British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 949: road never imagined

"Hey, I've kissed my skin off." Facing his wife like a woodpecker, Alan Wilson looked indifferent. This situation is an excellent occasion for pretending to be a family leader. A good opportunity to establish a position.

The richest woman in the UK with a look of admiration inspired Alan Wilson's innate PUA skills, and the offensive is now.

After moving his wife's body over to his arms and placing his hands where they should be, Alan Wilson followed suit, "At your current level, you must always pay attention to the political situation, and you can't be like those little compradors who take a step by step. This is how you can take your destiny into your own hands.”

"I've always been obedient." Pamela Mountbatten squinted slightly, feeling a pair of big hands wandering around her body.

"It didn't live up to my expectations." Alan Wilson in PUA kissed the red lips of the richest woman in the UK. After thinking about it carefully, even if he returned to London, he also looked forward to the next civil service career.

Alan Wilson fell into his thoughts. To put it simply, he simulated in his mind, adding that he was a French, a French soldier in North Africa, an Italian politician, etc., how would he view the current political situation in France.

This is a very basic skill. He can get rid of the influence of his previous life and serve the United Kingdom wholeheartedly. It is because of the existence of this kind of thinking that he can let go of the so-called right and wrong, and then he can peel off the cocoon from the perspective of a bystander and find the insertion point.

What is now certain is that the French group supporting the continuation of the war is still quite large, although many French people are indeed tired of the war because of the inconvenience of the continuous war.

Overall, in France now, there are some republicans and democrats after 2016. There are so many people and so many people, it’s true that there are so many people and so many people. It’s just that both sides have so many people and so many people and feel that they are the real patriots.

Alan Wilson, who has gradually become familiar with his work, said to his own minister, "Respected minister, it seems that the situation in France is extraordinary. For hundreds of years, France has been experimenting with various ideas. In 1789, No one could have imagined that the Bourbon dynasty, which had ruled France for centuries, would collapse in a short period of time."

"Alan, you mean that there may be a great change in France?" Harold Wilson was shocked, and seemed to be completely unprepared for such a consequence. "That is really terrible."

Who is the main anti-war force now? The French Communist Party who wears a pair of pants with the Soviet Union, and the groups who take to the streets to end the war, even if not all of them are supporters of the French Communist Party, the supporters of the French Communist Party are the largest group.

If there is a great change like the Bourbon King Cao, it seems that the French Communist Party is the biggest beneficiary, and Harold Wilson also thinks so, so naturally he can't calm down.

If the French Communist Party came to power in France, there would be no need for confrontation in the Cold War. The 55-50 confrontation in Europe would become an absolute disadvantage directly because France was leading the Soviet Union. It can be said that once France changed its color, the path it had never had before would change in Britain. For a very realistic choice.

"I think we should communicate with Washington. Only the minister has this ability." At the critical moment, Alan Wilson still remembered his character, a walking special relationship between the United States and the United States.

No matter how the chaos in France develops, the United States will definitely be watching it secretly, and it is still necessary to cooperate with the United States at a critical moment.

Alan Wilson also stated that he, who also just took office, is not a false name, and said that he and the famous congressman of the American Republican conservative force should wear a pair of trousers.

"McCarthy?" Harold Wilson was instinctively disgusted when he heard the name. He did not expect that the best friend of the head of the civil service in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs turned out to be this person.

"Yes, Minister, in the face of the current situation in France, the attitude of the United States is very important. We must also clarify the reaction of France's neighbors. Since the French State is in the outline, the unity of the Latin countries is valued by the French, and the Minister is not too It's suitable for such sensitive times, to Spain or Italy, I go on a sneak peek."

"Of course, the attitudes of Spain and Italy are just helping, the key is that we and the Americans must be united."

"Then it's hard for you, Alan." Harold Wilson nodded solemnly, being reasonable. Facing the current chaos in France, as the foreign minister, he must also make a certain response.

France and the United Kingdom are separated by a strait. If they were ordinary countries, Alan Wilson suggested fourth-order tactics.

"At the critical moment, I have to give you a hand." Alan Wilson walked out of the foreign ministry building. He is a British Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he lives more and more like Su Qin, which makes no sense.

"Ah, Philby, what do you think this is good." Alan Wilson frowned, holding a glass of wine. Harold King Phil, the director of the British counterintelligence agency, was already MI5. Bi said bitterly in front of him, "If the turmoil in France continues, the French Communist Party may come to power, so that the Cold War will not be fought, and we should be liberated by the Soviets. You and I will both be hung."

Deep in love, Alan Wilson, who stared at a pair of drunk eyes, couldn't help but feel sad, as if the future was bleak.

"Alan, maybe things won't be so bad." Philby patted the back of the youngest deputy secretary, a civil servant who was called a promising civil servant by Whitehall, and comforted softly, "Paris is the base of NATO, and the French Communist Party is tossing around. Nothing comes out."

"Of course we don't want the worst consequences, but the current situation is indeed worrying." Alan Wilson said that he drank another glass of whiskey, and revealed his sincerity, "I'm afraid the Soviets will take advantage of the chaos of the last time. , if the Soviets are willing to go out and sacrifice the French Communist Party, the situation will evolve to the worst result, and the US garrison will succeed in suppressing, although we do not need to worry about France becoming a pro-Soviet country, which is related to the bloodshed and the garrison, the French people The good feelings for the free world will also be gone, it's hard, it's too hard."

In Alan Wilson's mouth, it seems as if a road never imagined has been inevitable. Philby was thoughtful, the hand holding the wine glass paused for a moment, and then he drank the wine as usual.

"Anyway, we have to find a way." Alan Wilson muttered after a break, "I will go abroad tomorrow and see what France's neighbors think. We can't let France become an enemy, and we will not hesitate to do so. at all costs."

"Drink too much again, I'll take you back." Philby summoned the waiter to check out, and left the bar with Alan Wilson.

Alan Wilson, who had returned home, leaned on his wife and muttered from time to time, "I'll go back, or Pamela will be worried, uh..."

"Hey!" Pamela Mountbatten listened to her husband's drunken remarks and helped her husband undress like a good wife and good mother.

"I'm glad to hear that." Alan Wilson, who was enjoying the service of his wife, opened his eyes, and while Pamela Mountbatten's head was blank, he directly kissed, "Look at this treatment, it's really a good wife and good mother. , it's really a big profit to marry."

"There are so many tricks every day." Pamela Mountbatten hammered her husband, her face full of red rhyme.

"I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, just follow my instructions." Alan Wilson took off his clothes directly, and then took off his wife's clothes, "Our husband and wife turned our hands for the cloud and the rain, what France? Who admits it is the largest country in Europe?"

"Don't make trouble, I want to take a look at my son." Pamela Mountbatten beat her husband to see how anxious the monkey was?

"Look at me first, I'll be on a business trip tomorrow, and my son can watch at any time." Alan Wilson put his wife under him. In the end, this family still depends on the man.

This thing has to be done. If Alan Wilson is French, his status is estimated to be catching up with Richelieu. It is a pity that he is destined to hide his merits and fame, and no one knows his merits.

After a long deliberation, he finally decided to pull the Frenchman when he returned to London.

He and the Foreign Minister stood aside to prevent France from really changing color. Once there was such a sign, the last resort was to use the NATO garrison to suppress the French Communist Party.

On the other hand, through Philby, the Soviet Union noticed the signs of street politics in France, and bet on the anti-war side.

It really came to a result that no one wanted to happen. The leader of the Warsaw Pact was the Soviet Union, and the leader of NATO was the United States. The responsibility must be held high. The result he most expected was, of course, France's alienation from the United States and the Soviet Union. Great Britain.

In fact, this is also the result of France's final appearance in It's just that France in history became irrelevant to the United States and the Soviet Union after it lost Algeria. If we keep it, we can rely on each other with the United Kingdom, and maybe we can retain each other's interests.

There is no reason why if France retains Algeria, Britain will lose all its colonies. If this happens, will Britain compete with France for European dominance by virtue of the British Isles? What a joke, how is this possible?

"Saving France is saving Britain." Alan Wilson, who arrived in Rome on the Comet passenger plane, felt a heavy responsibility and thought of the famous saying that saving America is saving China.

After arriving in Rome, Alan Wilson was within the framework of NATO and met with some important figures of the Catholic Democratic Party.

After a busy day, I returned to the apartment where I stayed, skillfully took out the key, and opened Audrey Hepburn's door. After the door was closed, the two embraced tightly, "I'm going to go back to the UK to live."

"I can't wait, I want to see you while I'm on a business trip." Holding Hepburn up, Alan Wilson said affectionately, "We can't continue to separate, I'm always worried that you will leave I."

"No." Audrey Hepburn hooked the man's neck and comforted softly.

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