British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 947: loyalty!

Both of them are completely new to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a new Minister of Foreign Affairs and a new Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the test is the same, and they need to face it together.

After a brief exchange, both of them agreed that although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the three major ministries, it is a thankless department. Today, both the United States and the Soviet Union advocate decolonization, and it is not necessary for a colonial country like the United Kingdom to come That said, the external situation is still quite grim.

"Just like in France now, the protests have been going on for a long time." Harold Wilson pointed out that the difficulties in France now are due to the high investment in the Algerian war and the factors of the economic crisis, which led to this crisis.

"I also agree with the Minister's view." Alan Wilson said this, "it seems that this will be the first problem after the Minister takes office. I think the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should first understand the internal trends in France before making a decision. ."

For the foreign secretary, why not a test for Alan Wilson? The first is to find out the current situation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After working overseas for a long time, he must change his working method after returning to London.

Edward Bridges also agrees with this point. Working in London is very different from working overseas. It is most obvious in terms of degree of freedom. Alan Wilson also understands that this may be the difference between the so-called capital officials and the frontier officials.

"You must protect the interests of your own department and at the same time have a good relationship with the minister. If you can't be friends with the minister like Norman, at least you must be at peace."

Edward Bridges said in the tone of someone who has come, "Generally, don't conflict with ministers, unless it is a mistake that leads to serious consequences, but different people have different ways to deal with it, I will argue according to reason, and Norman The same choices may not be made for the same things."

Homeland is different from overseas, at least for the current Alan Wilson, he can't want to replicate the deeds of Kuala Lumpur in London.

"I will adjust my mentality." Alan Wilson replied gratefully, just like the vast majority of people who write on the Internet think they have the potential to be aunts, and at least they are underappreciated.

But it does not delay 90% of the writers. They can't earn a penny. After all, there is a gap between ideals and reality.

"You have to think about it, the Minister has just taken office, and he is not familiar with diplomatic work. It is time to formulate a set of diplomatic concepts for the Minister." Edward Bridges smiled gently, "Let Ministers have a platform on which to play."

"Indeed, this is the top priority now." Alan Wilson slapped his head. He has been doing administrative work in the colony. Now it is time to change his view and formulate a plan for the past, so that the minister can display a grand blueprint that does not exist.

At least in name, the United Kingdom is still a global empire, and its foreign policy is to cover the whole world. The three-ring diplomacy declared in name or the fact that two wings are flying together are not the gain or loss of one city and one place.

The reason why the British Empire can become the British Empire, of course, diplomacy is too important. For hundreds of years, Britain has been trying to maintain a balance of power among continental European countries: whichever side is weak, Britain will help which side, and which side is strong, Britain will try to contain it.

As long as there is such a balance, the continental European countries will automatically check each other, and the United Kingdom can sit back and relax.

But balanced diplomacy is only a guideline, not the essence of diplomacy. The UK does not have the ability to plan for the distant future. In fact, it means taking a step-by-step view of the current situation. Because you can't count in the far future, it's impossible to find the exact location of that equilibrium point in advance. This equilibrium point can only be determined according to various current situations and conditions.

If we say that there is one person in the UK who has this ability, a mere lack of talent, the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who has just taken office.

"It's time for a knighthood." Seeing that her husband came back and began to invest in the ocean again, Pamela Mountbatten put down her son and decided to cast a new route.

The younger son wriggled towards his father on his stomach, clumsily succeeding in attracting Alan Wilson's attention.

"My son." Alan Wilson, who picked up his son, looked kindly and made faces at the little guy.

Humph... There is no reason to let out a light hum, Pamela Mountbatten has a tasteful face, "It's the son that's important, right?"

"This accusation is unreasonable, you are as important as Pamela." Alan Wilson rejected the dirty water poured over and defended himself, "I have always valued family, and you are an existence that cannot be measured by anything to me. ."

"I know it sounds good!" Pamela Mountbatten gave her husband a blank look, and then picked up her son who held out his little hand, "In the second week of May, I found a lot of people, you must know that a hereditary The title is not easy to win, and many families help you, but you don't seem to care."

"My heart is full of gratitude, and I clearly feel my wife's fiery love for me." Alan Wilson swears, with two words written on his face, loyalty...

Immediately, he threw himself into the formulation of foreign policy. Adaptation was the concept of British diplomacy. The most intuitive example was the Vienna Peace Conference after Napoleon's defeat.

In the later period of the Napoleonic Wars, the defeat of France was determined, but the contradictions between Russia, Prussia and Austria, Britain's three major allies, intensified.

When Russia pursued Napoleon, its power had penetrated into the hinterland of Europe, and it was likely to replace Napoleon as the hegemon of the European continent. And Prussia wants to rely on Russia's power to expand its territory and at the same time suppress Austria, so it is more and more likely that a new alliance will be formed between Russia and Prussia after the war. In this case, that equilibrium point in the UK has changed.

Therefore, after the defeat of Napoleon, the major European powers held the Vienna Conference to arrange post-war affairs, and British diplomacy underwent a relatively large adjustment. The first is to no longer be anti-French, but to insist on leniency towards France: France's status as a continental power must be preserved.

In this way, the British allies were afraid and did not dare to move immediately. The enemy does not need to be completely defeated, it is useful to keep.

In addition, the weakest among the British allies is Austria, and they are also particularly worried about the union of Russia and Prussia, so the United Kingdom has established a particularly close cooperative relationship with Austria, so that the United Kingdom has a helper to compete with Russia and Prussia. .

In the end, Britain, through the Vienna Peace Conference, formed an equilibrium that was favorable to the United Kingdom.

However, in Alan Wilson's view, adaptability is a thing of the previous era, and now diplomatic work must make long-term planning.

First of all, a foundation must be established, that is, it is almost impossible for a war between great powers to break out. Because no country can bear the consequences of a nuclear bomb, the UK in particular cannot.

Since there will be no world war, the foundation of today's allies and tomorrow's enemies will not exist, and the current situation will certainly remain for a long time, so adaptability cannot be considered in a short period of time. Instead, it is necessary to clarify a diplomatic framework for what Britain needs, and then used for decades to come.

From a macro perspective, taking history as a mirror, the British Empire's diplomacy in the nineteenth century was essentially centered on ensuring the security of British India, so it built a peripheral defense system.

Now that the Malayan colony has replaced the role of British India, and the surrounding Netherlands and Portugal can still be used, the strategy in the Asian direction, since it is an inheritance to protect the security of British India, is just replaced by Malay Asia.

Harold Wilson also agreed to this point. The United Kingdom has transferred so many industries and used the sterling area to support it. When the harvest begins, no other country will be allowed to separate the Malayan colony from the United Kingdom. No matter who is ready to start!

"You can even use Malaya as a base to carry out offshore balance in Asia. During the time I worked in Malaya, I realized that maybe the Soviet camp is not as monolithic as the Americans say, our side The judgment is correct, China is not a vassal relationship with the Soviet Union.”

The specific contents are all in the one-pound The Minister of Foreign Affairs can read it by himself.

"Of course the far east is not urgent at the moment." Alan Wilson changed his words, "Compared with other directions, Europe is still the top priority, and the current situation in France is quite worrying. We really There is no hope that there will be a repeat of 1789, which will have unpredictable effects on the whole of Europe."

The world economic crisis that began last year has caused industrial production in France to drop by five percent. The United Kingdom continues to increase, and financially, France's total expenditure last year was 55.4 billion francs, with a deficit of more than 10 billion francs.

The huge budget deficit is naturally due to the need to support Algeria's war and military spending, which has led to conflicts between the left and the right in France. Since March, protests have occurred from time to time. If nothing else, France will change the government again.

"You mean, France may lead to the Soviet Union?" Harold Wilson questioned, full of disbelief.

"It's not that serious, but I'm very complicated about the current situation in France. The French people's tossing can help the UK attract attention." Alan Wilson said mixedly, "If the war is so easy to end, the pressure will be on the UK."

Whether or not to help the French is a difficult problem for Alan Wilson. If France is dealt with, the United Kingdom will not be able to support it.

"My dear, the French Communist Party should be very complicated, do you know anyone?" After returning home, Alan Wilson asked Pamela Mountbatten that at the critical moment, his wife's contacts were more practical.

"You want to vote for the Communist Party?" Pamela Mountbatten gave a suspicious look at her husband's reliability.

"How is it possible, I'm our man." Alan Wilson almost exploded in the face of this suspicion.


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