British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 955: de Gaulle comes to power

"It seems that the whole of France is calling for this hero to appear." At the British embassy in Paris, Alan Wilson joked with his colleagues with a teasing color.

Just five minutes ago, in a telegram sent from NATO headquarters, NATO Secretary-General Sir Ismay revealed that after communicating with the United States, the United States favored Charles de Gaulle.

God knows how reluctant Americans are when they say this, but when they think of a hodgepodge of liberals, colonialists and even supporters of the monarchy, they are fighting against the anti-war forces represented by the French Communist Party. Washington is indeed unable to find reliable candidates from the hodgepodge.

If it has been decades since World War II, all parties are similar, and the French Communist Party is not worth worrying about. But it is not. The leaders of the French Communist Party in World War II are still alive, and the supporters of the French Communist Party have been baptized by the war.

Ordinary parties are definitely not the opponents of the French Communist Party in the battle. During this time, Paris is almost paralyzed, and public opinion is on the verge of a civil war. If you don’t choose Charles de Gaulle, who is supported by the French military, who will you choose?

The most capable military has chosen de Gaulle, and there are not many choices left for Washington. Under comprehensive consideration, choosing de Gaulle is almost an inevitable choice, or else choose the leader of the French Communist Party, Torres?

The more chaotic the moment, the poorer the general public, and the faster the spread of the French Communist Party's class thinking.

If decades later, there are many ways to defuse dangerous thoughts, but now, after all, the world war is too close. Those who fought with the French Communist Party were not old enough to move.

"Charles de Gaulle is indeed a viable option. Washington should have considered this for a long time." Eiffel has worked in NATO for many years and knows well what the United States thinks of Charles de Gaulle and France.

In general, it is a little contemptuous, and I think that de Gaulle is not an obedient person, and he is jumping around without any strength.

Alan Wilson knew what Eiffel was talking about. "In World War II, more than two million French troops were instantly killed by Manstein. It was indeed a huge blow to the prestige of France for centuries."

France's performance in World War II surprised Americans. The Germans attacked France. The Americans believed that France could withstand the German attack because the French army was considered the most powerful in the world. As a result, the German army easily tore apart the French defense line, dividing and encircling the main French force who could not wait to fly to the Belgian front.

Although it was a fierce battle of millions of troops, Germany and France turned the war into a roulette, and it ended with a single bullet.

Although the French army made a one-to-one exchange ratio within a month, more than two million French troops were in the encirclement after all. After France surrendered, the United States considered France to be a coward.

Since that time, the United States has believed that France is no longer worthy of respect. In the current NATO, France's treatment is on the same level as Belgium and the Netherlands. NATO is a military alliance led by the United States and Britain.

From the position of France within NATO, we know that even if Charles de Gaulle made many efforts after the war and was squeezed into the permanent seat of the United Nations with the help of the United Kingdom, the Americans only partially respected it and did not regard France as a real powerful ally.

"Actually, this choice is very simple. Although de Gaulle is thorny, it is better than France becoming the Soviet Union, right?" Alan Wilson laughed at his colleagues.

In London, the capital of the United Kingdom, the Prime Minister's residence at No. 10 Downing Street, Cabinet Secretary Norman Brooke is in front of Prime Minister Attlee, practicing the flexible use of fourth-order tactics, "Secretary Harold, according to the original plan to visit Egypt, if he can agree with the law Luke I negotiated the sale of the aircraft carrier, which was also a huge diplomatic victory. Whitehall believed that supporting the Egyptian Navy to maintain influence in the Sultanate of Zanzibar on the east coast of Africa, as a potential excellent location for offshore balance , can help the Egyptian royal family to enhance national self-confidence."

"The navy is our area of ​​expertise, and Egypt is investing more in this, and the threat to Britain is minimal. We can send the Egyptian navy to the bottom of the sea in one day, but Egypt can help the United Kingdom and reduce the colonial color of British Africa. "

"I originally wanted Harold to go to Paris to express the UK's concern for the situation in France." Prime Minister Attlee was hesitant. Compared with previous years, the prime minister who led Britain out of the quagmire after the war had more energy. Obviously not good.

"The Foreign Secretary went to Paris in person, but it was too obvious. Allen was watching the situation in Paris, Sir Ismay was there, both had deep experience, and the most important thing was that they would not attract attention. The Minister's whereabouts are still too much. It is easy to be cared about. Especially at this time, although we have no evidence, but the French Communist Party has made a lot of trouble this time, there may be private actions by the Soviet Union.”

Norman Brooke explained the distinguished status of the British Foreign Secretary. It is not appropriate to go to Paris at this time, and the US Secretary of State did not go to Paris. Such actions that may cause fluctuations in the polls should be avoided as much as possible.

"The safety of the Suez Canal is indeed extremely important to the United Kingdom, and it is indeed very important that we treat Egypt with tenderness." Attlee was finally persuaded by Norman Brooke, "Let Harold go to Cairo to express the importance the United Kingdom attaches to Egypt. And recognition, the Admiralty wants to sell the aircraft carrier to Egypt, and the common use of the Sultanate base in Sanibar, these can be negotiated."

"Prime Minister, you are really wise." Norman Brooke sighed. "Although it is a little compliment, but you have been in power for so long, and the love of British citizens is naturally justified."

After the French general in Algeria arrived in Paris, the military expressed its support for De Gaulle's call to end the chaos, which quickly generated a strong response in France. In fact, there are still many supporters of de Gaulle. Many French people know that de Gaulle was unable to operate under the parliamentary system before. Fight with many powerful parties.

At this chaotic moment, countless supporters of de Gaulle poured into Paris, hoping that de Gaulle would come out to clean up the mess.

At this time, Charles de Gaulle was accepting the concerns expressed by the United Kingdom and the United States about France. Alan Wilson, who was named by the cabinet secretary and had mixed seniority, was in consideration of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States. Expressing concern at times will only inspire de Gaulle's determination to be independent.

In this kind of hateful occasion, it is better for the Americans to perform. He really wanted to tell de Gaulle that NATO had formulated a plan to suppress the French Communist Party, so that de Gaulle would be more determined.

De Gaulle told NATO executives that he knew the free world's concern for the current situation in France and his support for him. Immediately left the NATO headquarters.

"Alan, it doesn't seem like your work attitude is so quiet today." Sir Ismay was very strange. Although the new Deputy Foreign Secretary did not have much contact with him, he at least knew that this young man Usually not so silent.

"I think for the sake of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, it is better to leave this opportunity to show off to the Americans." Alan Wilson replied in a tone that I have grown up to.

A mediocre person like him. At present, he is not ready to be involved in the high-end game. It is more suitable for him to attack the third world, and it is not suitable for him to speak out in front of people like de Gaulle.

Sometimes you can only choose a less bad one in a dilemma, such as de Gaulle and the French Communist Party.

At the end of World War II, the United States wanted to take advantage of the situation to separate its colonies from France. It was because of the United Kingdom's vital interests, and because the British colonies were bigger than France, they spoke for France in the middle to save the French overseas colonies.

During this process, many people in the Roosevelt administration publicly expressed their opinion that France in the eyes of Americans is only the France of Europe, not including overseas colonies.

This inadvertent real emotion stung the French at that time, and the French leader at the time was Charles de Gaulle.

Alan Wilson, who disappeared for two days, decided to go to the film company to take a rest, to experience the French national conditions, and to conduct some factual investigations. "Ingrid, in the Casablanca movie, the most famous scene is the French singing. Marseillaise?"

"Well, yes!" Ingrid Bergman, who was experiencing the joy of manned spaceflight, responded vaguely.

"Will you sing to me?" Ellen Wilson said with a pleading look while holding Ingrid Bergman's body.

Paris City Hall Square, facing de Gaulle, who was crowded with supporters on the streets, accepted the call of the Fourth Republic President Rene Coty to organize a cabinet. After the speech, he sang the French national anthem Marseillaise, "Go forward, sons and daughters of the motherland, hurry up. Rise up, a glorious day is waiting for you!"

"We have been oppressed by tyranny, the flag of tyranny has been raised The enemy is screaming and screaming, and is approaching step by step, to kill our wives and children."

"Father and brother went to the front line to die for the country, we joined the army and continued to kill the enemy, burying the bodies of our compatriots with tears, and revenge for the snow and hatred to go forward..."

"These French people don't sing as well as you." On the far away street, Alan Wilson could only use binoculars to see the French people who were venting their emotions in the distance. Bergman expresses loyalty.

"You're a badass." If it weren't for the oversized sunglasses covering her face, Ingrid Bergman would have been spotted with a red glow.

Alan Wilson put down the binoculars and said something that he only understood the meaning of, "The whole of France has one count, and I should be thankful for this bad guy."

De Gaulle, who authorized the formation of the cabinet, walked into the French National Assembly amid the cheers of his supporters. On the same day, the parliament passed a vote to authorize de Gaulle to form a new government. At the same time, de Gaulle was granted special rights for a period of six months through authorization and allowed him to carry out constitutional reforms.

After more than a decade of dormancy, the hero who led Free France has once again emerged at the center of the political arena.

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