British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 948: old friend of french

"Then why are you asking about the situation of the French Communist Party?" Pamela Mountbatten's eyes flashed with confusion, and she tilted her head and said, "It's all the permanent undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and you can't get any information you want. Find MI6."

The key is whether MI6 is reliable? Alan Wilson said in his heart that compared with the entire French Republic and the Cambridge Five, who is not necessarily more valued?

"The main reason is that the French Communist Party's position is suitable for doing this kind of thing. Although I have just returned to Europe, what is certain is that, judging from its long-standing position and the influence of the Soviet Union, the French Communist Party should advocate giving up the colonies. They say it makes more sense."

"Tell me about it!" Pamela Mountbatten knew as soon as she heard it that her husband was making bad water again. The so-called proposal was not as simple as it seemed.

"Algeria is the largest European immigrant community in Africa. There are millions of French immigrants. I don't believe that France has not attracted any support groups for so many years. Berbers are in the minority, and some of them should have a good relationship with French immigrants. Well, even if there are only one million supporters in France, that's two million."

"Algeria has been fighting wars all these years, and the population growth should not be large, and the population that has grown up has grown up so quickly, because those who died in the war may all be able to fight with guns. France's attitude towards colonies is well known, especially the French view Algeria is a native country, and it is quite cruel to the insurgents, and some sources believe that the death toll in these years is in the millions."

"Then let's do a calculation. Among the total population of 9 million, there are 2 million French immigrants and supporters, the remaining 7 million minus women and children, and the remaining 3 million men, which have been eliminated. A million people. The rebels in Algeria actually have little potential to mobilize.”

"There is no place in this world where men can be wiped out in a war. The so-called indomitable fighting spirit always has a limit. With the current strength of French troops in Algeria, it is already the same as the total number of potential mobilized rebels. Far. Right?"

"I have not inquired about similar information, but the oil-producing areas of Algeria have always been firmly in the hands of the French." Pamela Mountbatten thought for a while and said, "Is this a corroboration?"

"The oil-producing area has always been firmly in the hands of the French, which can be regarded as a proof." Alan Wilson thought for a while, "I hope the French Communist Party can point out from a humanistic point of view that the French government is carrying out genocide during the anti-war protests. , and using data as evidence to show that the Algerians are on the verge of extinction, and out of pure goodwill, let the Paris government give up Algeria and let the local independence."

"Ha..." Pamela Mountbatten heard this and looked at her wicked husband, "Are you afraid that the French will stop and use the French to drive out the Algerians?"

"You can't say it so badly, what does it mean to be killed?" Alan Wilson flatly denied, "Obviously it's a Gobi French, it's the internal affairs of France, what kind of ethnic cleansing is too bad."

Alan Wilson does not deny that spreading such remarks during the protests may serve as a reminder to the French that potential Algerians will be wiped out if they push harder.

But this can't be said to be a bad thing, after all, he is a person who thinks he has the talent of the prime minister. And it's not the UK that does this. The French want to kill people. What does it have to do with the UK?

The French are ruthless against the colonies, and maybe they can win a bit of strategic space for the United Kingdom. The responsibility is the French, but the UK may benefit, why not?

"Why didn't you remind the French through diplomatic channels?" Pamela Mountbatten squinted at her husband, knowing that this was not an honor at all, but pushed herself out to find a way.

"My dear, I am the Permanent Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If I mix it in, I may be mistaken for the attitude of representing the United Kingdom. It is well known that unlike the French, we have always been open to colonial independence."

Alan Wilson stood up straight, an old-fashioned English gentleman, as if he wasn't the one who had just carried the evil.

This matter is difficult to say, because France is currently at a special juncture, because the financial pressure brought about by the Algerian war has overwhelmed France. This led to a fierce conflict between the left and the right in France.

Regarding the colonial issue, two opposing attitudes were formed in France from the very beginning: the French Communist Party and its supporters advocated independence of the colonies and opposed the government's implementation of colonial policies; the right-wing and centrist forces advocated continuing to retain the colonial rule.

The United States, which belongs to the same Western alliance as France, in order to compete with the old colonial empires for its interests in Asia and Africa, under the banner of "anti-colonialism", promotes neo-colonialism and does not approve of France's tough colonial policy.

Moreover, because of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the United States is extremely concerned about the strength of the Cold War front in Western Europe. In foreign colonial wars, a large part of French resources had to be diverted to colonial plans, resulting in the emptiness of France's domestic power.

However, in order to get rid of the predicament of the colonial war, France had to further seek help from the United States economically and militarily, and from the United States politically and diplomatically, and became a small partner of the United States. The French people therefore opposed American intervention and control and demanded the government to end the colonial war.

This is not to mention the fact that the French garrisoned troops in Algeria, the military will continue to fight.

For so many reasons, there is now a grand gathering of supporters in France, and this kind of street politics is an excellent place to spread speech, not only with speed, but also with enough depth.

That's why Alan Wilson asked his wife to see if he could add some fire to France's current street politics.

As for whether the French Communist Party will win the final victory in this street political confrontation.

That is absolutely impossible. The more extreme the proposition, the easier it is to spread in the context of street politics. Extreme rhetoric has always gained more followers than rational rhetoric, which is a hallmark of street politics.

In the confrontation of street politics, if the Communist Party of France wants to resolutely end its rule of Algeria, it is likely to become the second Jaurès. Jaurès was the leader of the French Socialist Party before World War I and an eloquent peacekeeper. Those who have great confidence in the Second International, regard it as the mainstay.

When war drew near, he called for its containment and was assassinated by a nationalist fanatic.

"Actually, I want to see what the Americans will do when they see such a scene?" Alan Wilson said with his arms around his wife's shoulders, "From the perspective of dismantling the French colonial influence, Americans should The political force that supports the end of colonization, but this political force is the French Communist Party, this choice must be interesting.”

"Just back to London, just playing tricks." Pamela Mountbatten muttered angrily, "It depends on whether you can make me motivated, my body has always been weak recently."

"Want to take a rocket?" Alan Wilson laughed, "Your husband will definitely let you experience the joy of manned spaceflight."

"In a few days, I will be the Baroness Wilson." Pamela Mountbatten hooked her husband's neck and hummed, "I have to help you do bad things. You should work hard."

To Alan Wilson, being a baron was actually not something worth preparing for. He also knew in his heart that instead of giving him a baron, it would be better to say that it was the same as Mrs. Thatcher, because it was difficult for a woman to directly seal it. , so it was awarded to Mrs Thatcher's husband.

Isn't the fundamental reason still that Pamela Mountbatten is now the real richest man in Britain, and has tied many nobles to develop Australia? This wave has created a trend, and the result is that Alan Wilson alone knows that there are at least ten heirs to the earl and dukes who live in Australia for half of the year.

If it is not for the seats in the House of Lords, it is estimated that there will be more nobles living in After all, although the land cannot be run away, it does not need to be taken care of at any time, and the newly developed minerals are not.

With this awareness of the Mountbatten family's pendant, Alan Wilson was manipulated by his wife at will, and under the witness of a group of dukes and earls, he became one of the more than 1,600 barons in the UK.

In fact, as long as his wife is happy, what is it? Who made the richest woman in the UK trained by her words and deeds since she was a child? Some sour remarks can be attributed to jealousy.

"Say I eat soft rice, and you can eat it if you have the ability." Alan Wilson, who had finished the knighthood, pinched his waist with both hands, and held Pamela Mountbatten's hand confidently. The expression on his face said everything.

"Thank you for coming today. My husband and I are very grateful." Pamela Mountbatten knew her husband's thoughts too well. "As Mrs. Wilson, I will keep the guests who came today in my heart."

"Is this the network of the richest man in the UK?" Markins finally squeezed in, tsk tsk admiringly, "Now you're like me, Alan."

"It's not the same, you are a lord. Dear Lord Sheffield!" Alan Wilson said that this is essentially different, from a baron to a commoner, otherwise he would not accept it at all.

There is a large baronial presence in British politics, especially in the Conservative Party.

Since the beginning of the year, Pamela Mountbatten's knighthood has come to an end. Early the next morning, a piece of news came that the French government announced a 16.7 percent devaluation of the franc.

"Darling!" Pamela Mountbatten held her husband for a long time without letting go, her eyes full of admiration, "If it weren't for you, this time would have suffered a big loss. The French really devalued the franc so much that they were almost killed by them. harvested."


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