British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 950: Iron Fist Shurik

The situation in Italy and France is similar but different, the similarity is that the Italian Communist Party is even stronger than the French Communist Party, and Togliatti is even considered the leader of the Western European party.

Different places are also easy to check. Italy is a defeated country after all, and the colonies have already been stripped away. If there is no trend to shake the stability of the situation, naturally the contradiction will not be transmitted to the mainland.

During the Cold War, Italy could be said to be both sides. For a period of time, as the three giants of the European Community, it almost kicked the UK to the fourth position in Europe. However, Italian companies are mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, and it is impossible to really let go of competition. The opponent of multinational corporations, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the disappearance of favorable external conditions, Italy is the most direct victim of German expansion.

"If you reach out and pull a company, the company can survive, but if you want to kill the company, it's not difficult."

It is impossible for any capital to be completely free from the influence of the state, unless Alan Wilson can get his wife to take the industry out of the UK, but as long as the Mountbatten Group still has British blood, Alan Wilson has only one choice. The ranks of the powerful countries are at least enough to protect the interests of the Mountbatten Group.

The so-called transnational capital should also be focused. Once the UK fails, who said that the US will not come to the long-arm jurisdiction and take away the Mountbatten Group's industry? Faced with the blow of state power, a single multinational group is nothing but a worm.

Hepburn seems to like the historical and cultural atmosphere of Rome very much. He lives here for a period of time every year. There are many historical sites in Rome, and it is the location for many movies. It is natural to be liked.

But in the face of Ellen Wilson's request, and Elizabeth Taylor is considered to be one of the double pearls in the UK today, Hepburn happily agreed to return to live in China, "It's really hard to go to Italy and see me at the same time."

Hepburn is also very happy with Ellen Wilson's presence, she likes this man, from character to identity.

Alan Wilson also knew this. Hepburn, apart from suffering a little when he was a child, was definitely thinking in the upper class. In his impression, the role played by Hepburn was not too low-level, which is similar to Marilyn's dream. Luko is completely different.

"A man who is in love goes to his lover's date like a child returning from school; but when he parted with his lover, he went to school with a face full of frustration."

After listening to Alan Wilson's words, Hepburn was a little amused, "Your philosophy is used in this?"

"If I hadn't seen you, I would have sent Shakespeare back to campus." Alan Wilson did not deny that he reached out and rubbed Hepburn's cheek. Every time he came to see Hepburn, he would revisit Shakespeare's works to prevent There is an unartistic side.

Hepburn couldn't help smiling and said gently, "But I also admit that your eyes are as dazzling as an eagle at this time."

"The main points are to whom." Alan Wilson replied sincerely. If he thinks Shakespeare's words, which sentence is the most reasonable, and can be used when serving the United Kingdom, then of course it is this sentence.

In order to frame us, the devil tends to tell us the truth on purpose, to gain our trust in the little things, and then we fall into his trap when it matters.

This is a sentence he really read, so Alan Wilson shows his honest face many times, and he can even go through fire and water for this purpose. This time he was convinced that saving France was saving Britain, so he had no plans for this time. Guilt, the price paid is nothing but dust on the road to success.

After all, France's room for maneuver is much larger than that of the United Kingdom, and the basic gap is no more than a Mediterranean Sea.

To say something that hurts self-esteem, he is an Englishman and has to think about strengthening France's position. If he is a Frenchman, he may not necessarily help Britain.

When communicating with the NATO officers in Italy and the politicians of the Italian Catholic Democratic Party, many Italians expressed this meaning, "The French are too greedy and always want to maintain the influence of the world's first-class powers. It's simply impossible."

Alan Wilson is noncommittal about this answer, and it's not just France that wants to remain a world-class power.

Greed itself is also the driving force behind it, just like housing prices. Of course, many people can live very easily. Just like the housing prices in Hegang, it cannot be said to be rare in China. , you can still live easily.

It can be seen that after the prosperity of the big city, how can people accept returning to the small county? It’s okay if you haven’t seen it, the key is that you’ve seen it before. That’s what France is. It has been a powerful country in the world. Likewise, the same is true for the United Kingdom.

But under the watchful eyes of the American officers around him, Alan Wilson could only applaud and say that the Italians were right.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but after returning to Europe, he suddenly felt that the invisible **** on his body had grown bigger. It's not at the same level as when you were in the colony.

Nong was in a bad mood, and even Hepburn's youthful and graceful figure could not soothe this depression.

"Is the communication not going well?" Hepburn didn't know what happened to the man, but she didn't think it was her own problem. He looked at her with hot eyes.

"Oh, I'm feeling sentimental about the difficulty of peace." As a mature bureaucrat, Alan Wilson has long been able to switch his thinking without pause, "Every time I think that people in North Africa are still under the fire, I always feel a little helpless. feel."

Hepburn, a senior bureaucrat, knew exactly what kind of ideas Hepburn would have from his background.

To put it bluntly, Hepburn is completely different from Marilyn Monroe, who really came from the bottom. Monroe has really seen what the bottom is like. Hepburn was only seen during the special period of the war.

This kind of life that is separated from the bottom is extremely easy to breed a perception similar to the white left of later generations.

Therefore, in the dialogue with Hepburn, we should start from this aspect and talk about freedom and fraternity that are very general and do not involve specific movements.

Sure enough, the effect was very good. Hepburn held Alan Wilson's head in his arms, making the hypocritical imperial bureaucrats flutter directly, "I'm right, only an angel like Hepburn can neutralize my dirty soul."

With the comfort of the ball, Alan Wilson will continue to move to Madrid, and he is quite reluctant to part.

"It seems you have more burdens now." Hepburn was completely deceived by Ellen Wilson's hypocrisy, thinking that her man was running around for a peaceful solution.

"Of course, when I was the colonial commissioner, the power over there was unlimited." Alan Wilson said that this was a little depressing, and there were still too many scruples on the European side.

It's like being in a colony, you can do whatever you want, completely covering the sky, and no one can stop it, "I mean, you can get rid of some extra interference and better benefit the society. People in Europe are talkative and want to It’s about constant communication.”

"Oh!" Hepburn was thoughtful, still wearing a scarf and sunglasses, ready to go to the airport to see him off.

Spain and Italy are also different, although Franco's government was hostile for some time after the war. Moreover, it was uncomfortable for the former colony of Mexico to follow the example of the United States to lead the world and kill Spain to lead the Spanish-speaking world.

But the hardest time has finally passed. Spain cannot be compared with the peak Spanish Empire, but it is still a colonial empire. Since it is a colonial country, looking at the current chaos in France, it is like Italy, a defeated country that lost all its colonies. ,completely different.

In fact, not only Spain, but also several countries around France that still have colonies, are acting as ostriches and not taking a stand. Even the United Kingdom has not made an official statement, and public opinion is very concerned about the chaos in France.

Moscow, Soviet Union, on the outer wall of the Kremlin, a Volga sedan slowly stopped, a middle-aged man with a face that was not angry and arrogant walked down and walked straight towards the Kremlin, passing by At the place, the guards along the way saluted the man in civilian clothes one after another.

The man was obviously familiar with the Kremlin, and he had appeared outside Khrushchev's office not long after, pushing the door open.

"Shurik, you're here." Khrushchev, who was discussing with his colleagues, immediately put on a smile when he saw Shelepin coming. He was very optimistic about Shelepin, a young cadre in the high-level Soviet Union. , whether in terms of ability or character, is the case.

"Secretary first." Xie Lepin said politely, "I don't know what is the reason for calling me here?"

"It's like KGB Chairman Serov, there is a piece of news to share." Khrushchev was obviously very excited, and he unabashedly expressed schadenfreude about the troubles of the hostile camp, and that was how he was. A person with a true temperament will not express any concerns hypocritically.

"General Serov." Shelepin greeted the leaders of the first real power department of the Soviet Union friendly, and then waited for the information to be shared. The news was naturally due to the heavy burden of the Algerian war, which led to sharp contradictions in France, and the whole process of street politics appeared.

As well as unexplored intelligence sources, the United Kingdom and the United States expressed their concerns about the trend of the situation in France, and they have been secretly in Western Europe to find out what countries really think.

"Last year's capitalist economic crisis, it seems that the United States has been greatly affected, and Western European countries have suffered different degrees of loss. Germany quickly adjusted, and the United Kingdom was not affected at all. Because of the suppression of the war in Algeria, France itself has huge financial pressure. , the situation is most serious, and the devaluation of the franc has just been announced.”

After listening, Xie Lepin also joined the discussion, and then said, "We should promote the progress of the situation. If you think about it carefully, you will not lose anything."

Shelepin was the first to make a statement, and his decisive attitude shocked General Serov, who was the chairman of the KGB.

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