British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 946: Foreign policy I lead

Although he is a bureaucrat, there should be no such thing as friendship, but for Alan Wilson, he has always pursued friendship and righteousness. To be honest, this is very contradictory.

For Ali Khan, a native of India who was born in India, although he has the trait of being close to one hundred million people, it covers up all the unpleasant shortcomings of the three brothers, but there is some friendship in helping each other for so many years.

As long as Alan Wilson is within his ability, or within his power, he is willing to help. One of Ali Khan's sons murdered before, and he settled it, and planted the blame on the Indonesian infiltration.

Of course, Ali Khan was not someone who completely ignored the law. He also cleaned up his troubled son and gave the colonial government an explanation.

For example, half a million pounds for the management. To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to discussing crime.

This time, when he returned to Kuala Lumpur for the transfer of work, Alan Wilson also revealed to Ali Khan that he is still the immediate boss of the next commissioner. The Ministry of Colonial Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are in the same building. Not to mention that he is still the deputy secretary general of the Overseas Assets Management Committee.

"This reassures me. For me, it's best not to have any nasty changes in this world." Ali Khan was full of feelings, expressing the voice of the vested interests, and the stagnation of human civilization was what he hoped.

"I understand that as a monarch, you only need to show a little favor to buy people's hearts, and you can play a big role. Of course, other sultans are far from having the financial resources of yours."

Once again expressing his recognition of Ali Khan's financial resources, Alan Wilson said, "With the help of the rulers, we have the determination to stick to Malaya. In fact, the rulers should understand who and who should be a kind of person. A The difference between a monarch and an ordinary citizen is bigger than a man and a dog, but everyone has a head and limbs, and the same dog has it, right?"

When Alan Wilson held a meeting of rulers to express goodwill to the major monarchs. The appointed next High Commissioner, Richard, is creating public opinion on the division of the Straits Settlements in favour of the Malays.

In fact, the reason is very simple, referring to the fact that Singapore was kicked out by Malaysia and had to establish a city-state, but this time the division is obviously much wider, and even the capital Kuala Lumpur has been placed under the scope of the Straits Settlements.

After Richard formulated the core idea of ​​public opinion, he came to the meeting of rulers non-stop, and as the next high commissioner, he communicated with the rulers of various states.

Alan Wilson and the big compradors assured that nothing would change, and the colonial government would continue to support Chinese businessmen in accordance with established policies until an economic circle was established within Southeast Asia.

Soon, Richard, who entered the rhythm of the High Commissioner, reiterated this point in front of Su Yang and others. "The policy of High Commissioner Wilson will not change. Of course, the colonial government also needs the support of the justices of the peace."

"Definitely!" Su Yang, Coca, and others spoke in succession, once again expressing their reliability to the colonial government.

With the assurances of the rulers and compradors, Malaya can operate stably, Richard can relax a little.

Alan Wilson took his successor to the golf course to ask about the operation of the Straits Settlements, "Do you know why the Straits Settlements are divided?"

"Separate important and wealthy places to increase the power of the colonial government?" Richard said uncertainly.

"This is only one aspect. The fundamental reason is to increase the gap between the two major ethnic groups. We still need to support the Chinese ethnic group on an invisible level." Alan Wilson took out two cigars and lit Richard one. Gendao, "The Chinese cultural system is actually not strong in terms of cultural barriers, and the spread of Peace Religion in the agricultural era, as long as you have a little understanding of history, you will know how terrifying the speed is."

Monotheism is stronger than polytheism, and polytheism is stronger than ordinary cultures. In historical Buddhist and Taoist debates, Taoism has lost more and won less. Does Buddhism have resistance in the face of peace religion? Not to mention a culture looser than Buddhism.

The Malayan Chinese only have a comparative advantage in number, even Lin Lianyu and Chen Zhenlu belong to the literati of the old era.

He was really afraid that these old literati would not be able to argue with the imams, so he finally decided to separate the merged colonies from the administrative point of view. On the surface, he could declare the inclusiveness of a diverse society, so that people could not find faults.

"I'm not worried about internal affairs, but in terms of the external environment, except for Indonesia to keep an eye on it, we don't want to conflict with the pro-Soviet countries in the north." Alan Wilson solemnly instructed, "That's the job of the Americans, we don't want to. steal the show."

"Commissioner, in fact, I have always had a question, why do you look at China?" Richard asked his doubts. Obviously, this doubt has been in his mind for a long time.

Alan Wilson nodded with a smile, "That's a good question, and I'm also asking you, when do you think the peak of the British Empire was, the Victorian era, right? Why was the Victorian era the peak."

Richard thinks this question is very strange, how simple, "The British Empire has territory in any time zone, and there are hundreds of millions of people living within the empire's territory."

Alan Wilson stretched out his hand and said like a teacher, "If you change the UK to China, you will know why you have to take a high look at China. What kind of oriental culture is just a good impression technique used to draw each other closer. Culture There is no quantitative standard for this thing. You say you are strong, and he says he is strong. Indians all say that their culture is leading the world, but the area and population cannot be faked. When it comes to culture, British culture in Europe is obviously not. France's opponents cannot even prevail against Germany and Russia."

"Of course, we must also focus on Nehru at this stage. Goa is not only important to Portugal, but also to us. Although it is a Portuguese territory, it is also a window for British products to enter India."

"Then what is the standard of this degree?" Richard still wanted to ask more clearly to prevent overreaction.

"Uh, as long as China doesn't annex Vietnam, it has nothing to do with us. No matter what the Americans say, we're just staring at Indonesia." Alan Wilson hesitated, and in order to reassure his successor, he gave a fairly wide standard s answer.

Think about it and know that it is impossible, so this standard is unlikely to be triggered.

If the probability is not considered, what if Vietnam is part of China? The Pearl River Delta region is definitely the most affected place. Anyone who has eyes will know that the geographical environment of the Red River Plain is much better than that of the Pearl River Delta. The Pearl River Delta Plain is not large. Red River Plain.

This answer was a reassurance for Richard, and the conversation between the two ended. Alan Wilson put Richard with the Sultan and the compradors for a few days, with the appointment being read out a few days later.

Then Alan Wilson went to Vivien Leigh to discuss manned spaceflight. How important is manned spaceflight, it should be discussed frequently.

"Are you going back to London?" Vivien Leigh sat in the man's arms, caressed the man's back with both hands, and whispered, "I want to go back too, I don't want to leave you."

"Vivian, of course you can't leave me. Otherwise, my life will lack a lot of happiness." Alan Wilson, who was floating and didn't know what to do, said, enjoying the graceful figure of the female bodhisattva, "Behind a busy man, there should be a good man. Women do logistical support so that they can work with peace of mind.”

"Unfortunately, you're not the only good woman to do logistical support." Vivien Leigh nibbled on the man's shoulder, but she relaxed her strength when things came to an end, for fear of biting the man who had the same status as her husband.

A few days later, in the presence of the sultan and the compradors, Alan Wilson read out the appointment of Whitehall, and Richard officially took over as the High Commissioner for the Malayan Colony. The Malayan economic miracle The good days are yet to come. "

"It's really getting more and more judgmental these days." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly, looking at the former subordinate who was at the center point. It was not correct to say that as long as he returned to London, Richard would still be his subordinate.

Obviously, the feeling of being a full-time job is definitely different. Richard's smile at this time is more sincere than ever.

The despairing and out-of-date person can only bring the contract for the operation of water and electricity in the Malayan colony, pack his bags in a dejected manner, and prepare to return to London, first to make Richard happy, and soon he will find out that Sir Barron's treatment at the time.

Before embarking on the journey home, Great Britain Treasure, who had put on sunglasses and a headscarf, had already set off, returning to London, which he had not lived in for many years and felt a little strange.

It took a few days, past Paris, which had been protesting from time to time, before Alan Wilson returned to the British capital.

Alan Wilson, who had handed over the colonial work, went straight to the Foreign Office Building, showing his determination to give everything for Britain, and made another handover with Sir Ismay.

"Alan, are you the newly appointed Deputy Secretary?" Harold Wilson welcomed the newcomer very happily, "I thought there would be a guy who was not easy to get in touch with, if that's the case, I would Suggest to the Prime Minister to change candidates, but since it's you, naturally you don't have to do it."

"Secretary Harold, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are already the foreign secretary. I seem to see that the diplomacy of the British Empire will come to the Wilson era." Alan Wilson also stretched out his hand with a smile and shook the other party. It's yourself, like Reaganomics, referring to Wall Street's Treasury Secretary Donald Reagan, not the actor.

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