wilson twisted his neck and asked, turning the situation around, making Pamela Mountbatten realize the mistake, "It was just too intense, and your waist was broken by you. , not next time."

"It depends on your performance." Alan Wilson's vanity was satisfied, and he looked at his wife's teachable eyes.

Husbands and wives need to communicate more. Just like the two of them, they communicate at the first time, and if they fail once, they will solve the problem in time. Pamela Mountbatten directly coaxes her son to go after the jab.

This time back in London, the eldest daughter Pamela was placed with the Mountbatten couple, bringing a lot of laughter to the Marshal's family and liberating the personal space of Alan Wilson and Pamela Mountbatten. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"How do you feel when you have contact with this foreign secretary in Australia? I heard that he is suspected of being too close to the Soviet Union." Pamela Mountbatten removed the estrangement after the communication, and discussed with her husband a possible partner in the future.

"It doesn't matter how he is, but he says he is too close to the Soviet Union? Who said that?" Alan Wilson curled his lips and said strangely, "I wonder how the Conservative Party, a party that is descended from transnational marriages, is so outspoken. Loyal to Britain? I won't mention Churchill, but Macmillan, the No. 2 figure in the Conservative Party, has the potential to be a second Churchill."

Like Churchill, Macmillan had an American mother and a reverence for the monarchy. The former is well-documented. As for the support of the monarchy, who knows if it is faked?

"It seems that we should find an opportunity to legislate to prohibit the descendants of transnational marriages from being politicians?" Pamela Mountbatten felt a move in her heart, she felt as if she understood what her husband meant.

She didn't get it wrong, Ellen Wilson really thought, "We should find such an opportunity, but we should not point to the United States too obviously, and change to a compromise, such as limiting a range, and the spouses of the Commonwealth countries can hold elections. ... that's better."

With a few more Conservative heroes like Churchill, Britain is not a problem of shrinking.

At this moment in the UK, Harold Wilson may be the happiest person. He is only 42 years old this year, but unexpectedly became the foreign minister, a very important cabinet minister.

When the news came, even he himself was dizzy, and he was a rising star in the Labour Party.

Prime Minister Attlee made such an arrangement, and naturally he had his own considerations. Harold Wilson's age can be regarded as the future backbone of the Labour Party, and the age of 42 can be regarded as a prime time for politicians.

That's just one of the reasons, and there's another reason that Harold Wilson himself, the former foreign secretary, the late Ernest Bevin, left behind as the Labour union force chairman, led Ernest · The political power of the party after Bevin's death.

This part of the force was also important, and for balance Attlee appointed Harold Wilson as foreign secretary after Morrison.

But there is no doubt that at the age of forty-two, Harold Wilson has reason to be happy. This is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is as important as the Home Office and the Ministry of Finance. His resume will be extremely brilliant. .

You must know that the current leader of the Conservative Party, Aiden, was the foreign secretary of the Churchill government during World War II. Although the parties are different, Harold Wilson has reason to believe that his future is bright.

"Dear Minister, welcome to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." The Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed his welcome to the arrival of Harold Wilson, and introduced the specific work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as some issues before him.

"Sir Ismay." Harold Wilson shook hands with Sir Ismay with a very modest attitude. "It seems that in the future, Sir Ismay will help me with diplomatic work."

"I am very willing, but there may be some surprises." Sir Ismay hesitated, but still expressed his friendliness, "Of course, I will try my best to help the minister familiarize himself with the work during the day I am in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "

Harold Wilson was stunned and said in disbelief, "Is the Sir going to retire?"

"I'm leaving my job, and now I'm the oldest deputy secretary in each department, the minister should have a young partner." Sir Ismay said with a smile, "It should be easier to cooperate this way, after all, our The age difference is very far, and the angle of view of the problem may be inconsistent. I will try to recommend a permanent deputy minister with outstanding talents to assist the minister's work, and you may know it."

Sir Ismay had sold off, not revealing the names of the candidates, so as to avoid a feeling of mandate.

As his former partner Edward Bridges said, the return of a colonial commissioner to show his talents in the diplomatic field is almost a certainty. Sir Ismay was born in India. Important position, there is a large group in British politics, either born or worked there.

Ismay would not take the initiative to say anything to Alan Wilson, but Edward Bridges, a retired former cabinet secretary and now a director of Mountbatten Group, has sufficient, legitimate and legitimate reasons to act as a bridge.

"There is absolutely no problem with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As long as Whitehall agrees, you can hand over to the next High Commissioner of Malaya." Edward Bridges thought, "Is there any problem?"

"The problem is, I'm wondering if there is still some work that is not in place." Alan Wilson sighed. "Whether the situation can be stabilized depends on whether the Malayan colony can play the role of a fulcrum."

"If Norman thinks so, he should agree with all the proposals you submit on the development of Malaya." Edward Bridges said without thinking, "Just like at the beginning, I always have a problem with British India. Civil servants look the same. If you have time, you can consider handing over with the Malayan side.”

Thirteen years have passed since Mountbatten led the British army to return to Malaya. After the tenure of the two high commissioners, the development of the Malayan colony has finally kept pace with Japan in Asia.

In some industrial data, the Malayan colony has kept pace with the British mainland, and together with the current China's export of Hong Kong, the British trade in the eastern market has been maintained.

Norman Brooke took the report submitted by Alan Wilson, spoke with data, and explained the importance of the current Malayan industrial base. The north can connect the Chinese market, the south can increase its influence on Australia, and the east can connect with the Netherlands. The Kalimantan Island newspaper group kept warm, the northwest drove Myanmar, and maintained the British influence in South Asia.

These data form Alan Wilson's glorious resume, "The development of the colony played a major role in the British response to the world economic crisis last year. With the current development, the Malayan colony will have a siphon effect on the entire Southeast Asia. We can't control the entire population of British India, so to speak, British India doesn't exist anymore, but it exists in a different way."

"We still need a bit of time, but on a more macro level, I want to bring Alan back, Sir Ismay wants to be NATO Secretary General, and since he is really old in Whitehall, going to Paris can avoid this Given the ageing image of the current government, Minister Harold has just taken office, and it is appropriate for Allen to cooperate with him and establish the image of this government as age and capable."

While Prime Minister Attlee was looking at the data, Norman Brooke explained his arrangements for job transfer, "If the Prime Minister thinks there is no problem, I will make arrangements immediately, and at the same time let Allen hand over overseas work."

"I have no problem." Prime Minister Attlee looked at the industrial data of the Malayan colony. To be honest, he was actually a little excited. Although Malaya was a colony, these industrial powers did belong to the British and could be called upon by the British.

Alan Wilson received a call in the evening, and the previous colony suggested all approvals and asked him to prepare for the handover of work. He couldn't help but feel sorry for putting down the Didn't expect it to be so long? "

Usually, although his second brother is busy most of the time, it does not mean that he is not busy. He also has credit for the prosperity of Malaya.

"Your work is arranged." Pamela Mountbatten looked at her dazed husband and asked with a wave of her palm.

"If there is no accident, there should be no problem." Alan Wilson was high-spirited, "Since there is still time, I want to go back and hand over the work."

The world economic crisis of 1957 was over for most countries, but it seemed not to be the case for France, just as Alan Wilson was trying to take over as Permanent Undersecretary of the Foreign Office.

Protest marches in Paris to end the war were not unexpectedly suppressed by the government of the Fourth Republic, and the marchers were arrested.

Alan Wilson, who was returning from Paris to Kuala Lumpur according to the established route, saw this scene very coincidentally, although it did not delay him going to the headquarters of the film group.

Before becoming the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alan Wilson has already brought himself into the role, thinking about the great changes that are about to usher in France and the impact on the United Kingdom.

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